
Human Mind Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Modern evolutionary psychologists believe that our skulls host a Stone Age mind."
"Building AI is one of the reasons I want to build AI and I've always wanted to, is I think by building an intelligent artifact like AI and then comparing it to the human mind, that will help us unlock the uniqueness and the true secrets of the mind."
"It's not about the information... it's actually the human's mind that is the main piece here."
"They say the greatest creation is the human's mind and it must be used for a good purpose."
"It's a really profound opportunity for exploration for the sake of exploration, a real gift for the human mind."
"The human mind bounces between order and chaos; chaos is our default state."
"AI is much bigger than deep learning, bigger than computing; it is our civilization's journey into understanding the human mind and creating echoes of it in the machine."
"It's a story about the nature of the human mind, about the organization of the human brain."
"To me, AI is much bigger than deep learning, bigger than computing; it is our civilization's journey into understanding the human mind and creating echoes in the machine."
"There's something piled up in the human mind, something that we can't recall but haven't forgotten, or something buried even deeper, like the stones that make up a foundation."
"The human mind is the most magnificent gift that we have."
"The real miracle is to transform the human mind. That's the miracle we need."
"The biggest gold mine in the world sits between all of our ears."
"Humanity was at a technological level that would allow them to create labor cyborgs... but they still couldn't conquer the sheer complexity of the human mind."
"We've got art and music and poetry and the Hubble telescope. The human mind is something else."
"So what if anything is special about the human mind?"
"There's a beautiful dance there between consciousness and intelligence in the human mind."
"The human mind is extraordinary in many ways. We've been able to control fire, to invent the wheel."
"It's one of the greatest adventures of the human mind to find out where we came from, where we are, and of course in the end where we're going."
"Forming hypotheses is one of the most precious faculties of the human mind."
"The human mind is really more like a small rider perched on top of a gigantic elephant."
"Rather because of its adept analysis of the human mind as it relates to spirituality."
"Consciousness is the operator of the software and hardware."
"Let's hope in sunshine and light to talk about all of the complex questions and issues related to the consciousness of the human mind."
"Learning from observing you make mistakes... But you see, that doesn't change the fact that the rational mind that you and I have is such an amazingly intricate computer."
"There are strong emergent properties in the human mind."
"Do you think it's possible that something can be manifested by the human mind?"
"The human mind is the bottom of the ocean. It's mostly unexplored, a giant mystery."
"Human consciousness and the human mind are going to expand."
"We possess, of course, the most powerful and dangerous tool within the animal kingdom: our minds."
"Know that there is no cap on the human mind, there's no cap, we cap it ourselves."
"To observe the brain perceiving and thinking, whether sensing the exterior world or imagining in the interior mind, is to marvel at the mechanisms of awareness."
"The last frontier is the human mind and we are its pioneers."
"The extraordinary human mind has processed so much first-rate information that it is managed to feel new things in new ways."
"There's this other thing... consciousness or mind... something beyond just some pink tissue in our skulls."
"The human psyche is an enigmatic beast, and we are by no means anywhere near fully capable of understanding it at this point."
"We have many different levels of consciousness."
"How the human mind was born...human technology, human communication, human culture. The question is what happened to make all this possible?"
"Is it the survival of the human mind, unwilling to be switched off when the body dies?"
"The human mind may be for all practical purposes infinite."
"The mind is organized matter in a particular way which we don't understand."
"The human mind is a very marvelous thing."
"Almost everybody has it just completely wrong about what consciousness is."
"The human mind... has an incredible ability to output new information in a universe that is somewhat stale of information."
"There's this whole idea of optimism about man, the powers of the mind, the imagination, the ability to understand the world."
"The human mind is the one thing that separates us from the rest of the creatures on this planet."
"I don't think AI will ever be able to surpass the beauty and the elegance that the human mind can create."
"The Plane of Human Mind, in its seven subdivisions, comprises those manifestations of life and mentality which are common to man."
"Powerful and mighty is the human mind; it builds or it destroys."
"The only thing that sets us apart as human beings is our divine minds. Our minds represent our hope and our future."
"All human beings have access to Eternal truth concerning the nature of created things by virtue of a general kind of illumination of the human mind."
"The human mind is the last great unexplored continent on earth. It contains riches beyond our wildest dreams."
"It's truly scary, the human mind's ability to adapt to new normals."
"Each one is a testament to the limitless creativity of the human mind."
"How do those mini Consciousness combine to give you the splendid consciousness of a human being?"
"This energy is the desire of the human mind to understand."
"The human mind, the human heart is... complicated."
"Curses are born from human minds, so their strength and numbers grow in proportion to the population."
"Before I finish I want to explain why I think this is such a powerful idea that the human mind evolved in order to participate in culture."
"The human mind is a product of both nature and culture. Nature and culture work together, they shape each other."
"The very power of the human mind has not only advanced man to his present state but has also continuously threatened his advancement."
"Nothing on earth is greater than the human mind in potential power."
"No idea just comes out because the greatest computer is the human mind."
"The power of the human mind has no bounds; it is literally limitless in nature."
"No spell or incantation in fairy is more potent than the human mind is capable of forming mental images of things not actually present."
"The world is emblematic, parts of speech are metaphors, because the whole of nature is a metaphor of the human mind."
"The human mind is incalculable. AI can only understand what we give it. It cannot understand beyond the limits of understanding."
"The human mind with all of its qualities will wither up and Decay unless it is used."
"The human mind is the ultimate judge, and the human mind is the foundational reference point to formulate ethics and morality."
"The human mind will always be ahead of anything else created by machinery."
"The human mind is incredible. It's phenomenal."
"Mastery isn't about being chosen or specially gifted, it's about the power of the human mind, an evolutionary masterpiece primed for this exact purpose."
"It's amazing what the human mind actually can do."
"I would say there was always an interest in the darker aspects of the human mind."
"What we really are getting at is the development of the human mind."
"That supercomputer that's located right up between your ears is so much better than any artificial intelligence."
"The mouth of God is the mind of man." (Eye Opening!)
"The beauty of the human mind is the ability of us all to be creative, to explore. Another kind of beauty is the empathy that we can show, and we think of that as beautiful because it is a kind of rare and special ability."
"The human mind is the most complex object in the entire universe. It is a super computer, a device that is wondrous and miraculous and amazing and unfortunately largely unexplored."
"He has put eternity into man's mind."
"The human mind is the most complex object known to exist in the universe."
"Wealth distribution, political tension, and climate change ultimately all stem from the human mind."
"A human mind is ten times as good really, and Tom's is like a good supercomputer."
"The mind is an amazing thing that all of us have."
"Inception is intended to be a film that tries to explore the exciting possibilities of what that says about the human mind and the infinite potential of the human mind."
"The potential of the human mind is quite extraordinary."
"Everything you see around us has been created by a human from their mind."
"He believes in the inherent and indestructible qualities of the human mind and likewise of certain powers and the great and permanent objects that act upon it."
"The human mind had risen to the challenge of grasping the fundamental laws of the cosmos."
"Teaching AI to become creative helps us understand ourselves."
"But it really shouldn't be forgotten just how amazing the human mind is."
"The human mind... allowed us to make fire and weapons, construct architecture, mold the world to our desires, and even go to space."
"I've always been fascinated with what the human mind can do."
"We can take a leaf from the book of decades of research in neuroscience and psychology to try to understand the mechanisms of the black boxes that are the human mind or the human brain."
"This beautiful trick... reveals a bit of a blind spot in the human mind."
"The way the human mind will fill in a blank or avoid a minor glitch or some tiny little disconnect, the mind will ignore it as long as there's enough evidence around it."
"This is the power of the human mind and progress."
"Human beings are the most capable of manifesting consciousness in the human mind."
"Barnes was fascinated by how the human mind works."
"You cannot box in the human mind, we are too creative."
"The depths of the human mind and its power remain far more mysterious than we would like to admit."
"Magic works on all human minds. It's a study of the limits and instincts of how human minds work."
"The beauty of the human mind is that we can create whatever it is that we want."
"The Andromeda galaxy owes its wonder to the human mind; it's the human mind that can see the wonder of these things."
"I 100% believe that the human mind is capable of overcoming this anxiety that holds so many of us back."
"The human mind, that's the real miracle."
"The essence of the human mind is creativity and unexpected outcomes."
"Human consciousness still remains a mystery."
"If the human brain is capable of doing that, that tells us that the human brain has this amazing capacity."
"The mind really cannot be likened to a standard computer."
"Technology simply means the extensions of the human mind into matter."
"The unfortunate thing about the human mind is if we don't have enough information on the subject and something cannot quickly be explained, our minds tend to run a little wild."
"All we need is that super computer right between our ears, that thing is so powerful, certainly much better than any AI out there, that's actual intelligence."
"We've consistently underestimated how big our cosmos is, but we've also consistently underestimated the power of our human minds to understand it."
"We never know what is happening in people's minds."
"Art is the only element of the human mind that the AI cannot create; they can duplicate it but it can't create it."
"There are close to 10 known cases of people that are able to remember every second of their life."
"Just the human mind, you know, when you have a desire to go ahead and do something, boom, you make it happen."
"It's a real pleasure for me to introduce the impressive Professor Raad Chandra who did major work in this field and also unraveled some of the biggest secrets of the human mind and consciousness."
"It honestly kind of scares me how connected our brains are."
"The human mind can understand many things; many things it can't understand."
"The human mind is the most important and valuable thing in all the universe."
"Science is about ideas, hypotheses, understanding, connection; it depends on human minds."
"The human mind has the ability to look into the future, to wonder, and to cast vision."
"The psychological study of the human mind has progressed."
"Victor Hugo called it the greatest masterpiece of the human mind."
"Yeah, I mean the human mind is amazing."
"Perception is the results of our human minds attempting to understand reality."
"The human mind has a natural category, and that category is the category of all things that have yet to be explored; that's the unknown."
"Curiosity is the curse of the human brain."
"...the amazing power of the human mind to create stories is why we get these things."
"The ability for LLMs to shine light on human cognition in general."
"Just use that supercomputer in between your ears; that's much better than any artificial intelligence out there, that's actual intelligence."
"The computer is not superior to human mind but it can help a lot in quantification of different objects for what we call as the descriptive analysis of different patterns."
"Our minds are not computers, even when we're doing mathematics."
"The human mind does not run in a straight line."
"It's not the work, it's not the family, it's not the traffic; it's just that you have the most sophisticated gadget on the planet in the form of the human mechanism."
"Our minds are adaptable and expansive, our hardware can't evolve fast enough to keep up with such power."
"The demons that possess the mind of man are prejudices, superstitions, and false pride."
"There is something about the human brain that makes the human mind incredible in comparison to the rest of the animal world."
"The laws will also make the human mind ready to enter more deeply into the reality of spiritual evolution."
"The human mind is basically explained by mirror neurons."
"Evolution may not have made you particularly strong or particularly fast, but evolution has given you the gift of a creative mind."
"All he wished for was the true liberation of all human minds."
"The mind created Google, smartphones, laptops, rovers on Mars, shuttles flying through space."
"The power of the human mind is formidable and capable of doing things we are not even aware of."
"Isn't the human mind wonderful?" - Dan Holiday
"It's why our creativity is limitless."
"The things you witnessed at Imakawa surpassed the expectations of the human mind."
"The human brain, it's deeper than the Mariana Trenches."
"His mastery of the psyche of the human mind, his understanding is second to none."
"People also begin to form an interest in the way in which the human mind functions."
"I think it's a time when before us stands the challenge of building the same scientific base for the human mind so we understand the process of going from neurons to full cognition."
"The most unique thing we have on Earth is the mind."
"How could it create the human mind with its unending complex corridors, its deepest thoughts and desires? The brain is utterly incredible."
"People's minds never fail to amaze me."