
Migration Quotes

There are 1559 quotes

"For one penguin, the answer is 5,000 miles every year without fail. That's a lot of swimming."
"Migrants are vulnerable to exploitation by human traffickers who prey on their desperation."
"The combination of economic hardship and violence creates a perfect storm, pushing individuals and families to embark on the perilous journey to the United States."
"Nashville is kind of becoming an Austin 2.0. It's a market that a lot of Californians are starting to move into."
"For more than a hundred thousand years, humans left their original spawn point on the African continent and set out on the greatest odyssey of exploration ever known."
"It represents like a massive exodus of people, like an unbelievable percentage of people."
"The problem is not migrants. Any successful society has migration. Yes, including Japan. According to government data released last August, the number of foreign nationals in Japan rose 11% from 2022. The number of overseas workers in that country has doubled in the last decade; it's more than 3 million people now."
"Comprehensive approaches that address the root causes of migration, enhance border security, and provide a clear pathway for legal entry into the United States are crucial."
"People from all over the world still come here."
"Everybody on the boats! We're going back to Ireland."
"The moment there's a physical barrier, whether it's a wall, a fence, or a river, it doesn't just keep people out, it also entices them in."
"We are migrants, we are not criminals, we are workers."
"The fundamental assumptions of Western civilization are valid. It's not you think it's an accident. Which countries do people want to move away from? Not ours. Which countries do people want to move to? Ours."
"If these predictions are even half accurate, migration will become a necessity for all nations and not an option."
"With the influx of refugees from other fallen civilizations coming to Mountainia, the civilization quickly became the strongest and most popular nation on the server."
"The emperor penguin's annual migration...instills in them an undeniable sense of fearlessness unrivaled by any other bird."
"I'll be the first Khan in three generations not to be a migrant because I'm staying here."
"Migration is a great way to run more agile and more competitively."
"The settlement will ease the burden for a city shelter system stretched to its breaking point by thousands of arriving migrants."
"The UN Refugee Agency says that's the quickest exodus of refugees this century."
"This footage captures a group of grey whales on their yearly migration journey, but there's more to the scene as a pair of orcas are trailing right behind them."
"Increase migration due to sea level rise, threats to food and water safety, this is the reality we're facing right now because of climate change."
"Increased migration due to sea level rise, threats to food and water safety, this is the reality we're facing right now because of climate change."
"Mythology shows that beliefs traveled with human migrations, illustrating a change in cognitive behavior and the persistence of myths of creation and death that have traveled across time and space."
"The Great Migration, which is the largest land migration on the planet, takes place every year."
"Lakeland, Florida, actually increased its population by 3.4 percent in one year during the pandemic due to migration."
"The fundamentals of the market...how many people are actually moving here, you need to understand this data."
"Where are Americans moving? That's a very important question to ask and understand if you're a home buyer or real estate investor."
"Migration has a huge impact on home prices and real estate values."
"We're not going to stop migration...migration is a fact of human history."
"The primary driver of these migration patterns has been two things over the last three decades: one is weather, right? People don't like cold; they like warm. But the second thing is affordability."
"Anyone who can get out is getting out, and they're taking their skills with them."
"My family moved from Louisiana to Oakland primarily seeking a better life."
"Every year, millions of monarch butterflies in North America begin their stunning migration adventure."
"The monarchs that live in Eastern North America fly to their second home in Mexico's Sierra Madre mountains, while those in Western North America travel all the way to California."
"We have all paid just a catastrophic price as a result."
"To reach this utopian destination, these unique mammals will instinctively embark on a nomadic journey from all corners of the world."
"We're seeing an historic exodus from the city."
"Migration has a ton of positive ones as well. We see economic growth as more immigrants come in, they bring ideas, jobs, they are entrepreneurs, they bring new cultural things we've never experienced before."
"Getting more elbow room is pretty much the driving force of migration in nature and human history."
"Over a million people have left Russia over the course of the last seven months."
"Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it's been reported that over 500,000 people have left the country because they no longer wanted to live in Russia."
"Rome didn't fall because of migration; it fell when it started acting against its knowledge that migration, when handled intelligently and compassionately, is a benefit."
"The immediate implication of the invasion of Ukraine was that there was a mass exodus of educated, highly skilled people and overseas workers."
"Migrants to this country bring more and contribute more in tax than they take out."
"Just think about it, how bad it had to be to leave your home where you were born and bring your entire family just because you've heard that there's opportunities."
"We have reached about close to 200,000 refugees."
"Only by addressing those root causes can we break the cycle of desperation and provide hope for families who clearly would prefer to stay in their countries and provide a better future for their children."
"The settlement of the Americas is one of the final chapters of human migration and it's an amazing narrative that bears witness to human Ingenuity and resilience."
"The UK government's response: offering a path to citizenship for people who have overseas national status."
"Crypto miners may be moving out of China, but they're flocking to the US."
"They're leaving in droves because they're waking up."
"Apply for your EU blue card and stay back to work in the country that is really amazing."
"Hashim married a woman from Yathrib, where the Prophet would eventually migrate to. It was all part of Allah's plan."
"What if we could interview those who fled to America from communist regimes?"
"Persecution: what do you do? You flee from one city to the next or you endure. That's basically what you do."
"You left New Jersey because of failed Democrat policies and you're coming to a state that needs to be Republican and free."
"People are fleeing California and New York and going to Florida and Texas."
"Russia is weaponizing migrants against NATO... shoving them across the border into Finland."
"I can't just tax all the bitcoin in California. It'll move to Wyoming, it'll move to Singapore, it'll move to Malta. And at the end of the day, you could totally go [__] themself."
"Those that could must have migrated east to their closest source of water, the valley of the Nile, a beacon of green in the vast desert."
"Now people move for many reasons, lower housing prices, lower costs of living."
"It's a series of collapses... it will affect one large group of people... then those people will migrate."
"Most Native Americans trace their ancestry to a single migration from East Asia to Beringia between 15,000 and 20,000 years ago."
"There were wars going on in East Africa, wars in North Africa, wars in South Africa. People were moving all around Africa. Africa is not a stagnant place."
"Translate has been a lifeline to help those displaced from Ukraine adjust to daily life in new countries."
"People are moving all over the place and there's all kinds of reasons and we can do a whole video on migration patterns, but if you want to really take a look, just go look and see where the moving trucks are going."
"The refugee crisis already the largest in Europe since World War II will only continue getting worse."
"North Korea is churning internally as we speak... Kim jong-un is allowing an unprecedented number of people to leave the country."
"Migration is travel, it's not about money, but of courage."
"Awesome migration of stingrays in Florida, a magnificent sight."
"Mass migrations of people on a scale never before imaginable."
"They were riding rusty leaking sinking boats, they would do anything because finally there was a place in the whole world that was their land."
"Uninhibited migration creates racism. Unbridled migration makes people intolerant."
"Freedom works, and look, people vote with their feet."
"Republican officials should not be using human beings as political pawns. It is not a way you hear the president talk a lot about how we have to treat people with dignity and with respect. That's not what's happening here."
"So why are so many people moving here and how will all this growth impact North Carolina?"
"This is essentially a removal of hundreds of thousands of people simultaneously from the Russian workforce."
"2.5 million refugees, including a million children, have fled Ukraine since the war began."
"If we can normalize the levels of people who actually want to be here, the problem will solve itself."
"The fact is that if we do actually improve conditions in those southern countries we are going to have people who are seeking to flee as soon as possible."
"It seems that when a number of Japanese people came over to Hawaii they brought minina over with them... it seems that the woman who saw her was so freaked out."
"It's become totally dystopian, and a lot of people are leaving."
"Following the invasion into Crimea, Russians began to flee the region claiming that their safety was not guaranteed."
"More than one hundred thousand Russians fled Crimea for areas with stronger security, primarily Moscow and Saint Petersburg."
"Abraham was a migrant. Moses was a migrant. Jesus was a migrant. Muhammad was a migrant."
"He's leaving behind something as well. Family, stability, possessions."
"Jacob Balon, whose parents are from the Philippines, moved to Hawaii when he was a kid."
"Bruno's mother migrated from the Philippines to Hawaii and worked as a hula dancer, she met Bruno's musician father when they performed in the same show."
"The only way to stop migration humanely is to develop the places they are migrating from."
"We should send some prosperity and jobs over there so the migrants won't come here."
"The bigger problem... it's really the disaster that's happening in Syria where are these people going to go I mean they're literally getting on boats so many boats so many people and showing up in Italy in Greece."
"People eventually decide to use the foot vote."
"Brain drain is the process of Highly Educated and productive participants in an economy leaving their home country to achieve better opportunities in another country."
"It's part of my heritage. It came from Italy Sicily. It started in Sicily and it came to this country so it's part of my heritage."
"People are really writing about this book as if it's some modern-day Mein Kampf against migration."
"That doesn't make you a bigot that makes you someone who has to deal with the realities of migrants coming from thousands of miles to escape for their lives."
"We must leave the earth. We haven't given it much notice, but the blue in our world is fading."
"Mass migration of people from unstable countries to countries like ours is the biggest issue we're facing."
"Migration is good but unlimited migration creates challenges."
"Hillary Clinton forgets the part about how she made the migrants."
"I think inflation, immigration, and geopolitical instability are going to drive people to the borders."
"Ghana may be a respite for Black Americans seeking refuge from the United States’ ongoing racial injustice."
"If you're fleeing your country, there's a huge chance you're suffering."
"Fongling come with me to America there's nothing left for you China."
"People came to California to build up their lives, to build their families, to move forward, reinvent themselves. That's becoming harder and harder."
"A significant number of us are picking up and leaving our homes, leaving everything behind."
"Young grey geese have migrated fewer miles than older birds so the meat is more tender."
"Population movement has been happening forever."
"Spending years and so much money to get to Canada, and then leaving why would they do that?"
"What is clear-- Vyacheslav Ivankov fled Russia and came to the United States with an agenda."
"The news of his arrival in Brighton Beach sent fear throughout the community."
"Britain is a country that has been built on wave after wave after wave of migration we are as we are today are people because of various waves of migration."
"Scientology got banned in Victoria, so the whole family and a hundred other families all moved to England."
"Risk their own life, you know, in order to get to the UK. It's tragic, really."
"When climate change destabilizes the poor world, it drives migration."
"If we can create opportunities here, they will want to stay here."
"It's honestly so fascinating that one of those species made it to Crete."
"Whether you are fleeing your home country or if you're just somebody who's going somewhere different for an adventure, we love you all the same."
"Migration and immigration: migrants contribute to the development of economies, but they can also push down pay rates."
"Migration is as old as the human race. Maybe we should get used to the idea that our society is becoming more and more multiracial."
"Not all migration is the same. And not all experiences and challenges facing you are the same, when it comes to migration."
"We fled from London and crossed the sea to reach the frozen north."
"Many Ukrainian refugees will wish to stay in Europe closer to their homes, but we also will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States."
"So long as people keep blindly just believing Democrats are going to save you your cities and your States will fall apart and you'll be forced to flee."
"There's a big exodus outside of New York City."
"The UK ranks about fifth or sixth when compared with the EU in refugee intake."
"A scenario where the risk of migration despite its dangers is seen as a better alternative."
"There was a massive diaspora of elves that fled to the west to places like Skyrim, places like the Gray Quarter, the slums."
"Vladimir Putin's decision to partially mobilize announced earlier had prompted many Russian citizens to leave the country."
"This is the latest example of basically Western countries paying off other countries to prevent migration."
"Crime is at a 50-year low in Florida we know what he's done on the education front but most importantly more people are migrating to Florida than any other state."
"An epic migration caused change and conflict, blazing a trail the world would follow."
"The conflict between the Ojibwe and Dakota intensified as Ojibwe migration into Minnesota altered the region's balance of power."
"How bad does it have to get? You know yet now you got black boys waving passports, you know the hell with us. I'm gonna take my passport and take my talents outside of this United States because it doesn't serve me anymore."
"Population growth isn't just from people moving, although the big sort is happening all over the country, people are moving where their values are going to be respected, where they're not going to be eaten alive by taxes and regulation."
"The purpose of the Homestead Act was to encourage westward migration and settlement."
"People are going to be moving to more affordable locations."
"The reason people die at open sea is not because they have been duped by smugglers but because governments like ours deny safe routes for people to seek a better life."
"I think it's time we start migrating off of these platforms... to more censorship-resistant platforms."
"They want to get to your country because they feel that you've got the rule of law and you've got an independent Judiciary."
"Building walls and fear-mongering about migration will not stop people from being able to exercise their human right to migrate."
"Politicians can't cope with the economic consequences of too little migration, but you can't cope with the political consequences of too much."
"Florida, a Beacon of Hope for a lot of people throughout our country and really throughout the world."
"We either live in this country and accept that's what it does, or we go somewhere else."
"Not having open borders is holding the world back from being economically prosperous."
"The average Eastern European migrant contributes £1,000 more each year in net terms to the treasury's coffer than the average UK born adult."
"It should not be the case that people feel like they have to leave their hometown or to have a good life."
"Migrations can facilitate the spread of certain diseases endemic to specific latitudes."
"We will continue to elaborate on migration and its effects in novel contexts."
"As long as God is pleased with me, I don't care what you think. I don't care what nobody think, to be honest. I don't care what nobody think."
"1,400 years ago a bunch of pagan warlike foreigners turned up in this area and they never went home again. Who were they and where are they now?"
"Do us all a favor in texas pack your stores up and move to liberal fairyland because we have enough liberals as it is moving here trying to turn this state blue then we can handle right now."
"Whoever migrates for the sake of Allah will find the earth very fertile." - Dr. Zakir Naik
"Integration is a two-way street; effort has to be made both by migrants in Europe and the states accepting them."
"The digital economy allows people to work remotely, incentivizing leaving high-tax areas."
"As people flee blue states, the political landscape may shift."
"This massive movement of butterflies has been called one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world."
"Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses aspiring for that freedom."
"California has been a state that people go to to chase their dreams."
"Unless you are one of the ones who just can't leave because you don't want to leave your family or something, no one's going to want to play a CS:GO though in like an all-Asian league."
"We need a bit more space and you see, we will sort of migrate a little bit away from that CBD to these exhibition type areas."
"The totora Reed might have been brought by ancient Peruvian people to Easter Island before the time of the Polynesians' arrival."
"Refugee council analysis, the Home Office's own data suggests a full 61 percent of migrants who travel to Britain by boat successfully claim asylum, meaning they are, according even to the Home Office, genuine refugees."
"The majority of us did not come here like the majority of us did not come here, we're not here the entire time."
"Africa unite! Oh wow, as we're moving right out of Babylon and we're going to our forefathers' land. Peace, love, honor, respect with elbow Boom. Come Africa, I give you one too now you camera, I love it. Africa unite!"
"If you can afford to, if it's something you're capable of doing, absolutely yeah, leave far-right areas to go as far left as possible because these people are [__] unsustainable on their own."
"Italy aims to deter migration and cultivate cooperation with African nations."
"Texas: attracting more people and companies."
"Our government's attitude towards migrants is so evident of how little they've learned from the issues that BLM raised."
"Thank you, Joshua, for that super chat. Appreciate it."
"At least 13,000 migrants are at Turkey's border with Greece after Turkey declared its border open to those hoping to reach the European Union."
"One of the realistic chances that you will ever fly back to Australia and resume your life back there? Probably zero."
"Despite all these aspects, I consider that if the country improves, a lot of people are going to return. If democracy returns, I will return to my country."
"Sea pickle invasion: 'Full-on invasion, swimming north by the millions.'"
"They've convinced you that unless everything is done at the border, your family will be raped and murdered by migrants."
"California is facing an apparent exodus of high-income earners."
"Texas produces the most wind energy and has the highest migration rate."
"We're already starting to see a form of mass migration from their platforms to new platforms."
"600 Crossing in one day alone and there's more people in the pipeline and I suspect Christmas will be worse than today and New Year's will be worse than today we're going the absolute wrong direction"
"There's more. You know, property taxes are going to go up in those places. All taxes will go up in those places because their tax base is fleeing."
"Human migration is the movement of people from one place to another with the intention of settling permanently or temporarily at a new location."
"They hate California, they move out to Austin, and then they start voting for the same kinds of programs that made them flee their previous state."
"it's not fair to say that they're just coming over because someone threw money at them but that does seem to be a big part of their calculus"
"California exodus... not only still happening, it's gotten worse."
"Performing this migration for hundreds of millions of customers without disruption is exceptionally challenging."
"Don't think you could just get a passport a plane ticket and then your life changes completely."
"They're enticed a whole bunch of people to take a harrowing journey that they're going to be abused."
"This may have been what coaxed early human beings into the area where they eventually founded the great early civilizations."
"The rise of the migration crisis. It's a good example."
"As situations destabilize, you're going to have these migrant crises all over the world."
"Criminalization of migration has functioned as a way to police labor populations."
"Everything's moving to Polygon off of Ethereum, like Uniswap as well."
"Football legends like Sanchez, Bravo, and now Vidal all from Colo Colo to FC Barcelona."
"Young people are starting to leave in large numbers."
"Every autumn, Bird Rock’s eponymous denizens migrate south to warmer climes, leaving Rocher aux Oiseaux silent and desolate."
"No one could have predicted these significant gene flows into Scandinavia from southern Europe and Asia."
"Not only do I get the speed that I would get with a normal VM if I had a kind of bare metal host, but I'm not really losing the ability to live migrate."
"Migration has become unprecedented, it's a population movement, not just migration."
"The only way we can be safe is to get to Canada's border."