
Food Waste Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"In communism, under capitalism, there is literally an abundance of food supply. There's a surplus of food, so we throw it out."
"We would have a night of the week that would be leftover night, and we tried to make it into something that seemed more like an event."
"Food waste and hunger are connected. 30 to 40% of food in the US is wasted."
"Instead of meatless Mondays, something like …no-food-waste Wednesdays might be a lot more worth our time."
"The main issues on our food side is the enormous food waste we generate we are not using a vast majority of the food we produce in this country and in the world."
"Approximately a third of all food produced for human consumption is either lost or thrown away."
"You can be vegan, eating a plant-based diet, and also reduce food waste."
"Food waste in our country would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"Misleading expiration dates are a major contributing factor in the United States wasting 40 percent of our total food supply."
"Dump a plate of nuggets into the trash, you feel like a champion, really you do."
"Isn't it a shame that lamb's quarters mostly ended up in the compost heaps instead of on our family's plates?"
"At a time when American families are under increasing financial pressure their government cannot sit by and watch millions of pounds of food turn to waste."
"Reducing your food waste by up to 38% versus grocery shopping."
"We don't waste our kale stems, they are edible and every little bit counts."
"This series is an homage to the offcuts, body parts that in the West get thrown in the trash."
"I feel so good to have these chickens taken care of and the garlic taken care of and more of the onions taken care of because the last thing I want to do is waste food."
"The whole point of organizing a space is just making it a little bit easier for you to see what you have so you're not wasting food."
"This is something that really needs to be paid attention to: don't throw away food if it has a best before, make sure to go check on what the dates are actually, how long it lasts."
"Once you spend your hard-earned money on all of your groceries, it is so important not to let any of it go to waste."
"One of my biggest pet peeves are people that don't take advantage of leftovers."
"Food waste is a huge problem in North America."
"I believe we are at the tipping point for ending food waste."
"Join me in reducing food waste and hunger by telling grocery stores to #DonateNotDump."
"We don't have a food production problem. What we really have is a problem of how we treat food."
"Around one third of the food we produce globally never gets eaten."
"Recognize that probably the greatest waste of food money goes to wasted food."
"Dumpster diving was more shocking than I thought it would be. It wasn't that I was finding rotten meat and moldy vegetables. I was finding perfectly good unexpired food."
"Utilize your freezer... to reduce food waste."
"Food waste is gross and Lomi is your solution."
"Save time, save money, save food from going to waste."
"Nothing goes to waste and I don't know Sage loves fresh cucumber."
"Nobody on Earth should waste food. It's a net societal good to eat the whole bag of Doritos."
"Food waste is the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"The French take their produce maintenance very seriously and became the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food since February of 2016."
"Stop food waste which is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases after U.S. and China."
"Food waste is gross let alone me save you a cold trip out to the garbage can."
"Food waste, you know, is one of my pet peeves."
"Zero food waste is important to both of us and so we talked about that."
"Learn to use every ounce of food that passes through your kitchen, waste nothing."
"If it's gonna go to waste anyway and the chicken is not gonna eat it, then obviously I don't see an ethical issue with eating it."
"It's silly to waste any little bit of the broccoli jam."
"They charge you extra if you don't eat all the food they bring you."
"Food wastage also has environmental issues like wastage of water, the land area to produce the food that was simply wasted."
"Experts say saving food waste can do more for the environment than turning the lights off."
"It's all about information... stop wasting food... target the areas that need it."
"There's nothing I love better than buying fresh produce, but there's nothing I hate more than wasting it."
"Consider this: Almost a third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally."
"I hate wasting food, that like hurt my soul a little bit to throw it away."
"France was the first country to adopt new laws about food waste."
"Thanks to these factors, the world wastes one third of all the food we produce."
"All of our crops have gotten too old to eat now."
"Reduce food waste and have a healthier pesto instead of throwing away your Carrot Tops."
"I'm down. I'm against wasting food, so we'll find a homeless man to give these burgers to."
"My goodness, the thing I don't like about having a really messy disorganized freezer is that things get wasted."
"We're over here throwing mac and cheese away, while there are kids in Uganda who just don't have food."
"It's encouraging me to use up those things so they don't go bad."
"Hello Fresh's pre-portioned ingredients cut down on your food waste by at least 23 compared to grocery shopping."
"Stop just throwing away food. I cooked a ham this week that had a bone in it and I know the majority of people once they cook that ham they just throw the bone away."
"It's a big eye-opener to how much food gets wasted in our country."
"Leek tops are another edible part too many of us throw away."
"I have not thrown away any food because it went bad."
"Shop with a list and stick to it. Americans waste about one-third of the food that they purchase."
"we wanted to create a tool to help you boss your midweek meals cut down on food waste and reduce the cost of your weekly food shop and you are helping us do just that so thank you"
"I just don't want to waste food basically."
"Cut down on food waste. Being able to cut back on how much food you're wasting can save you a significant amount of money each month."
"Because I lived in Korea, and I was very sensitive to food waste."
"Nearly 60% of the world's produce gets thrown away before it ever gets to market."
"Always put any smaller leftover strawberries you have on hand to good use."
"Stop wasting food. If you have leftovers that are going to expire and you need to eat them for breakfast, then you're going to have to eat them for breakfast."
"Brilliant model for sustainability, fresh food that would otherwise have gone to waste is distributed for free."
"You can't do this in America. Grocery stores have to throw out day-old expired cheese even though it's still good."
"It's a great idea in theory, but America just throws our food away a lot."
"I hope this helps you think of a few different ways you can try and avoid food waste in your house."
"...eating on a budget definitely takes planning, just so that you know what you're going to use each item for and you don't waste food."
"All the food comes in pre-portioned ingredients, which means that you spend less time meal prepping and you waste less food."
"I despise food waste but it’s not worth it to risk one’s health."
"Welcome to the graveyard of leftover food."
"There's so much food wasted in the world today. It's just, it's sad, it's sickening. And you know, ooh, this kind of thing is, you know, it's not necessary. You don't like it, you know, you don't want it. And it's just thrown most of it in the trash."
"I really hope today's recipes make you think twice the next time you're gonna throw away some leftover bread."
"I want to make sure that the food I'm buying we are actually going to be eating because otherwise I just end up wasting money as well as food that could go to a far better home where it's actually going to be consumed."
"Banana bread has long been a bake sale fave thanks not only to its ease of prep and deliciousness but also to the fact that it naturally helps you use up food that might otherwise be wasted."
"And like all the fruit preparation tools we showed you today, you're gonna save time, energy and you're not gonna waste food."
"Hello Fresh cuts down on your food waste by 25% compared to grocery store."
"Let's put on our plates only what we can eat. Don't waste food."
"Reducing food waste is actually a huge issue on every level."
"The most effective thing when trying to avoid food waste is a mindset shift."
"Saving planet from food waste and at the same time giving you access to foods that might go bad from local restaurants and cafes."
"It's our moral obligation because it's in front of us, we're not going to waste food."
"The most expensive food is the food that you throw away."
"Don't let any food go to waste, including fat. Save grease from cooking for later use."
"The biggest waste of food is the food fed to animals and the second biggest waste of food is the food fed to cars... That's where the real food waste is."
"Sometimes people forget that food waste costs more than packaging waste."
"If you can do it during the pandemic, why can't we create an infrastructure where these institutions can take the food they're going to throw away the next day and distribute it to communities of need?"
"They're making an optimum use of the apples that were previously wasted."
"It's only once a week anyway, it's a false economy to buy cheap meat. You end up chucking half of it away."
"Repurposing those vegetables that would have gone to waste or in the trash."
"Recipes inspired to reduce food waste in your kitchen."
"People throw away food that's actually still good."
"Hello Fresh helps you not waste food as well."
"The average household throws away $640 of food each year and spends $3,000 annually just on eating out."
"Their goal is to help break this cycle of food waste."
"If we eliminated food waste, could we eliminate hunger? Yes."
"I hate to waste any food at all and I really want to get better about not doing that."
"All that food waste could be a valuable resource."
"It's this idea of getting lots of organizations through getting lots of companies and food companies involved in Saving food waste not throwing away all the wasted food."
"If you're gonna leave food and you're gonna throw it away, don't do that, there's a lot of people hungry here, get a bag and give it to them."
"Everything is perfectly portioned so you're not wasting any products."
"Use 'Too Good To Go' which is an app that helps restaurants, cafes, and shops not to waste food."
"Pre-portioned ingredients mean less prep and less wasted food."
"This is done to help prevent food waste."
"I don't want food to go to waste."
"This is an app where places that sell food basically sell their leftovers for a way cheaper price; they call it the magic bag because you don't know what you're going to get."
"Sometimes on a day when we're allowed to discharge the food waste, you can spot some dolphins out here; they're following us because of that, you know, so we're feeding the fish."
"If you're paying for broccoli every week by weight, it is ludicrous to be throwing out the stalks."
"Food waste is one of the biggest issues in the agricultural industry."
"Why do you think people waste food? What can be done to reduce the amount of food they throw away?"
"It reduces food waste and it also means you can get some really delicious food for like a fraction of the cost."
"Food scraps had to be gotten rid of, and it would be collected at the scullery."
"If you hate food waste and want some ideas on how to prevent it, keep watching."
"What Bokashi allows you to do is break down food items that normally you wouldn't put in a compost pile."
"Time to think outside the box, dig out the food that needs to get used up."
"I understand the basic principle of not wasting food."
"Our global food system is broken; one-third of food is wasted."
"You can't throw away food. We never throw away food. People are hungry in this world."
"France was the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food."
"The United States wastes half the food that it produces."
"We love imperfect foods. 40% of the food that we eat here in the United States is thrown away for cosmetic purposes."
"One new habit that I'm trying to start this spring is managing our food waste."
"It's hard to eat healthy at home; half of the produce I buy from the store goes bad before I can finish it."
"I don't like wasting food, and I knew that if I left it, it would go to waste."
"Let's be honest, food waste is a real shame, especially when there are so many people out there with nothing to eat."
"Food waste is a real shame, especially when there are so many people out there with nothing to eat."
"Whatever you've wasted, eat it all up; not a single grain of rice or drop of soup left behind."
"They are helping us to cut down our food waste by at least 25% compared to us grocery shopping."
"Stop food waste, save money, and get creative in the kitchen with Shelfie."
"Have you ever wondered why America is blessed like it is? We throw out enough food every day to feed every hungry nation in the world."
"Food waste in America is absolutely ridiculous."
"A lot of food is still good past its Best Buy date, so don't be throwing out your food, guys."
"This is the world's first food leftover supermarket."
"Hello Fresh's pre-portion ingredients means there's less prep for you and less wasted food."
"Leave it to a height mike to leave all the food in a garbage bag, right? Nice, but at least they got these chips. These are really, really good."
"You're going to save a lot of money and you're going to have a lot less food waste."
"Grocery stores throw away so much edible food; it's criminal in my mind that they don't make it available to the homeless or someone struggling."
"Food waste in America is absolutely atrocious; it just gets me all fired up."
"Our restaurant is working to prevent food loss."
"The mobile app is called Food for All; it allows the users to buy food leftover from restaurants."
"It's an amazing fridge cleaner and food waste reducer."
"It's better to go get small batches of things to eat during the week than you feel like you're not wasting as much."
"After two years of treating my soil with IMO, it was insane how much food went to waste in my garden because I couldn't get to it."
"I think it's important not to waste food since lots of people in the world are starving."
"Food can be broken down in the environment naturally by microorganisms."
"Food waste is one of the top contributors to the current climate crisis."
"Personally, even while the contribution of Fruta Fea and its 1,000 members is tiny, they are still literally and metaphorically eating away at the mountains of food that otherwise go to waste, and I salute that."
"Around 40 percent of food for human consumption is wasted globally."
"Over two hundred and eighteen billion dollars of food goes to waste in this country every year."
"You should never waste food. There's a lot of people that have nothing to eat that would be happy to have that sandwich."
"If everyone ate just five bites less food each day, we could feed so many hungry people."
"You can take your food waste and with a push of a button, easily turn it into dirt."
"Whatever we don't eat and we can't give away, it returns to the soil and becomes soil for our plants."
"Food is so expensive, we really need to learn to not waste it."
"Remember when you are doing minimal food waste, zero food waste hopefully, you're going to use up what you have."
"Globally, we waste about 1.4 billion tons of food every year."
"In the U.S., we waste around 40 million tons, or 80 billion pounds, of food every year."
"Meal planning is so helpful in preventing food waste."