
Cultural Comparison Quotes

There are 259 quotes

"The average Japanese person... has a 5-year increased life expectancy compared to the average American."
"The art that came out of Christianity when you compare it to the empty kind of happy talk movies that they make now..."
"You deserve to have gelato... it's healthier than our normal food in America."
"Korean skincare brands are doing worlds better than a lot of the Western brands we have over here in the great ol' USA."
"I don't come to these places and feel bad for people. I see things that are missing in my own country... people more connected with their food."
"The more I become acquainted with the savages, the more I'm convinced that these so-called savages are much, much better in respect to ethics, moral life than the so-called enlightened ones."
"Let's go with Maryland, the home of absurd quantities of blue crabs... clearly vastly inferior to our noble British lobster."
"Sanskrit has 96 words to describe love; we only have one, which is very limiting."
"When the underlying archetypes are extracted, the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy faith of Celtic countries."
"I've always found that Mexican food and Italian food are compadres."
"If I was a German, I think a German would say my country is just as good as the US."
"Is there just this many choices in your local supermarket in the country you're from let me know maybe where you're from and where you go shopping at as a comparison."
"Something I've always liked about gaming is I imagine that there's gonna be this emergence of the equivalent of like a Western in film."
"I would argue often times it's way more rich and beautiful than American culture and American media."
"Isn't that crazy how like over in England and [ __ ] like they like put on plays with each other and stuff like over here we just shoot each other? That's crazy!"
"Life magazine ran a competitive article, showing an American teenager, dancing, smiling out with friends and a Russian teenager doing science experiments in a quiet parlor."
"The internet to me, is doing to America and the rest of the world, what America did to other countries."
"It's okay to be Halo, it doesn't need to be Call of Duty."
"People compare this [ __ ] to the Mona Lisa."
"Cross-cultural comparison helps us reduce ethnocentric bias and see ourselves more analytically."
"Comedian Chris Rock: 'Apprehending Trump is going to make him more popular. It's like arresting Tupac; he's just gonna sell more records.'"
"West Nusa Tenggara, the Muslim version of Bali."
"There's a hell of a lot better than the Viking experience now."
"Victory, if yes, what's worked in Saudi and UAE etc., is still not working with the western world and that should tell you a lot."
"Europe versus United States... they both have a lot to offer for anyone."
"It's quite like a stark difference between the UK side and the American side."
"We need real Revival in this country... it's just Christianity in other countries and they don't have mass shootings."
"It was explained to me that we would like two samurais. Now I understand that samurai is a different thing than us. They're actually more violent than us but I really felt that way that we were two samurais who met on the battlefield."
"Yeah, it's hard to argue against that. Like it's, I mean, the thing is, you know, Canada and England, I think quite similar in a lot of ways."
"It's like these are also to another thing to you mine this is a very very fancy neighborhood Brooklyn this is like where you know it's like kind of like a Greenwich Village of Brooklyn I'd say."
"I really do love Acorn TV. I've talked about how much I love the BBC and I love British television far better than American television."
"Both Rome and America were obsessed with games and sports."
"Mock the Week is just so unique to what I have seen in Canada."
"Stockholm, often referred to as the Venice of the North."
"The West's great advantage over other civilizations is our ability to self-reflect."
"Women overseas tend to have a lot more substance."
"The early 90s might be better than the 80s because you still had some of that gung-ho over-the-top action spectacle."
"Italians in general are less racist than Americans."
"The price is right was a daytime show...guessing the price of consumer items...better than sex and drugs."
"Lower your expectations because that's how it is everywhere else."
"Russia is a beautiful place with discipline. USA not so much."
"You're almost as good as Dashan, you still lack a little bit."
"At this point, Amazon's adaptation is doing to the fan base what Remington Steele was doing to the Elf Queen."
"The Canadian identity, if there is such a thing, is one defined in opposition to the United States."
"The pitch of Forza Horizon is that you’re competing in the Horizon festival - this is a massive party which looks more like Glastonbury than a motorshow."
"Looking at actual Western nations and how they experience these things."
"I always say when we look at those Chinese stories that most of the American government is looking at that and being like sounds good."
"Brazilians eat a lot less fast food and a lot more fruit and veg than the British."
"It’s all about standards, something the U.S. seems to have a deficit of in the fast-food world."
"For a Western mind, Gully Boy falls in the same category as La La Land."
"Bucharest is sometimes known as the little Paris."
"Bruges is sometimes referred to as the Venice of the North."
"Indian foods are meant to be shared, that's very different from westerners."
"Is hip hop the new mafia? I don't think it's the new mafia."
"I grew up in America having pancakes a lot and then I was introduced to this and it's like the best."
"Both european dragons and asian dragons are fundamentally the same."
"Cultural, it's not as good as Archer, I'll say that."
"Sweden has better candy than America. Better candy, or better snacks, but everything's fresh."
"It's like listening to men talk about basketball statistics. The ballet, it's baseball for men." - Fran Lebowitz
"From calorie count to portion sizes, we wanted to find out all the differences between McDonald's in Japan and the U.S. This is Food Wars."
"Bread as plate, Helstosky says, puts pizza in the same lineage as pita, lavash, and tortilla."
"China, like Russia, is a remarkable civilization... but not conducive to the values and institutions that the people in the United States and our allies hold dear."
"This is the realm of the Japanese equivalent of Freddy Krueger."
"We as black people we don't stick together like they do like the Hispanics yeah yeah."
"Most common opinion: Japanese version much better than English."
"Owning a Model S today is becoming kind of like owning a BMW in the 80s."
"This is one of those things that I'm such a fan of Jollibee right, but when you get like the real homemade version, it almost makes you want to break up with Jollibee."
"There’s an entire culture, indeed several, revolving around sailors so there seems no reason we wouldn’t expect the same of those serving on spaceships."
"Drake is the LeBron James of Hip Hop, people want to see Drake lose."
"It's not a patch on those guys in the '70s. The '70s and the '80s, that era is special and it'll never come back."
"This conversation wouldn't happen in China, this conversation wouldn't happen in places that don't have free speech."
"One of the things that should be said about something like Dragon Ball Z is while it is nowhere near at the level of say, a Star Wars, like a Star Wars, it's true. But like Star Wars, it has cultivated fans that be fans for like 20 years."
"One of the things that's crazy because we're basically playing the barbarians, you know, that we're at the gates of Rome."
"The winter of 1917, considered horrendous by the Europeans, was mild by Canadian standards."
"Flexibility by which I mostly mean that compared to Germany, when it comes to moving or your job, things are a lot more spontaneous."
"I think it's ridiculous. I think it's dumb, but you know, there's a dish in Japan called kaiseki ryori which is also hot stone meal but you don't eat Stones."
"The difference between Saint Patrick's Day and the Puerto Rican Day Parade is that nobody got shot and nobody's women got groped and molested."
"I've always been a big fan of the democratization of information."
"Now I'm not trying to be Blasphemous or nothing but from what I've gathered it seems like Jesus freak is the Christian Smells Like Teen Spirit."
"If The Simpsons was considered jaw-dropping back in the day then Big Mouth would have made people's jaws drop right off."
"I think that the writing is very atmospheric and nuanced and honestly I kind of feel like this is the level of nuance that the Handmaid's Tale should have been."
"Not every show that gets made that's adult and animated is gonna be BoJack Horseman, okay?"
"Japanese food is definitely better than American food, obviously."
"The Japanese toilet washes you, dries you, does your taxes, and that's in a Tokyo Airport bathroom. You leave a Japanese public restroom cleaner than when you walked in. You leave an American public restroom with PTSD."
"New York subways are stinky, but Japanese subways are the greatest and so clean."
"What a crazy idea you know... the Beatles never would have done Punk."
"Liberty is nice but have you seen Russia's shopping carts?"
"Crypts are pretty rare. I mean, they're kind of expensive, you gotta build them. Maybe there's not that much to do to maintain them, but it's a lot cheaper to just send them down a boat and let them on fire, right?"
"Being a princess in pop culture vs. being a princess in medieval times."
"Saloons were kind of like the social media of their day, a place to find work, get news, and engage in plenty of gossip."
"Is it fair that video games have to censor themselves while Indiana Jones remains untouched? I mean, no, not really."
"In Germany, there's no way you would have your own house. But here, it's to a lot of people it's cheaper to have their own house."
"I like to point out to American viewers, this is not how it's done elsewhere in the world."
"Before that, they had their own winter holiday which honestly blows the stockings off our own tradition."
"Germans speak English better than people in America speaking English."
"You know it's their placenta so how can we judge really? You know when people eat animals they're not their animals, you know what I mean? They're taking the life."
"Ordinary life in ancient Rome was as wonderfully mixed up, as messy and as emotional as our own."
"Every other country has a better McDonald's than American McDonald's."
"Japanese Beauty reminds me of K Beauty but with a French Pharmacy kind of twist."
"Just like french fondue, think of it like this."
"Social media purges are exactly like The Hunger Games."
"The USA is a teenager, the UK is an old man."
"If it was strictly UK vs. US, you think that can't be right."
"Black American culture is not only thriving, it actually supersedes white culture in a lot of ways."
"It's the perception that this thing qualifies as something better than this thing."
"Myth for Campbell is universal rather than particular, the differences between the myths of various cultures matter less than the similarity I ities that he can find in or project onto them."
"I respect the discipline of Muslims... Christians in America don't have the discipline they had 50, 60 years ago."
"Not all countries are equal, and not all cultures are equal."
"It's honestly absurd that a show starring a straight man who punches people and makes dad jokes has outperformed a billion dooll budgeted show about Lord of the Rings."
"Even if it's not the church, it could be the theater, and you'd learn probably the same values watching Arthur Miller play as going to church."
"Fried chicken is like right up there, probably better than sushi."
"It's kind of like the modern-day Rolling Stone of the internet."
"In many ways, it's a classic battle. It's American bang for buck versus European culture and sophistication."
"Isn't Christmas celebrated globally more significant than the barbecue Market in Zebo?"
"It's quite different to the cross guard we find on European swords."
"In his heyday, his stories outsold those of Sherlock Holmes."
"If he's the black Elvis, I guess I'm the white Jackie Wilson."
"If you wanted to get really granular with it, I feel like Vancouver has better modest sushi than Tokyo."
"After all these examples an exposition of blah blah you may also understand why I found it a little silly when people call this sword here like creaks messer or war knife a European katana."
"If China is so good at capitalism, let's do Chinese capitalism here in the United States of America."
"If you're driving the popemobile, let's compare who has more Twitch Prime subscriptions."
"Simp and insult are basically the new n-word."
"Southern women have it... I actually honestly I've never been with a French woman."
"I view Marvel and DC Comics almost like Star Wars versus Star Trek."
"The political thought seems to be far more free than in the West."
"There's a difference between a throwback and a dinosaur. A throwback person understands what they're doing, a dinosaur just thinks everyone else has failed."
"Linklater's poetic dialogue about a boring kid mumbling should be compared to the greatest works of literature."
"Religion poisons everything. But part of the reason I became a neo-pagan is because I thought our religion was better than that."
"Weed culture is far healthier than the drink culture in this country at least."
"I mean, it looks like a slice of Hollywood here in Texas."
"Volkswagen Jetta has always delivered a distinctive German flavor and a sea full of vanilla Japanese and American offerings."
"The green M&M is our generation's Mona Lisa."
"Comparing the interesting elements of weapons and armor from one culture to another is really fun."
"Western cultures afraid of fat shaming. Asia: 'My cat runs away. My cat coming home a week later.'"
"Incredibly friendly compared to other places in the world I've been cuz that's a great place."
"Their thrifting is just beyond anything that I've ever seen in America."
"I will be back in the new year with more Bluey content as well as Australian versus American content."
"Should we say well it's the way they do things in India or should we say no there is a universal value called religious freedom?"
"Freedom means the Amish can be very conservative in their way of life, Orthodox Jews can be very traditional in their way of life, Muslims can be very traditional in their way of life."
"Europeans would never. If they saw half of Americans in their business, they'd be like, 'But this is not living! What is wrong with you?'"
"I think this movie did a great job of comparing what was happening with the Native Americans here in the United States to the Samurais in Japan."
"If the US government did switch to the metric system, most Americans, which I know this is going to hurt you to hear it, aren't that special compared to everywhere else."
"It's a bit like Scottish women, except they understand me less."
"It's like the American muscle car era all over again, this time in Japan."
"...I am just fascinated with learning about how it could be different in Norway compared to America."
"People in Japan are very honest. Everyone here is a very decent human being. Something that I think not only America but also other countries could certainly learn from."
"People aren't passing out Bibles at Foot Locker like the Christians."
"One of Blackbeard's most famous quotes is: 'The age when pirates' dream is ending. A man's dream never ends.' Now this is very similar to what the people from burka believe."
"But back in the day, this was virtually unknown in North America despite being so popular in the UK."
"Wow, Canada is a very, I mean, I can't speak for the rest of the world, but these pictures definitely prove how different Canada is to America. Honestly, I don't think you see this in the rest of the world either. This is pretty amazing."
"So there you have it, American front doors vs UK front doors."
"'Who would blame the Americans if they send Mr Whipple over to China to squeeze their chow mein, well Yul Gibbons over to Russia to eat the Kremlin.'"
"I think the pagan societies had a better approach to the sacred feminine."
"I hate how it gets dark earlier. You're onaran. I hate how it goes back an hour. Does that happen in Canada? Do y'all go back an hour?"
"You just, we, we sauna like you Americans barbecue."
"They've also got toys in Japan that are actually fun."
"The differences between Athens and Washington seem to be very far."
"Everything looks beautiful. Even our cushions that we do in the US or UK based companies still don't match up to the ones that are from Korean brands."
"It's similar to Jamaica, especially when we were growing up and what we were used to, like in the rural areas."
"Out on a hike everything's fine never angry it's like meditative Americans could really there's a lot of things Americans could learn from Norwegians to uh so that we could kind of calm down and connect better with each other and nature and we'd probably have a lot less stress."
"I love bread, but it's so much better in France."
"...if the Manan is a little bit too warm and homey on the inside, I guess you might say, it is weird to me that the British and the Germans have traded places here..."
"I just want to say that America has Chick-fil-A. America wins a point."
"You know the United States has the best and the worst food in the world."
"Oh, I got children, I got children living in Africa learning different languages, fresh air, lots of exercise, and they're gonna turn out a heap better than these fools."
"That alone speaks volumes for me. Pubs are kid-friendly. You would never in your wildest imagination, your wildest dreams, ever take a child to an American Bar."
"You're only 16 but you look 26, and the Chinese look older than they are."
"They're from a similar group, but they're not quite the same. Actually, the Irish and Welsh one is probably the more apt comparison."
"Spider-Man and Kamen Rider are like the I think that Spider-Man is literally the American version the true American adaption of Kamen Rider."
"Alexandria especially during the 30s, 40s, and 50s used to be the California of Egypt, what you don't do on the East Coast or somewhere in some more regulated conservative state you do it in California. So, is it Alexandria is a bit of California?"
"When you travel, you see how different people live and you're like, 'Why can't we have that in America?'"
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video, the top five things that Swedes do not like about America."
"The beauty of orientalism is, it will tell you that me and Yugopnik are exactly the same with basically the same thing. Meanwhile, somehow Belgians and French people are different."
"So what do we have to say here in the case of the Nephilim and the giants very clearly we're getting that in the Old Testament from this older tradition."
"Keep in mind, in the UK, Ireland, you don't have this stuff, true story."
"Russian McDonald's is like going to a cafe or a restaurant."
"Most people think that there is a big difference between the Western a r process and the K-pop training system."
"The British are the Americans of Europe."
"You keep forgetting when you live in North America how simple the sky is in Paris. And I have to say, like Parisian style is very much my style. I am very, very, very excited."
"Things that are really normal in the UK, it makes me wonder, like if something is normal or popular or really cool in the UK, why would we not have it here in America? Like, it depends on what these things are exactly."
"I don't think that could happen here in America, at least not anytime soon."
"In the United States, people treat driving as a right, and in Europe they treat it as a privilege."
"So, I think that I like South Korea, but I think that Thailand is more liberated, you know? It seemed more liberated. South Korea's a little bit more conservative."
"In the study of ancient legal systems, scholars have observed connections between Greek and biblical legal traditions. This posed a challenge."
"Comparisons between Greek and Jewish historical narratives, prophetism, and cultural institutions also raised difficulties."
"Britain has an obsession with tradition and upholding tradition, whereas America has a strong focus on new and innovation."
"The beer is better in Germany, but California has some compensatory advantages."
"Canada and the UK are like cousins who sometimes hang out together, have a beer, and have a pretty good relationship."
"It's just like a little SoHo, as we said back then, a little New York."
"It's like a slice of Kyoto in Tokyo."
"Newfoundland is more like Ireland than Canada."
"American dudes are way cooler than Aussie dudes."
"European Americans really value excitement, enthusiasm, high arousal positive states more than in Chinese culture where there's more of an emphasis on calm, peacefulness, and serenity."
"Canada is so considerate, this would never happen in the United States."
"Italians also had that innate quality; they seem to bring something to car design that Americans just weren't quite doing at the time."
"Mexico is probably more kid-friendly than the United States."
"Ascoli is like Rome's long-lost cousin."
"Here the centuries created such beauty that this city has been described as the Venice of the East and Florence on the Elbe."
"Light wood framing is particularly American and how it works in the same way that the hamburger is."
"Britain cannot hold a candle to the United States when it comes to car ownership."