
Lucid Dreaming Quotes

There are 216 quotes

"Lucid dreaming is when some people are able to be in a dream and know that they're themselves dreaming, and they can sort of control their dreams."
"Lucid dreaming is defined as realizing within the dream that you are dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming has this vast history in spirituality and parapsychology and shamanism."
"Lucid dreaming is a dream in which you're aware you're dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming is when you, not your dreaming self, your conscious self, controls the dream. You are literally a god; the universe is your playground."
"Lucid dreaming is when you become awake, or lucid, in your dream and when you realize that you are dreaming and that you are the dreamer."
"Lucid dreaming is more than just having a vivid dream; it has an extra element to it. One can receive full control over the reality that he or she is experiencing."
"Lucid dreaming is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming. The dreamer may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream characters, narrative, and environment."
"Many brilliant minds were lucid dreamers, such as James Cameron, Nikola Tesla, Salvador Dali, Aristotle, Chris Nolan, Stephen King, Albert Einstein, Leonardo DiCaprio, John Lennon, Thomas Edison."
"Once you have your first lucid dream, it will completely blow your mind. To be in the dream world, fully aware and conscious, can be an extremely exciting thing."
"Anything is possible in a lucid dream, right? Kind of incredible."
"Lucid dreaming can be used as an incredibly valuable tool to enhance psychological development."
"A lucid dream is a state of dreaming where your mind is completely aware of the fact that it is in a dream but it stays within the dream and is able to control the dream."
"In lucid dreaming, you can literally smell smells as if you would smell them in day-to-day life, touch things and feel them as if you are physically touching and feeling them, and experience things to the highest degree that you possibly can, other than doing it in real life."
"There are two types of lucid dreamers: dream-initiated lucid dreamers, where you're in a dream and suddenly recognize you're dreaming, and wake-initiated lucid dreamers, where you decide before you go to sleep that you're going to lucid dream."
"Lucid dreaming ranges from a faint recognition that you're in a dream to fully controlling your actions, people or objects in the dream, or the dream itself."
"Lucid dreaming describes a state in which the dreamer is aware they're asleep and sometimes has the ability to control events and actions."
"Lucid dreaming is the ability to consciously observe and/or control your dreams. So basically, in your dream, you are aware that you're dreaming, and you can do whatever you want."
"Tell yourself that you are going to lucid dream tonight. Also, tell yourself what you want to dream about."
"Lucid dreaming does have a dark side because if you are lucid dreaming and it turns into a nightmare, you are going to feel and hear and see everything."
"Lucid dreaming is basically when you become awake, or lucid, in your dream, and when you realize that you are dreaming and that you are the dreamer."
"I tried lucid dreaming for 30 days and my life has changed forever."
"In a lucid dream, you are placed in an environment where you have total control over everything."
"If you can master how to enter lucid dreams, your life will literally change."
"When you focus deeply on your senses, you are stimulating your brain and conditioning your mind into a state that is optimized for lucid dreams to occur naturally."
"It's really interesting that there's different ways to experience this world, one being lucid dreaming. You're in the dream, it all feels real, but at the same time, you know that it's just a dream."
"Lucid dreaming is actually a scientifically proven state... scientists have been able to actually observe people in the Lucid Dreaming state."
"Lucid dreaming is what happens when the dreamer becomes aware that they're dreaming. That awareness is all it takes to become lucid."
"Lucid dreaming is also associated with mental health and well-being, with studies suggesting that a higher frequency of lucid dreaming was associated with a better ability to manage thoughts and emotions whilst awake."
"Tibetan Buddhist master Namkhai Norbu once said that meditating in a lucid dream was nine times more powerful than meditating whilst awake."
"There's three reasons why, in my mind at least, someone might want to try lucid dreaming: The first is infinite freedom... The second is more time... The third is you can achieve some sort of clarity on a problem that you've been working on."
"Lucid dreaming itself has a lot of benefits, apparently it can help ease anxiety, overcome nightmares, it can even improve motor skills."
"Lucid dreaming has actually been used as therapy for some trauma patients, including patients with PTSD."
"Lucid dreaming is essentially just a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming."
"Essentially if you are lucid dreaming, you're basically in control."
"I truly believe lucid dreaming is the closest thing we have to sort out online VR reality."
"There could be many benefits of being able to induce lucid dreaming."
"One of the more powerful ones is lucid dreaming."
"Realizing that you still have the power to have that sort of lucid dreaming in your day-to-day life, it still can be there."
"Lucid dreaming is basically being able to become conscious within your dream and control the state of your dream."
"Have you guys ever lucid dreamed? It's a wild experience."
"I used to lucid dream to escape bad dreams. Flying made me feel powerful."
"What I'm about to describe to you is a very realistic lucid dream that I had last night."
"It really is weird though. If you've never had a true lucid dream, it's like sleep paralysis but you're actually kind of in control."
"The lucid dream experience can be very frightening or it can be an amazing liberating experience."
"Many who've attempted to lucid dreams say that they've experienced something that's put them off it forever. Some of these have even affected the person weeks after the experience."
"In a lucid dream, you are taking that top 10 percent of your consciousness and flipping it downward into that 90 percent of our fullest potential."
"Fearlessly interacting with that which you were afraid of within the lucid dream is the way to integrate phobias."
"One moment of meditation in the lucid dream is equal to a seven day one week meditation retreat in the waking state."
"Use your lucid dream state for your spiritual practice and really your life can change."
"Lucid dreaming can change your life and I want your life to change."
"Lucid dreaming isn't something you need to learn to do, it's something you need to remember how to do."
"Lucid dreaming and reality shifting are intertwined. Becoming lucid in dreams helps awaken you in the waking state."
"Lucid dreaming is something that I actually experimented with a while back."
"If you can be conscious enough to ask yourself that question then you are already lucid dreaming."
"Constantly question throughout the day if you are dreaming."
"The feeling of knowing you're dreaming but not being able to wake up is terrifying."
"What would happen if everybody could lucid dream?"
"You want to start learning how to lucid dream. These things will help you develop your psyche."
"Lucid dreams are dreams where you are conscious that you're within the dream world."
"He mumbles 'I'm dreaming!' and all the antiques he's brought from dreams start disappearing."
"In all of this, what I'm trying to say about lucid dreaming, it's an incredible journey of depth and experience as we explore our own psyche and also to a large degree explore the what I feel is the true nature of reality."
"You can't possibly lose if you wake up in the dream, great, but that's no more different than having a lucid dream and becoming lucid in a dream."
"Lucid dreaming reveals that the brain possesses an extraordinary capacity to generate immersive, detailed worlds devoid of any external sensory input."
"I decode my dreams when I'm in them. That's why I can change them. Like that's like when you learn how to decode your dreams while you're in the dream, you can also lucid dream and change."
"I have more from later in my life if people want to hear, including a very weird incident that happened during a lucid paralysis."
"Dream yoga is really learning to stay awake in more subtle inner states, to be self-aware rather than just notice."
"Lucid dreaming is really, really fun... you are the puppet master that's controlling the script."
"I began to teach her lucid dreaming techniques which I hoped would allow her to gain some awareness whenever she entered a dream state."
"They're using some sort of lucid dreaming, astral projection technique to try to alter this Pisces' mental state while they sleep."
"Lucid dreams... I've had dreams where I kept having to tell myself, 'Rachel, this isn't real.'"
"So that for me is the most powerful aspect of of how one can learn from the lucid dreaming in a quicker way what can happen in the rest of your life with more time and work right."
"Most people wouldn't think that lucid dreaming pertains to psychic abilities."
"This is the secret behind lucid dreaming that really makes it such a powerful practice."
"Creating a mind-made body is learning to lucid dream... so I'm going to claim the first two of the six cities are learning to lucid dream."
"Once you have recognized that it's a dream, there can be lucid dreaming."
"To me I experienced a lot of lucid dreaming where I knew that I was in my bed at home but my mind was entertaining that I was somewhere else and I was conscious of this I knew that I was in this place and I had control."
"In lucid dreaming, you become aware that you're dreaming."
"If you become lucid in a nightmare, don't wake up. Every time you wake yourself from a nightmare, the psychological trauma that led to the nightmare remains unintegrated."
"There's a possibility for you to like control what you dream like so you're living a whole life in your dream and I was reading up on this like a long time ago so there's like a lot of research on it."
"Conscious of dreaming, I will enjoy the changes as the clear light."
"Be careful when attempting lucid dreaming. You never know if you ever truly come back from it."
"Lucid dreaming is where you can control what happens in your dreams."
"Lucid dreaming is the practice where you become consciously aware that you're dreaming."
"Some people in the chat were talking about, like, how do you achieve something like a lucid dream? And it takes work."
"Every time you go through a doorway, like a doorframe, you would walk through it and say in your mind, 'Am I dreaming?'"
"It takes a lot of practice to be able to lucid dream."
"Your subconscious mind will support you as you fulfill your wish to have a lucid dream or a lovely sleep you can remember."
"Sleep being very, very relaxed, drifting off to where you will experience lucid dreams if you like to have lucid dreams."
"But now you get to wake back up in your own dream."
"Take a moment to make something happen in your dream and enjoy having control over what you are dreaming."
"Next time I am dreaming, I will realize I am dreaming, and I will remember my dream."
"In the field of psychology, there exists a peculiar phenomenon known as lucid dreaming."
"He made the whole thing while forcing himself to lucid dream... writing the songs and then coming back and trying to remember them."
"Lucid dreaming is a remarkable art that grants you the power to become the author, the actor, the director of your own dreams."
"This is the cool thing about lucid dreaming: it maximizes the third of our life that we spend asleep; by doing that, we optimize the two-thirds that we spend awake."
"Lucid dreaming... essentially as being awake while you're dreaming as a way to explore your consciousness and heal and resolve issues in your life."
"Lucid dreaming is knowing that you're dreaming as you're dreaming, aware of the present state moment of being dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming seems to be one of the best because it's something that is relatively easy to learn, it's accessible to everybody, it's free, and there's no side effects."
"Every time you have a lucid dream, you get a tiny taste of enlightenment."
"Lucid dreaming maximizes the third of our life that we spend asleep, but by doing that, we optimize the two-thirds that we spend awake."
"People who did lucid dreaming had more problem-solving abilities when they're awake and they had more insight about life."
"Once you start having loads of lucid dreams, they can then test to show that you're actually becoming more insightful, you're becoming more creative."
"Lucid dreaming is essentially when you become aware that you're dreaming while you're still dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming is... when I was younger, I can remember having dreams that were just like surreal."
"Last night I lucid dreamt unintentionally... it was kind of like a dream in a dream."
"I must admit lucid dreaming really is as amazing as people say."
"As we go into dreams, try to be awake in your dreams."
"You can begin to consciously control the dream."
"The key to lucid dreaming was being able to recognize when you were dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming is supposedly a skill you can develop to the point where you can not only realize you're dreaming but you can actually control yourself in the dream."
"For lucid dreaming, we use the eagle because we call the lucid dreamers Eagle Seers."
"Whenever I'm in that house, I typically realize, hey, this is a dream."
"I counted one, two, three, four, five, six, and then when I counted six, I was like, oh boy, I'm lucid dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming is pretty awesome, as you can imagine."
"Meditation has so many benefits to lucid dreaming and so many other benefits."
"In a lucid dream, anything you can imagine is possible."
"In a lucid dream, that's an entirely different story."
"Lucid dreaming means being able to control the dream... but the mark of a lucid dream is you can direct your attention to the experience as a dream."
"Typically lucid dreams involve features like greater clarity or vividness... a kind of realism, things sometimes take on a hyper-real quality in a lucid dream."
"I'm aware that I'm dreaming and it doesn't even break the dream."
"I can occasionally realize that I'm dreaming and I like the dream that I'm having."
"How far can we go in our dreams if we're aware of what's going on?"
"You ever had a lucid dream where you were in full control of the dream?"
"In lucid dreaming, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished; the dreamer can direct events and do inconceivable things such as fly."
"Lucid dreaming, by the way, the definition, is just that you are aware that you are dreaming as you are dreaming."
"When I woke up from the lucid dream, all the barriers that stood in the way of me seeking help just dissolved."
"Having a good reason is the most powerful lucid dreaming technique there is."
"One of the good ways to test to see if you're dreaming is just to read something, and if you can't read it, you're dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming is basically where you have ultra-realistic dreams where you can see, hear, taste, smell."
"Lucid dreaming is when you realize you're dreaming and you can literally control it."
"Lucid dreaming, unlocking the secrets of your brain."
"Lucid dreaming is when you're aware that you're dreaming."
"A lucid dream, in which the dreamer becomes aware of the dream and in some cases can manipulate its outcome."
"Lucid dreaming is a state where you're fully in control of things around you."
"The dream that I don't have nightly just happened when I was like 14, I would lucid dream all the time."
"Lucid dreaming is when a part of your brain is awake in your dream, so you know you're dreaming, and you can alter your dreams."
"I think conquering your fears in lucid dreams, whatever those fears may be, can be really powerful."
"Lucid dreaming and astral projection is synonymous with the awakening of consciousness."
"Once you're lucid, you're already halfway there, you're already in non-physical reality."
"Good luck, and I wish you many lucid dreams but also for you to go beyond those dreams and enter the objective reality of the astral plane."
"Gaining these lucid dreaming and astral projection experiences requires practice."
"It's kind of like where you can control your own dream and you're living in your own dream, kind of."
"It's more like lucid dreaming where you're consciously aware that you're dreaming."
"The games revolve around the concept of lucid dreaming and becoming trapped within your dreams."
"Lucid dreaming is where you suddenly realize that you're in a dream and begin to take control of yourself and the dream, instead of the dream controlling you."
"If you commit to just seriously questioning your reality and doing reality checks, this is enough to experience a lucid dream."
"Wake-back-to-bed is a popular practice in lucid dreaming teachings because it's just so effective."
"Lucid dreaming is when you are dreaming and you become conscious of the fact that you are dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming is a phenomenon that occurs when you become conscious in your dreams."
"Lucid dreams are where you become conscious of the fact that you are dreaming."
"Lucid dreaming can easily be accomplished if you would just run and swim at least three times a week."