
Life Outcomes Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"If you would just think about what you want, that's all you'd ever get in your life."
"Maybe you don't get what it is that you wanted in life... but there's so much that can be garnered."
"The choices that you make will affect how your life turns out."
"Every single one of us has a philosophy, an irreducible force that drives our thinking and actions, dictating our outcomes and our sense of life."
"Mastering oneself through emotional intelligence can lead to better outcomes in various aspects of life."
"Your emotions are going to dictate what happens to you in life."
"You don't get what you want out of life, you get what you negotiate."
"The life that you live right now is a result of the positive thinking that you've done in your past."
"I think socio-economics does play a huge role in determining... the potential course of someone's life."
"We're getting out of life right now what we believe we're worth."
"Your life is a printout of your subconscious programming."
"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line."
"You will get out of your life what you will tolerate. This is the secret key."
"Whatever you believe you deserve in life is probably what you'll get."
"Everything we are today is as a direct result of our past."
"We do not get a reflection of what we want in life; we get a reflection of who we are being."
"Your self-image profoundly influences your life experiences and outcomes."
"Law of Attraction simply states that whatever you think about, you will get more of in your life, whether that's negative or positive."
"What you think is... Thoughts are things, and your thoughts, your attitude, are what will determine everything that happens in your life."
"Life doesn't give you what you want, it gives you what you believe."
"What comes into your mind tends to come out in your life."
"Having a strong connection to your family is associated with all manner of positive life outcomes: health, wealth, longevity, grades."
"Absent fathers and strong families is, I would say, the most important thing probably just generally in life and for outcomes."
"This means if we run the same number seed, Clarissa will live the same exact life every single time."
"The stories we tell ourselves also have a big effect on what happens in our life and what we do."
"Your behavior is going to paint a picture regarding the outcomes that you were trying to have in life."
"Your life at this moment is the sum total of your choices."
"Even if I go to the best school, you still could fail in life."
"Living really frugally throughout my entire 20s is what's made everything possible for me today."
"Your current life today is a byproduct of five decisions you made in the last five to ten years."
"Your wishes will come true, what you put out there will reap."
"Regardless, you'll end up with who you need to be."
"The outcome will be more beautiful than you ever could have imagined."
"The more I changed my perception, the more things worked out."
"You don't get what you deserve you get what you conquer."
"If my plans worked out the way I wanted them to work out, my life would be lame compared to what it is today."
"You don't get in life what you want, you get in life what you are."
"Your free will and what you do with it determines your outcomes, and not a pick a card reading on YouTube."
"If you do the right thing and you follow your heart, then the things that need to come to you, they will come to you."
"You know what you put out in this universe is what you're gonna get back. What you reap is what you sow."
"Your world is a result of words you have spoken."
"Your sim might never actually fulfill their dreams, and that's okay."
"Everything didn’t just ‘work out’ because we followed our dreams."
"Your life is not coming from your wishes and desires when you're thinking, it's coming from the existing programs."
"There's only two things that determine the way our lives turn out, luck and the quality of our decisions."
"Your conduct often times is going to predict what happens to you in your life."
"Keep your thoughts positive; maintain a positive attitude for positive results."
"Postponed gratification is the single biggest predictor of success or failure."
"People get the exact kind of life they want whether they like it or not."
"Move it speed people and things just don't happen for you. It's crazy, it's crazy."
"It's fortunate when you get what you want; it's unfortunate when you don't."
"You keep doing what you've always done, you'll get the same sh*t."
"We all want a positive outcome. We don't always want to get what we want, however."
"Life doesn't give you what you want, life gives you what you earn."
"I know how lucky I am, how differently things could have gone."
"I firmly believe that Luffy said the things that Roger said before eating the fruit."
"My life is an exact reflection of choices that I've made."
"Accept things as they are... your attitude towards life will determine what you get."
"What you put into the world is what you get out."
"There's a lot of luck, and I want to name that because uh there it really it really does matter what happens to us and we can't control everything that happens to us."
"It's not what you go through that determines where you end up, it's who you listen to."
"Your association does determine your destination."
"There's potential for the happily ever after, the rainbow in the sky."
"Sometimes you don't always get what you deserve; you get what you work for."
"Very often, not getting your dream gives you your destiny."
"Sometimes not getting your dream gives you what you really want, what you really need, what you're really destined for."
"But for certain flukes and but for certain bad turns, life of two same people can turn out radically different."
"Beliefs choices results. That's the way that it works. If you get crap results it's because you make crap choices and you make crap choices based on a dumb outdated belief system that doesn't serve you."
"The person who has the most to do with what happens to you in life is you."
"Who you follow tells you where you will end up."
"What you think determines what you have, determines where you live, determines who you live with."
"Identity is the governor on every single area of your life."
"External circumstances do not dictate the ultimate destination of your life; it's an internal game."
"You're always going to get what you asked for."
"It's not like, 'Oh, 10 years later, this is what you're gonna end up.'"
"If you keep thinking the same way and feeling the same way, your life should stay the same."
"What you believe you are worthy of is what you will receive."
"Everything usually just kind of works out for me."
"Change your mentality and you change your outcome in life."
"We become what we think about. If you're not thinking about anything, or if you're thinking negative thoughts, then that will be your life."
"Your life is an exact reflection of your choices. If you want a different result, you simply need to make a different choice."
"IQ is massively predictive of life outcomes. It is the best general psychological predictor across the board."
"You're responsible for the outcome of your life."
"Life will reward you by the decisions you make."
"Even having children doesn't guarantee that you're not gonna die a lonely old man or not have company or love throughout your life."
"Very very few people today will take ownership for the results that they get in their lives."
"Both come from a very similar background... now look at both of you."
"It's never gonna happen if you go into it with the attitude of like 'oh well it's never gonna happen then it's never gonna happen.'"
"But it turns out, grades aren't a super accurate predictor of success in life."
"Everything works out. I have faith and trust that everything works out."
"Everything you have either done or haven’t done in your life can likely be traced back to some habit or routine."
"The wrong direction always leads to the wrong destination."
"Nothing is predestined, and the results that we see are a direct correlation with the effort that we put in."
"Your thoughts will lead you towards the greatest destinations or they will ruin you."
"Mindset really is everything when you don't believe in yourself nothing is happening."
"Do things differently and if you do what you've always done you're going to get what you've always gotten."
"95% of what befalls us that is ill falls us at our own bidding."
"There's only those who succeed and those who fail."
"You know my concern is that I think your mind is constructed in an unusual way which is why you've landed where you have."
"Good men mean well. We just don’t always end up doing well."
"Journaling can actually change the outcome of our life as well... the outcomes of our life are broadly determined by our actions... our decisions and intentions are generally based on our thoughts and feelings about things."
"Literally, either money, happiest relationship and marriage ever, or alone."
"You can't live an average life and expect an above-average outcome."
"I spoke everything into existence and it always happens."
"It's just like, come on, it can't play out this way."
"Our life is a reflection of the things we settle for."
"When you beat the other sperm cells, there could have been millionaires or doctors, just to come out a disappointment."
"If I listen to any of the people that told me not to ride a scooter I wouldn't have the life I have today."
"Childhood dreams don't always pan out the way you think they're going to."
"Strip clubs and casinos, restaurants and bars, any type of business where cash is being used and transacted, are just the perfect kind of businesses to do money laundering."
"When you are centered and you are focused and you have positive energy within you, positive things will happen."
"Decisions that you choose to make on an everyday basis, bro, they're going to eventually be the cause of either you dying or the cause of you succeeding."
"Your title doesn't change your destiny, following the rules does."
"You are consistently manifesting what you deserve in your life."
"When you do God's way good stuff happens okay when you do it the devil's way bad stuff happens all the science that's the most simple way I can explain."
"You are the cause of everything and the effects that appear in your life are really just the extensions of Who You Are."
"It's all about the choices that someone makes."
"If your thoughts are positive and really aligned with yourself, your life will follow."
"If you always do what you always did, you're always going to get the same outcome."
"We all want to believe that our lives have turned out because of our biography and the reality is we can all find people with a horrible biography of an extraordinary life."
"50% of our outcomes are limited by our genetics, but 50% are up to you."
"Who your kids hang out with has a disproportionate impact on how life will unfold."
"Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen."
"Your life is a projection of the energy you put out."
"I think you're done trying. You're gonna let it pan out the way it needs to."
"Everything's perfect... actually, fully intentional."
"Who you associate with has everything to do with how your life will turn out, whether you like it or not."
"Your life gives birth to what you visualize."
"Your conception of yourself determines that which comes."
"You don't get what you want in life; you get who you are in life."
"If things had gone just a little differently... none of us would be any the wiser."
"We are always influencing our outcome by our focus, choosing the higher timeline."
"Based on what you think, your thoughts can affect the circumstances that you run into in your life."
"Life is what you really make it. It's all about your mind."
"How you see yourself determines what you become."
"Wherever you focus on, you get more of."
"You get in life what you tolerate."
"Philosophy is the major determining factor in how your life works out."
"You don't get out of life what you want, you get out of life what you prioritize."
"The biggest determining factor of how our life works out is what do we believe."
"The fruit of your life is the result of following the protocols given by God."
"My life is a result of my choices."
"The life you get is determined by the standards you set."
"You change the outcome of your day, and that adds up, you change the outcome of your life. Exactly, it's the same with habits, you know, it's the things you do daily."
"So, truly the power of how our life turns out lies in our hands."
"Season seven is about what happens when life turns out the way you hoped it would."
"We live in a world that the more you invest in yourself, the more you get out of life."
"I also hope that those living happy lives in CRA continue to do so as a person's perspective will ultimately shape their outcome."
"If you focus on the positive, you tend to create better outcomes in your life."
"Good things always happen to super nice people."
"I feel like good things always happen to like super nice people."
"I'm so happy with how things turned out."
"...you're responsible for what happens to you. That's it."
"If you win you will be happy and even if you lose you will be wise."
"You get in life a direct reflection of who you are being."
"God has the last word when it comes to the outcome of my circumstances."
"The end result of our life will be spelled out by relationships."
"Our actions, our karma, our merit, this is going to be a key factor in essentially how we end up."
"Destiny determines the outcomes of our lives, whether we like it or not."
"Being more optimistic may in fact help you have better outcomes."
"If you change your paradigms to something more positive, you are going to get much different outcomes."
"Your life will follow your expectations."
"You're in charge of your life and the outcome in it."
"You're never going to know until you let it play out."
"A positive attitude and a positive mind will bring positive things into your life."
"If you sow a lifestyle, you reap a destiny."
"What looks good can end very bad; what looks bad can end very good."
"Your life is a result of the decisions that you make."
"If you don't like the fruit of your life, check the root of your life."
"That's how fragile success and failure can be."
"We don't get what we want, we get who we are."
"Your beliefs affect your emotions, your emotions affect your actions, and your actions affect the results that you get in life."
"First we adopt a mindset and out of that mindset we have our value system, and there we make our decisions and decisions determine future outcomes."
"Your current circumstances are just the results of all the decisions you made in the past."
"The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes."
"Show me your friends and I'll show your future. Amen."
"What if the life I was leading right now played out in the best possible way?"
"It's turned out so differently to how we thought it would."
"I don't know if God is real, but I know that when I pretend to believe in it, everything in my life ends up working out."
"Success and failure may not be quite as simple as that."
"Character is fate; who you are is what you bring your way."
"Wherever we're at in our lives, what we have is a result of how we think."
"You are at least stacking the odds of the probabilities in your favor."
"Your life will always settle where your mind is set."
"Your life is literally the result of your actions, the result of how you treated others."
"Whatever your life looks like right now is the result of what you've done in the past."
"The mind and its subsequent pulsations through the body creates a chronic posture that we take on that determines the results that we get in the gym but also the results that we get in life."
"Givers, takers, or matchers: over their lifetime, who was the most successful? Givers were the most successful."
"Be consistent with good things and good things will happen to you."
"Life is what you make it, you know, and whatever you give out you put in."
"The results we see in our life are in direct correlation with the thoughts we process."
"Nobody ever gets what they thought they were going to get in life, but if you work really hard and you're really kind, amazing things will happen."
"We need to be a little more comfortable with the fact that unfortunately some scenarios, no matter how much we want otherwise, just don't end in the perfect Blockbuster Movie ending that we want."
"Your life is a manifestation of your self-perception."
"You will get a reflection in life of what you believe you deserve."
"What man images sooner or later externalizes in his affairs."
"For the good to follow me, I have to do the good thing."
"Your dominant thoughts are going to bring you your dominant actions, and your dominant action will bring you dominant life."
"Things will fall into place if you're in a good headspace."
"You are who you are is about what you apply yourself to."