
Client Relations Quotes

There are 392 quotes

"I never pretend to know all the answers. If you don't know the answer to a question, either go look it up or tell your client, 'I don't know, but I'm going to find out for you.'"
"The way I approach tattoos, I really obsess over it and analyze it, and try to come up with just the best possible solution both for the client and for myself."
"Maintaining a good relationship with her clients is important."
"Let's try to understand what the heck you want here. And a few questions in, the reason why I suspect many of you are getting that kind of pushback that you're talking about, Conor, is perhaps your tone, your delivery, your mannerism, and the way that you're phrasing the question is annoying the hell out of the client."
"By working with [clients] to figure it out, you will increase the perceived value of you and the likelihood of the success of the project."
"People trusted their attorney and they should be able to."
"The best deals happen when the brand really listens to you and they're like, 'Okay, we'll take your lead.'"
"Position yourself as their agent, the solution to their problem."
"Developers need to recognize how client interactions impact the development process."
"I love being able to work with the main creative person behind their brand. Small makers are my dream clients."
"Give the client a reason why hiring you while working with you is the best decision for them."
"I know these market conditions are difficult, but we will be here every step of the way."
"Once you have some of these campaigns that are having results and success, then go and ask your client for other referrals."
"Clients will pay you anywhere from one thousand to ten thousand dollars per month to bring them new customers."
"Enough of the institutions are making enough bets with whatever crazy instruments they have against this, and the more the price goes up, the more all those contracts they have fall apart, and that's the bottom line."
"We have brokerages, they have prime brokers... this could be one particular scenario of like hey they're trying to get that business, they're trying to impress the hedge fund."
"Clients want their day in court and to get things off their chest."
"Stop thinking about me if I'm missing the rally or not, I'm doing fine, my clients are happy, I'm happy, everybody's happy."
"By providing this level of information to the client, you're not only showing them you're a professional, you show that this is well-thought-out and an actual valuable investment for them."
"Learn how to communicate up front to ensure that you know your client's expectations and they know yours."
"You need to find people that will pay you for the work you make if you want to be a freelancer."
"I love what I do and I have a great relationship with my clients."
"Our job is to educate. If his clients are uneducated, that's because he hasn't educated them."
"Validate their concerns to avoid negative energy."
"The goal is not to do business with anybody, but with everybody who believes what you believe."
"Therapists who try to tell clients what their unconscious motives are violate that alliance by venturing into unsubstantiated speculation."
"If you develop this soft skill, you'll be able to collaborate with your internal team as well as external clients."
"Any client would have a right to be frustrated with the behavior that he's been facing."
"Agile provides benefits not only to the development team but also important business benefits to the clients."
"If we do the right things for our clients in the long term, we'll be more successful."
"Consistency and professionalism keep clients coming back."
"Professionalism is key. Be kind to the clients and everything will run a lot more smoothly."
"Customer service is what truly builds your business."
"You run a good business when a beneficial outcome for your clients is a threat to your business."
"You get lost unless you're able to build... this little client base."
"Attorney Tom and his team have genuine empathy for their clients."
"Building a personal brand has given me so much equity when it comes to client acquisition."
"I just want to start off by telling you customers is always right even if they're wrong they're right y'all."
"Definitely a step up from the Japanese client."
"You don't just pick and choose your clients depending on who's worth your time."
"This is like the lawyer's nightmare, right? Worst client in all time."
"We don't have a problem with clients, it's your right to do that."
"Nobody likes dealing with clients that they aren't having a good time with."
"Your goal is not to sell or ask for a decision."
"I don't think it's fair to your clients to be googling how to run a Facebook ad while charging them thousands of dollars to run Facebook ads."
"Veterinarians are unique because we rely on feelings of altruism in our clients."
"Don't lie to a client. You should not lie to a client and defraud them."
"80% of the conversation is done by the client, 20% by you."
"Love your clients, charge them as much money as possible, and deliver the very best service on the quality product you can."
"Be so busy with loyal clients that those inconsiderate of your time don't even bother you anymore."
"The best part of my job is seeing my clients happy."
"You have to approach it almost as a therapeutic relationship... you want to gain their trust."
"We're in a situation where a lot of our work is custom, our solutions are custom, a client comes to us, we assess what they need, you know we play the doctor, we prescribe, and we share a proposal." - Greg Hickman
"Some lawyers serve their clients with honor and distinction."
"Every person is different. Clients connect with their therapists and so it doesn't matter."
"In the role of a salesperson, your job is client advocacy."
"Procrastination can lead to outdated solutions and frustrated clients. Seize the day, carpe diem."
"Most of my clients are great clients great guardians for these dogs they make them a part of their family treat them right."
"Meet them where they are. Understand their pain and then provide a solution."
"It's honestly so cool to... basically have a bunch of your sort of friends that are actually your clients come into your chair."
"She picked me over here, the client wants fresh new ink and I'm that, you don't just come in here and take my client, peace out."
"Thank you for all my clients who have been really understanding."
"You want to be focused on extraordinary value creation for your client."
"So even the like out of town clients, you know I think we're interested in."
"The best that you can do in this situation is ask the client how do we get more sales."
"You might lose some of those clients, but a number of them should still be interested in working with you, and those are the clients you wanna keep anyway."
"Each client is going to be different. It's never going to be a set standard of 'hey, well this works every time so I'm going to use this every time'."
"This video is sponsored, as a videographer I often get asked by potential clients."
"There is immense value in having transparency with your clients and your audience."
"Look, this case that nobody thought we could win, we won! We got our clients acquitted, that's gonna, you know, drive in a lot of future business."
"Thanks very much guys at luxury cigar club."
"We gave him an unreasonably high bid and still secured the project. This time around, he was a teddy bear throughout the entire project."
"You had staff who had been there for decades and truly cared about the clients."
"It's very transparent with our clients, very real, very in-depth, you know, telling you exactly what it is."
"Clients love to know when things are going to start and stop and they won't have to call you to ask."
"Setting expectations as far as results go, setting expectations as far as communication goes, setting expectations and offering an upsell or one-time offer on that onboarding call."
"The reason why you're resentful when a client calls you is because you haven't charged enough."
"We've had great consistent growth with our clients and booking vacations."
"As we sort of think through, you know, where clients have been, where we headed next, that type of a situation seems pretty reasonable for us."
"I think putting out all your value for free and then building that trust and getting those clients is something that's really, really, really helpful."
"Every present I get for my clients is personal."
"Learn how to communicate as a freelancer so that the client feels secure and confident."
"Your reputation as a graphic designer is not only shaped by your talent but also in how you handle your interactions with clients."
"It's best to give my landscape photography clients positive reinforcement rather than the truth."
"Pricing per hour, everything has their own positives and negatives. So editing per project is good for you and the client because you know what the budget is."
"Think of all the banners you could make for your customers and clients."
"Share and celebrate achievements with your clients."
"She would talk about their weight she would talk about how they looked she would mostly she would talk about their weight like I heard her just calling clients like fat and ugly."
"What kind of music is going to help you through this process? And we can learn so much about our clients based on their music taste."
"Communication is key. Air on the side of over-communication especially when you're talking with clients."
"Don't negotiate against yourself before the client has an opportunity."
"Don't ever let your client determine your pace at your job."
"Client work is at the top of that list."
"The psychological effect that it has with you and the impact it has on the client is definitely worth it."
"The most important thing on that question you can have all the skills that you want but if you are if you don't have that that rapport that alliance with a client then you really are wasting your time."
"It's important to terminate work with a client when your services are no longer needed."
"You can't go completing hours and hours of setup work with no tangible commitment from the client."
"What this means is basically you've either helped your client be able to get a client or they help maintain or keep a client or a customer that they have through the way that you have been timely when it comes to managing their email."
"Everything in a building is really important, so it's important to have a client that believes in that."
"Week 4: The alchemy of client attraction."
"The big thing is what are your clients fear because we exist to take that fear away from our client base."
"Clients care about their own story. They just want to get a quick sense that they can connect with you."
"...forgetting how you meet clients, the most important thing is meet clients you can serve."
"When a client engages with me... I can ensure I am on point with the vibe they're going for."
"A very clear way to demonstrate that you understand the business and the client's needs."
"Clear expectations and boundaries protect both parties, you and the client."
"Your job as a photographer, no matter how you start a session, is to maintain your clients' confidence level by praising them consistently."
"My business and my work is near and dear to me, I take it really seriously and I love working with people and I love working with clients."
"It took just two days for the client to have reached out to me personally."
"I was worried that my old clients wouldn't embrace it and they would think I was crazy but it's amazing how they did and then some of them I realize really aren't my clients because if they want something like that and that's not what I offer anymore."
"If the system is a pain to use or unreliable in its user experience, it's going to make you look stupid in front of clients."
"I think it's really important to give context to the client and help them out as much as you can. It does a lot of the selling for you."
"Initially, it was definitely came from us as an education standpoint, trying to, and we found that once clients learned a little bit about it, they were pretty keen, gung-ho to do that."
"Quit letting the client give you your confidence. You need to be inspiring that in them."
"So it's always good to have a good selection of clients who are very flexible with things like the weather and they understand you very well."
"Start with one day a week minimal hours just to start getting the client comfortable with the idea of having somebody there."
"The idea of working with clients that are willing to pay you a thousand dollars or more a month was just something I never even thought of was possible."
"Understanding what's going to be meaningful to your client and what's going to help them become successful is key."
"Just be yourself, be your authentic self because that is when you attract your perfect clients."
"It's really important that you clearly understand their business use case and their technical requirements because it does help you a lot."
"Chances are, your clients will fall in love with your artwork."
"If you want to give a real idea to your client of how the products are going to look like, these beautiful mock-ups are the way to go."
"The best client you can ever have is someone that appreciates that art. Someone that wants a good DJ because they know the value of a good DJ."
"Repeat clients are the best clients because you don't have to go through the entire onboarding process and they you know how they're going to pay you you know how to communicate with them and it takes away all that other stuff."
"Literally posting pictures of your clients as often as you can is the best marketing strategy I can give you."
"It's really not odd for clients to give me presents or for me to get them little presents too. I spend hours and days painting them and it establishes a sort of camaraderie."
"We want to make sure that we have happy clients, and what's cool about all of this is they really do become friends."
"Congratulations on getting your first client. That's great stuff."
"Sometimes clients do what they gotta do."
"If you're not ultimately on that handheld device of your client I think over the next 24 months if you're not there you're really putting yourself in a disadvantaged position."
"A client is an actual human being. It's a person with real-life problems and pain points and troubles and things they want to achieve and dreams and goals."
"Our customers are very, very good, very helpful."
"We are not doing a favor to our client by serving him; rather the client has given us an opportunity to serve."
"You all are the best clients anyone could ever ask for."
"The trust a client places in us is of the utmost importance."
"It's very good when you still have good relationships with all your clients."
"The truth is that no matter how much we think we know, we oftentimes don't know what our clients want."
"You're going to get a good feel and whether or not you trust or don't trust them."
"Every client situation is going to be different and we need to define the IPS with the client's situation and circumstances in mind."
"It is important for you to understand your clients from many different dimensions."
"It's all about providing value upfront for your client that breaks down barriers."
"A client doesn't care how much you know until they know how much you care."
"The thing that matters the most and the thing that's most important to you and to be able to grow is the client list, how you talk to clients, your systems in place, your design systems, and also the trust that you have with your team."
"I got to meet amazing clients and help them design their dreams."
"Punctuality is always a welcome trait to the new client."
"Make it easy to say yes to, hard to say no to, and make it the client's idea every single time."
"This is something I felt confident to show the client."
"Educating your client as to what you're doing and why you're doing it is a really important part of the process."
"Be patient with building your clientele; some people are going to love your work and they're going to love you as an individual."
"The number one reason that clients leave service providers is because they feel neglected after the sale is made."
"Client retention and going deep with your clients is a win-win situation from all aspects."
"I'm like a real estate agent, where I'm trying to find a piece of property for a client."
"If you want to be a successful Pinterest manager, you should show your clients you really care about their unique business goals."
"Think about that compounding ripple effect over time."
"Charging your worth also comes with keeping your clients, being nice to them."
"If there is like something that's going to take you no more than 5 minutes to do, if the client asks you to do something extra, just like spend 5 minutes do it for free for him and you will see he will be your lifelong client."
"Ninety percent of the time they became a client."
"Don't worry about chasing new leads and new clients, worry about making the ones that you've got the happiest people on the planet."
"You want to have a professional business set up because it also gives them boundaries."
"It's probably the single greatest way to communicate a design idea to a client."
"One of the reasons why people might lose their clients is because they don't communicate well."
"Improving a client relationship is understanding their problems, listening to them, maintaining regular communication, and delivering beyond expectations."
"Your ability to understand complex tech solutions and translate them into benefits for clients will be your strength."
"The best option is to acknowledge those feelings, especially when you're trying to build rapport with the client and trust."
"The professional thing to do is to take that straight away to the client."
"Seeing what you've created make a difference to that client, that just means so much."
"Try and work on your relationship with the client as more of a collaboration rather than just the job."
"Falling in love with your clients and thinking about how you can transform their lives."
"If you become a freelancer and you learn a few different skills that you can sell, eventually you build up a client base."
"Over the years, I've been lucky enough to work with some really amazing clients."
"You get better clients if you take care of people."
"I want to keep doing work for Lauren, not just because we're friends, but repeat work for the same client is easier for both of you."
"He talks about being a good developer, things like pricing, budgeting, and making sure that you can work with clients properly."
"Taking your time is key, and that's important. A good client will appreciate that and understand that."
"We're able to get information to the client and the client can get back to the development team much faster."
"Stay in front of your clients, stay in front of your customers, whether that is calling, texting, emails, or just continuing to put out great content that they're seeing."
"You need to be as collaborative as possible with the client; you're both fundamentally working towards the same goal."
"That's the secret to happy clients, setting good expectations."
"I'm super chuffed with that call; it makes me so happy when a brand is happy with the work I've done."
"Develop rapport with a client or families that facilitates effective services."
"Maintain client dignity. Always respect your client."
"I don't need the listing, but I want the listing because I want to earn your business and then I want to earn your future business with your friends and family."
"It's created a more dynamic relationship between our clients and our salon staff, which is really incredible to see."
"You're the best, and if your clients can't see that, well then that's their loss."
"Leave the job looking immaculate, give the client a written or verbal update."
"When you meet a client, can you solve their problems? Are you the person that can take what they say and wow them?"
"It just really makes it a better relationship with your client, it just makes them feel more comfortable in your space."
"No matter what circumstance it is, you should never ever make an excuse to your clients at all."
"You need to keep this professional when you're sending prospective messages to clients."
"Letting everybody in the organization know, hey guess what, we have a new client."
"It's all about like continuing to stay top of mind for a client."
"So while you may be in a position where the clients are coming to you, there's always going to be somebody that may not know your work."
"It should be thought-provoking, it should be challenging, and it's something that just helps to bridge that gap between the clients and the product or service."
"I'm just so excited to finally be able to deliver great news to this client."
"If you're an independent agent and you write a piece of business, you own that business; that client's yours."
"Schwab's client franchise is still growing."
"It's really us working together with our clients for everyone's best interest."
"If you get good results for your clients, they're going to be happy, they'll pay you unlimited retainers and huge commission checks."
"It's been a fun job and we've really enjoyed working with our client."
"Clients do not come first, employees come first because if you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients."