
Divine Presence Quotes

There are 3902 quotes

"I will rejoice always because no danger will overwhelm me when I am in your presence."
"Gratitude is a gateway to God's presence. It's more than a routine; it's a heartfelt acknowledgment of His ongoing work in our lives."
"Know ye not that you are the temple of the living God?"
"You are the house of God. You are the church of God. You are the synagogue, the cathedral, the temple of the living God."
"The biggest blessing of all is your presence."
"You see something shining; that's Jesus. It's very hard to disregard it."
"In your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."
"Never ever ever ever ever think that God's not working, no matter how much it seems like he's absent."
"I feel the presence of God. See, I have already begun. Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the Wilderness. I will create Rivers out of dry Wasteland."
"Prayer will open the door to God's presence."
"God's presence brings peace, God's presence brings power, God's presence will set you apart."
"I think that the Divine lives in every human being. We all came from Oneness, from Singularity, from Pure Love, where there's no separation."
"God is hiding in plain sight and everything we see is just such a marvelous play and display of Divine Intelligence."
"God is most present here where you are, because you are Brahman."
"God is most present right now because you are present right now."
"God is most present in you. So most present in you, most present now, most present here, this is what Maya actually means."
"Everyone of us has a thirst in our hearts for the presence of God."
"In the presence of God there is fullness of joy."
"The presence of God within you will manifest outwardly when you are conscious that you carry the presence of God."
"Live with this awareness that you carry God's presence and act like you carry God's presence in you."
"The presence of God is where every believer wants to dwell."
"This wonderful presence of God is to be taken to the world."
"He who dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in them."
"I am with you, I will never forsake you, no matter what."
"Those who walk in the presence of God walk with perfect peace."
"We are the temple of the Holy Spirit; we can fellowship with God wherever we are."
"God is... the overflowing emanation of love that's going everywhere."
"The darkness is not dark to Him; He will meet you wherever you are but He will pull you to become who you are."
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God."
"The Lord is with us, mindful of us, and blessing us in ways only He can do."
"The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exalt you with loud singing."
"May your presence have dominion in my home; may your will be done in my house, Lord."
"Without accurately appreciating, exploring, and accepting mistakes, there is no learning."
"Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me."
"The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory."
"No matter my mess, the voice of God never left me. God will talk to me in all my foolishness."
"Holy Spirit, come and let your presence be felt; demonstrate your power tonight."
"The most terrifying thing about hell is not the absence of God, it's the presence of God."
"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." - John 14:18
"The manifest presence of God... it came in my room, and that demon that was inside of me couldn't take the heat; it left."
"The kingdom of God is not in words; it is the demonstration of the spirit of God."
"He sees you, 'He is El Roi.' Genesis 16:13, 'The God who sees.'"
"The Glory is a realm of the ease of the Spirit. It's a wave where God is manifested in his beauty, his power, and his majesty."
"The divine doesn't exist outside of me so much as it already exists inside of me, right there inside of the heart."
"I'll hide inside the human heart; most will never look for me there."
"You who dwelled in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the secret place."
"My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him."
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you."
"The cloud always represents the presence of God; it always represents the glory of the Lord."
"The God who will never leave you nor forsake you is with you in this moment."
"His presence is your promise, now and forevermore."
"You are seen and known and cared for by God."
"God says, 'Where are you?' It's not a question to condemn you; it's a question to say, 'Come back in position. I'm right here.'"
"Let them walk in such a level of your glory that they will certainly know this is God."
"Your light inside you is beaming; the spirit of God in you is beaming."
"I believe that God's glory is going to fall, not just on believers. It's going to fall on everyone, on all spirit."
"I declare tonight, God, that Your glory will touch us."
"Be strong and be of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
"Prayer is a weapon of mass destruction and evil is always destroyed in the presence of the Lord."
"Be strong and courageous, for I am with you."
"The prerequisite to preaching, teaching, driving out devils, healing the sick, and being a revivalist is time spent in the presence of God."
"The praise and worship of God opens portals to heaven, inviting God's presence."
"The world is full of God's presence and it's a gift."
"One thing I have desired of the Lord, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life."
"The presence of the Lord is there; everything that is made is made on the basis of glory."
"When synchronicities and serendipities begin to happen in your life, that's an indicator that you are in the divine's presence."
"The glory was the presence of God. What is the charismatic renewal? It's when we experience the presence of God."
"Lovingkindness will surround you. Everywhere you turn, you will see the evidence of God's goodness and kindness."
"Security can only be found in the presence of the Living God."
"If God took up residence in a wood box, how much more will God take up residence in the womb of a human person?"
"The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you."
"Even a man of limited knowledge who spends much time in the presence of God is a useful man to God and a pleasing man to God."
"Commit your family into the hands of the Lord, commit your home to God, so that it may become a place where His glorious presence abides."
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."
"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?"
"You don't have to have that peace today, but I believe you absolutely will feel that way when you're in his presence."
"The anointing is the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit designed to do His work in your life."
"I'm often reminded that in every morning, before the sun rises, He's already there."
"I want to live a life that is a magnet for the presence of God to rest on me."
"Wherever you are right now, as you are listening to me, God is there."
"There's not a storm in this room that God is not in it with you."
"The Holy Spirit must be Lord, or He won't come at all."
"God is not just the God of the day; he is also the god of the night."
"The beauty that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the Garden of Eden, the presence of God, we're restoring that gift, that blessing among them."
"God will be with you in the waters; God will be with you in the fire."
"The dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people."
"For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory."
"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God."
"And after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice."
"God does not promise to us that we will never have these challenges, but He does promise to us that He will be with us."
"The presence of a storm doesn't mean the absence of God."
"I will cause my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence."
"The Holy Spirit is the carrier and revealer of the presence and the power of God."
"The presence of the Lord is in you. He walks with you, he talks with you."
"For there will be no manifestation of God to his people apart from earnest seeking."
"No man can do these miracles...except God be with him."
"The silence of God does not mean the absence of God."
"Thankfulness... is how you attract the presence of God."
"Your presence alone will solve every issue in my life because in Your presence there is strength, there is peace, there is love, and everlasting life."
"When people experience the presence of God, that is what changes people's hearts."
"The Amish live in a supernatural world, and they believe that God is active around them."
"God, I just want your glory to rest so heavily on my life that it becomes evident that you still perform miracles."
"I can't sleep unless I know your face is turned toward me," said the little girl in the bomb shelter to her father, symbolizing our need to feel God's presence during troubled times.
"To lose contact with God is immediately to forfeit one's sense of connection to a place of His God-making."
"Wherever you go, if you have a sound heart and you're reading the scripture, you will see the sacred in the place where you are. There's no place where God is absent."
"There's nothing in heaven or on earth that will keep me from God. He is with me and will never leave me nor forsake me."
"Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous? Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
"I didn't think I was gonna make it out alive, but I just had this overwhelming sense of peace like God was so near to me."
"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord."
"God is a Spirit, who you can't see or touch. But the Spirit of God is part of our lives, and can be heard by those who listen."
"See in you, the love, the compassion of Jesus. The most glorious work of all, to praise God in His Kingdom."
"I would want to suffer to the end of time, just to see that Hand once more."
"The true church is going to be permeated by the perceptible presence of God."
"The power of his presence often becomes most clear in what we perceive to be absence."
"We understand the power of God's presence, but I wonder if we understand the power of our presence, that he is in us."
"Let us not be content with merely dreaming dreams but let us be courageous in pursuing them, with the assurance of God's presence and guidance."
"The master in heaven is always ready to listen."
"In the Mass, all persons of the Trinity are present in the Eucharist... it's the divine activity of loving eternally."
"When God's presence comes, it shakes what's not of Him."
"Miracles are proof that the one you serve is alive."
"In your presence is the safest place that we can be."
"May your presence always be strong and rich around me and around my home."
"We declare the healing power of God to flow through this room and across that camera in the name of Jesus."
"Perfection is easy because it is easy to find God when we seek Him within ourselves."
"Even in your worst moments, he does not look away. Even in your worst moments, he does not step back."
"God is not against me. No, he's in it with me, working through me, fighting for me..."
"These metaphors are used of the place where God has come to be with man on earth."
"God bless you, I see you don't even have to fast to feel the power of God. You could just love on somebody."
"The peace of God that passes understanding is right here and now... we can never be closer to God than right here and now."
"You're never alone; the Father is always with you."
"May you be blessed by the Living God that transforms."
"It's no coincidence God is in the coincidence."
"The fact is this, that this God who knows everything is a god that is not silent."
"The Ark was the absolute proof, the sign and the seal of God's presence on Earth."
"God is literally among us, and well, he has powers."
"If you want to be marked by the presence of God, then the Spirit can't just be in you, He's got to be on you."
"The key to the power of the Holy Spirit is the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"When the glory of God shows up in your life, you're going to be tempted to look at your flaws."
"You are never alone, I am always watching over you, ready to listen and to help."
"In every sound and every moment, God is with us, speaking to us, guiding us ever closer to Him."
"I love to read about revival moments... some of the most incredible things I've ever read about have to do with the glory of God being seen upon an individual or a group of people."
"Every need supply, every moment satisfied, and every time I call His name I know I'll find Him just the same."
"Let the breath of God breathe upon you, live right now."
"You're going to have an encounter with God where you're going to be marked by God forever. You will never be the same again as you encounter God and as you encounter His presence."
"Be strong and of good courage... for the Lord thy God is with thee."
"Father, I ask that his heart would beat fast and he would feel the breath of God."
"Wherever the Holy Spirit is present, there is power... there is the miraculous."
"Faith is gonna come alive and you're gonna have the closeness of God's presence the angels gonna be released you're gonna flow in the gifts of the Spirit."
"He now had all the knowledge of medical procedures from his past life."
"When you open your heart to God, you invite his spirit to come."
"I want to know you deeply, Lord, to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence."
"Draw us into your presence to pray and in those times that we would seek your presence and hear your voice and that our lives would be changed as we learn to relate to you as our Father and our friend and the one who hears our prayers."
"We are called to walk in strength and become the priests of this world that fills the world with our Father's light."
"At your voice the demons tremble in fear; in your presence no other power can stand."
"Let our first response be to seek your presence because there is none who can stand against you, Lord Jesus."
"Man should tremble, the world should quake, all heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest." - Saint Francis of Assisi
"Your presence is more than enough. Your word is more than enough. Spirit of God, fall fresh on your people now."
"Be encouraged that the Lord is with you in a mighty way."
"I pray that wherever I go, people will see your favor and blessings all over me."
"You want to receive the fire of God? You need His presence."
"The eclipse stands as a metaphor for the light of God piercing through the darkness of our world, reminding us of the transformative power of His presence in our lives."
"God doesn't just want you to make powerful decisions in your life, he wants to do life with you."
"God's City... where God has put his name and God has said this is where I will dwell forever."
"God's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen."
"God has not abandoned us. And that we are still going to pull through this."
"God's salvation, if you want to call it, or light or love, is constantly kind of knocking at the door in our mind, and we can choose to open that and accept that good path of that loving choice."
"The hardest times I've been through were the times that I was able to see that God was there for me."
"Surrender to my goodness and love and mercy and grace, and you will see a light shining forth out of your life that not even the darkness of hell can quench."
"May you feel the peace, the Eternal peace of the creator that is with you right now."
"Everything of God's powers in your spirit. God's presence is in your spirit. Joy is in your spirit. Peace is in your spirit."
"Stay in the presence of Jesus, that's the only safe place to be in."
"When the father comes into our lives, we are one with him."
"That's what the church needs to walk in right now."
"The moment the lie tells you you're going to always be alone, no, my God is with me. He's never going to leave me, he's never going to forsake me."
"This is not just a tidal wave, this is a rolling of my glory, a tsunami of miracles."
"Listen to the voice of God to see God everywhere and that they would know they don't have to do it alone. We were never meant to do life alone."
"The anointing is a person. It's not about God giving you more of the anointing, but it's about you becoming more available to the anointing."
"The principle of divine presence: 'I will be with you.'"
"The sanctuary is not just a physical space but a representation of God's presence."
"When we talk about the kingdom, what we're saying is you're dwelling in the presence of God, He's with us, Emmanuel, God with us."
"Greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world."
"The creation itself is a theater of divine manifestation."
"The kingdom of God is working right here, right now."
"In the radiance of your light, your consciousness, in your radiance, millions of minds are floating around like motes of dust."
"God's loving eye on us is a profound reminder of his constant presence in our lives."
"The Divine wishes to live through you and into the world, reaching into the hearts of many and igniting those hearts into greater."
"I want to see him in his fullness, don't you?"
"His presence brings fullness of joy, don't you like that?"
"Love is one solid piece of evidence that God exists because love goes beyond a chemical reaction, love goes beyond genetic drive."
"We can either stay within the Christianity we have domesticated or journey to reality where God is present in every person, community, and creation."
"It says, 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock.'"
"When you can see God everywhere, of course, you'll see that God first of all within yourself and then you'll see out there what you've graciously discovered within yourself."
"God is never far away if you are a child of God, he is always with you, always by you, and always for you."
"I don't want this to be just another church, I want this to be a place where God is manifest."
"Your existence, your purpose, is everlasting. So ready yourself to live forever in my sacred presence."
"My love for you is steadfast, unchanging in the past, present, and future."
"I promise not to let you face more than you can endure. Whenever you call on me, you'll instantly feel my embrace."
"It's not a demon, it's the Holy Spirit working."
"Stillness in the face of challenges is a sign that tells God that you believe in his ability to show up anytime, anywhere."
"In reality, we're never separated from the Divine, but it appears so based on our perception."