
Self-management Quotes

There are 789 quotes

"You're an adult. And you're responsible for letting you learn."
"Being proactive means you want to be in the driver's seat of your own life."
"Emotional intelligence isn't about erasing these emotions but instead learning how to manage them when they arise."
"Peace is an inside job. It's not something you call in; peace is actually something that you let out."
"Discipline is not about your ability to bulldoze yourself, it's about your ability to work with resistance, instead of against it."
"Maintaining the right attitude is easier than regaining the right attitude."
"Every human being has a healthy balance of masculine and feminine encompassed traits inside of them that they can manage really well and deploy at specific situations."
"We can't control what's going on outside, but we can control what's going on inside."
"Self-discipline needs to be replaced with self-management."
"Food and sleep are major inputs into the body's energy and ability to manage themselves."
"The quality of your life is essentially determined by how you carry this one."
"I think when people are at their best is when they can compartmentalize."
"This is temporary, you are going to practice managing your mind."
"When you're having fun, productivity takes care of itself, and you don't need to worry about things like discipline and grit and willpower."
"The only thing you can control is how you deal with it."
"I feel motivated and listen, these are the stories that make me believe in the dreams of Kwame Nkrumah, that a black man is capable of managing his own affairs."
"Become emotionally regulated; don't be scared of your feelings. They're just messengers."
"If you can't manage yourself, you'll never succeed."
"You're the CEO of your own life. What you allow will continue."
"Love, career, family and friends, self, and health are the five things we juggle."
"I focus a lot on the things that I can control and try to tie that to my goals as best I can."
"Suffering is not happening because of something else; it's simply because people do not know how to manage their body, their mind, their energies, their emotions."
"Give people ownership. People like to be their own boss."
"Before you manage your career, before you manage your family, whatever you're trying to manage, first you have to manage yourself."
"Your interiority can happen 100% your way... But to create pleasantness in your body, mind, emotion, and energy is 100% your business."
"Emotions are your one of your greatest challenges and you need to be able to maintain control of them."
"You must become adept at managing your emotions."
"You can't control everything...the only thing that I have control over is what I do and how I do things."
"I'm just trying to be in control of as many parameters as I can be."
"Get some leverage. Don't think I hate when [__] be like, 'I need a manager.' You have nothing to manage."
"Self-management was the third pillar; the workers were allowed to elect workers' councils, which decided on production, inputs, hiring policies, and even, though to a lesser extent, on prices and income distribution."
"Yugoslav Market socialism rested on three pillars: socialism, the market, and self-management."
"The stability and the empowerment that self-management does for people is wonderful."
"Every person either you deal with your fate or your destiny. If you manage your destiny well, then your destiny will do its work for you."
"The only part that you have control over is how you react."
"Teaching people as early as you can to be able to control their emotions... not be at the whim of your emotions."
"Organizing our minds...means moving from a compulsive state of activity to a conscious state of activity."
"Balance your commitments. Promote equilibrium in all things you do. Don't overextend yourself."
"You don't have to get ready if you stay ready."
"It means something to be in charge of yourself and not have to report to an idiot every day."
"Learning takes energy and focus... so I've learned a few things about myself that usually help managing my energy level and optimize it for learning."
"Don't try to tyrannize yourself, negotiate with yourself and use some reward."
"You don't destroy your mind, you tame your mind and you put your mind in its place."
"Engaging in negative self-talk? Easily correctable, you're capable of handling yourself."
"You have the power to fully take control of your life."
"I've been more concise about saying no, taking control of my life."
"I can do whatever I put my mind to because I believe it."
"Give us the courage to say no to the things we need to say no to so that we can leave margin for the things we're supposed to say yes."
"Now I'm looking at companies and I'm looking at people that's kind of taking their own you know taking their own careers into their own hands and doing their own doing their own merch and doing their own streaming."
"What you vividly imagine, you're rehearsing."
"Zero pressure, zero judgment. You are the boss, you are in control."
"Learning how to deal with conflict better, learning how to manage ourselves in conflict is going to get us a better outcome."
"You are the CEO of your life. You have to run your life accordingly."
"90% of what I do I have chosen as my task for myself."
"All we can do is just control how we feel, control our positivity and keep at that the best we can."
"Who is the boss of your anxiety? I'm in charge."
"You're never gonna pour out what you have while you're so busy."
"Stay in control of relationships and communication. Know what you want and put yourself first."
"I fixed everything. I controlled my life, and that's what I believe. I'm the architect of everything that happens to me."
"Your tendency, high performer, to over-commit yourself is actually stealing from your ability to make good choices, to feel the day, to win the day."
"Do it yourself. DIY performance reviews." - Empowering individuals to take control of their own growth.
"The only thing you can control is your focus."
"If it is working for you and you're getting the results you want, you do you."
"When you take the accountability, when you take the ownership, when you take the reins back, it's gonna be better."
"Rule yourself with kindness and understanding, embracing your own glory and moving forward with power."
"You can only truly take control if you understand what's going on."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"A conscious mindset means understanding the difference between self-awareness versus self-management and being able to implement both."
"You need to have a measure of control when it comes to what you're doing online."
"Mind your own business first and foremost; control your energy."
"Create a synchronicity. Keep your own contracts with yourself."
"You are in control of your emotions, your mind, your body, of everything. You have complete control over how you allow a situation to affect you."
"Remember, you are your own bank, and it's your responsibility to keep your funds protected."
"I realized that I just love having full control over what I do."
"Find your balance, catch your breath, and clean up your messes."
"Nobody told me when to start, nobody's gonna tell me when to stop. I'll release two more records and that'll be it."
"You only control two things in life: your actions and your reactions."
"Set realistic expectations with yourself and others."
"Add to the accountability portion of things for me."
"Attraction is just information, not lust. I control my body, my body doesn't control me."
"You can't own anybody, you can only control you."
"Living a principled life and learning how to manage my mind."
"I've learned how to like let go of the control."
"You have to take responsibility for your emotional state. You gotta take personal responsibility for how you feel."
"You're actually kind of being kind of like a mini entrepreneur or something like that."
"Take responsibility for your own emotional state."
"It's our choice to react and get all mad and upset and irritated with people that just offend you or you could say oh that's very interesting my choice to spend time with them or not or to engage or to give opportunity to or not that's okay."
"Evaluate the need for a financial advisor; consider managing your investments yourself."
"Certain self-accountability, that's what it is."
"Take responsibility for your own emotional state, own it."
"Negotiate with yourself and not tyrannize yourself."
"Autonomy is a matter of keeping the highest levels of your motivational systems to yourself."
"There is a divine order to the universe, and when you organize your mind, energy, and emotions, you harmonize with it."
"Manage your own life, don't manage everyone else's affairs."
"Discipline yourself. If you don't do it, go do it, period."
"Embrace what you're in control of in your life."
"Step up into the leadership position of your own life."
"You have to be very disciplined in order to be a freelancer."
"Focus on making clear what parts of your day are within your control."
"The only thing that we can manage is our energy."
"How you're doing one thing is how you're doing everything."
"One thing is that you have to not only manage how to public perceives you but how internally people perceiving yourself."
"It's about managing the way that you think about yourself and framing things in the right way."
"Control your environment. If you learn to control your environment, you can learn to control your habits."
"Take responsibility for the things you can't control in your life."
"Everybody's doing good stuff and we gotta monitor our attention."
"You will have powerful control over your life."
"You know you have some control over how it happens."
"Don't try to run faster than you have strength. You've got enough."
"All you have control over is not picking up that first time."
"That's the fun part about being independent is that no label meetings you know a label meeting is me talking to myself in the mirror."
"Before you even start, you gotta own the problem."
"I coped in the wrong way... instead I wanted to seek control."
"I don't even want to be president of a homeowners association. I don't think I can run your life better than you can."
"You have to determine what you're going to say no to."
"Ultimately, the key is for the patient to develop the skills to lead a self-directed and organized life."
"It's all about boundaries, you gotta create boundaries."
"Obsession has its place, but we've got to keep it in check somehow, right?"
"Everybody does have it within them to do it a little bit, just make sure you're managing it and find a way to enjoy the journey."
"Learning balance and managing life, that's the key!"
"Maintain your flow and not allow inharmonious past beliefs."
"It's all about creating the right routines and habits in your life."
"Being independent advantages you can do what you want disadvantages is that you could do what you want."
"Do Not Disturb whenever you're in the middle of a workout."
"With full comprehension of how to use this advantageous tool, we are able to manage it in a way so it subtly guides for benefit."
"Manage yourself, or your feelings will manage you."
"You're manifesting power, control; you want to be the engineer of your own life."
"Leadership is in my opinion first and foremost self-leadership."
"Be wise, balance your time, your energy, do things right."
"Your balance will not be like anyone else's balance."
"Responsibility is in essence, nothing more than really owning your life."
"People are smart enough to figure it out, to control their own lives."
"You hold all your power and all your control."
"The only thing you can control is yourself and the way you react to the things around you."
"You cannot control the variables out here in the world, but you can control your reaction to them and you can control how you show up in this space."
"What we really need to be doing to constructively Channel this lunar eclipse in Scorpio energy is starting to primarily release some of the unnecessary or tangential ways that we're generating or creating quote-unquote abundance in our lives."
"Reclaim your energy... owning your power where you put your energy is your choice."
"Push yourself only when you need to, otherwise pace yourself and prioritize."
"Be your own fucking manager cuz you really just need you and your fucking lawyer if you want to be technical."
"If you recognize when you're going into one of the emotions that I call the big three the ones that put you on a slippery slope towards self-defeating behaviors then you buy yourself some time to actually prevent the behavior that tends to follow."
"She uses her lunch time as her personal time to get some things done."
"There's a difference between having things in your control and not being able to do them."
"You only have control over your own behaviors and your own thoughts."
"Do what you can, find what works for you, and don't let the ideal dictate your approach."
"I'm taking responsibility for my own life and decisions."
"You have everything in front of you. You don't have to use it all. You don't have to be it all. You don't have to put it all on at once."
"Nothing is better than controlling your own destiny, your own finances, in your own future."
"You can't control everything, but you can control how you will respond."
"That's what leaves me without feeling crazy all the time."
"Discipline is a decision... it's how you conduct yourself, not who you are."
"Focus it towards your goals rather than allowing yourself to react to situations."
"Make exercise your priority and you be the boss of your body and your mind."
"Own everything in your life that you have control over."
"When you live in the kingdom it brings you stability you're not going to be an emotional mess all the time knee-jerking to everything you're going to be in control you're going to be calm cool collected you're going to have yourself together."
"Stop being lazy, stop just waiting for something to happen one day and start taking back control of my own day."
"Keep calm, continue to do what you need to do."
"Your job is to manage your own State of being in conflict situations when they have happen because they'll always happen."
"I want to figure this out on my own, I want to handle it on my own."
"Once I started to manage my own salary, my military paycheck..."
"It's easier for me to be a hundred percent doing something than to be like halfway doing it."
"I am my own producer, my own writer, my own publisher... I own the entire process of everything I do."
"Do not give the remote control of your emotions to someone else."
"If you don't keep yourself in place, you can't help others."
"In order to regain your power, you have to be willing to take responsibility for yourself."
"Moving forward, taking control of your situation."
"Make sure you're in control of your emotions rather than your emotions controlling you."
"The time for nannies is gone; you should be smart enough to deal with your own assets."
"Hold your pants up, you can hold your life together."
"Boundaries are not only for other people, it's for you so you don't cross the line and get out of character. That's what boundaries are for me."
"We just have to remind ourselves that we can't do everything at once."
"You gotta control your emotions in these times."
"You've got to control your emotions, true with anything in life."
"Be your own caretaker, keep organized, and maintain balance."
"It's better to finish the action even if the shot is not the best than to consider I can't give the ball away and actually create problems for yourself."
"You have to live imbalanced to have more balance in your life."
"It's better to just be in the middle and forget about both sides and just focus on what you have to do and what you can control and that's what's happening in the car."
"Boundaries are for me to set, they are not for me to tell you and they're for you to employ."
"So does that mean that disease expression and suppression is up to you? Pretty much."
"It's really about controlling your own emotions."
"You are grown up and you're supposed to be taking your life by the reins."
"Never hype yourself up, even if it's fun, because you'll literally just ruin your day."
"I got my own set of um people I got my own staff right."
"I worry about what I can do and not what I can't do."
"There's no excuse not to take responsibility for yourself."
"Your mind is a tool that you can use to modulate the signals between your stressors and your responses."
"Shift negative self-talk and be more compassionate with yourself."
"You are responsible for your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions."
"I realized that the one thing I always have control over no matter what happens in my life is my attitude."
"You're in control of your thoughts and ideas."
"If you want to make something a priority in your life, you make it a priority."
"Ultimately, it is your responsibility to manufacture, maintain, no different than sweeping your porch or brushing your hair, this halo effect is your responsibility for you to maintain."
"Your head can be a beautiful servant or it could be a horrific master."
"The days of people getting record deals and having an A&R person map out your career are long gone."
"Figure out what's in your control and what's not."
"Maintain accountability and responsibility for your own emotional state."
"You want to have an element of control over your life."
"The only thing that you can control is how you respond."
"Focus on what you can do and what you can control."
"If you don't control your environment, someone else will."
"You can only do what you can control, so that's how I've decided to define how I stay on course, and that's how I've decided to feel about my process."