
Overcoming Quotes

There are 6394 quotes

"The act of becoming is a function of overcoming."
"Problem solving... You learn to solve problems. Overcome issues."
"Don't be afraid of the reflection in the mirror because that's all you can be afraid of. Once you overcome that, you've done it."
"You can still create a dream life for yourself, no matter what you've been through."
"Changing your story from being a victim to overcoming it... That's a huge deal."
"It is only by confronting the devil that his grip on us is weakened."
"Your future is not determined by the way you were raised... you can overcome those things."
"Everything that you've been afraid of in this connection is going to be shattered."
"It's going to help get rid of any illusions, any fears that you had."
"America has been the greatest country in the history of the world because we've always risen above victimhood culture."
"Rise above the fear and the challenges that are being presented to grow through them and to keep moving forward."
"That's all the reason I need to overcome my fear."
"There's a real pain, there's a real hurt, but there's also real perseverance."
"That our fears matter even if others dismiss them, that we can overcome the things we’re scared of and ultimately, that there is no shame in being afraid."
"Resolve is what makes a man manifest; not puny resolve, but crude determination; not errant purpose, but that strong and indefatigable will which treads down difficulties and danger."
"You are overcoming past challenges and reaching the achievement you've been trying to get to."
"To break the soul of whatever's in front of you... if you keep on attacking something, nothing wants to stand in front of anything that is relentless."
"You will be able to root out any of your pains, any of your problems."
"He said, 'I sent my son to die for you so that you would have the power to overcome this and everything else you ever face.'"
"Darkness can be overcome no matter what that darkness looks like."
"Strength is about feeling that you can overcome all of your fears."
"He who overcomes, I will permit him to sit with me upon my throne, as I also have overcome and have sat with my Father on His throne."
"You have the power to get over all of these obstacles."
"Paul could say, 'I die daily.' It is the daily dying to self in the little transactions of life that makes us Overcomers."
"There's something beautiful about overcoming adversity."
"Self-discipline is the ability to control your feelings and overcome your weaknesses."
"I'm trying to get rid of some bad programming from the past."
"It's the overcoming process that is the becoming process."
"It's impossible to become a capable man or a man of my capability without struggling, without facing serious adversities, without trying to overcome often insurmountable odds."
"You can live a life and avoid suffering, but overcoming suffering is something different."
"To change then is to be greater than your environment, to be greater than the conditions in your world."
"He who overcomes this fierce thirst difficult to be conquered in this world, sufferings fall off from him like water drops from a lotus leaf."
"Not to focus on the fact that there are challenges, but the fact that the challenges can be overcome."
"Most inspiring person is the one overcoming the fear of doing something, not the person who's excellent at it."
"Both of you can really help a lot of others through your most intense and painful problems."
"You've got to change the internal dialogue in your head until you callus over the victim's mentality."
"The most difficult part of the situation is over."
"Every fear that I have, if I master it and I go all in on it, something magical and beautiful happens on the other side."
"I am powerful enough to overcome all negative aspects that present themselves in my life."
"There is hope to overcome our mistakes, our sorrows, our struggles, and our trials and our troubles."
"A shift is a move that causes you to go from one place to another over a small amount of time but it produces what I like to call a divine leap over your dilemma."
"When we drop the fear and attachments and conditioning that we've been subjected to, we surpass our own limitations and do what is considered impossible."
"Catharsis is about overcoming something difficult because the fact that it's hard is what makes the feeling of actually completing it so much more powerful."
"I felt so paralyzed by my illness that when I achieve something, this is huge."
"You cannot allow a past tragedy to shape the rest of your entire life."
"There are a lot of things that we can't break free of in life, but the way you perceive yourself is something that you can overcome."
"Because Jesus Christ overcame this fallen world and because He atoned for each of us, you too can overcome this sin-saturated, self-centered, and often exhausting world."
"Greater is He who is in you than he who is in this world."
"The only way to truly bypass the darkness that's inherent in humanity is through Jesus Christ."
"Self-doubt is normal, it's healthy, you just don't have to let it batter you into self-defeat."
"In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart; for I have overcome the world."
"Let your blessings overshadow my life and give me strength to overcome every obstacle."
"You're stronger than any words, any hate, any discrimination."
"True hope is overcoming despair, and you need despair in order to have hope."
"They only managed to defeat him by outsmarting him."
"Through pain and suffering, Ichigo had ultimately strengthened himself."
"Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."
"You have to face your fear; you have to overcome your own instincts."
"Sephiroth, a normal man, his will became strong enough to overcome a galactic parasite that had been playing mind games for over 2,000 years."
"The art and science of overcoming the obstacles you face are part of every business owner's journey."
"Finding approval for something that has disappointed us is one of the most crucial steps to overcoming disappointment."
"We will overcome anything when we're together."
"Overcoming does not mean it was a glittering perfect success."
"Naruto's story is a story of triumph and overcoming—overcoming loss, overcoming malignant intent, but more importantly than everything, overcoming the shortcomings of those who were supposed to be there for you."
"Overcoming failure, the weight of responsibility, these are all things that is a video about."
"Finding the right tiny behavior helps you defeat giant-sized self-sabotage."
"Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this selfishness. We must, or it kills us."
"But you lasted. They thought the lies were gonna take you out... But somebody said, 'I didn't quit.'"
"We all go through a lot of trauma in our life, people got their own issues we're all trying to overcome things."
"You will be triumphant over your past sorrows."
"A dystopia is kind of a world in disarray... I sort of conquered my own dystopia."
"Death, taxes, and you will get over someone if you allow yourself to."
"He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure."
"Rise above drama, obstacles, pettiness, find the strength to rise."
"He overcame his biggest weakness multiple times to get where he is now. I'm genuinely proud of him."
"We're not just talking about the struggles; we're talking about overcoming them, not feeling defeated."
"When you don't give in to anxiety, anger, and sadness, and you rise above it, that's when the fun begins."
"I don't care if she says another word, but I realized that I can't go any further in this year waiting for another fight, waiting for another opportunity, until I take a moment to thank you for the enemies that are already behind me."
"You serve a God who specializes in defying the odds."
"The only way to overcome ignorance is through knowledge."
"The Savior has defeated death, disease, and sin, and has provided a way for our ultimate perfection if we will follow Him with all of our hearts."
"A temptation must be overcome by a passion greater than the temptation itself."
"Joseph was able to rise above it, ultimately, even though it was painful."
"Good riddance. I don't know about you, but I have had enough of being scared."
"You're finally getting over things that really hurt you."
"What you deny or ignore you delay, but what you accept and face you conquer."
"Your yes was pregnant with your ability to overcome the very present moment that you are standing in."
"Sometimes you don't think you can go there but you can."
"We've successfully written ourselves out of peril."
"Overcome bitterness by remembering four magnificent truths."
"You've overcome great odds of your tumultuous childhood."
"Our relationship was so fragile and young, and we literally overcame that."
"By regaining control of himself Aang has overcome the Avatar state as the antagonist."
"Imagine how much negativity that kind of connection overcomes in other traumatic instances."
"Don't let your fears stop you. Start learning now."
"Triumph, success, rising above, cutting through what doesn't serve you."
"Real strength means you overcome your weaknesses."
"Don't be afraid of it, you're going to beat it."
"You will overcome self-sabotage. There is hope, and you don't have to sit in this."
"You can't fight dog whistles. You have to override them, and the only way you can override them is with new voices."
"The power of friendship, trumping even the darkest shadows."
"Enough is enough, time to hop past that and get to the next piece of the puzzle."
"Honestly, I went through some things, man. It was not a good time, but I made it through, I persevered."
"In this world, you will know tribulation, but take heart, I have overcome the world."
"Courageous stories of those who in the face of adversity look at the obstacle right in the face and conquered it."
"We're going to be more than overcomers, not just overcomers but more than overcomers."
"There is no habit too great for God's grace."
"He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world."
"Don't just meet your heroes, beat your heroes."
"They were somehow able to overcome the pervasive corrupting touch of the sorcerers and demons."
"Through a very collective action and shared sacrifice, national determination, we will overcome the threat of the virus."
"We will defeat this threat. When America is tested, America rises to the occasion."
"We have overcome so much more in this country than just losing to someone who is a bigot."
"Rose needs to overcome... her guilt-ridden perception of herself."
"No matter what challenge comes up, takes place, you guys will overcome, you will prevail."
"United we can and will overcome this season of darkness."
"There's such a sense of victory over not having let this thing ruin them and over having actually turned it into a better relationship."
"You realize your true strength, how you can overcome this."
"Act on your fears until your fears disappear."
"Triumph over obstacles, good surprises are coming your way."
"Maybe this whole situation is rising from the ashes."
"Facing your fears is the only way to get through them."
"Isaac's journey is one about grief and how to conquer it."
"I live thinking of greatness and I watched this man overcome."
"I promise you no one wants to stay in victimhood."
"We can beat all of the liars and the frauds."
"Bold drive and power to kick an addiction or self-undoing."
"I'm immune to FOMO now. I'm completely cured."
"Those who rise above their own mistakes are the world's best people. They are the ones who are going somewhere."
"Come up with ways to overcome challenges in your life with wisdom and grace, there is nothing you cannot overcome."
"We are now completely countering the scourge."
"The point is what do you do with it? Do you allow yourself to give into that moment and become overwhelmed by it?"
"It's one thing to be able to identify these fears. It's another thing to know what it is that you need to do in order to be able to overcome them and become fearless."
"Whatever may be our inherited or cultivated tendencies to wrong, we can overcome through the power that he is ready to impart."
"There is no passion, whether it's inherited or cultivated, that Jesus Christ cannot give us strength to overcome."
"I learned to stop fighting the water when you were in there. I beat my fear and that's how I've been in my life all the time."
"You're bigger than all your doubts, you're bigger than all your fears."
"Your victory is imminent; overcome obstacles and surprise yourself with your success."
"I silenced out the noise, I silenced out the judgment, I silenced out the self-doubt."
"You exercise God's Authority in the sphere He's given you, you lay out the odds that are against you before Him based on the realities of your life, and then you lay claim to His victory and watch Him turn the numbers in your favor."
"With gaslighting, there's a lot of questioning of who you are and what you think about the situation. The emotional breakthrough for me with gaslighting was, it doesn't work anymore."
"Some of us can be healed, overcome, and save our country."
"The power of joy conquered their circumstance."
"We are literally running towards chaos because if God brought me here, I'm gonna get through it."
"What kind of man you want to be? I want to be a man who can overcome his weaknesses, vices, and imperfections."
"There's always a greater purpose than your pain."
"Conquering this fear and creating an ideal for himself is what allows Bruce to absorb his pain and work through it and do something constructive with it."
"I still get the thoughts, I still get the want to be violent and all this stuff but now I just kind of rebuke it straight away."
"We live in a world where the whole goal was to overcome, and in the process of overcoming, we overcame."
"God's trying to show him I'm a barrier breaker."
"Substantial change is in your future; embrace it and overcome your insecurities."
"Legitimate traumas and challenges... instead of becoming a victim... rise above it."
"We are more than conquerors so that whether it's death, or life, or angels, or principalities, or things present, or things to come, whatever it is that's going on in our life, because of God's love for us, we can overcome that."
"Lord Jesus, with you by my side, how can I be defeated by the Troubles of this world?"
"The second you're able to fucking laugh that it doesn't matter how much it beat the shit out of you you've won."
"Lord, I declare victory over every challenge and obstacle in my life by the authority given to me through Jesus."
"Remember that love and light always conquers fear and chaos."
"I did it, I did it, I beat D.I.D, I beat ADHD, depression, anxiety, I'd be OCD."
"If that isn't a reason for joy, I don't know what is."
"Hate got us in this position but love is going to break us out."
"You walked away from someone or something, but in the end, you're the one who won."
"You've overcome a major fear or milestone or a challenge or a lesson."
"Scars are just proof that you're stronger than what tried to kill you."
"Triumph over troubles and obstacles, flying over the challenges."
"The absolute best antidote to embarrassment is to consciously choose those potential or actual social consequences, in favor of something greater."
"Love conquers all, including the apocalypse."
"They didn't let their past dictate how they would become."
"Infernape was able to face down Paul stronger than Paul ever saw him to be."
"As link, it feels like you can overcome any scenario and basically cut through any obstacle that may come your way."
"So many people listening realize okay so this is not just me that's going through this and then when you hear how they overcame, then you actually have hope to realize hey there's a light at the end of this tunnel."
"One day you will tell your story of how you overcame and what you went through, and it'll be someone else's survival guide."
"No matter what happens in life... you can rise."
"The challenges you're facing will be overcome."
"You've Beat the Devil at his own game by becoming the polar opposite of the tactics that they actually used against you."
"Critics have long argued that the foundation has outsized influence and needs broader leadership."
"Success often comes from overcoming the unexpected."
"Any obstacles that surface you can overcome because you've already overcome them."
"Thor fundamentally overcame his central character flaw present in all of the previous times Thor showed up."
"Your darkest hour is conquered by your dream about your future."
"Cosmic energy is the power source of the Avatar State."
"We're not letting 2020 take over, we're taking over."
"Proof that even if you come from a dysfunctional family, you don't have to be trapped."
"You are no longer going to be victim you are going to be victorious you're going to come out after the egg shell," says the father.
"The darkness dissipates when we don't give it too much Credence and Power."
"This is overcoming...some type of bondage...learning how it felt to live within...finding freedom."
"A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing." - Unknown
"It's the message of the seemingly impossible becoming possible."
"Jesus said in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome."
"Goku's Story shows that you can be more than the tragedy of your ancestors and that your descendants don't have to be defined by your hardships."
"Your own hero story really starts with what's something that you've overcome?"
"You are going to be dealing with maybe some doubt."
"Some people are celebrating being trans because they overcame something."
"Rise above the things that have tried to hold you back and keep you down."
"Never think that any challenge that is facing you is something you can't overcome."
"Struggle against a deeply ingrained personal shortcoming."
"You have to do the things you think you cannot do." - Eleanor Roosevelt
"When it breaks you, when it puts you on... it'll finally be able to leave this place."
"A story about tragedy and failure and of a people who overcame that Tragedy by fighting for each other instead of for themselves."
"I like to give myself some really hard challenges and then show the process of just trying to overcome failure."
"Love only love will overcome hate." Thank you, Mr. Mayor.