
Learning Methods Quotes

There are 266 quotes

"AlphaGo, Alpha Zero, Mu Zero – that's the full trajectory of what you can take from imitation learning to full self-supervised learning."
"Most courses, most books, most paid membership communities... you aren't really buying information, what you're buying is implementation."
"Indirect knowledge by hearing or reading and direct knowledge by seeing."
"We have to teach them how to think, and how to learn, and how to innovate, not how to take tests."
"Education should be based on questions, not on answers."
"My job is to listen, the oldest method of learning known to man."
"That's the best way of you learning any new topic."
"Reviewing concepts at regular intervals helps it stick better in your long-term memory."
"You did an awesome job when I'm teaching you on video tutorials, make sure you have your code editor open and you do coding along with me because that will give you effective learning."
"The way that humans improve their intuitive language ability or in other words the way that humans acquire language is through comprehensible input."
"We learn by testing ourselves. We don't learn by reading stuff. This seems counterintuitive because when you tell people they should test themselves, they'll say, 'Oh well, I have to learn it first.' But there's evidence that shows if you test yourself even before you start learning something, that's going to improve your learning."
"Memorization comes from repeated recall, not repeated exposure."
"Education experts have all said that people learn better when they're taught with a unique analogy or story or theme."
"The only way we learn is either by listening to Joe Rogan or talking with each other."
"How do you learn how to read them in the right way?"
"I think this is the fastest way to improve and it's especially good for people who are analytical."
"Learning different ways of doing things in Maya is essential. There are about 20 ways to do everything, so find what works best for you."
"Without a doubt, the easiest way to learn is by example."
"The more senses you use in your learning, the better that learning is going to be."
"We learn far better by retrieving stuff from our brains... the very act of retrieving stuff from your brain actually strengthens the connections."
"There are two ways to learn: one way is through fear and doubt and so you learn through suffering. Or another way is to learn through knowing."
"Take a lesson from Joseph Smith who pursued all sorts of avenues of learning but he went and asked God if you want to learn about the things of God ask God and do it his way not your way."
"The subconscious mind learns through metaphors and also learns by taking what already knows to make sense out of something new."
"The best learning experiences are those that involve multiple different ways of understanding the same thing."
"Just read, read, read and look up words like crazy."
"Active practice is better than passive practice."
"The best way to get better at writing is to read high-quality model letters."
"What do you think is the best way to learn something? Is it lectures, exercises from a textbook? Well, not for me; learning something in a practical way has always been the best way I've found."
"The mistake is if you would say 'oh yeah I can just YouTube how to do this and then I can go rent a car out.'"
"The methodology of inquiry: hearing, reflecting, meditating."
"Learning is not about memorization of facts."
"There are two ways of learning: the traditional way and the real-life way."
"The best way to understand something is to teach it to someone else."
"There is no book or teacher to give you the answers, show you the path. It is your own way."
"Again, it can seem tricky but when you have a formula that you can follow you will definitely start speaking fluently if you just follow the formula."
"The best way to learn is not to sit with a tutorial by yourself. It's when someone tells you, 'Hey, can you model this thing?'"
"If it's used in the pursuit of self-development and self-understanding and it's more just a way of how we learn to socialize with one another, then I think that it can be very helpful."
"How did you learn? And how do you teach, so others could learn?"
"People get ideas from people all the time. It's really only in school where we grew up that they're like, 'Don't ask this person for help, don't look at this person's test.'"
"Learning is not important, but how to learn is important."
"The best education, literally the best education, better than Harvard, better than YouTube, better than this, even better than producer ground, sorry guys, the best education is experience."
"We all get taught languages, but we don't get taught how to learn languages."
"Why don't you just teach us these lessons in the classroom?"
"Within five years nobody is going to learn how to program by reading a book."
"The best way to learn something is to actually teach it."
"If you gamify the object of the thing you're trying to learn, you will just learn it so much faster."
"The worst way to learn how to trade is by copying somebody else."
"Don't get too locked into the building block method."
"You don't need to be fluent, just immerse yourself a little bit."
"I think it's important to read, but I have a secret. Most of the time I'm reading through my ears using Audible."
"That's one of the fun things about being a physicist is you can think about analogies to stop your learning in physics and math geometry Etc."
"Mentors, books, and social media channels are key to gaining money intelligence."
"Life experience is the best teacher for sure."
"Active recall is not just for revising. Active recall is also the best way of learning."
"The key thing is to understand. Screw memorization."
"Learning from step-by-step explanations could significantly improve the quality of models."
"That's a pretty hard question I mean yeah it's a hard question and an easy question the the the easy answer to that is you go to google and you start googling for stuff and then you watch the youtube videos that are most interesting to you."
"There's no better way to see it or hear it is to see it through a video and hear hear it for yourself."
"Actual education, not these dumbass self-help books."
"Watch the films. Not only does it give you a good understanding of the storyline as a whole, it also helps you remember key quotes and visualize it when you come into the exam."
"Personally, I believe that people learn better by taking concepts that they can then apply to their own ideas rather than just flat out copying somebody else's ideas."
"Place the child alone somewhere with a problem to solve. Independent study is the very best way of learning."
"It's critical to have a dynamic flow between theory and practice."
"Don't memorize, apply them to real-world situations."
"Secret number one is to not memorize, apply them to real world situations."
"Seeing something is far more powerful than reading something."
"I would suggest finding something outside of a traditional learning setting to do."
"It's not just reading that, it's not just speed reading, you're speed learning. You're reinforcing. So you transform all the bad books into pretty decent books in a way because you take the best from each information."
"Having these digital notes encourages me to test myself using hidden toggles and pages within pages."
"I think the next wave of research is going to be with less data not just less human not just with less label data but also with a lot of weak supervision and where you can increase the learning rate."
"Learning both simultaneously is the best way to go."
"One of the best ways to learn is by observing others."
"Doing things the wrong way is a very good way to learn how to do them the right way."
"Teaching a robot through third-person learning... That's where one of the big breakthroughs has happened."
"The animation of the professor and the way they sometimes joke about certain things on the video... that really helped me remember and retain information."
"Maybe we need to start learning through our intuition and not just from logic and reason alone."
"Independent learning is much more effective and powerful."
"One of the fastest ways to learn something is to teach it to somebody else."
"People seek fluency with just a tiny bit of disfluency to challenge them."
"Remember the fraction, the decimal, and the percentage."
"The best way to become familiar with conditional sentences is to start writing them and to start experimenting with them."
"Education isn't just about learning how to factor a quadratic or learning negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a."
"The best way for you to learn is to take the players... what works for you."
"It's funny how our schools and colleges have always taught us what to study, when to study, where to study, but not how to study."
"Learning has to be fun... If you have fun while you're studying something, the percentage of you actually remembering those things will be exponentially higher."
"Children learn better when you don't hit them."
"Have fun with it. Learning is a dance, not just a task to complete."
"It's almost like uploading a little file to your brain."
"Act like a teacher... a fun way to keep yourself engaged and improve your attention."
"There really no wrong way of doing it. I'll just show you kind of some different techniques that you can use."
"Walking outdoors while listening can energize your learning like nothing else." - AJ Hogue
"Want to energize your learning? Get outdoors and move while you study!" - AJ Hogue
"It really highlights that fact which otherwise you kind of have to think through but maybe that's a good thing that you kind of have to think it through and you're not just blindly applying rules"
"The importance of exposure over education, because education is about retention."
"There's a way for them to teach players without outright spelling it out."
"Super Learning isn't anything special, it's basically doing not just your best, that's one thing, it's maximizing your potential."
"Simulation is essential for breakthroughs, but in the long run, we need machines that can learn from real data."
"Learning can be fun and not just a memory task."
"My job is to listen, the oldest method of learning."
"Trial and error is your greatest learning lesson."
"There's so many ways to learn so many ways to get into fascinating discussions in this day and age."
"Dumb people do not learn from their own mistakes, smart people learn from their own mistakes, and wise people learn from the mistakes of others."
"What is really important is to practice a lot to master all those methods and tools."
"It's the end of sitting at the feet of a spiritual guru."
"If I just listen to the notes, oh my gosh, it was like leaps and bounds beyond when I was trying to do it visually."
"Teaching something in your own words is the best way to commit information to your brain long term."
"It's not just about learning, it's about understanding how to get the answer."
"Critical thinking and looking at things from different perspectives is always how we learn."
"It's easy, you watch Bill Nye the Science Guy while you're in school there you watch Bill Nye saves the world on Netflix listen to Ross Anderson at the Atlantic and you listen to Startalk and turn it up loud bingo."
"You can teach Old Dogs new tricks, you just use a different bone."
"Solving real problems is definitely the best way to learn something."
"Isn't this really the way that people learn?"
"You need to learn the right thing at the right time and in the right way."
"Experience is the best teacher but experience isn't the only way to learn."
"Understanding another culture requires immersion."
"I think any method is pretty good if you put enough time into it."
"Remember to speak out loud when you're learning Korean."
"Children learn best according to their individual development."
"Unique methodology and approach to learning."
"Acquisition gives us our fluency; learning gives us our accuracy."
"Put your learning on autopilot. You need something that guides you from a to b to c..."
"Always have a go-to study method. Choose something you enjoy, like listening to audio lessons, using flashcards, or writing out song lyrics."
"Understanding a process is far more effective than simply relying on rote memorization."
"Learning by ear is fundamental. People feel your feeling through the music."
"It's a totally different thing to be shown how to do something versus just being told how to do something."
"Failure is a better teacher than success. Trial and error, reverse engineering stuff in your mind... all of these ways that kids interact with games, that's the kind of thinking that schools should be teaching."
"Active recall significantly outperformed other groups."
"You know, there's a tendency in human nature to, if you've got an easy way to learn and a hard way to learn, you know, we often opt for the hard way."
"It's often perfectly accurate but it's way more accurate to learn things from recordings."
"Learning from the Masters is one of the quickest ways to learn a skill or trait."
"Active Recall... when you test yourself and you try and actually actively dredge up information from your memory that act solidifies the connection with that memory way more than for example rereading the thing or trying to take notes on the thing."
"In this new age of learning, we need to start prioritizing motivation over information."
"Self-study programs are probably the way to go... it's a really good way to start learning about programming."
"Quiet meditative forms of learning and study are actually better for us psychologically and in terms of our own knowledge base."
"Active reading is crucial, just like active listening."
"Simultaneously listen to the audiobook while reading the hard copy to reinforce the message."
"My name is Brian Rose and my job is to listen, the oldest method of learning known to man."
"I love writing down my notes. Writing stuff out definitely helps versus typing notes out."
"Use all that time you have... listening, listening, listening and reading."
"Knowledge comes not only externally acquired but also internally received."
"How was that possible to educate himself back then? I mean was he just grabbing books and reading them at every opportunity he could get?"
"Solving problems is 10 times more important than just following tutorials."
"Living history can be a fantastic way of bringing the past to life."
"Unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning... must be the primary modes of learning."
"The key is to let your brain learn the way it learns best: By interacting with the world and finding patterns."
"I think I learned the most studying the masters."
"Remember, it's not cheating to look at notes."
"I'm always talking about listening to audiobooks as you read the actual book. This is genuinely such a good method. It trains your brain to connect written words with spoken words."
"The best way to learn is from the mistakes of others. It's a lot more painful than learning from your own mistake."
"Use these videos, these streams to help learn with me."
"Foresight teaches gently, error teaches brutally."
"Tying it to a scenario is an easy way to do this as well; it makes things a lot more fun."
"When I was your age, I had to listen to an audio note forwards and backwards, both ways."
"Studying without knowing how to study isn't going to do you any good."
"Any revision method that requires active recall is literally the most effective. Any revision method that doesn't is ineffective to me."
"...the best way for you to learn."
"Use technology to leverage our learning and make learning more effective for ourselves and our students."
"We learned more about World War II in this 30 minute video than I did in my two years of GCSEs at school."
"You don't have to memorize all the notes on the fretboard. Well, the answer is no you don't want to start there. That's like an insane amount of things to sit down and memorize."
"The biggest reason for low pass rates is unstructured learning."
"Semantics are teaching you how to fish."
"Studying is actually the physical process that we do. It could be writing your notes when you're in class or revising material. It could be us watching a video or something like that."
"You can give yourself to books in the pursuit of knowledge in a way that is just you eating the driveway gravel, where you're being your own grad grind instructor."
"In medicine, we get told what to think, not how to think. You have to learn things the wrong way because that's how they test it."
"I'm going to pick you know the way that I think is easiest and best for us to learn from if you want to play with it and find some other ways."
"This is such a more effective way to learn, for sure. And I would struggle to imagine a way in which people wouldn't be able to learn like this very effectively, you know?"
"95% of language is learned through normal everyday life and only 5% through formal explicit teaching."
"We consistently get the highest score of the types of learning, both other active learning and lecture materials, that the Lean Academy simulation provides positive reinforcement of the concepts."
"I think today's method is the most universal, but it's always fun to try different ideas."
"Some things are taught and some things are caught."
"It's not where you got fluent in your native language, it's how you got fluent."
"...you spend time with the language until you understand that and then you can do that in different ways so it could be your listening or writing or reading or whatever..."
"Typical review is very boring because people try to practice or repeat the same thing again and again. But it's just really very boring for people because the brain is always looking for new information."
"Looks like today, a scenario-based learning sequence won by a landslide."
"The scientific process of how to learn and how to get information is the most important legacy of science for society."
"Your pronunciation will improve, your vocabulary will improve, your grammar will improve. This is how you got fluent in your native language."
"It's really the only way to get fluent because this way just gives you hope, but this way you actually feel more fluent each time you get an example that you understand."
"A good way of tricking people into learning statistics is by understanding how we make inferences about data."
"The best way to learn is a lot of repetition and a lot of practice."
"One of the most effective ways to learn, we recommend to our students, is a mixed mode learning."
"One study...rated these methods: active recall, interleaved practice, and practice testing as high utility."
"I think that trying different approaches and seeing what works for you and what doesn't is one of the things that I consider to be the most fun about language learning."
"Taking notes is the best way for me to learn anything."
"Rote learning has a place and is important for some specific aspects."
"Intuitive, academic, and integrated learning of each card is the tried and tested method I'd say you should use."
"We often need to go back and forth between these two modes in order to learn effectively."
"You can still speak a language without being able to read it, and music's not really any different in that respect."
"Do not limit knowledge... there are different ways of acquiring knowledge and they corroborate each other."
"The best way to learn is through these hand drawings; it's a terrific book."
"Learning has been the same way it's been for five thousand years; it's about putting in the time."
"Learn like a native and you will speak like one."
"Don't think about it like a grammar point, think about it like a language pattern."
"I've taught myself through books, through intuition, through videos."
"The fastest way to learn something is by learning through immersion."
"What my goal is for you when you leave here is you have a broader understanding of how you learn."
"Use diagrams... I actually understood them. Drawing the diagram really helped me understand what part is where."
"Prioritize listening and reading as this will really help you with the other parts of the course."
"Reading children's books in the language that you're revising for can help you see how people talk in a conversation style."
"Active recall is one of the most powerful learning techniques."
"Whenever possible, give kids a menu of options, different ways to show mastery of a standard."