
Virtues Quotes

There are 1693 quotes

"The more good deeds we do, the more humble we should become."
"Gratitude is not only the greatest, but is also the parent of all the other virtues."
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; love is not arrogant or rude."
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering or patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."
"Abhaya (fearlessness), ahimsa (non-violence), asanga (non-attachment), and ananda (bliss)."
"What would the next version of a human being look like who is vital, who is loving, who is kind, who is compassionate, who comes from a perspective of unity not separation?"
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness."
"Out of love comes joy and peace and patience and kindness, gentleness, prayerfulness, goodness and understanding and self-control."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and patience."
"The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
"Patience is one of those qualities... patience is the highest of all the spiritual qualities."
"Education should be the pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness."
"Show the world what greatness looks like, what love looks like, what patience looks like."
"Loyalty is absolutely one of the most commendable attributes in life."
"The fruits of the Spirit that we should desire and chase are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."
"He possesses those virtues of being both eloquent and forthright, never hesitating to say directly what he means."
"Love never fails... love cares more for others than for itself... love doesn't want what it doesn't have... love doesn't strut, doesn't have a swelled head, doesn't force itself on others... is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
"Sometimes we will use our virtues to gaslight ourselves."
"The finest traits of the human spirit can easily be found burning stronger within than in most of us."
"It's not between good and evil but between competing virtues."
"My hope is that after our marriage, you will discover my virtues for yourself."
"She wanted us to experience receiving gifts but also learning the virtue of complimenting each other."
"The world does need more compassion, and Emily's very good at that."
"Ibrahim (peace be upon him) shows us how to maintain a relationship with Allah through supplication, patience, gratitude, and trust."
"I think that there is actually some virtue to it, so maybe we could think about trying to balance the scales somewhat."
"We need to start reassessing the position we're in and perhaps recovering some of the virtues that allowed the people from that time to get through that time."
"As a shining example of the hero who helps others, Touch Me idolized the concept of a hero character and valued virtues like righteousness, kindness, and honesty above all."
"We need moderation, unselfishness, and balance."
"I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride."
"Be sure that you think on whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report."
"Three words: humility, first, then gratitude, and love."
"Stoicism has never been a philosophy for school; it's been a philosophy for life: courage, self-discipline, justice, wisdom."
"The most inspiring thing in the world is looking at the virtues embodied in the people around us." - Marcus Aurelius
"Virtues and sins, the primary factor for determining a soul's fate is their record of virtues and sins."
"I heard about these cardinal virtues and cardinal sins or something. Could be important."
"Some Christian denominations say that the deadly sins are complemented by unique virtues."
"The natural virtues have to be elevated, supernaturalized by the theological virtues: faith, hope, and love."
"Vala, honor, compassion, wisdom, generosity—these are the five chivalric virtues revered by knights the world over."
"Come, O Divine Spirit, fill my heart with Thy heavenly fruits, Thy charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, faith, mildness, and temperance."
"Courage is the greatest of all virtues. Without courage, you do not have a society."
"Humanity has the capacity to be incredibly good and incredibly brave and incredibly modest and kind."
"We have to give our kids reasonable independence to develop those virtues that conservatives in particular are eloquent about: self-reliance, don't blame others, take responsibility."
"The essence of a healthy religion is based on love and on truth, on humility, and on service to help those who are less able than we are."
"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, dwell on these things."
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
"A Godly person avoids three things: selfishness, lying, and being mean."
"Kate has every bit in her character and behavior the virtues of monarchy all around the world at its very best."
"A society with brave, strong men who are full of honor and duty is actually a better society."
"Courage is rightly considered the foremost of the virtues, for upon it, all others depend."
"Peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy, full of good fruit, no impartiality, no hypocrisy."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."
"The purpose of life is not to get through it; the purpose of life is to be honorable, courageous, and good. And it ain't easy."
"The goddess of learning, Saraswati, with the whole world as the scroll, the ocean as the inkpot, and the branch of the heavenly tree as the quill, would still not reach the limit of thy virtues."
"All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, mercy, hope."
"Love is patient, love is kind, love is long-suffering."
"Generosity: what a way to live, what a way to be."
"Forgiveness teaches patience and makes a person stronger."
"Scott will be remembered for the pillars he stood for every day: hard work, love, laughter, and capturing any room you walked into."
"Love is patient, love is kind, love does not rejoice in wrongdoing."
"Take a moment to think of just... flexibility, love, and trust."
"We have radically narrowed what counts as the virtues relevant to governing well, and I think this connects with the worry you just articulated, Freddie, about how technocratic ways of governing miss important human and civic dimensions."
"The stoic virtues have been radically underplayed in our society."
"The fruit of the Holy Spirit is joy, love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
"A proper education does mean or should mean instilling virtue and that requires care, that requires patience, that requires love."
"Let's just love on one another, let's just love is kind love is gentle love is all of these things."
"Love is selfless, love is long-suffering, love is kind, love is patient."
"Human life is about the acknowledgment and approximation of truth, goodness, and beauty."
"Humility is the path God desires for us, portrayed as The Virtuous alternative to Pride."
"The living example of Islam is an example of modesty, kindness, generosity, and truthfulness."
"Gentleness and humility are their outer marks and respect for all things is their inner essence."
"Patience is one of the most deep and important parts of Islam."
"Our true nature is to be kind, compassionate, generous, and loving."
"Love, respect, and honesty - ingredients for every review."
"True human beings with love, peace, freedom, harmony, joy, wisdom, compassion."
"Love truth, keep your word, and oblige those in need."
"Courage, loyalty, and virtue are deeply tied to masculinity."
"This describes how a godly woman should live her life and the character qualities she should have like trusting in God and being a hard worker."
"I think education should lead you towards the good, the true, and the Beautiful."
"Patience once again proves to be a solid virtue."
"Patience is better but his fruits are sweet."
"I think virtue should be things like kindness, courtesy, and understanding."
"Forgiveness is one of the most important things that we can do as human beings."
"A heart kind and an open mind are the best traveling companions."
"Honesty really is the best virtue... people appreciate honesty."
"But you can't win if you don't have moral leadership... if you win but you don't have Christian virtue what's the point in winning."
"This person really digs that about you truth revelation solidarity force honour protection and power."
"The disposition to do justice and to be charitable, these are not technical skills, they're virtues."
"Forgiveness and understanding and logic and reason are the huge's advantage."
"Good character is destiny, and destiny is good character."
"Touch Me idolized the concept of a hero character and valued virtues like righteousness, kindness, and honesty above all."
"Living a virtuous life means embodying your greatest strengths, living with integrity and noble purpose."
"The man who fought to preserve the nation and never gave up in the darkest of times stands as a symbol of honesty, empathy, humility, perseverance, and courage."
"More you exercise humility, patience, determination, more you will achieve and more you will be rising."
"Focus on strengths: patience, compassion, understanding."
"Love is patient, it's kind. Love is not jealous, it's not boastful. Love is not proud or rude. It does not demand its own way." - First Corinthians 13:4-5
"If you're incapable of violence, not being violent isn't a virtue. People who teach martial arts know this full well."
"Strive to be humble, kind, courageous, diligent, chaste, patient, charitable, and temperate."
"What we know she represented: duty, honesty, humility."
"It is love that wins everything divine love love of virtue."
"You sow love, forgiveness, grace, you will reap God's love."
"You were designed to love, forgive, learn, serve, and increase."
"Love is admiration for the perfect sides of another human being, for the virtues, the qualities, the accomplishments in the character and achievements of another person."
"I really would love to make practicality and patience sexy."
"Patience is a strength and people think it's a weakness."
"The pursuit of riches should be tempered with the pursuit of virtues like kindness, generosity, and integrity."
"Gentleness is the new strength... the world needs your gentleness, it's never needed your gentleness more."
"Helping others is the greatest quality of a knight."
"I'm bestowing upon you a spirit of love, self-discipline, bravery, and truth."
"All roads lead to virtues, not material success. Being a good person, a kind person, that's why we're here."
"Success to me is those virtues, not the other achievements. It's about helping people, opening your heart, being more compassionate."
"A person who pleases God is a person who seeks the fruit of the Spirit in his life."
"Virtus is the badge of the Roman race and breed. Cling fast to it, I beg you men of Rome, as a heritage that your ancestors bequeathed to you."
"How then could someone who embodied the virtues of the Mos Maiorum hasten the decline of the Republic?"
"Hope is a theological virtue we need to remain courageous that is the prerequisite of all the other virtues."
"Patience, kindness, forgiveness: your biggest ticket for Fortune."
"Cultivating good habits, avoiding bad habits, and being kind are essential virtues."
"I wanted to use my knowledge of those virtues based on what I had read and try and"
"Mary remained humbly patient and charitable, returning good for evil."
"Islam teaches tolerance, forgiveness, and mercy, as exemplified by the Prophet's life."
"The ultimate determinant of our success as a nation would be our ability to sustain a virtuous and well-educated citizenry."
"Courage, integrity, and love of a good fight."
"There's a lost virtue in the modern day - getting along with those we disagree with."
"Brains not fists, you need love not fear, you need heart not ego, you need compassion not judgment, you need calm not anger."
"Christ preached all the virtues from the cross."
"The virtues of our population have not changed. That's the good news."
"Fill your mind with what's true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy."
"The powers and the gaps: it's in the gratitude, accountability, perspective, and service."
"Truth, honesty, mental clarity, high intelligence and wisdom."
"There is nothing your neighbors your community your city your country benefits more from than kind wise virtuous loving children who grow up to be kind wise virtuous Brave loving adults who know their Bibles."
"Forgiveness is a beautiful virtue, it sets you free."
"Bushido could be summarized by eight major virtues: righteousness, courage, compassion, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty, and self-control."
"Be patient, it's one of the most important things in life."
"Patience is a virtue. Good things come to those who wait."
"We dwell on these things because they're true, lovely, good, and worthy of praise."
"Take your time with this stuff, the best deeds are the ones that are consistent, even if they are little."
"Spirituality is concerned with qualities like love, compassion, and responsibility for your own actions."
"Will you pass those skills on to your son? Of being courageous, of being a servant, of being a protector, a provider, of being prepared?"
"Charity is patient, charity is kind, charity doesn't keep account of wrongdoings."
"Love true love endures with patience and serenity, love is kind and thoughtful and is not jealous or envious."
"His rock solid faith in the god of the bible and his steadfast commitment to seeking truth, beauty, and goodness."
"Put on Christian virtues as fitting for the elect of God, holy and beloved."
"Patience is a virtue right patience is a virtue let's not be too patient at the same time though."
"Love is patient, love is kind, love does not envy or boast..."
"Courage is the most important of all the virtues... very much needed today."
"Let peace, virtues, and love between people and Nations happen."
"Truth is one of the greatest principles in the universe and a major virtue in us."
"Practice releasing fear and guilt, and replace them with love, forgiveness, and kindness."
"Humboldt is not the most cunning or clever, but he has heart and spirit, both go a long way in times of need."
"Virtues offer a new way to strategize, with wide and deep options for customization."
"Character requires restraint, application, dedication."
"One of the greatest joys is to have a righteous wife."
"The Guru has given us a beautiful system of battling the five negative emotions with five positive virtues."
"Be kind, be brave, be mindful, and be patient."
"I just want more Muslims to be fair and reasonable and merciful and compassionate."
"God desires for us to grow in these virtues to mirror Him."
"Keeping virtue intact is another thing we should be pushing towards."
"Kindness is one of the most admirable qualities there is."
"That level of patience and determination is like a really amazing gift."
"Conservatives are the defenders of chivalry, truth, and virtue."
"There's a good reminder of humbleness and appreciativeness."
"Graham has the patience of like an absolute Saint."
"To die quietly is a great virtue, and not only conductive to easy transition but permits one to pass through the lower spheres directly to peace."
"Religions have always told us about virtues: love, beauty, justice."
"His highest moral purpose is the achievement of his own happiness."
"Saints are persons who lived heroically virtuous lives, offered their life for others, or were martyred for their faith and who are worthy of veneration or imitation."
"Goodness can never make you weak. If people had a weak when they receive goodness, hmm, you know, this is never weak but goodness could weaken people." - Mike Tyson
"Love is unconditional. Love is kind, patient, does not envy."
"The heroes are the embodiment of the Aristotelian virtues."
"The power of goodness, honesty, integrity, true American values, and meritocracy."
"We want to have a heart of submission, a heart of meekness, a heart of humility, a heart of belief, a heart of faith to the word of God."
"Difficulties build Christ-like qualities in us: patience, courage, humility, compassion, and perseverance."
"Bravery and decency all of it lies in authenticity."
"One of Caesar’s most admirable traits was his mercy and clemency."
"We long in our souls for a restoration of truth and of purity goodness dogma charity hope faith."
"Every virtue taken to his extreme becomes a vice."
"Love is patience, it is never rude or selfish."
"What are the words of the New Testament? Faith, hope, love, kindness, gentleness, bless your enemies."
"Your kindness, courage, and loyalty are the foundation of many a friendship, including ours."
"Charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up."
"We need to be people of sobriety and of temperance."
"Together, kindness, love, all those things – that's the best force for change."
"They did their jobs with courage, grace, tenacity, humility. 18 years later, do yours."
"Better it is to have no children and to have virtue, for the memorial thereof is immortal." - Amen.
"I think there's something extraordinarily admirable about that."
"Honesty is a virtue, unless you're using it to be very blunt and offensive and mean to people."
"It is not without flaws, some of those flaws are kind of more egregious than others but it is not without virtues."
"Athena proved to be a brave pure just and wise goddess she was considered the favorite daughter of Zeus."
"And now abide faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love."
"Concentrate on being the most just, honest, straightforward, helpful, forgiving person."
"It's certainly courage and truth and perhaps even love AND THESE THREE FORCES ARE SOMETHING TO BEHOLD."
"Life is about love and compassion and kindness."
"Practice patience, self-control, and gratitude. Be in control of yourself and take action where you need to in your life."
"There were many reasons for the love bestowed on Pompey: his modest and temperate way of living, his training in the arts of war, his persuasive speech, his trustworthy character, and his tact in meeting people."
"Generosity teaches character better than anything else."
"Empathy, compassion, sensitivity should be seen as strengths."
"How merciful you are, how kind you are, how generous you are."
"We need to be able to engage the world's brokenness with truth, charity, and humility."
"Genuine relationships built on love and forgiveness and understanding and listening, that's godly."
"Love is patient, love is kind, etc. That's how we really understand that."