
Completion Quotes

There are 11971 quotes

"I'm all about people completing things and feeling confident."
"In your life, you have to start becoming obsessed with finishing things and focusing on things."
"Through each other, you find the missing pieces."
"I've done all of the challenge shrines all over the island."
"One of the best ways to prove your adaptability is to finish what someone else started."
"You're almost finished a phase of healing and completion."
"I've done actually everything I physically can. There's nothing else to be done in this game, ladies and gentlemen. It's been perfect."
"Oh but for now, we bask in the glory of completing it."
"He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
"The satisfaction of the game comes with exploring everything it has to offer and then actually being allowed to leave."
"Stop hoping for a completion of anything in life."
"You guys are just so radiant, so carefree because you've completed karmic debt."
"The full moon is a time of completion, of culmination, of things coming to a peak, to a close. It is also a time of release, of letting go, of things coming to an end."
"It is okay to simply finish something to the best of your ability right now and move forward."
"He's both of those. He finishes what he starts."
"We did it. We got all the hearts, and look, I got my hearts back. Everything is back to normal."
"A soulmate is somebody that basically completes you. They connect to you... and when you are with your soulmate, you're with somebody who connects to you and makes you happy."
"He that has begun a good work in you shall bring it to completion."
"Honor your shadow self and let it reveal any hidden mysteries to you. A completion is near."
"You will go through this journey, and eventually, Allah will complete his favor on you."
"A design isn't finished until somebody is using it."
"This day, we have perfected for you your way of life...and we have chosen Islam for you as your deen."
"This card talks about major completion and happy ending."
"I rarely go into anything willy-nilly and I rarely do anything that I don't complete."
"It was sort of piecing the final pieces together of the puzzle."
"An artist's work is never finished, only abandoned."
"Congratulations on successfully completing the final selection."
"It's not about how you start, but how you finish."
"I am fully capable of completing what I started and I am worthy of winning."
"I'm excited about it. I know once it's done, I'm gonna be like, 'I did it. It's done.'"
"The people hasted... and it came to pass when all the people were clean passed over."
"You've been on an incredibly healing journey for a significant amount of time, but it's feeling complete or it's wrapping up."
"I can't be the only one that would adore a sense of completion when it comes to overall trophy pushing here in the game."
"This has been something I've wanted for ages, so I'm so happy I finally got it all together."
"Be a finisher, not just a quitter. Jesus didn't say 'I quit,' he said 'It is finished.'"
"We've completed this entire part of the set!"
"It's game over. That was alright. It was good at the end."
"That's that, like we pulled all of the units every single one off of that banner."
"We did it you guys we did it and that feels like something to be proud of yeah all right I don't want to do it anymore but I yeah we did it."
"The master does nothing yet leaves nothing undone."
"It's never done... I think it is done, and you know, the next thing, I'm always ready to make new [stuff]."
"Thank you so much for making it to the end, I greatly appreciate it."
"It's a great time to pick up some old stuff and finish it up."
"My path is set in place; I have finally gone home."
"We did it for real, we completed Super Mario Odyssey."
"By the time you finish it, you'll feel right as rain."
"Wow, lastly we have the Seahawks. I'm so happy to be done. Dude, the Seahawks are uh..."
"The movie's over... anyway I have lots more to do."
"I feel like out of all the games I've played recently I have the urge to finish this one more than anything."
"I want more smaller games that you actually finish."
"If I had to end the cycle now, I'd be pretty happy with that."
"I approached breath of the wild as openly as I could and today my journey has finally come to an end where I can officially say yes I completed the Legend of Zelda breath of the wild let's begin."
"This got called beating the game because it was the first time someone had ever finished an original game of NES Tetris without losing."
"That was a damn fun run and we made it to the very last Pokemon of the game."
"God never starts anything He does not finish."
"It didn't matter. He had become complete as a character."
"I'm happy to be done, I'm so happy to be able to move on to do new things, new projects."
"It's time to finish whatever you've set out to do. Many new doors are ready to open for you."
"As far as completion goes this game was not designed for achievements or hard mode it was an afterthought."
"When we're ready or happy with where it is we tap done and now it's there."
"It's very easy to start something... but if you're not consistent, you probably never finish."
"Now the seventh world, so all the worlds are done except the seventh world."
"Anyone can work hard in the beginning but can you see things through to the end."
"The world card indicates success, a final destination, a journey."
"I'm so happy that it's over with because it took me a very long time to get all those stuff up."
"I think the best part of writing a script is when you've visualized the whole entire puzzle."
"It's sort of like finishing a good book... it's done."
"Thank you for making it all the way through if you have."
"It's gonna be sad to not be doing them anymore, but we can take a lot of pride and joy in what we accomplished together."
"You are coming to the end of this journey. You are coming to the period of completion which brings you rest, recuperation, reward."
"I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith. I have finished my course."
"There's no halfway with this. We finished what we started, making Jackson what it is now."
"It's time to move on, finish what you've started."
"You guys have now completed the Fortnite Season 10 optimized guide."
"You guys have been very patient and we've made it to the end."
"This is a good week to complete any unfinished project."
"A good assassin never leaves any loose ends. The same is true of a good completionist."
"What is coming to completion or an end in some area of your story..."
"They know that you are their true home, their bliss, their completion."
"He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it."
"Completing this version of the game meant I didn't have to worry about the bullsh*t collectibles or achievements."
"That my friends is the ruinous pantheon completed."
"I want to rank them so I can finally complete list..."
"Love the Swagbucks, give me like three seconds, four more seconds, it would have been over."
"That's all she wrote, that's all you have to do."
"Finished means finished. It's a completed work."
"We've got the hundred percent, we finished everything, and the course is now complete."
"It's so polished... feels done. Just feels... amazing."
"Remember, it doesn't matter the order in which they finished, you just want to finish"
"You will complete something out here, Aquarius. There will be a cycle ending and this will bring a big reward."
"There's a lot of comfort in knowing that I've already finished this to completion."
"Get to the end product or you ain't getting [ __ ]."
"I give this game my completionist rating of completed."
"This just looks like a fully finished game not a demo. Thank you so much for all his amazing work."
"Competition is over when it comes to a connection, and now an emperor is free and liberated."
"You want to practice controlling your mind which is all about meditation all about the stillness that comes with the realization of self the study of the metaphysical aspects of who we truly are."
"Monsters hunted. Killed one of every hostile monster. We have finally done it!"
"Wow, this is the secret ending guys, we're in the chopper bro."
"Don't worry dude, don't stress. It's done when it's done."
"I think we'll call that one finished. Hope you enjoyed our little trip out into the woods on the sunset lake."
"Congratulations for completing the Easter Egg."
"The game is essentially finished now and is in its polishing phase."
"I just want to fill it up... Not another thing I could do."
"And finally, the World, which is number 21, is all about completion, accomplishment, fulfillment, and integration."
"Thank you so much for making it this far. I hope you enjoyed."
"You want the final chorus to be the final chorus. You want that note that musically brings you home."
"Start the journey, stay on the journey until it's finished."
"Hey everyone and welcome back to the completionist where we don't just beat the games we complete them."
"Challenge number three, offensive petition done, good [__]."
"They finish off their task 2 essay with a clear position, summary of main ideas, and proofreading."
"We want to make something that was really good and fun and then find a nice way to end it."
"Trying to appreciate every second and don't abandon it before you finish."
"We are confident that He who began a good work in us will complete it."
"Well, everyone, that's it. We've completed the final step."
"Congratulations, you reached the end of my game."
"And now that everything is actually fully assembled and properly working, I think we can sit back and admire the work for a second."
"You're about to complete a tough cycle here."
"I think it's going to have to feel complete and again I think it being the end of Norse mythology line really could set that of you feel you feel to completion so you feel satisfied but you're like there's still more."
"Elite three is here, we're at a hundred percent."
"That's it, I think we've done all that, we've optimized the compound as much as possible."
"Basically, it's done. Yeah, there might be a slim chance for it to not go through or like be altered from this point forward, but really like this was kind of the final nail in the coffin."
"When the dissertation is done, so are the excuses."
"Alright guys there we have it... fully put together."
"I don't know, we done here? That was a wind con. Yeah, good. We good."
"Congratulations on completing train. So funny we just get to be racist towards bugs now and robots. Perfect. Only good bug is a dead bug."
"This bathroom is done. Actually, finally done. Hold on, we're not done yet."
"You're coming full circle of your life lessons."
"It's a fantastic book and I'm so glad you've come back to finish the job."
"Remember, it doesn't matter how you get it done, so long as you are having fun."
"Completion, coming full circle, and pausing."
"You're completing something... and new chapters beginning."
"I absolutely love the way this kitchen came together."
"You've got to get it done... finish the job."
"Leave it to the enthusiasts to go after the early access titles."
"It's just about to finish, all done, huge congrats to her!"
"Completion, positive results, desirable outcome."
"As far as my duties as a librarian go, my troublesome work is finished."
"We beat the game, but it's far from it because we still have tons of moons to collect and we're gonna go back to all the kingdoms."
"By the end of the 50 hours journey, I felt the game said everything it needed to say, showed everything it needed to show, and I was wholeheartedly satisfied with the culmination of all its build-up."
"Don't stop with your time, stop when you're done."
"Finish what you've started, lead by example, and be authentic."
"Make sure that everything has been finished the way that it needs to be."
"A separate interview we heard from the game director how it took him about 80 hours for a completionist run."
"God doesn't start things without finishing things."
"He delivered and he did what he had to do on this."
"So, whatever idea that you have it's important to value that idea and move forward in that idea and either see it all the way to a completion."
"Completing the process and releasing the project is the therapy for me."
"Long story short, this place was basically complete, inside and out."
"Seven is the number of completion, and it's something that's beyond human interference."
"That's so crazy so this, ladies and gentlemen, is what the incredibly impressive looking a multi-story car park will look like once it's been 100% fully completed."
"I'm ready for this legendary... it took me ages but we've done everything that this game has to offer right now."
"The important thing is to finish the drawing that you start."
"We beat the whole game, let's get those rare morphs."
"The audience is very important because they complete the work."
"Don't give up on something before it's finished."
"We just beat the game! Save and there we go, CreedCraft has won the game!"
"Let me finish first so it's done, here you go."
"Sometimes you're just going to build something and move on; otherwise, you just don't get anything done."
"All right second coat is dried if you can't tell it's dark but we're gonna go ahead and pull all the plastic off and this is like the really fun part because now most of the hard work is done and it is looking pretty good pretty different."
"If you're doing on the computer... you are done."
"Splashdown and main chutes cut. Dragon Endeavor has returned home."
"It's done done, because sometimes chasing down payment is a whole separate side of litigation."
"Closure is a sense of resolution, like knowing that even though it still hurts, it'll be okay."
"This is what everything was about: my sister's work and what she would have died for in vain."
"I found out what really happened to her, and I got to finish her work."
"You never have to walk through these doors again."
"Look how cute I think it just really finished it off."
"You are that piece of the puzzle, and it's going to be almost like complete."
"Thank you both for joining me today. This has been a ride, and thank you all for watching."
"When I record a song and I do the song and put it down, that's like a painting, it's finished."
"And with that I can see no more fitting way to close out the end of the year coverage of all these blasted CPU and GPU Hardware launches we are done the big board can be retired for now and we've made it through the gauntlet."
"There is a spiritual completion happening that will bring new beginnings by God's grace."
"We've done it, we've beaten the Lone Ranger."
"We run through the tape, we make sure that we finish what we started, that we don't let up in these last couple of months."
"The world talks about completion, things coming full circle, reaping a very big reward."
"All right, everything is pretty much cleaned."
"The same God who started the good work in my life is the same God that will finish it."
"He had more determination than ever now to finish the job."
"That is everything that is how to create the entire application."
"And with that we've successfully obtained every trainer card level in Pokemon Black and White."
"Job not finished. Job not finished. Yeah, hold that [__] man, get your fingerprints on that."
"I always like it more than if I take it further to like completion."
"In a weird way, it's kind of like everything has come full circle."
"Finish the job, even if it took you two weeks."
"We have officially run out of time on this video, but I hope you guys are impressed by the transformation. I sure am."
"You can't truly appreciate something until it's done."
"We are finally done with the transformation, you guys are not gonna believe how it looks, it's so pretty."
"And with that, our build is complete; now onto powering up and testing!"
"That's just dawned on me. This thing's now done. My base is completed."
"There's no new revelation because it's been revealed, and the reason why people aren't being raised from the dead and healed and demons aren't flying out of people is because we're waiting for something that has already been done and we are it."
"I genuinely feel like I've completed this layer of my purpose."
"But now with the last item checked off our list, we could almost taste the freedom that would come when we cast off the lines the next morning."
"I want to build something that will always remind people of the completionist."
"This energy is really going to support all of us in doing that finalization and closure."
"You're transforming certain belief systems, changing programming. Nearing completion."
"The old Banana Split is finally finished and you know what, she makes fire."
"There is a completion of something and there is a good outcome."
"The Science Nexus is now complete, wonderful, which also gives us a percentage bonus to our research."
"This is genuinely a good game, it feels finished, complete, non-gimmicky."
"The end of the story is God's creation is finished in victory."