
Thought Power Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"If you would just think about what you want, that's all you'd ever get in your life."
"Thoughts are things. Man on this planet is the most powerful thinker."
"What you think about and what you focus on does indeed begin to manifest."
"When we fully realize that thought causes all, we'll know there's never any limits that we our self don't impose."
"When we come to see that thought is a force, a manifestation of energy, having a magnet-like power of attraction, we will begin to understand the why and wherefore of many things that have heretofore seemed dark to us."
"The universe manifests whatever thought you're placing upon it, and it does not take any more power to manifest a penny than it does a universe."
"Thoughts have a certain frequency, vibration. Every thought has a certain vibration. Negative thoughts attract negative people, circumstances, environments. Positive thoughts attract positive people, circumstance, and environments."
"If my thoughts could make me sick, is it possible that my thoughts can make me well?"
"The pictures you make in your mind's eye, the thoughts you harbor, are day by day building your outward conditions."
"Everything's made up of energy. I am energy, you are energy, and my thoughts create this resonance between what I attract and what I don't."
"Your thoughts are the primary control of your genes."
"The law of attraction states that the more you're thinking about something, the more you're going to invite it into your life."
"The knowledge of the causal power of thought is the basis of all their prophecies, as it is the basis of all real wisdom and power."
"Not until you have gone deeply and searchingly into your inner nature and have overcome many enemies that lurk there, can you have any approximate conception of the subtle power of thought, of its inscrutable relation to outward and material things, or of its magical potency when rightly poised and directed."
"Manifestation is not some ritual; it's literally what you think."
"Thought attracts that upon which it is directed."
"We are the absolute masters of our physical organism through the power of thought or suggestion."
"Through thought alone, you can change the physical wiring of your brain, the most complicated thing in the universe."
"They themselves are makers of themselves by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance."
"Tap into this higher vibrational state of being where your thoughts have magnetic power unlike anything you've ever experienced before."
"We are only limited by our thoughts. If we expand our thoughts, we automatically expand our Consciousness."
"Thoughts do become things. Write your thoughts down every day."
"Whatever thought is sent out returns in like quality."
"Thought is the creative power... But you must act in a certain way."
"Words are secondary, but thoughts live and they travel far."
"You are the architect of your own life. It is yours to make or to mar by the power of thought."
"Life is not a matter of chance or luck, it is largely the result of effect of our thoughts."
"The power of your thoughts become words that become actions that have shaped the destiny of your life."
"Whatever you concentrate on and think about repeatedly with emotion tends to become more a part of your inner and outer life."
"You are manifesting your dreams by the power of thought."
"Every single thought we have is an effect, a kind of a prayer because every thought we have influences everything in the world. It's incredibly powerful."
"Thoughts are things. People, you've got to be careful what you put out there because what you're thinking will happen."
"Thoughts become things, yeah, they become things."
"Whatever you keep repeatedly thinking about and kind of conjuring up in your mind's eyes is actually what's coming to fruition in some way."
"Your thoughts are energy and this is what you need to do because that in itself is going to be an important moment in time of an accomplishment as well."
"If you can think about it, you can bring about it."
"You are the creator of your universe and your thoughts have the power to adhere to life as you know it."
"Through our thoughts, we recreate our daily realities."
"The law of attraction is the most powerful universal law and is your friend. You create with your every thought."
"I think about something and the things happen."
"My thoughts and words shape my reality."
"The universe says yes to every thought we have."
"Your thoughts create reality, what you think creates reality."
"Whatever we think about and think about, we bring about."
"We become what we think about. If you're not thinking about anything, or if you're thinking negative thoughts, then that will be your life."
"We have a free will, an ability to change the way things go because thoughts are things."
"Remember, thoughts are energy fields. What we put out is what we get back, magnified."
"The thoughts you put your attention to are the ones that become real."
"The power of intention has a lot to do with your thoughts."
"Your thoughts become things and you create your own reality."
"You are one thought away from a breakthrough."
"Our lives are truly the manifestation of our thoughts and emotions, so everything we think we see around us or happening to us, we have created consciously or unconsciously."
"Positive thoughts held for longer amounts of time create manifestation."
"Your thoughts and emotions materialize and crystallize into physical form."
"Be mindful what you think about, you bring about."
"Choose your words wisely, what you think is what you create."
"Thoughts are powerful. Thoughts lead to actions, actions over time become habits."
"Your thoughts are the most powerful magnetic force in the universe."
"Whether that's a relocation of your thoughts because thoughts become things."
"Thought attracts that upon which it is directed, it creates only according to its pitch, intensity, emotional quality, depth of feeling, or vibratory plane."
"The secret to reality creation is thought in coordination with feelings and energy - the heart-mind coordination."
"Our thoughts are powerful, capable of leading us towards righteous actions or down paths of destruction."
"Thoughts are things. When you think a thought, you have an immediate reaction. A thought has a physical reaction in your body immediately and an emotional response."
"Thoughts are things, endowed with bodies, breath, and wings."
"With intention and attention, we could actually make thought more real than anything else."
"Recognize the power of your thoughts - they become things."
"We are always manifesting, each thought we have creates an energy flow within and around our physical being."
"If you focus a thought, you better want that thought to happen because if you're worrying about something bad happening all the time, guess what? You could create it."
"All thoughts are prayers, be careful what you ask for."
"Our thoughts can be measured; they're an actual thing."
"All things and all circumstances must first be created on the mental plane."
"Whatever you think, whatever you know, whatever you think you manifest."
"Set your intentions. What we think about, we bring about."
"Every thought is a thing that manifests itself in your physical dwelling. You cannot think a negative thought except to create a negative thought molecule in your body."
"Remember, your thoughts are becoming things."
"Our thoughts create our experiences. It's that simple."
"Your thoughts are becoming things right now."
"Success starts with thought and talk before it enters into manifestation."
"You think it, you speak it, then it manifests."
"Every thought has the potential to manifest into reality."
"At the heart of every transformation, personal or global, lies a simple yet deep truth: our thoughts have power."
"Nothing shows up on your body until the mental version is first thought of."
"Accepting that our thoughts create."
"Effortless manifestation is created with an effortless thought."
"The powers of meditation: if you want to employ the great power of thought, you must learn to think consciously apart from the brain."
"Man possesses the unique ability to create by thought."
"Thought is shaping your life. It has that kind of power."
"You can destroy yourself or create yourself by the manner and quality of your thoughts. Negative thinking constantly sends out negative emanations, activating negativity in the world around you."
"Your thoughts and intentions have the power to influence the fundamental fabric of reality."
"Thought is mental force. It is the highest type of energy."
"Everything in your hand today began in your mind yesterday."
"The mouth of God is the mind of man captures the essence that our thoughts and words have divine power shaping our reality in powerful ways that we often underestimate."
"Your thoughts create a reality in a very significant way."
"You can think something into existence."
"Your thought is creative and every thought tends to manifest itself."
"You get what you think about, whether you like it or not."
"The mind is sufficient enough and a thought sufficient enough to cause changes physically in you."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, so your thoughts can make you well."
"You're actually learning how to do it without any exogenous substance."
"How valuable is that, to do it by thought alone?"
"The power of your thoughts can make things happen."
"You possess the power of thought and the power of will; utilize the utmost these divine gifts."
"Our thoughts are things that whatever we consistently focus on, whatever we believe in our heart, will find a way to manifest."
"Thought is omnipotent and has the power to draw on the infinite bank of primary substance for all that it requires."
"Emotionalized thoughts have power and they also send out vibrations to the universe."
"Change your thoughts and change your destiny."
"Thoughts are things; where your thoughts go, your energy flows."
"By our thoughts we create corresponding external conditions because we thereby create the nucleus which attracts to itself its own correspondences in due order until the finished work is manifested on the external plane."
"The power of thought, the frequency of thought, every thought that you produce has electricity, electromagnetism."
"You're one thought away from turning your entire life around."
"I think thoughts are very powerful and how we treat ourselves."
"Our thoughts ultimately control our lives and our destiny."
"The frequency and vibration of your thoughts will bring you into a vortex or pendulum that will change everything for you."
"You are a thinking center in original substance, and the thoughts of original substance have creative power."
"Thought is dynamic and that it may call into existence forms and pictures that may well exist for hundreds of years."
"If you want to be happy and joyous, you change everything to the power of your thought."
"The more energy you put into your thoughts, the stronger they become."
"You have the power to change the course of your life forever by simple thoughts."
"Be very careful of your thoughts and your moods because thoughts create these images in your mind."
"You don't have to push emotions or feelings, as you were taught to do, because the minute you start to think of a thought... your mind will automatically follow and adjust its frequency to create that feeling."
"Our thoughts are creating our reality."
"Thoughts are forces and each creates of its kind."
"I create my abundance through the power of my thoughts and the intuitive actions I take."
"Thoughts are things, and every thought you have has a physical reaction in your body and an emotional response."
"Manifesting works; obviously, your thoughts create."
"Whatever thoughts you have can and will be spread to those around you."
"The life that you are living right now is 100% the result of the thoughts you were thinking six months ago."
"Out of that power of thought comes all the specific thoughts and feelings that we have."
"Your thoughts have the power to control and change your life."
"When they say something, it happens; when just by thinking about something, it starts happening in real life, they can manifest just by the power of the mind."
"If you can really accept the fact that every time you think a thought and every time you speak a word, you are literally painting your future, you are creating."
"Everything is an effect of mind. Your thought forces, concentrated upon anything, will bring that thing into manifestation."
"All of energy, all of power, all that can exercise any influence over your life, is in your hands through the power of thought."
"Nothing can come into your experience unless you summon it through persistent thoughts."
"If we are fully aware that our thoughts put into the ether is what forms our world, what can stop you?"
"You have the power to change it, remember that our thoughts are very powerful, our mind is very powerful."
"The more you understand and believe that every single thought is creating reality, the more you will have faith in the fact that by not reacting and by holding to an idea, you are destroying the state you are not reacting to."
"Understand the power of your thoughts; your thoughts travel at the speed of light."
"I realized the power of our thoughts, I realized the power of us."
"You were designed to have everything you want at a mere thought."
"Every atom in the Universe moves to fulfill your thought."
"Can you truly create by thought alone? The answer is absolutely yes."
"Your thoughts create your environment."
"You are a powerful creator, so anything that you dominantly think will easily come out into your reality."
"Use your thoughts to manifest what it is you want in this world."
"Your reality is shifting because of the result of the thoughts that you have been telling yourself over and over again."
"The phenomenal power inherent in the brain's ability to physically rewire itself through thought alone."
"We underestimate the power of our thoughts."
"Everything that we think creates a reality in the universe."
"Your thoughts are living beings; your creations are beings."
"If I don't like what I have manifested, I simply think about something else and manifest something else because I'm in control."
"The love you create in your thoughts is an agent of change in the foundation of your results."
"What you focus on the longest becomes the strongest; what we think about, we bring about."
"Thoughts become things, so be very mindful of that."
"You manifest whatever you think about."
"What you think about comes about."
"Your words are spells, what you think about you bring about."
"Our thoughts do indeed create reality."
"You're an energetic being, your thoughts create."
"When you manifest something, it's just when you are thinking about something so much and it's in your like subconscious."
"The universe, which is responding to the thoughts you are thinking, does not distinguish between a thought from your observation of some observed reality and a thought brought about by your imagination."
"Our thoughts manifest our reality, our thoughts are connected to our spirit."