
Overcoming Past Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"I've been able to use all my experiences to my benefit and turn it around, proving that I'm not defined by my past."
"You've got to heal from your past. There's no way around it."
"Who we were, who our parents were, does not limit who you or we can be because we can always choose to be better."
"Anytime the devil brings up your past, just remind yourself he's bringing up your past because he's intimidated by your future."
"You are not defined by your past, you are not defined by your behavior, you are not defined by your failures."
"Don't let your current circumstances and your past dictate your future. You can change your life."
"Sanji realized that just because he was born a Vin smoke doesn't mean he can't be completely his own person."
"Remember you're not defined by your past the future is what you make it."
"I feel like the only way to survive it is to say you know you can't, you can't pretend that the past hasn't happened but you can learn from it."
"They can resolve this issue now, whereas they couldn't resolve it as a child."
"Pearl and Bismuth obviously have endured a lot when it comes to Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond, so this Fusion could represent both of them moving forward from that chapter of their lives while learning to believe in love again."
"Create a plan of action and execute it. Don't let things that happen in the past hold you back."
"It's time for you to not fear mistakes of the past, you've grown, you've evolved from those times."
"To keep from returning to your past, you must create a picture of a better future."
"Don't look back on mistakes, don't look back on the past, don't doubt yourself."
"Don't let past experiences hold you back, build on them."
"Once you've grown, once you're away from the people or the circumstances that did victimize you, it's no longer those things that are victimizing you, it's yourself."
"Don't be a prisoner of your past experiences."
"It's time to transform out of these past experiences."
"You deserve to be free of the cruelty of the past, it's your birthright to not have to carry this around."
"Leave it to me father, I won't let the ghosts of our ancestors get the better of me."
"She had truly thought she could start her life anew, free from O.J.'s interference."
"Don't ever let your past prevent you from being what you can be in the future."
"I had to really release these skeletons from my closet."
"My past does not represent my future. What happened there will not happen again."
"Don't let your past hold you back; embrace Divine will."
"Literally everyone shit the bed in the past, but I can do this. I got this."
"Don't let past hurt stop you from a new beginning."
"Own your story and make sure that the past narrative no longer has control over your present and your future."
"The answer to a bad past is a good new future."
"We can't thrive in the future if we're still strangled by strongholds that come from our past."
"You are the phoenix rising from the ashes of a very painful and broken past."
"I'm tired of allowing my history to define my destiny, my past to determine my future."
"Be present and don't hold yourself back due to past experiences."
"There's a transformation underway, like a major glow up, finally being able to shed a heavy, painful past."
"The chains of my past have finally been shattered."
"Never limit your future vision for you and your family based on your past or your current circumstances."
"There is victory. Okay? I feel like you're leaving anything that's holding you back behind as you move forward."
"Don't let yesterday rob you of today, it is so important because you're building tomorrow."
"At the end of the day, I played 16 years and I never felt like my past made me entitled to my present."
"I forgive myself for any aggressive behavior that I conducted towards others, any behavior that involves abuse, molestation, betrayal, rape, torture, prosecution."
"Taking back your power and growing, even amidst past influences."
"This person wants movement forward and it's to do with being open, being honest, communicating their truth, being victorious, cutting the ties to anything that's blocks your connection in the past."
"Please don't let your past determine the future."
"You deserve it, don't let a past stumbling block sabotage all the blessings that are meant for you."
"The best revenge is just moving forward and letting that person know, like, I'm done, done."
"You're finally finding the strength to put up boundaries because you're just burying these very painful relationship patterns in the past."
"You've got what it takes, leadership, confidence, don't let things in the past override your ability to succeed here."
"Cody walking out with his hand held high, shaking off the demons of Stardust on the grandest stage of them all."
"There's a courage in saying no to what used to hurt you."
"Show the world the real you. Don't let your past hold you back."
"You will never unlock your destiny if you stay stuck in your history."
"This truth, it doesn't hurt anymore. I'm not a victim anymore."
"Be fearless and bold, don't be afraid of any past failures or any past experiences that you feel like may be holding you back."
"Don't let that break you down don't let that sadness of your past steal the happiness that's in your future."
"When you put something in your future that is greater than the pain of your past, then there's no looking back."
"What you see is what you get, I've seen it work."
"I will not allow you or your family to be defined by the brokenness of the past."
"Go with the flow, don't try to control, don't let past hurts imprison you in fear."
"You don't have to let your past control your future."
"Breathe that fire towards the past and see in a puff of smoke that it disappears."
"We're only defined by our past if we choose to be."
"You're not defined by your past; you grow through struggles."
"Don't let your past define your future, Aries."
"It's very hard to start a new relationship, to start new money sources when you still have old hang-ups that need to be resolved."
"All we have to do is overcome the past. If we modify those negative events, we will win."
"You're going to start reversing the bad hypnosis from childhood and give yourself new brainwashing as an adult."
"Even when there are other people involved that they've fallen off to in the past, they're letting that all go now, but even then they just always thought of you."
"A man can rise so high that the scar of yesterday's pain can erode from your life and your mind."
"Miles proved himself to be a real hero by acknowledging the pain and hurt Lee inflicted on him, refusing to forgive him, but still pushing forward and being the better man."
"You can get over a past without ruining a future."
"You must strike your own path, lay the past to rest and raise new champions."
"You have arrived and you've got it right this time and people don't even be having time unless they got hatred in their heart to focus on whatever didn't work in the past."
"Once Daisaku begins to see Robo not as a weapon but as a true partner does he gain the ability to stop dwelling on his dark troubled past."
"Don't let the haunting of the past stop you from what the Holy Ghost is trying to do right now."
"You are not defined by the world that's used you, but rather you are defined by the God who simply wants to use you, wants to use you even with all your hangups."
"I believe the words by a man named Warren are exactly true. I believe it with all my heart. I may be a product of my past but I don't have to be imprisoned by it."
"I want you to raise the best children, I want you to get free from anything in your past that will cause you to be hindered growing in God."
"With the growth you have experienced and strong support networks, you will overcome past failures this time around."
"Don't let your past dictate your present, not letting your past dictate your future."
"They're just thoughts, they're just words, they're just events in the past; they can't really hurt me anymore."
"Patrick, I know you are not your past."
"Don't let where you've been hinder you."
"Now I could genuinely start moving forward, free from the lingering ghosts of the past."
"Counselors need to learn how to focus on the future and the client's ability to overcome the past."
"Don't let your past stop your future."
"We might not be able to forget the past, but if we work together, we might have a future."
"Just because somebody had something very, very sad happen to them in the past, it does not give them an excuse to hurt and harm others."
"She'll have to dig up her family's dark past and let herself dream of a brighter future."
"Never let your troubled childhood take control of your life."
"The fiery tom is described as a champion who has long since moved past his kittypet roots."
"Don't allow your past to stop you from living a fruitful life."
"Don't let our past and the things we've been through harden our hearts or put us behind a wall."
"Make the first move and don't let your past hold you back."
"Don't let your past decisions, mistakes, misfortune things that happen to you that were bad, don't let that be an excuse for the rest of your life not being the way you wanted to be."
"Don't let the past try to control that, don't let the past stop you."