
Models Quotes

There are 393 quotes

"A good model is supposed to be simple, conceptually insightful, and empirical consistent."
"Science doesn't make proclamations about truth; it creates probabilistic models based on what we understand."
"We have climate models that purport to explain what's going to happen over a century...but we have economic models layered right on top of those that claim there's going to be various forms of disaster for human beings economically as a consequence of that climate change."
"Models are opinions embedded in mathematics."
"Extraordinarily flexible models require extraordinary evidence."
"Science does not work that way; we should accept the strongest model which best explains the observed evidence."
"Science doesn't make proclamations about truth; science always presents tentative conclusions and models that are the best explanation of the available facts."
"All models are wrong, but some are actually very useful."
"At the end of the day, what science does is it comes up with the most reliable models and theories."
"Server Bowls are the central abstraction in TensorFlow Serving, representing fully trained models."
"It's pretty incredible that they would say that Model S is the best vehicle they have ever evaluated."
"Reflex models are models which just require a fixed set of computations."
"Climate misinformation is when the experts claimed arctic summers would be ice free by 2013 oh i mean 2015 the climate models reality is the bottom."
"It at least shows you that there's more going on than you think to our scientific model."
"2013 gunship has to be my favorite, it's just the most refined gunship."
"2002 gunship is a close second though, it has that nostalgia factor."
"A powerhouse model in eighth edition, though in the night that is far more questionable."
"Coming soon: which Lexus models are the best and worst to buy."
"These look awesome, I can't wait to get all these ships."
"Science is tentative in its models and revisable."
"So one of the things that a model helps you do is it gives you a tool to help you avoid kidding yourself about things."
"The models generated by scientists are fundamentally a matter of degree and not of typology."
"When we leverage the out-of-the-box cognitive services, they're using pre-trained models."
"We've got these two simple models for what the singularity might be like that work in a non-causal invariant."
"But I think the important thing is just being deliberate about what model you're using and not necessarily taking things for granted."
"All models are wrong, but some are useful."
"That's the statement that there are multiple models of piano arithmetic for example."
"Man, these models are beautiful, I absolutely love them."
"We're going to need to pair it with an incredibly strong effort to understand what's going on inside the models."
"In our models, that's in the end why you get objectivity in quantum mechanics."
"The main thing that's lost when you switch to the smaller models is reliability."
"These big models are really models of human intuition."
"If you really love the Challenger, what you can do is look into the Scat Pack, look into the RT models as well."
"These are the model Integrations that Langchain supports"
"We need a more normalizing model. And so the model that I have written about in my academic work very simply just involves two main components: mistrust and misinformation."
"A new theory of obesity because there are two overriding you know so two popular models of obesity today."
"If you compare like the Close book equivalent model to the retrieval augmented model, you see very big improvements."
"...plastic models have been getting better and better better and better."
"It's so refreshing to finally get some new Space Marine models to look at."
"Handcrafted models of set pieces, weapons, and vehicles."
"Most of neural networks are sequential models, meaning that the output of one layer is the input of the next one."
"...and man do they just look better than space marines have ever looked dang they're nice saucy little models"
"This one feels the most luxurious, even more than a Model S, though."
"Let's see whoops, we accidentally hit our model behind."
"The most expensive model with the 2.5 L is the Wilderness priced at just over $405,000 in the US."
"There isn't a best model in general but there can be a better model for a particular situation."
"I think the binge model was good when it worked."
"It's like, better than those laser-etched Balsa models I made as a kid."
"Many models also only via one shot after every bold trigger."
"This is kind of in-between the base models of those and the upper trims of those."
"Small changes distinguish the F30 sedan and F36 Grand Coupe."
"Every model has its own kind of threshold with regard to what you might consider similar"
"I think there's some models in here. There's a Corvette model up there and there's a couple Corvette models right there."
"Now Lexus has included variable gear ratio steering in all models of the LS F Sport."
"We have the world's most capable foundation models, either hosted that we built ourselves and make available to you all via API, or open source, which run great on Azure."
"Nobody believes a model except the person who made the model."
"...if you want all the attention that the Model S brings, then the answer is yes because it does get you a lot of attention."
"...I have absolutely fallen in love with the Model S again."
"Our five bone stock cars are the Chevrolet Camaro Z28 and Corvette ZR1, the Dodge Viper, the Ford Mustang GT, and the Pontiac Firebird Trans Am."
"People fall in love with these models and then they blame everything else other than the model."
"Large Vision models and domain-specific Foundation models are the future."
"The models are very cool very good."
"In practice, models have some sequence length limit. In the case of Roberta base, that's 512."
"Sentence transformers outperformed all previous models on most benchmarks."
"A lot of disability activism is focused on bringing the social model into light and having both models work together in synergy."
"We have to have people that make choices independent of the measures and models, meaning that factor them but also factor the limits and make the right choice anyways."
"These over and under predictions are really important because they represent what is not being explained in our model."
"Models are only as good as the data that they learn from."
"Every single model is just comprised of smaller pieces, get those pieces right and everything else follows."
"The only thing that matters in this world are models."
"Feel free to skip the assembly section, but I'm going to give you some tips on how to go about building these models."
"I really appreciate when people include a guide, particularly for large models like this. This is very well done too. Massive points for this, good job."
"We may want to, for instance, draw new samples from a generative model that we learned."
"Normalizing flows are closer to GANs and VAEs in that regard in that you simply add some more channels or you add some more layers to your network and you get a more expressive model."
"Training with normalizing flows is most commonly done with maximum likelihood."
"So there's a lot of room for competition and CS models to fix that."
"These models offer a reasonable trade-off between accuracy and computational cost."
"This QX80 used to be known as the QX56 until Infiniti renamed it back in 2014."
"Model S interior though is really really nice feeling like it definitely feels like a massive upgrade over model 3."
"...but learn off something comp, not a subcompact. That's just my model."
"Given the time frame in which the Dinosaur King model was made in the 2000s, Terry is more than likely based on material still referred to T-Rex."
"The integrated assessment models have got the whole of working group three in a headlock."
"Who makes decisions makes a difference, something that's not true in the standard model."
"Models are a class-based representation of database tables, so they represent our database structures. And the view is basically the business logic and what gets triggered and returns back templates, responses, and so on."
"So even though the model was wrong, I still have trust in it because its behavior was sensible."
"Yeah, the Model S has looked largely the same for the last 10 years, but the tweaks they've made over time and particularly, the Plaid Model, has real curb appeal."
"But you won't get to that end state that we want in the next coming years unless we actually make these models more accessible to everybody."
"All of those models were wrong, but they were useful because they created a sense of urgency."
"There are so many amazing details in each single model that we do have up here."
"Models are not attractive. When you see a model on a Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m., it just looks like a really tall tired little boy."
"This means score-based models can challenge the long-time dominance of guns in image generation."
"The degree of complexity has now increased exponentially because of the way these models work."
"We need to take a step back and say which one of these models here are we most interested in."
"Predictable business models long term and I think it's very concentrated so it has a potential of outperforming."
"DBT run is a command, but if you want to run selected models, then do DBT run -s and the name of the model."
"Both of these are incredibly massive undertakings, both built to accurate minifig scale, and both of these models I absolutely adore for many different reasons."
"Essentially all models are wrong but some are useful. It just could not be more true."
"Even though the structure is identical, the content differs between models."
"Hierarchical models are extremely powerful, facilitating the sharing of information between parameters."
"So some of them are open source models."
"The number one reason that people want to train their own large language models is customization."
"I think this was the most exciting exhibition we've done here at the NEC in terms of new models announced and also new models on display, it's just awesome."
"It wasn't because quantum mechanics was wrong, but because classical physics is just another model, another approximation of reality."
"All these models that you've heard of are trained on hundreds if not thousands of these GPUs."
"There is no right or wrong model."
"Some models are all models are wrong, but some are useful."
"These really are little works of art, these models, aren't they?"
"Such a shame that so many of these models are thrown away."
"There's quite a bit of bantering going on between the Mesoamerican model and the Heartland model."
"They were essentially super frugal models."
"All models are wrong, some are useful."
"Dice gods be damned if I'm excited about some models, I'm gonna buy them and I'm gonna review them."
"Simple models outperform experts."
"All economic models have a tight logic amounting to mathematical proof of the premise."
"I've always loved this model from afar."
"Alignment of language models is about more than just censorship."
"We use language models, they use molecular models."
"This eight series models tire smoking credentials."
"The CZ 75 sp01 is essentially the big brother to the CZ 75."
"Science cannot escape using models and metaphors because models and metaphors are at the base of all understanding."
"All models are wrong, not because they have incorrect information, but because they are incomplete."
"Remember, all models are wrong, but some are useful."
"It's just a model if a very powerful model but we don't want a mistake that it can fully describe someone you know."
"Every model is wrong, every theory is wrong, but some of them are useful."
"The Outback base engine models can tow 2,700 pounds, and turbo models 3,500 pounds."
"I think it's actually a great that they complement each other these two business models."
"Follow the data. So, and you're exactly right about what you said about climate models. We could bash them forever, but they're useful for research, alright?"
"There are multiple models for looking at the world. Some are better than others."
"Let's point the Markov model at this and see how well it does."
"They actually would make scale models of the boats so that when someone was going to be buying it they could actually proper walk around and actually have a look at it."
"The best models to imitate are the kinds of models that don't become rivals basically."
"...each model has their pros and cons."
"It’s okay to draw on models and concepts that have already been revealed. They’re helpful for understanding the world and for questioning and thinking through important ideas and issues."
"Beautiful stuff from the people at Border Models."
"They never Photoshop or retouch their models at any of their photography. I think that's awesome."
"In almost any realistic model in context we're not choosing between a simpler and more complex explanation of a phenomenon both of which make equally good predictions typically we're trading off simplicity against accuracy."
"Fraud is continuously changing, requiring adaptive models."
"Your abiltonian is very similar to something like the Ising model."
"Linear regression, AKA General linear models, part one. There's a lot of parts to linear models but it's a really cool and Powerful concept so let's get right down to it."
"One quick lesson here: a pre-trained model will definitely work no matter what your input size is."
"The logic model is very widely used because it's so easy to understand and easy to follow."
"The climate models are open source; you can download them, you can run them."
"Cross-validation is useful for comparing different models."
"You can bring pre-trained models to end-user software and run these models without code."
"Once we understand that what economics is really a portfolio of models, it makes us much more humble about how much we really know."
"Neither the Keynesian model nor the classical model is universally right; there are times when each is right."
"We have a very powerful tool; it's called a model."
"Science doesn't deliver certainty, it delivers the best model."
"To declare our request body, we need Pydantic models with all their power and benefits."
"There's no doubt these models have elicited a lot of interest and a lot of excitement."
"I found that the deep learning models that are currently available often trained on a specific dataset."
"Let's train some models using the tidy models framework."
"The prediction models in the works are just mind-blowing."
"Linear models are easy to interpret, fast to implement, easy to deploy."
"It comes in three main specs: ST1, ST2, and ST3."
"Say all you like about the quality of Bachmann's models by design, but generally speaking, the way Bachmann's models are assembled is usually top-notch."
"The Corvette Stingray, Jeep CJ7, Malibu Grand Prix, super van, trike RX-8, lightning gold."
"The models are out of this world."
"These are really, really good models."
"Models.py is where we describe to the database what types of information we're going to use and store."
"The best thing about ready to fly models: you get everything in the box."
"...all models are wrong, some of them are useful."
"There's a model for everyone and every one of their homes."
"Science is a series of models that enables you to understand how nature behaves."
"These were such cool sleeper models that I think are finally getting the recognition they deserve."
"We learn models of the world by observation."
"What do you get for your 59,995 if you buy one of these brand new? That price applies to all three models."
"We come up with better and better models to describe the world."
"Domain-driven design is about having those behavioral models that enforce their own invariance."
"Deep learning... is a way to develop models that produce useful input-output relationships."
"It's so intriguing to see how a plastic model goes from just grains of plastic to being that finished article."
"These things are absolutely amazing, the fidelity of the detail."
"I'm impressed with the level of attention that was given to the small scale fighters here."
"This database now contains 194 models from 28 brands."
"If you take these models seriously, it can tell you something about the biochemistry, perhaps of what's going on."
"Well, I've got two vintage plastic model kits to share with you guys today."
"You can reuse those models throughout the development cycle."
"Science is not a pronouncement of truth; it's not a declaration that X happened and we have proved it."
"It is possible that, in addition to simple oscillations, this and more realistic models may exhibit other complex types of dynamic behavior."
"This is a very cool model of a dinosaur to have."
"These combination models are much better than the base model for the Rahaga."
"I love to see which Disney cruise ship each resort has a model of."
"Turing machines are the model which we use to capture general-purpose computing."
"If you want to get a car that doesn't understand unreliable, get a Model S from Tesla."
"Isolation Forest is a model-based outlier detection method that relies on decision trees."
"VAR models generalize univariate autoregressive models by allowing multivariate time series."
"Statistical models are like Golems; they're powerful but have no wisdom or foresight."
"Fit means to train based on the data, so I've given a bunch of examples of my features and my labels."
"If you are an organization that has a hang of a lot of data, then you end up being able to afford some crazy cool complex models because you have enough data to handle it."
"Philosophers of science understand that all science can do is give you workable models."
"We were very confident in the 512 TR, we were confident in the Mansell F40, we were confident in the yellow Enzo."
"Models really summarize a theory and like our other geography tool, the map, they're simplifications of reality."
"Licensed by both Land Rover and Ford, it comes in two different models: the Land Rover Defender and the Ford Bronco."
"The model predicts time between bounces will always be the same."
"This helps us visually see where which model is best."
"We were pretty certain that we were gonna get the thumbs up to continue developing the models."
"The coefficient of determination is a measure of goodness of fit, that is how well statistical models like a line or curve fits the data."
"The models don't have to be true in order to be useful."
"Even if you have several models of similar accuracy, combining them will improve the results."
"All models are wrong, but fortunately, some of them are useful."