
Oneness Quotes

There are 851 quotes

"Every experience is unique, but it creates a state of radical unicity, oneness, a felt sensation of being as God with God, inseparable from God."
"We often hear in spiritual circles phrases such as 'I am one with everything. I am one with the trees,' and it's legitimate to say such things. But what very often happens is that we then think, 'Oh wow, that person is one with everything... that's something I'd like to be.'"
"We need to go from a sense that we are separate to a shift that we are one, to the realization that we are one."
"Everything is silently rejoicing in that oneness, in that unity, and it's inviting you into it."
"Know yourself: the subtitle 'An Explanation of the Oneness of Being' or 'An Explanation of the Unity of Existence'."
"It is like wave and water, like clay in pot, like ornament in gold. There is no wave apart from the water... It is the water alone."
"God is love. Love is identical with oneness, is identical with consciousness, is identical with being unlimited."
"To become conscious of the oneness of reality is to become conscious of God."
"The real individuality, with a capital 'I', is that oneness with the universe, recognizing the witness behind everything."
"The whole universe is this amazing dance of cooperation, it's this endless flow of giving and receiving in the oneness of reality."
"One pure being in which all of this appears and is experienced and disappears."
"The great search for light, life, and love only begins on the Material Plane; carried to its ultimate, its final goal is complete oneness with the universal consciousness."
"When you understand your oneness with nature and all else that surrounds, you stop being disturbed by all of the external sounds."
"Sacredness is the oneness with the divine that is ever present through every breath, every thought, every movement."
"I think that the Divine lives in every human being. We all came from Oneness, from Singularity, from Pure Love, where there's no separation."
"Peace comes within the souls of men when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers."
"Your conscious Oneness with the great Whole is the secret of success."
"Intimacy with the ten thousand things... to say oneness or the self... can seem quite abstract, but I think we all know what it means to have a profound experience of intimacy."
"There is only boundless energy, and it doesn't run anything; boundless energy is wholeness, oneness."
"When that is transcended, another common experience is that we're all one."
"We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively."
"The universe is just one thing; it's right there in the name. 'Uni' is one; 'verse' is turning. We have this one turning thing we call the universe, and it's just one mathematical object."
"If the teeth bite the tongue, who's going to curse whom? We are one reality."
"God is identical to oneness, infinite love, truth, selflessness, freedom, consciousness, immortality, and liberation."
"The orientation towards service...is a natural expression of Oneness Consciousness."
"Your thoughts create experiences when you're in oneness."
"We are the universe; we are one part of a whole."
"Oneness is the most important concept to understand. It's one that very few have fully understood... Basically, the one Infinite Creator wanted to understand duality from every perceivable point of view possible."
"We are the one infinite creator having this simultaneous experience to understand duality. When I understand that I am the perpetrator, I am the victim, then you begin to understand how to use skills... You realize we are one."
"Trying to fully understand oneness and asking the one to help you understand what one that says, it's because that's what allows you to connect with everyone and everything else."
"What if the separateness is merely an illusion and there is no separateness whatsoever? That you and me and all of reality are oneness at its core."
"Advaita Vedanta is arguably the greatest philosophy on earth because of what it entails."
"When we feel Oneness, we feel a connection to others, a connection to ourselves, a connection to God, the creator of the universe."
"The feminine energy is understanding existence itself and understanding expansion and oneness."
"Spiritual practice is transcending this living with harmony with all things as best we can, and through that awaken to our true inherent nature of oneness and love with the universe and all reality."
"You are one with God, you are the ultimate reality."
"It's the perceived separation that we all have for each other. One day, if everybody were to wake up and realize that we are all one, it wouldn't exist anymore."
"When you love someone, you're taking them as yourself. You're in fact creating oneness in physical form."
"You aren't separate from the universe. Oneness is the only truth."
"Unless you find a route to the infinite within yourself and an acknowledgment of oneness through all things, then I think you're in some serious trouble."
"This state of Enlightenment has been described in many ways: as an Awakening, a realization of the Oneness of all life, or a return to the source of all being."
"From this oneness comes all ethics and love. If we are one, how can there be violence, greed, competition, or dislike of other people?"
"You have what it takes. So listen up, you're working through deep soul patterns. Release any outdated beliefs that surface."
"Oneness is my true nature. Realizing that you can have and be anything. We are all one, we are all connected."
"How much do you desire to feel at one with the Creator, the infinite, with God, if you will?"
"The great search for life life and love only begins on the material plane, carried to its ultimate its final goal is complete Oneness with the universal consciousness."
"It's like your mother's love times a million. It's just this feeling of oneness and completion that you cannot put words to."
"You are god in your deepest identity. You are one with the transcendent."
"The goal of Oneness in religion is not what people think."
"This connection transcends the illusion of Separation, taking them to the Oneness."
"Through understanding, we're able to raise to a higher vibration which is oneness."
"The deeper we go within ourselves, the more we experience oneness."
"Love and oneness and service to others... comes across so beautifully."
"The negative entity sees the universe through the lens of separation versus the positive seeing it more through oneness."
"Spiritual evolution is about lessening the difference between your vibration and the one infinite creator."
"Love becomes a state of being when you become one with it."
"Multiplicity can be experienced with an underlying oneness that we know."
"We are all from the same mother. We're all one."
"When we judge, we are separating from that oneness, we are separating from that truth within us."
"There's only one source of consciousness in the entire universe."
"We are all... not limited by time space body or individual."
"We're still all just one; nobody is really even separate from this grid."
"Islam is a religion of what we call tawheed, which means the oneness."
"Anything that's creating pain is the illusion of separation. And that pain helps to purge away those illusions so you come back to remembering this oneness again."
"Oneness, the central message of Adi Shankara and Advaita."
"Enlightenment is the result of achieving unity within ourselves and expressing the nature of oneness."
"This person feels this telepathic bond, they feel this oneness, this reunion on the other levels."
"We're all connected, and we're waking up from the dream of separation."
"It is time for us to accept our oneness with all life."
"You are everything, and everything is you. There is no separation."
"Having tapped into it Jeff, it's the most amazing sense of Oneness that you can possibly fandom."
"We need to understand our minds, and the separated self part dissolves into the knowledge of oneness."
"Source is that body of water and we're that cup so it seems as though we are individual because we are all our own cup of water but we all come from the same place like we are Source we are Consciousness we are all one."
"Return to oneness with the wisdom of having learned about separation."
"All of us, we look up at the stars at night... It is part of the human transcendental experience to look up at the sky and to feel that oneness with the universe."
"God is synonymous with ultimate reality, the one, the monad."
"Our journey isn't a destination in the earth, it's not a destination in heaven, it's a destination of union, a journey of union, going further and further and further into oneness because oneness will shape the future."
"We are becoming aware of our oneness. We are becoming aware of our oneness."
"We're all one, but how we had to arrive at it."
"We are being co-revealed in the same bliss; we are joined in oneness with Him."
"This is the beginning of your natural state of felt oneness with being."
"Breathing in and out the peace that pervades the whole universe, the Peace of the absolute Oneness of all."
"I rest in you, you rest in me, we are one."
"...we share our being with everyone and everything."
"The Oneness of all Divine source is the highest vibration that we have."
"There is no duality, there's only oneness."
"True salvation is to know yourself as an inseparable part of the timeless and formless one life from which all that exists derives its being."
"Swami Vivekananda said, 'Vedanta is the divinity within us and the oneness of all existence.'"
"You become one with the world, you become one with the Divine."
"True Enlightenment: become one with all things."
"These two things, the spiritual and the material, though we call them by different names, in their origin are one and the same."
"The understanding of Oneness is the remedy for all societies' ills."
"You don't want mercy; we don't want it. This is what I'm saying. I know you think you do, and maybe you and I, we want the Oneness."
"Every single human being wants one thing: they want to feel a sense of Oneness."
"It destroyed forever in him the possibility of provincialism."
"We're all one and just experiencing reality as separate entities."
"I am one with Him, and you are one with Him, and that's never going to change."
"The more you go out into the oneness of what you are, the more you're actually meeting your actual self."
"This language, seeing oneself, the self in all beings and all beings in the self, expresses the highest realization in Advaita Vedanta."
"You're experiencing that oneness, but you're experiencing it via a form."
"There is a conspiracy under the surface to look as different as possible yet to be one."
"I am Brahman, I am one with God in that sense, not I as a person, I as a person I'm different from all persons."
"Our God is one, He's alone, there's only one God."
"God is one. He doesn't have this kind of division, it is just one thing and we're all a part of it."
"You are not separate from the world outside of you."
"Advaitha is about Oneness—is about one Brahman appearing as many."
"Oneness is the goal; when are we going to operate in Oneness, when are we gonna function in Oneness, when are we gonna unite in Oneness?"
"and so a number of oneness people showed up I gave my paper which later was published as a booklet essentials of oneness theology."
"When you transcend that separateness that the mind keeps casting you into, you experience a feeling of being at one with things."
"That is an intimate relationship because it's total intimacy because there's only one of it."
"Anything that I do is one with the collective, something like that."
"There is no individual creativity. There's only oneness creating."
"So, it's complete and that would be our intercession if you will, as it's the oneness intercession because you're being one with Him."
"Separation is an illusion. Oneness was God's idea all along."
"...we are all source everything is source it's all the one experiencing itself as the many."
"Allah is one, he's a part of that oneness."
"When we tune into ourself, we also, therefore, tune into the universe because the universe and us are one."
"It's best to just relax, enjoy your time in nature, and you know, just be one with the earth."
"All things are the manifestation of one thing only."
"That isness and that consciousness are one and the same thing."
"Everything is interconnected. We're all one."
"We're bone of his bone and we're flesh of his flesh. We Are One spirit with the Lord."
"Once you realize that we're so alone, that we're ultimately together in Oneness, it is actually beautiful."
"Just be one and not one or the other just be one."
"You are not separate from them. You are them. There is no separation. You are one. You are union."
"Love, which is our oneness for others, a wish for happiness and joy for everything that lives."
"Moving from duality to oneness is a beautiful transformation."
"...we believe sex is a physical sign of a spiritual reality. So, all that means is sex is physical Oneness, and when your spiritual and emotional Oneness is at a high, the physical Oneness is going to follow."
"We need to be people who fight for oneness."
"We don't become the same person; we become one."
"We are all connected, we are one."
"You feel like one being, and your old names might as well be named for your left arm and your right."
"He who is joined to the Lord becomes one with him in spirit."
"There can be a release from being a sense of a separate self, and in that release, it's seen that there is no individual self, there is only what is."
"...there's that oneness that transcends all of us and we're just these waves in this ocean, right? Cosmic ocean. Yeah. So of course, like, it feels so good because we're reminded that we're just giving to ourselves that same love and compassion and affection."
"For we are all in this together, we are all one."
"The Messiah Consciousness is that he was one with the father. You see that especially in John."
"There's a oneness that's beyond all of those definitions."
"One of the most difficult things for people to understand is this concept of oneness."
"In other words, one is all indeed, and all is one."
"The appearance of many things in the world as being many was somehow an illusion, and that at a deeper level, everything was one."
"The more we can move away all these things that separate us and connect at a deeper level, the more we really tap into that sense of Oneness."
"Jesus was a historical person who realized in himself that he and what he called the father were one."
"You and I are one without loss of identity."
"The Lord is one, means oneness, like the Baal Shem Tov said, 'All is God, when God is all.'"
"Everything is God and God is everything."
"God is one and one doesn't mean many things put together, one means one."
"God isn't a composite of all the different things, if you take everything in the universe and you put it all together, conglomerate it, that's not God."
"God's not a composite, God is one oneness, simple oneness, pure oneness."
"We are all one and this is just another example."
"I can't love if I don't love my planet home and every being on the planet, and that's where everybody else came into it, the animals, the planet home, everything. I'm one with all of it. There is no separation."
"We're all special and not special. There's this kind of Oneness and unity across all creation."
"Reconciliation is the finer way back home into that sense of Oneness or connectedness which includes home with each other."
"Filmmakers make movies not for themselves, but for the audience. It's all Oneness, it's all of the same."
"Without diversity, we don't know oneness."
"It's through the duality that we get to recognize the oneness, not necessarily by a visceral direct experience, although that is also possible."
"...then my skin flew off...I was one with everything...I was one with everything...I was one with everything."
"There's no difference between me, you, the rocks, the plants, and the planet."
"He is one with Christ and with me. He finished his work."
"The Guru Granth Sahib starts with the concept of oneness."
"Everything in the universe cancels each other out all illusion of separation is removed to come back to this ultimate oneness which is actually noneness."
"We're always trying to separate this and that. Life is not in separation; life is in unity, always."
"It's not that they are one, it's that they are non-existent in the first place to be one with each other."
"When you're in true Ananda, there is no you."
"An experience of oneness and completeness."
"Everything is just it's all one and there's no more parts."
"It's not separate. It doesn't come together because it never was a part. It's not two."
"Unity consciousness is the heart realizing its true nature."
"Unity is a deepening process, like a drop returning to the ocean."
"Everything comes from the Oneness we all have light and Shadow in our culture we're largely told to avoid our shadow like it's like oh let's not look at this or don't be bad because then this but we all have light and Shadow within us."
"It's the first law of the spirit which is that I and you are one. We are one."
"You are not an individual sentient being, you are actually Brahman."
"When you see the wave, you become the ocean."
"The one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him."
"Yoga means Unity, Oneness, things working with each other instead of against each other."
"Ultimate reality is one, and you cannot attribute any internal differentiation to it."
"Be alike to everyone, we are not different, all are one."
"The oneness that he is looking for is partly that oneness of mystical emptiness."
"We are all one, we know we are part of one but how do we then live it? How do we then facilitate this spiritual dimension of Oneness to come alive and begin to move and begin to change things?"
"In meditation, we melt into the presence, into oneness, without divisions or names."
"Oneness is a huge priority in Islam... it's three in one though."
"Separation is liberation. Oneness is total bondage with everything."
"Treat everyone and everything ... as your own ... God's infinite, indivisible, intimate being shining in all your reference."
"Our connection with the sovereignty and the awesomeness that is Mother Earth is as important as to the cosmos, to God, however you want to think about that. It's equal because we are all one."
"You are eternal, all pervasive, non-dual. The only reality of this universe, that you are. It means also not one thing in this universe is different from you."
"Since the self is one the whole universe a merger out from him must also have mutual integral oneness in them."
"All of this is nothing but that one pure consciousness itself."
"I got into the water and instantly became one with it, my body became a flowing river as I danced as one with the water's fluid current."
"All is not it. It is Brahman alone."
"The reality is there is only one; it looks like three."
"The silence stands for that one consciousness, Turia."
"Seeing yourself as a useful ingredient of universal Oneness."
"Every bit of it is nothing other than Brahman, in reality appears to be other than Brahman."
"You have to be prepared for that world, and eventually, you may have an experience that the Course calls revelation, where you actually have a direct experience of your perfect oneness with God."
"Get the feeling of Oneness. This will help you people and animals around you feel your serenity."
"So with light, one of the way you go back into oneness is by ascending, constantly ascending."
"This is just God in the many faces of God, just through, we are all God, you and I are God talking to God."
"Everything is Spirit, and so this is really the truth that I want us all to remember: yes, there's one God because it's everything, it's Oneness."
"Empowering you to view situations from expanded perception, the ability to trust life and sense oneness with all of creation."
"Everything is light; there is only one reality, spiritual light which is universal."