
Quran Quotes

There are 1467 quotes

"Now we know the game plan of the enemy and Allah recorded it in the Quran so it's not a small thing to just pass by."
"The Quran didn't just come here to give us laws; the Quran came to give us endless lifelong wisdom."
"My entire life will be spent exploring the wisdom of the Quran, and I will leave this world having only captured a few drops."
"The Quran is a book that you use to be completely transformed."
"Pondering on the Quran is extremely crucial."
"The Quran is kind of unique in the way that it presents its message because it's constantly saying, 'Don't you then think? Don't you contemplate? Haven't you asked questions?' This is a book for those who seek to have answers."
"Every time I read the Quran with contemplation and reflection, it's like I'm reading it for the first time."
"The guidance of the Quran is compared to water itself. You and I can't say, 'Alhamdulillah, two years ago I had a glass of water; ever since I'm good.'"
"The Quran is a healing for society's diseases, the Quran is a healing for our emotional diseases, the Quran is a healing for our relationship diseases."
"One of the most important things that the Quran keeps highlighting is that you and I have to ask Allah to forgive us first before you ask Him anything else."
"If you recite the Quran every day... that is the best gift I have given to you in my life."
"Seek knowledge...it's mustahab, it's recommended, strongly advised to learn how to read the Quran beyond Fatiha and one surah memorized by heart."
"The Byzantines will rebound. Despite being isolated by endless deserts and largely unaffected by the power struggles of the world, the Quran foretold the event."
"When you recite the Quran, and Allah accepts your recitation of the Quran, you'll get Noor. And when you have Noor, then you can see what otherwise cannot be seen."
"The Quran is enough to argue the case for a Muslim alliance with Orthodox Christians."
"Allah tells us in the Quran to come to terms and agreements and find similarities with the people of the book."
"The Quran is compared to rain... it brings the hearts back to life."
"Your life is going to be a life if you understand the analogy of the Quran... you are going to be the means by which the world will be a better place."
"May Allah Azza WA JAL give us all a real appreciation of the beauty and a marvel and just the priceless gem that every ayah of the Quran is."
"The purification of the heart starts with the Book of Allah."
"The ultimate Dawa of Islam...was the character of Muhammad (S.A.W.) and then that coupled with the most amazing words ever heard on the face of this earth, the words of Allah Himself, the Quran."
"Allah mentions in the Quran that the ants actually communicate; they have a language."
"Moses... is mentioned in the Quran more than Muhammad is. He's mentioned in the Quran more than any other prophet."
"In the Quran, Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says: 'And We have sent down the Book to you as an explanation for everything.'"
"The Quran is the biggest blessing. If you lose everything and still have this connection with Allah, you haven't lost anything."
"We are looking for this subject from the perspective of the Quran and of the Hadith of the Prophet."
"You begin your study with the Quran, and when you study all the data in the Quran concerning the subject and you have brought them together in a harmonious whole...only then do you turn to the hadith."
"If a hadith is in harmony with the Quran, you accept it. If a hadith is in conflict with the Quran...you reject it."
"We did not teach him poetry, and it doesn't fit him either. It is nothing but a reminder, a Quran that is absolutely clear."
"This Quran is talking to me. It's like a guidance."
"Muhammad did not say the Bible is corrupt, that's your misreading of the Quran."
"Nothing protects against the Jinn like the Quran. Shaytan can never enter a house where Surah Al-Baqarah is recited."
"There is nothing more blessed that we have access to than the Quran."
"The Quran came down as an act of Allah's love."
"The Quran...is a guidance for people, a clarification of that guidance, and a criterion to discriminate between right and wrong."
"The beauty of the Quran is that it takes a very common person to a theologian's understanding of their Lord."
"The most important sunnah of all for the month of Ramadan is to recite the whole Quran from cover to cover."
"My struggle in this old age is to get the young ones to fall in love with the Quran."
"Ya Allah, we thank You for this beautiful Quran, without which we would not have a way to know how to earn Your pleasure."
"The Quran has not been changed. We can verify it."
"The Quran challenges people to bring something like it to produce something like it. 1400 years has gone by, and this challenge is unmet."
"The Holy Quran tells us, 'O mankind, we have created you male and a female and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.'"
"The Quran is God's Word, not inspired by God but God's direct revelation."
"The Quran is something you got the test and you got the answers. How could you fail?"
"The Quran is very much a celebration of life."
"The Quran challenges: If it was from other than Allah, then produce a chapter like it. It's a linguistic, structural challenge beyond the capacity of human beings."
"The fact that the Quran continually calls people to think and to ponder... was another aspect that struck me quite a bit."
"We have millions of people who memorize the Quran letter by letter, word by word."
"The comprehensiveness of the Quran, how it touches upon so many different aspects of life, the timelessness of its teachings."
"72 times in the Quran it says that Allah is oft-forgiving, most-merciful."
"Let's try our level best to read the Quran as much as we really can during Ramadan."
"Allah decided to introduce us to Ramadan. He also introduced us to the Quran."
"Various types of hope are recognized in the Quran."
"The miracle of Quran is lost in translation."
"The beauty of Quran is in the Arabic language."
"Quran is a book that demands from its reader that it be read over and over again if you want to understand it."
"We firmly believe that the Quran is the literal word of Allah."
"The Quran is a book beyond human ability to produce."
"The Quran affirms that the people of the book, revelation given to the prophets before, i.e. Moses and Jesus peace be upon them, was revelation from God."
"The Quran is to be recited, memorized, read over and over again, recited out of your mouth, out of your heart, off your tongue. It is not to be limited to that book."
"The Quran is true, the Bible has not been corrupted."
"My point here is that Surah 54:1 says, 'The hour has drawn near, the moon has been split.'"
"The Quran consistently demonstrates that this is the message."
"Make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle."
"The language of the Quran defies human logic, it's unlike anything else."
"We have to try to display the beauty of the Quran in every language."
"Even in their criticisms, they acknowledged the Quran's power."
"The Quran is hypersensitive, microscopically sensitive to context."
"The Quran was not revealed as a written word; it was revealed as a spoken word."
"Even the way it's spelled, even the way it's written, it's baffling."
"Even in the tense, even in the choice of words, there is such hypersensitivity that does not exist in any other literary form."
"The standard of Arabic to judge whether something is good Arabic or bad Arabic is the Quran."
"Even in the way words are spelled, there's a miracle."
"When the Quran is recited, listen to it and be silent that you may receive mercy."
"The Quran is nothing but evidence from your Lord and a guidance and a mercy for a people who believe."
"The Quran is there now for blessings, for Tajweed, for memorization, for recitation."
"Find a time in your day where you can give to Allah's book."
"The Quran serves as a means of cure for a lot of things that a lot of us are suffering from."
"The Quran serves as a means of protection from all forms of evil."
"If you want to increase the level of protection that you have, then definitely increase the amount of Quran that you read and implement."
"Knowledge is light that Allah places in our hearts, vision, and hearing."
"The Quran is actually a dialogue and Allah is talking to me."
"Reciting the Quran is one of the greatest ways to soften the heart."
"I have a mind God created me I believe in God I believe in him in him firmly and I believe in his word and his word in the Quran asks me to use my mind multiple times."
"These laws are for us today, living in the 20th century. There is not one command or one prohibition in the Quran that is out of date."
"Connect yourself with the Quran and take it seriously."
"The true position of a true Muslim is that the Quran is the speech of Allah... absolutely perfect in every single way."
"The Quran has created literacy in the world."
"The Quran is the word of Allah to all of mankind."
"The Quran reads you, so you would find yourself in the Quran."
"So, what is it about the Quran that you cannot find anything inside from the scientific journals to contradict it?"
"The challenge of the Quran: come up with a surah like it."
"Qurans are not gonna fall down the sky, this job has now become ours."
"The Quran comes from a source beyond human understanding."
"The Quranic description actually alludes to this point with the word 'alaq' which means 'like leech'."
"The Quran talks about the commonality of the universe."
"The Quran is the verbatim word of God, tamper-proof."
"People have memorized the whole Quran, it's a miracle."
"The Quran... is there to remind you that which you already know."
"The Quran tells us precisely that the texts have been corrupted."
"The Quran itself has put itself on such a high pedestal, it's easy for now to destroy that."
"Now that no longer can you say that the Quran has been preserved."
"The preservation of the Quran is based on the oral transmission, which has epistemic primacy."
"The Quran contains signs for people who reflect, emphasizing the importance of reflection and understanding."
"It could not have been produced by an Arab, a non-Arab, or Muhammad."
"The Quran remained unchanged, unedited, even in abrogation."
"Literary masterpieces are developed over time with addition and revision, but the Quran remained the same."
"The Quran rebukes the devil and promotes morals and ethics not in line with an evil worldview."
"If the blueprint exists, you can imitate it. We have the Quran's blueprint, yet we can't reproduce it."
"The quran presents a literary and linguistic challenge to humanity."
"No one is able to imitate or match the quran's linguistic and literary features."
"When the Arabs were unable to produce a single chapter like it, despite being the most eloquent, it showed the Quran's inimitability."
"Scholars have testified to the Quran's inimitability."
"The Quran offers falsification tests for itself, unlike other religions."
"Even the most unique attributes of humans, like fingerprints, are mentioned in the Quran."
"The Quran is scientifically accurate, describing phenomena no one could have known 1400 years ago."
"The Quran is a mercy for humans, the words of Allah should not be touched."
"The Quran is confidently parting ways with biblical tradition, canonical, non-canonical."
"The Quran is aware of the stories, it's retelling them and correcting them."
"The Quran is affirming something that western scholars have only recently begun to redress."
"The Quran is an incredibly sophisticated work which resonates powerfully in a polemical way."
"The Quran emphasizes God's responsiveness to humans."
"Indeed, the Shaytan flees from the house that Surat Al-Baqarah is read in."
"Listen to more Quran... find a reciter you enjoy... pick one Surah to study deeply."
"She herself became one of those who memorized the Quran."
"This is the oldest Quran that has now been found."
"Only 33 verses out of 6,236 verses in the Quran."
"The Quran is talking about the universe expanding 1400 years ago."
"The greatest proof of prophethood is actually the message of prophethood which is the Quran."
"The Quran we have today has not changed one iota since its inception 1400 years ago."
"This new Quran that has been found in the birmingham library called the birmingham folios."
"The validity of the Quran was, and the fact that there were no mistakes, no contradictions, it was just like, I realized it was such a holy book."
"Everything is based upon the intention. If you listen to the Quran, you will get the same reward."
"The best form of worship for my followers is the recitation of Quran."
"It was preserved just as it was revealed 14 centuries ago."
"Engaging in intense conversations is part of life, but the Quran offers wisdom to navigate them."
"The Quran just puts everything into perspective."
"Most Muslims hardly ever read the Quran with try understanding."
"Allah's words are the light, we're just getting shed."
"The Quran, word by word, letter by letter, preserved."
"Dialogue about the Quran encourages deeper engagement and understanding."
"We can show you millions of people who have memorized the Quran from the first letter to the last letter."
"Islam negates racism completely. Look at chapter 49 verse 13 of the Quran."
"The Quran actually sets the record straight."
"The Quran mentioned the expansion of the universe even before the invention of the telescope."
"The Quran is not relevant to a religious community; the Quran is relevant to the entire umma, no matter what state they're in."
"You owe it to yourself, you owe it to yourself, you've read so many other books, read the Quran."
"The Quran has linguistic, numeric, and scientific miracles."
"The last mention of Jesus in the Quran is very beautiful."
"We have a living miracle in the Quran, it's been preserved tamper free, tamper proof."
"You've already won, step over the threshold."
"There's only one Quran, only one interpretation."
"We believe in equality and yes the enemies they call us marxists islamists okay but we believe in equality and that's in Quran that one day the entire planet will live equal okay you got it."
"I think the best explanation is that all these go back to Muhammad."
"The common argument that an uninterrupted and completely reliable oral transmission has miraculously preserved the text of the Quran from such errors falls flat."
"Wisdom in the Quran is based on knowledge and thinking that is secure, well thought through."
"The Quran helps us ground ourselves once again in divine revelation."
"Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most suitable and gives glad tidings to the believers."
"The Quran contains a challenge from God: 'Produce a chapter like it and call your witnesses besides God if you are truthful.'"
"The Quran contains lots of statements about history, historical statements, things that happened in the past. The Quran got them exactly 100 percent correct."
"Can the Quran with these characteristics come from other than the creator? Not possible."
"The Quran is not just information, it's a mindset."
"The Quran is stitched together perfectly by Allah."
"The miraculous nature of the Quran is convincing."
"Even the most sophisticated poets recognize the Quran's words as outside human capacity."
"The Quran came down to cure our hearts before our bodies."
"I pray that Allah unlocks our hearts so the Quran that we recite, that when we contemplate it deeply, affects and enters into our hearts."
"I believe the Quran is from a creator because the one who brought the Quran claimed it was from the Creator."
"The Quran uses Arabic letters but brings grammatical constructs that were never used before. It's the highest eloquent literature."
"Worshipping God is the most important thing Muslims can do, and therefore they're going to see the Quran as a hundred percent important."
"The quran is preserved in three ways: manuscript evidence, memorization, and through the living language which is Arabic."
"No one can claim something what the Quran is claiming with all the other additional evidences."
"The preservation of the Quran is a miracle of Allah."
"The Quran makes all of that irrelevant to teach us something."
"Indeed, we have sent down the Quran and we shall preserve it."
"The Quran brings peace and tranquility in your hearts and in your life."
"Every single Ayah could not be any better that it is, it's the most beautiful gift of Allah on this Earth."
"There's only one Quran, one version of the Quran."
"Say, He is Allah, one and only." - Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112), Quran
"Allah, the absolute and eternal." - Surah Ikhlas (Chapter 112), Quran
"The act of memorizing Quran is not just the act of rote memorization, but actually when you recite the ayat over and over again it gives you a chance to reflect on the word of Allah."
"If you have that love for Allah, if you have that awareness, the Quran will guide you."
"We can't get rid of the Quran; it's in the hearts, it's in the minds."
"Everything in the Quran is intentional; coincidences or coincidental patterns are not the works of a perfect being."
"The modern archaeological discoveries only from about 10 years ago confirm a the Quran is talking about a pharaoh chopping up hands and arms be that musa perhaps lived around that period of time."
"The inner coherence of the Quran is the best way to defend the Quran."
"The Quran is a source of healing, recite it for protection and cure."
"The Quran is either your greatest blessing or your greatest torture."
"The Qur'an is so unique in its Arabic grammar and structure that it was recognized as distinct from any other form of speech at the time."
"Man wants to be happy, and the Quran says it beautifully."
"The Quran remains to this day the gold standard of Arabic literature."
"So I do not take it that the Quran acknowledges the validity of the previous scriptures in total but that the Quran is saying it has some previous knowledge and revelation which came from God."
"The Quran was talking to me directly, like the person who wrote the Quran knew me perfectly."
"This one, the Study of Quran, is basically a translation and commentary on the Quran."
"Allah says in the Quran, 'Call to the way of Allah with wisdom and with good preaching and argue with them in the best of manners.'"
"Let them rejoice and celebrate in Allah's grace and mercy through which this book, the Quran, has come to you; it is better than all the riches that they accumulate."
"The Quran, which has not changed even with a letter for 1,400 years."
"The Ark of the Covenant is referred to in Al Quran as the 'tabut'."
"The book of Allah is the central and most important core of the teachings of our tradition. The Prophet's Sunnah teaches us the book of Allah through his character."
"The Quran... embodies the infinite knowledge of God."