
Processes Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"There's no magic memory pill; there are magic memory processes."
"The basic processes, the basic sort of ecological processes that are going on today, they've been going on for a very long time."
"Biology is a collection of processes, or processes depending on who you are and where you live and who you trained with."
"If we look at things as processes and we assign verbs to them, then we can say, 'Okay, I'm functionally overreaching or I'm truly overtraining,' which is a matter of degrees."
"Every step of the process is coming up against new problems and figuring out how to solve them."
"Everything that's happened so far has gone up through the congregation or the dicastery for clergy, okay fine, there's the canonical processes, it ends with the Pope."
"The process chart is really, really important for you to understand."
"It's just that the initiation process everything else is wide open."
"Lots of red tape but it's good to know that someone out there can help you."
"Everybody knew the whole time exactly how it goes."
"Things will take time to work themselves out."
"Understanding how the process works really increases your ability to execute."
"It's clear evidence of very high energy processes going on here."
"It manages the creation, monitoring, scheduling, and controlling of bots and processes."
"Project management is not only about managing the project but also improving processes."
"Quality assurance focuses on accomplishing the objective of processes, doing it with zero deviations and doing all that is required to be done as per the plan."
"Through this work we have come to value individuals and interactions over processes and tools."
"My business isn't me. My business is a machine, and you have to build a machine built up of processes and people in order to scale."
"...the metaphor like you said makes the morphism the fundamental thing rather than the objects I think that's huge because that's one of the deepest lessons about category theory is focusing on processes adding things."
"Understanding these processes can be helpful for you. Vulnerabilities can occur in something like a booting process."
"A system is really a collection of all of these processes and technologies and people."
"...the easier the better, that's where the processes can drive the technology or should drive the technology."
"...stress test the overall solution and the end-to-end business processes."
"Every cognitive process depends on relevance realization."
"Memories involve three stages: encoding, storing, retrieving."
"PS stands for processes and indeed it lets you view the server's active processes in your Linux system. Very similar to the task manager and some of the functionality you might have with task manager. PS gives you a similar view of processes that are running behind the scenes."
"Sometimes technology is simply not compatible with current organizational processes."
"Anabolism is building things up; catabolism is breaking things down."
"...this is entirely abiotic, it doesn't need to use microbes at all to convert from nitrate to N2 gas."
"What is life? It lies in those processes, in the networks."
"I enjoy planning. I love organizing and creating processes."
"Business really is a collection of systems and processes."
"Systems and processes are the most important foundation, no matter what business you're in."
"Rigor mortis generally begins relatively quickly after death, within an hour or two, and becomes more pronounced for several hours."
"But our system of government has processes to determine who will be sworn in."
"The law only expects you to follow processes when dealing with employees."
"...you can engineer these problems out by changing processes and procedures and you can't make them foolproof but you can design if you're not careful processes that make it more likely that people will make mistakes."
"We had processes going on that were bigger than anything we can imagine today."
"There is an evolution of techniques practices and processes."
"If you master the processes, you get unlimited wins. You can create wins wherever you go."
"You have to do these processes, always managing your finances."
"Processes and threads are fundamental concepts in cybersecurity, as they determine how software is executed and how resources are allocated."
"Don't let your principles change, but frequently change your processes."
"Thanks for watching our video today. We are so glad that we could share with you our favorite processes."
"This is practically a final highlight stage."
"You can have good practices and good processes and good products, but at the end of the day, life happens."
"...during digestion large biological molecules are hydrolyzed into smaller soluble molecules which can be absorbed across the cell membranes."
"How you're hiring, what's the way you're doing it, and that itself is a scalable process."
"This raises questions about the robustness of our democratic processes."
"Crisis isn't crushing when we have faithful processes in place that god has given to us."
"Structured processes can be a real boon to creative thinking."
"Scaling is a by-product of good processes."
"The generalizing certain processes as a must is a big No-No."
"...one thing we do not have is the ability for firms to give permission to a third-party to complete the application for them."
"Most people overestimate the importance of events and underestimate the power of processes."
"Success and failure are generally slow processes. You're either slowly building things up or gradually tearing them down."
"The body is deciding at every nanosecond in time how much goes from stage one to stage two."
"There is a science of the small and a science of the large, and we're recognizing that essential processes like photosynthesis operate according to Quantum processes."
"Carolina Anstey one of our managing directors has a diagram on her wall that she calls the spaghetti diagram which is all the different entangled process that we have to go through to go from an idea to results in the ground."
"Photosynthesis and cellular respiration: interconnected processes where the products of one become the requirements of the other."
"Cellular respiration: anabolic vs. catabolic processes, building up vs. breaking down."
"One of those processes is to publish the review, which is another Amazon SNS that stands out for Amazon SQS to consume and trigger other processes."
"State machines give us a way to describe state as well over long-running process."
"All of the activities of the initiating a project process, managing a stage boundary process, controlling a stage process, and closing a project process are ultimately executed by the project manager."
"Enzymes can manipulate processes like orienting substrates ready to do chemistry."
"There's more to data analysis than the building of the model or the output. It's about people actually as well and processes."
"You have slices of Swiss cheese, and the controls are within the slices, so if we assume that each of these slices are forms of processes."
"Threads are lightweight processes working within one process."
"When you buy a business, you're buying a business with all the systems and processes already set up."
"The manufacturing facilities have a variety of different departments, each specializing in different aspects."
"The key element is that they need to be converted to the reduced form and then chelated so that they stay in the reduced form."
"Micro nutrient levels were excellent, all the processes were functioning properly."
"We can use processes and message passing."
"We can write mathematical expressions for the process of some number of electrons coming in, some number of electrons going out plus a bunch of photons."
"There's just one concept: pipeline runs."
"So be sure to create that in Japan, UK, and in the US and repeat all of these processes."
"All sorts of directed processes exist, from explicit decision making to psychological processes which need not be conscious."
"I think things like that are getting your processes right you know visiting the business getting under the skin of the business meet everyone get all the keys you know I think the little things are what trip you up."
"If you don't measure work processes, you can't possibly manage them."
"It's just the common interior processes."
"I'm amazed by...some of the processes still work and others adapt to a small confined ecosystem."
"Making sure that we are setting people up to succeed, we're empowering them through those processes and advocating for process change when that does not work."
"Start with your processes. Look internally and reflect because oftentimes you can find where those gaps are."
"You guys will never be able to scale and grow your business unless you have the right systems and processes."
"Multiple local processes, not a single central process, give rise to phenomenal consciousness through dynamic competition for dominance."
"...this makes it a bit more concrete why we have an autor regressive process."
"We have all of these processes for our most expensive things... but we don't have any processes like that for our bodies."
"We see then we have both of our cores both sending signals to each other, then waiting for those signals coming back and then running their particular processes."
"What a great way of dealing with potential processes in real time."
"Post-translational modification is easy; you could add lipid, we call this prenylation; you can add a phosphate group, we call this phosphorylation."
"We want to integrate the business processes from end to end."
"The only way to create a new process is for a process to copy itself."
"When a UNIX system starts, there's always a first process called the init process."
"Each kind of test will model one or more specific processes or functions."
"The planning phase is a process of establishing objectives and processes so that we can go about achieving the desired outcomes."
"The high-level process stays the same; however, at least a couple of things regarding how each group does their part will change with the new system."
"Markov decision processes... allow an AI agent to make reasonable and rational decisions."
"Protein synthesis happens in two major steps: the first is transcription and the second is translation."
"If you have an Ito process, we'll apply this lemma to it to give us another Ito process, and that other Ito process will provide us some interesting information."
"The /proc directory provides a real-time system inventory, offering a snapshot of the system's current state."
"Let's apply governance to the processes in a structured manner."
"It must integrate security into all business processes."
"Technology allows us to do repeatable processes efficiently and accurately."
"Knowledge management is not here to manage the knowledge per se; it's there to manage the processes and the enablers and the approaches that support that knowledge flow."
"Trigger conditions give you a lot of ability to control how your process runs when it runs."
"Business process modeling is one of the graphical representations of either a company's business processes or workflows."
"We have to start to think of the processes, the systems, and institutions, not individuals."
"We're just people, right? We can't make ideal processes."
"Transpiration happens primarily throughout the course of the day, whereas gutation happens a lot overnight or first thing in the morning."
"Gutation is more likely to happen in humid conditions versus transpiration which is more likely to happen in dry conditions."
"The process of the world is atomic, and the functions are atomic."
"Quasistatic processes effectively mean slow enough to maintain equilibrium."
"Resources are not a business model; resources are a set of requirements for a business model, but the business model really is in our processes and the profit formula."
"We're going to conduct a review, we're going to look at all our processes and procedures."
"Analyze and optimize technical and business processes."
"You introduced standards, you're establishing processes so people have clear expectations and know what their ownership and responsibility is all about."
"Docker containers are not virtual machines; they're just regular processes running on the host system."
"A process is a top-level execution container."
"The success of your team is going to be based on proven resources and clear processes."
"It's really exciting when you can learn about the processes."
"Processes may not communicate with each other by updating global variables; in other words, no mutexes, no locks, no shared memory."
"Most of these values are being read out here from things like top, even some things like PS, the kernel is keeping up-to-date information about the processes in a virtual file system that's mounted at /proc."
"Be flexible. This is the time that you should start questioning your processes."
"Golang supports concurrent programming, allowing multiple processes to run simultaneously."
"A test plan describes the deliverables that will be tested, tests that will be conducted, and the processes that will be used in testing."
"It's designed to avoid sub optimization because you're considering the interrelationship between different business processes."
"What are the processes that you would want to drive in your organization if everybody just followed the right process?"
"The subconscious logical processes are carried on with a certainty and regularity which would be impossible if there existed the possibility of error."
"Photosynthesis can be considered an anabolic process, whereas cellular respiration is a catabolic process."
"As long as you have a process to manage them and process to update them, that's what's really important."
"Don't let technology drive you; align technology to your processes and then go from there."
"All communication between micro processes is done via message passing."
"The core concept in the entire series is the risk management that the processes and technical requirements that are needed to secure a system are based on risk."
"People see their processes, they are flabbergasted; they do not recognize their own processes and they immediately see all kinds of things to improve."
"Understand the processes, don't just memorize equations."
"We all inhabit the same world of relations and processes, and whatever differences there are generated within that."
"The Postmaster process is the first process which is started when you start your PostgreSQL instance and it performs the recovery, initializes the memory area, and runs the background processes."
"Integration management is really the bridge between the different process groups; it kind of brings everything together."
"The process for creating a project is fairly straightforward."
"We have identified the most important processes which are basically used for making the products."
"You're able to automate a lot of the processes that would have been manual processes previously."
"Processes are so complex today that nobody really has an overview about them."
"Global history as an approach can encompass the variety of examples... and global history as a paradigm that is a focus on those particular global processes that restructure relationships around the globe."
"With Docker, we have our server or host machine, we have one operating system, and you just have these tiny containers that run which are basically nothing but processes that run on your machine."
"Recursion is just a process, and when we're talking about code, it's a function that calls itself over and over again."
"We're trying to find predictability, we're trying to find repeatable processes, and we're trying to figure out what works."
"It's just a way of streamlining processes, that's it."
"We're going to analyze what a traditional or typical process looks like in a range of different firms."
"We've gotten smarter, we've learned, we have better processes, we have better products."
"FIFO delivery establishes a sort of first in first out channel between two processes."
"This implies that the critical business processes of these organizations run on their ERP system."
"We need to let real needs drive the interactions between teams, not formal processes or organizational chart decisions."
"All of Nature's processes can be seen as a constant drive to increase entropy."
"Use your tools and adapt those tools to your processes."
"Life is a series of chemical reactions, or what you might call chemistry in motion."
"The key to this is you have to know your processes in order to automate your processes."
"A loaf of bread rises in the oven, the sun rises in the morning, and the elevator rises until it goes down."
"Use effective decision making processes."
"Precipitation can be caused by convectional, orographic, and frontal processes."
"Time is an important variable in most biological processes."
"What is the definition of a workflow? A sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion."
"Understanding the processes that are happening now are absolutely critical if we want to understand what's going to happen in the future."
"Businesses are not about people, they're about systems, they're about processes."
"It's not just about technology, it's about people and processes."
"I decided I really wanted to work on making my processes more efficient and streamlined."
"An important unit operation for chemical engineers is what's called a distillation column."
"Business is essentially an integrated set of inputs and substantive processes which is capable of generating an output."
"Overall, these processes are driven by an input of energy."
"Communication between threads is way faster than it is between processes."
"Under the hood, what's actually happening is a quantum mechanical process."
"A data transfer object... is an object that carries data between processes."
"The short distance part of the process is perturbative."
"Systems and processes are the key."
"The whole universe is one tightly tied bundle of processes."
"Orienting oneself with computation and distancing oneself from infinite processes is the way to go."
"We can lift any function from I to O to be a process."
"Every individual program on your computer when it runs, runs as a process."
"That is how we make processes or functions, routines, whatever term that you want to call it."
"Many applications have a shutdown event that causes certain things to occur."
"That's essentially just how you start, stop, and kill processes with your application."
"This process is just the opposite of integration to find the solution."
"The OS is responsible for process and thread management."
"Category theory is like a mathematical language for processes and how processes compose."
"The planning process deals with four basic processes: vision, existing situation, analyses and projection level, and finally, strategy and projects."
"Web workers... you can create another process and you can pass messages between the processes."
"Unit operations consist of five categories: fluid flow processes, heat transfer processes, mass transfer processes, thermodynamic processes, and mechanical processes."
"The natural world is the result of processes whose underlying principles conform to natural law."
"If we have a process that begins and ends at the same state, we call it a cycle."
"These are some of the fastest processes we know in biology and arguably some of the most efficient as well."
"The second law is totally different. The second law tells us that there are restrictions on processes."
"Copy-on-write increases shared memory, so we can have shared memory and private memory between processes."
"Containers are just normal Unix processes that sit on top of the kernel."
"A pipeline is a formalized way of transforming data from one state to another through a series of managed processes."
"Have your processes in place so that way when you do expand, it makes it that much easier."
"All real processes are irreversible."
"So that's an example of a linear process, but of course in the real world, not everything is linear."
"Every request that comes in gets started in its own process, and processes are started in about a microsecond."