
Nutrition Science Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"There's no robust evidence that current population-wide arbitrary upper limits on saturated fat consumption in the U.S. will prevent cardiovascular disease or reduce mortality."
"Nutrition science has been wrong in many big ways and it has something fundamentally to do with the fact that nutrition science is a difficult science to do."
"Harvard actually used to put out their own food pyramid that was actually based on good science."
"A calorie is just a notion; the benefits have to come from how the metabolic processes in the body change."
"Nutrition science and trying to figure out what foods are best for you or what foods can potentially harm you, one example where there tends to be a lot of confusion is sugar's relationship to cancer."
"A prolonged energy surplus is the main factor driving fat gain, not a single hormone such as insulin."
"It's not just about calories; it's about the calories, but more importantly, it's about the hormones because the hormones tell your body what you're supposed to do with those calories."
"The preponderance of evidence published in the world's most respected peer-reviewed medical journals clearly shows that a low-fat, plant-based, whole food diet is the most effective way to prevent and reverse chronic disease."
"Hormones control weight gain, which control calorie intake and storage. Hormones, not calories."
"Perhaps if we're consuming lectins we can consume sugars at the same time."
"Our minimum daily requirement for carbohydrates is zero."
"The tactics being used today really go back to the very early days of nutrition science with Ancel Keys."
"Saturated fat is an important factor but it's not the only one, and in fact focusing more on the whole food and even the whole dietary pattern is generally a very good idea."
"It's not a one-to-one ratio of dietary cholesterol to blood cholesterol."
"Epidemiology is about 80% of our nutritional knowledge."
"A well-formulated ketogenic diet when compared to a standard calorie restricted low fat diet has a greater effect on weight loss."
"By incorporating a high-fat Carnivore diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, choline, vitamin B12, and promoting ketosis and mitochondrial function, you'll experience a level of mental health and efficiency that I really think will shock you."
"For every one gram of poor quality protein, they make one gram of high-quality protein."
"Humans are by design low carbohydrate animals."
"So conversion from beta-carotene to retinol there are four main things that slow down the conversion um or reduce it."
"Many studies show that the ratio of carbs to fat in a diet doesn't affect weight and fat loss when given the same caloric intake."
"The totality of these studies provides compelling evidence of the dangers of seed oils."
"Your brain does not register calories from beverages the same way it registers calories from foods."
"Glucose is like kindling on a fire, burns quickly, burns bright, burns hot. Fats are like Presto logs, burn for a long time, release heat gently."
"The fact that there are many answers to the question what is food doesn't even remotely question a science of nutrition."
"Blood type is irrelevant when it comes to your food choices."
"Dietitians apply nutrition science to help with conditions like allergies diabetes cardiovascular diseases and weight and eating disorders amongst others."
"I really want to bring really great evidence-based nutrition to people who have medical conditions."
"Calories in calories out always works, can't break the laws of thermodynamics."
"In heart disease, vitamin K2 plays a role in reducing calcium buildup in blood vessels, which is a big risk factor."
"Cutting carbs for people with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease leads to significant decreases in hepatic fat content."
"Resveratrol from red wine helps to activate sirtuins to extend life by a third."
"Mediterranean eating pattern has consistently shown the best results."
"If we're using inflammatory fats, fats that produce more inflammation, inflammation is going to inhibit healthy thyroid hormone receptor activity."
"You can prevent, treat, or even reverse [chronic diseases] by activating your defense systems using food."
"If insulin was so critically important for fat loss, why do we not see it show up in human randomized control trials?"
"Reduced carbohydrate and reduced fat diets will reduce liver fat if you reduce calories."
"Food is information that it's instructions that literally change the gene expression regulates our hormones can affect your immune system and inflammation your body even a picture got microbiome."
"Nutrition is the biological expression of food."
"Nutrients don't act alone, they operate by multiple mechanisms."
"Metabolism is way more important than calories."
"The obesity code by Dr. Jason Fung is an Audible exclusive audiobook. This is the book that changed my life, 170 pounds lost just by applying the cutting edge nutrition science I learned here."
"What it seems is that there is an improvement in adaptive immunity with ketogenic diets but an improvement in innate immunity in vegan diets."
"Do not fear carbohydrates in the food matrix."
"Short-chain fatty acids are the most anti-inflammatory compound I've ever come across." - Dr. Will Bolsowitz
"Every single day we're showing you studies that show that it's the optimal diet for human health." - Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
"Saturated or unsaturated: the shape of lipids determines their state and health impact."
"It's made by manipulating the lycopene and better carotene content in the fruit."
"I still think that for the rest of our lifetimes, an elimination reintroduction diet will remain the gold standard."
"It's not always about the calories in calories out, it's about when you can actually consolidate food and stabilize insulin levels."
"In nutrition science saying that something is an anti-nutrient is not a statement about the overall health value and it certainly doesn't deny the health benefits of fiber."
"The Mind diet combines Mediterranean and DASH diets to protect brain health."
"Prioritizing protein... will promote a greater sense of satiety..."
"Nutrition is greater than the sum of its parts, it's a biological symphony."
"Skeletal muscle is exquisitely sensitive to protein."
"Junk food makes bad bacteria thrive... We also know fruit and veg creates a diversity of bacteria."
"To feed your brain during prolonged exercise, become fat adapted."
"Every cell in our body and our brain is actually made up of mostly fats."
"I think there's going to be a future in this particular arena when it comes to personalized nutrition."
"It's all about not the number of calories; it's about what the hormonal response to those calories is."
"When you eat fructose, it makes you hungry, it increases food intake, it causes insulin resistance, it decreases resting metabolism, it wants to maintain that activity so you can forage."
"Every food comes with hormonal instructions. The foods that trigger a quick response from insulin, when you say hormonal instructions we're talking about hormones like insulin, leptin, ghrelin."
"Americans spend a lot of time and money on food and diet in our quest to be healthy. Science is now helping us better understand why and how that changes as we age."
"The nature of nutrition science is riddled with inconclusive and ideological claims."
"So beans have like a 24 hour effect in that regard like a long lasting effect they're like a time release capsule so to speak I mean that's pretty incredible."
"The time has come for nutrition to be taken seriously as a science."
"We need to revisit these ideas that we have accepted to become true that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat are harmful and high cholesterol is harmful and it should be reduced all the time."
"Polyphenols... operate as sort of like gut modulators inside of our bacteria and they're like orchestrators in terms of keeping us healthy when it comes to our microbiome."
"I like to remind people that nutrition is really a young science; we think we know a lot, and we do know a lot, but we also have to admit how much we don't know."
"We are much more sophisticated in our understanding of how things are interacting with genes."
"Good calories, bad calories, which to me is probably the most important medical text written in the last 50 years."
"The science that I'm going to talk about today is actually mentioned in Lily Nichols' 'Real Food for Pregnancy' book."
"In this conversation, we focus less on what to think and more on how to think about the science of human nutrition."
"Her work really has focused on using dietary protein in healthful interventions to improve appetite control and weight management."
"Every single thing the fructose does in the liver cell promotes the diseases of metabolic syndrome."
"We are really at the beginning of a new era of really being able to truly understand not only what's in our food but how our body responds to what we put inside it."
"Saturated fats do not appear to be unhealthy and on the contrary, might actually be healthy."
"One of the tragic things about nutrition science is it just doesn't pay any attention to the historical record."
"Cardiomyocytes, heart muscle cells, they love triglycerides specifically coming off of APOB lipoproteins."
"The science of eating right, yeah, the science of eating."
"The protein in a food might not have all of the essential amino acids that we as humans require."
"If you have a three to one ratio of carbs and protein post-exercise, it increases your ability to store glycogen by about 40%."
"Don't freak out about eating carbs and that it's going to store fat, it's going to turn into fat, because if they are used correctly, timed correctly, and you're taking in the proper amounts, your body is going to use it and less likely to be stored as fat."
"It's not about calories; it's about what those calories do to our hormones."