
Greenhouse Gases Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"Greenhouse gases generated by the US will slide 9.2% this year, tumbling to the lowest level in at least three decades."
"Animal agriculture contributes more greenhouse gas emissions than all of transportation combined."
"Transportation is the single biggest contributor of greenhouse gases in the American economy."
"Absent greenhouse gases, we would be a cold and lifeless rock."
"The United States continues to be one of the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases, and we need to put in place policies and take steps here to address that as well."
"Food waste in our country would be the third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases after the US and China."
"Switching from an animal food-based diet to a starch-based diet can actually decrease their production of greenhouse gases by as much as 80 percent."
"What will that study do? To reduce greenhouse gases."
"Methane degrades in the atmosphere a little faster than carbon dioxide does, but over a 20-year time Horizon, methane is like even more potent than CO2."
"We have a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions."
"Animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire transportation system combined."
"Methane is the second biggest cause of global Heating... around 50 times more powerful than CO2."
"President Biden said the U.S. would cut greenhouse gases in half by the end of this decade."
"Stop food waste which is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases after U.S. and China."
"Your food choices, 87% of greenhouse gases, are from raising animals, livestock, and taking the marine life out of the ocean."
"The reason CO2 gets all the attention though is right there in the comparison. It takes all five of those gases plus the still present but mostly banned CFCs to equal the effects of the single gas CO2."
"Human emissions of carbon dioxide were causing the planet to warm."
"Canada is the worst emitter of GHG in the G20 per capita."
"Methane over a 10-year time Horizon ... is 120 times more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2."
"Animal agriculture contributes to at least half the greenhouse gases."
"We need nuclear as part of the solution set; it has zero greenhouse gas emissions."
"Figuring out how to help these tiny creatures would be a huge step forward in managing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere."
"They all produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions per gram of protein and per gram of end product than meat on average."
"Climate change is primarily the result of burning fossil fuels releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases."
"The problems caused by greenhouse gases are worse than just the average temperature going up."
"The worst future scenario is preventable by stopping greenhouse gas emissions."
"So if all these concentrations of greenhouse gas and sulfur emissions and all the other particles would stay the same, they would still be warming because there's an energy imbalance."
"The biggest contributor to greenhouse gases more than all transportation combined planes, trains, boats, automobiles is animal agriculture."
"The world is getting warmer... and we're increasing those gases because it's just scientific effect."
"We're geoengineering the planet right now with greenhouse gas emissions."
"Once permafrost thaws, that carbon becomes available for microbes to use, releasing greenhouse gases."
"Household consumption is responsible for up to 60 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and between 50 to 80 percent of total land, material, and water use."
"The planet's atmosphere might have more heat-trapping gases, the place is likely to be super habitable."
"Enhanced greenhouse gases will lead to global warming."
"Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, so more CO2 being released will lead to global warming."
"We know that if we put more of these gases in the atmosphere, heat that would otherwise go to space will be absorbed."
"Reduction of excess meat consumption is among the most effective measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions."
"It was the first time that countries agreed to do something about lowering greenhouse gas emissions."
"Without the greenhouse gases, the average temperature of the earth is calculated to be about 18 degrees below zero Celsius."
"The real danger we have right now is that we have to start this project of mitigating, of reducing our consumption of greenhouse gases."
"This is a category that people weren't paying much attention as a greenhouse gas problem, and yet I think the path to solve it is clearer than in say the cement or steel or other materials case."
"Greenhouse gases warm the earth in two ways: they absorb energy, slowing the rate at which it escapes to space, and act like a blanket insulating the earth."
"Agriculture is actually responsible for almost half of New Zealand's greenhouse gas emissions."
"There's an overwhelming scientific consensus that greenhouse gases are accelerating climate change."
"Greenhouse gases are gases like carbon dioxide which trap infrared radiation and increase the earth's temperature."
"Over a 5 to 10 year period, methane is about 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas."
"What we are now doing to the world by adding greenhouse gases to the air at an unprecedented rate is new in the experience of Earth."
"Methane is 25 times more potent than CO2 as a greenhouse gas."
"Methane is the most abundant greenhouse gas."
"As the permafrost melts, it releases a lot of methane and a lot of carbon dioxide."
"Our objective today is to be able to describe both the environmental consequences and the human health effects of increasing greenhouse gases in our atmosphere."
"Scientists agree that greenhouse gas concentrations are increasing and this is leading to global warming."
"Burning these fuels releases gases that trap heat in the atmosphere."
"The history of climate looks more like greenhouse gases than anything else."
"Methane makes the atmosphere warmer, traps the air, and it traps the heat in the air."
"Adding a greenhouse gas like CO2 is essentially like closing down this valve a little bit."
"When powered by carbon-free electricity, heat pumps emit almost no greenhouse gases."
"Explain how carbon dioxide causes global warming."
"Alberta's carbon market began in 2007 and is continuing to play an important role in the province's objective of lowering greenhouse gases."
"We can reduce the greenhouse gas emission."
"The four main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, and nitrous oxide."
"We are a leader in the methane sprint, methane being one of the most potent of the greenhouse gases."
"Increased levels of greenhouse gases have begun to alter the world's climate."
"We reach net zero when the amount of greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere is the same as the amount taken out."
"Renewable energy can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere."
"The 40-degree heat wave that's just come about isn't some random freak event; it's happening because of an increase in greenhouse gas emissions."
"The world emits over 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases, and as we keep doing that, the consequences for human life will be catastrophic."