
New Year Quotes

There are 3919 quotes

"I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and have an amazing new year...get yourself back into the swing of things."
"I love the energies of the new year because it offers like a blank canvas that we get to manifest brand new dreams, a brand new reality."
"Thank you to Mr. SS 350. Happy New Year, Norma, and the gang. I hope you get that house you want in 2024."
"I feel like a lot of us, me included, fall out of routine over the winter holidays... It's normal. For the first thing getting back on for New Year's is getting back into my routines."
"As we near the end of the year, I thought we could have a discussion today about where we see ourselves going in the New Year."
"It's a new year, and you need to make your money work for you."
"Hopefully you're having a wonderful New Year so far."
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everybody watching."
"Hope you all are having a great 2024 so far."
"New years create new opportunities... a time to have self-reflection."
"I have some very strong feelings about the idea of rebranding yourself through the new year."
"Congratulations on your success and happy New Year, my friend."
"2020 might have broke your spirit, 2021 is the time to heal it."
"Happy New Year at the end of last year we gave you a glimpse of the exciting new changes coming."
"Happy New Year to all of you. I hope that you all find some peace and happiness in an increasingly turbulent world."
"You're not alone in your struggles because a lot of these goals or aspirations that I have for this new year are actually born out of some of the struggles that I've been experiencing."
"Happy New Year everybody, 2020 we get to say it from now on... we're officially in the future."
"This year has so much positive vibes, and I know that this is going to be a great year for all of us."
"Happy New Year! Let's just start it off with 2022."
"You just brought your new self into a new year and left your old self in the old year."
"I pray that 2024 is filled with positivity, love, blessing, and prosperity and more happiness."
"Hopefully, it's a brighter future and a better year."
"From our homes to yours, we are wishing you a Christ-centered Christmas and a very blessed new year."
"This verse, this promise, this wonderful encouragement, this motivation for the new year is for those who love God."
"Happy New Year! Hope you're having a great one. Mine's about to get even better 'cuz I'm about to go explore Costco."
"I think we all need to be a little more realistic with ourselves in the new year."
"President Zelenskyy concluded his address tonight by saying, 'Have a happy, victorious New Year.'"
"I hope that you guys have an incredible 2022. Like really from the bottom of my heart."
"Another year has passed, and we have a brand new year to look forward to and a new year for you to grow as a developer and learn more to get where you want to be in your career."
"Have yourselves an awesome 2020 and go learn something new and enjoy learning it."
"If you want 2024 to be a better year, we cannot recommend therapy enough."
"As I start this New Year, I will challenge myself in ways I've never done before."
"2024 will be my year of transformative change."
"We're going to manifest what we want for 2023."
"Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you all had a great New Year's."
"May all that you wish for yourselves... come to pass and may you be happy and prosperous and safe in 2024."
"Disneyland's coming into the new year ready to party."
"Making new goals... reflect over the last year and see things you want to change."
"Decluttering your closet... go into the year with only the clothes specifically that you love and enjoy."
"Choosing a word for the year... kind of casts that vision for the year ahead."
"A new year is not just a new year on the calendar, it's also new energy, new opportunities."
"Let me help you make 2022 the best year, the breakthrough year."
"As we get ready to celebrate this new year, I think one of the greatest places you should spend your energy creating that life that you want is actually in your home design."
"Right here at the new year, we get to write the future. It's not written, and we get to decide what it's going to be."
"What's your vision for the new year? Whatever your vision is, it should be crystal clear."
"Happy holidays I really hope that 2021 is better for everyone like I really I really hope so thank you for all the support in this past year it's been [ __ ] crazy man."
"Happy New Year! We do party food, that's a good idea actually."
"Happy New Year from all of us here at Vinwicki! I hope that you've had an amazing 2021 and I hope that 2022 is even better."
"Thank you for bringing us through another year."
"Prayers for a good 2019, first of all, you know? Stay aware, stay awake, to live in peace."
"I always think about that situation around New Year's to remind myself of how far I've come."
"I'm looking forward to going into 2022 with you."
"This is a year of infinite potential for you."
"Just a great start to 2021. I really, really like this car."
"Dreams pay attention to your dreams right now. I think they're going to be really important taking you through this new year."
"Hope you all had a good one, peace out friends and remember you survived 2020, you're not doing that bad."
"Happy New Year! I wish everyone good health in 2021 and great nails."
"Let's hope it brings us lots of joy, health, and relief from the challenges we have faced last year."
"It's a new year, but I guess that means it's not a new me because I'm doing the exact same thing."
"Happy New Year Lamborghini, that's how I'm walking into 2023."
"Change yourself. That's the first thing you do in the New Year."
"Start your own New Year's Revolution with Shopify."
"Greater nation I love you it's about to be a huge year 2020 2020 that's max spelled with two x's."
"We are going into 2024 and folks it is coming at us with a fury."
"You're stepping into a lot of power this year."
"Some of you guys are really stepping into a lot of power this year."
"you're heading into this year with explosion growth"
"Hopefully this year will bring you a lot of peace we'll bring you a lot of good fortune and again from thailand I just want to say thank you and we'll be on the path together."
"I hope that this year is going to be your year."
"Fasting is a spiritual discipline for those who want to be empowered in a new year by the Holy Spirit."
"Happy New Year everyone, guys I gotta give kids props we're standing this long."
"But with that, I'm gonna go prep for New Year's. It's been a wonderful 2022, everybody. I appreciate every single one of you."
"Here's to 2023! It's gonna be the biggest year yet. It's gonna be awesome."
"Sending you and your family love and good fortune in the year ahead."
"January 2023 is my year. I'm going to achieve so much."
"What a way to start up the New Year, am I right?"
"Will the new year bring better luck for travelers?"
"I believe that this is the year for abundant favor and wealth to come to you."
"New Year's Eve... I hope 2022 gives you everything that you wish for."
"No more cheating until new year's—we're gonna cheat again, but no more after that!"
"Get that quality time with your family, especially when the kids are young."
"One of the most exciting things about a new year is that you have no idea the adventures that are in store for you."
"Thanks for watching, happy New Year's, and I'll talk to you again real soon."
"As we see the new year in, everyone strives to give joy to their loved ones, to show them attention and warmth."
"I hope that 2021 is a better year, prayers up."
"I Love New Year's just get trashed and start the year off right."
"New Year's you have to party right you have to get down with it."
"Happy New Year everyone and hope you had a good 2023."
"We hope that you will shine and be happy throughout the whole new year."
"Apparently in Japan it's more common to receive money at New Year's than presents on Christmas."
"I want to wish you the very best for the year to come."
"You're possibly determined to make it a better year, to make some changes."
"January is the perfect time to start planning your adventures for the new year."
"Embrace change as your key to the year in 2023."
"If you start 2020 off with clarity about where you want to put your energy, that was one or two projects you're prioritizing."
"Happy New Year 2019! You know what's crazy? Next year's gonna be 2020. That's crazy!"
"Sponsor time, first one of the year 2021 has arrived."
"Set your intentions for the year ahead. There is magic in the air."
"Thank you very much indeed and I kind of wish everybody a very happy new year."
"Merry Christmas and happy holidays and happy new years as well."
"Even though you guys are mean to me sometimes, there's nobody else I want to spend 2024 with than you guys."
"The new year is a good time to think about this stuff, but it's always a good time to make a positive change."
"Wish you the happiest of New Years, filled with love, abundance, blessings, and many, many miracles."
"I wish you all the happiest of holidays and the merriest of new years."
"I think that 2020 just all of it just feels so kick-ass already."
"A time for wishes, new beginnings, and manifestations."
"I am very thankful and lucky to be in the position that I'm in, and I hope to carry that spirit of gratitude into the new year."
"I wish you all the most amazingly joyful, healthy, abundant, and happy 2019 and beyond."
"As 2024 unfolds, its significance for highly spiritual people extends into the realm of personal abilities and purpose."
"The government's goal: continue spending beyond the 1st of January."
"Welcome everybody, and welcome to the first live of 2022, which is going to be a great year for all of you, I hope, and for the platform and for all the things we can do together."
"The vision of celebrating a bright morning sunrise in the company of many friends on New Year's Day 2013."
"Let's make 2018 the year of focusing on the greater good."
"Welcome to 2023. Welcome All You Time Travelers."
"Happy new year everybody! Hopefully, 2021 is not quite as mad as 2020 was."
"There's volatility... starting out the new year with some uncertainty."
"You need to all of you to enjoy more your life as much as possible this year."
"Happy new year, I love you all and happy painting."
"Well, we do have a chance with this new year to also talk to some awesome people."
"2024 holds a world of opportunities and benefits."
"If you believe that you can make 2023 a better year than 2022, you're gonna make it happen."
"It's all about moving forward. This is going to be a good year."
"Good luck, I hope this year is your most successful."
"I wish everyone an amazing 2023. I love you guys so much."
"These are 10 MMORPGs that I think you should play right now to kick start the new year."
"Spiritual hygiene is going to be key for the year 2020."
"2020 is going to be a year in which you level up in major ways."
"May this be a good year. Let's manifest that."
"Welcome back to drai! Wow, first stream of 2024. Wow, and boy howdy, howdy is it going to be one."
"A goal I've had for the new year is to focus on my mental health."
"Here's to your goals, your visions, your desires, your aspirations for 2022. I trust it'll be your best year yet."
"Hopefully you guys are feeling motivated and inspired to have a great 2021."
"Thank you so much for coming on by I hope you enjoyed this and I can't wait to see where 2023 brings us."
"2022 can be an absolutely incredible year full of infinite possibilities and opportunities."
"2020 is going to close very strong and 2021 is going to open up and it's going to be a clash of the titans."
"Happy New Year! They're all kind of different, but they're all food-based."
"Happy New Year! Tell your friends about these videos."
"What a beautiful and profound reading for the year ahead."
"I hope this year is filled with happiness and love and success."
"I hope that you guys have an amazing, safe, Happy New Year's Eve celebration."
"2023 is going to be a [ __ ] Banger, an absolute [ __ ] finger."
"2021 was a wild ride, but here's to hoping 2022 brings us all the best!"
"Good luck hunting, Steve. Merry Christmas and happy New Year."
"Happy New Year, everybody! It's a joy, a lot to be thankful for. A lot of people didn't make it, right?"
"I hope you all had a very happy new year and the first week of January has gone well for you and all of your new health goals."
"Let's put some hope and positivity out into this new year."
"I'm really, really hoping that 2024 is a great year for all of us."
"It's just a way to celebrate the new year I think it's really cool I'm really a good marketing plan and I really like the new Kona calendars."
"This Minnie Mouse ear headband with palm and sequin bow has arrived just in time for the new year."
"I love you guys so so much. Happy New Year."
"I really like the new year as like just like a nice way to categorize memories."
"I honestly just think that we can all help each other move forward and have a really good year ahead."
"It just has to be a healthier you in the new year."
"2023 is about to be one hell of a year that you do not want to miss out on."
"This will not be a new year unless you learn something this year that will have a dramatic impact on your life."
"Certainly, Mrs. Alton held a party to celebrate the king of the new year."
"Jesus says, 'Welcome to the amazing year of 2023, where incredible things are about to happen.'"
"I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I would happy New Year."
"This year you are going to be wiser, stronger, richer, better."
"I'm going to take a little bit of time off just over the next few weeks just to really relax and reset for the new year."
"Happy almost New Year! May the saddest part of this year be better than the best part of last year."
"I do think 2024 will be a good year, I hope that 2024 will also be a better year for everyone."
"Please have a happy and safe holiday season, a very merry Christmas, and have a new year that deserves to be remembered."
"The most important thing about this new year is this: it may bring the second coming of Christ."
"I hope y'all got some I don't really do New Year's resolutions um New Year resolutions because I usually don't stick to them but I do."
"Start your new year's resolutions on Thursday, the day before New Year's Eve."
"Happy New Year! 2022 is definitely going to be a different year, it's going to be different than 2021."
"I appreciate it everybody that has showed up already, happy new year everybody!"
"Happy New Year and God may bless you, Dex's family and mods."
"New year, new start. New Year's resolutions."
"I hope 2023 is going to be a great year for all of us, certainly hopefully a better year for all of us."
"Hope all of you have a great, blessed Christmas, a Happy New Year."
"Capricorn season is going to be a great start of strong momentum for you into 2023 especially when it comes to financial abundance."
"I hope 2024 is a year of constant growth and improvement."
"A massive happy new year to every single one of you!"
"We start 2022 with Liverpool at home... I'm excited for the new year." - Pat Nevin
"The new year is right around the corner. I am curious if you guys have any New Year's resolutions."
"I hope you all have a great Christmas even if you don't celebrate it and a happy, safe, and prosperous new year."
"This has been an amazing year, I hope you all have a great holidays, Happy New Year and I'll see you all again in 2024. Goodbye now."
"Hello beautiful people, it is Feel Good Friday, December 31st, 2021. Happy New Year!"
"Fasten your seat belts for some unexpected opportunities in 2023."
"Enjoy the moment and that's what I kept thinking about, even when I was like damn yo, I'm going into 2021 with a blank slate."
"2024 Happy New Year! I cannot believe it's 2024 as everyone probably can't."
"Happy New Year! I hope you guys are having a great start to the year."
"This next coming year is going to call you to really speak your truth."
"I love you guys so much, and I hope this new year can offer a lot of healing."
"Happy New Years and happy 2023, and I hope you reach and achieve all your goals!"
"This year will be so much better for you on many levels."
"You've made it to the end of 2023. I know it's been a very long year, but I'm proud of you for making it out here."
"Happy New Year! Happy 2022, you guys! We did it, everybody! Yeah, we made it! Hopefully 2022 is better than the previous years have been, hopefully."
"I wish everybody a happy, healthy, and safe 2022. Me too, that's my wish."
"New Year should be seen as like the start of a journey to improving your life for the rest of your life."
"Welcome to the new year! We watched a record-breaking number of films in 2023."
"The new year is all about knowing what goes in your body and feeding you and your family the best quality ingredients."
"Wishing you guys a very happy new year! I really hope this one is better for everyone."
"I hope you all had a wonderful New Year and I hope it's going well for you so far."
"What's a better way to start the new year than by learning a new lifelong skill?"
"There is nothing more inspiring than a new year."
"Happy New Year my friends...please consider subscribing."