
Scientific Methodology Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Nutrition science has been wrong in many big ways and it has something fundamentally to do with the fact that nutrition science is a difficult science to do."
"Economics is considered a social science, and although some other scientists from more 'rigorous' fields don’t always welcome it into their little club, it still follows the same processes to explore the world around us."
"Science can revise itself and correct for error- can and does astrology do that?"
"Science is about bending over backwards to prove yourself wrong."
"The whole point of science is to probe reality reducing our subjective interpretation by as much as is humanly possible, ideally to zero."
"What patterns do is not only give us the beauty but also the ability to look under that, see what's happening, understand what's happening."
"Pretty much all of physics can be boiled down to the following: Describe some aspect of the universe with numbers, come up with a set of equations that predict how those numbers change over time, and based on some initial state, predict how the system will evolve at all future times. Profit, by building heat engines, airplanes, skyscrapers, and our entire modern world."
"Your hypothesis becomes a theory when all other hypotheses have fallen away."
"A good scientific explanation should be as simple as possible."
"Science is a type of knowledge that's able to disprove its old assumptions and accept new truths."
"Most of the time, the reason the majority of scientists are siding is because that is where the evidence has led."
"In science we don't follow people, we follow evidence."
"It's right to demand of any idea that there should be testable predictions."
"Follow the evidence and be as honest as you can about using just the evidence to create the models and the theories that come from it and not the other way around."
"The purpose of the Cavendish experiment was to calculate the gravitational constant, G. We knew these two masses, and the distance between them. So measuring the force of attraction allowed us to calculate G."
"Physicists should focus on resolving inconsistencies because that's how the fight gets in."
"Using criteria of beauty to assess theories is bad scientific methodology."
"Expert opinion is at the bottom. It's not irrelevant, but actual observational evidence is far more important."
"Science is fluid... if there's a new scientific society that says I'm wrong, that's what you're supposed to do with science."
"Reproducibility is kind of super important in science."
"Science is tested, science is questioned. That's how it works. If it can't be questioned, it's propaganda."
"Occam's razor is probably the most important principle in science."
"Good science requires respect for all perspectives."
"Science isn't claiming certainty or pronouncing truth. It's tentative, probabilistic, subject to revision."
"A model is not a hypothesis test. A model is a hypothesis."
"The scheme of effective field theory makes all calculations finite."
"Part of History, part of science is being open-minded to healthy debate and evidence seeking as we work to find the truth together. That's part of civilization."
"There's a difference between having reasons to believe something and having no reasons."
"Scientific remote viewing is a methodology which provides replicable data for communications and interaction with other civilizations."
"Exceptional claims require exceptionally good evidence."
"Falsifiability means that a claim can be proven wrong."
"The scientific method is you have a hypothesis, you do an experiment, you collect the data."
"When you're looking at research you have to really look at who funded this study how is it structured and does it really show correlation or is it doesn't really show cause and effect relationship or does it just show cause correlation."
"Synthesis is as important as reductionism in science. We don't properly respect synthesis, which can weave together disparate pieces of work into a more compelling story."
"Concilium, the capacity to weave together a whole bunch of things that appear disparate into a unified whole, is essential in science."
"He published all his raw data - today something that’s a given where science is concerned."
"Fast radio bursts would be a completely independent probe of this very diffused gas which other probes cannot reach."
"There's not just one study... you have to look at the breadth of science in order to create a hypothesis."
"Selection bias is the bias introduced by selecting individuals that aren't necessarily representative of the entire population. This can often lead to false conclusions being drawn."
"All my data is from original scientific reports, magazines, periodicals, and in books. I do not use the internet as a source."
"Here we have scientists putting out these kinds of numbers and we have people saying oh well, you don't know at all and with if someone reverses their guidelines okay because we learned more information that's a feature of science not a bug."
"Observational science - the kind of science we can test and repeat."
"Science is the systematic study of the natural world."
"The goals of psychological research are always the same: describe, explain, predict, influence/control."
"Science is not spoken in some unified voice, it is a technique for trying to get closer towards something approximating the truth."
"But for both legal and ethical reasons, we’re moving away from using primates for research."
"Science is the best method that we should use and if there is evidence against the theory, we should accept it."
"Science is the human activity of seeking natural explanations for what we observe in the world around us."
"Science, in and of itself, doesn’t really say anything. Scientists do."
"We don't uncover hidden truths, we build models to describe what we hear and open the door for new kinds of musical exploration."
"The best part about science and engineering is that it is measurable and repeatable."
"The time for looking at the data and seeing what conclusion it would lead us to was way back before we had found the conclusion that the data led us to which was Evolution."
"What matters is evidence irrespective whether it's extraordinary or not you when you see something anomalous you need to explain it."
"This era marked a significant shift in archaeology, transforming it from a quest for Treasures to a scientific discipline focused on careful excavation and Analysis."
"We need a new format here, a new way of approaching this stuff, with an open mind but scientifically."
"The process of science is designed to remove as much bias as possible. That's why we have peer review."
"The scientific methods are the single most consistently reliable method that we have of describing reality."
"Benchmarks are essentially that next step you take after you get a breakthrough paper when you hear big claims."
"One of science's greatest strengths is its mutability, the ability to change as new data comes to light."
"There is no such thing as proof in science, only scientific evidence."
"Science changes and updates based on evidence. That's a beautiful thing."
"The foundation of any science or system of knowledge is the most important part of the science for it is indispensable."
"The ability of science to challenge its claims, to skeptically stress them, to various observational tests, is exactly its strength."
"Science seeks to minimize or eliminate bias. It's the most direct possible perspective."
"Science is not in the certitude business; it's in the doubt business."
"Replication allows us to weed out false significant effects."
"We've also learned how the methodology for exploring the natural world began to be influenced by instruments, by numbers, and how that was reducing the natural world into terms that we could understand and evaluate."
"An operational definition is valid, meaning it has to be accurate and quantifiable."
"The ruling passion in the modern synthesis is to move from empirical evidence to the more abstract realm of population genetics."
"We can bridge these gaps when we look at fossils."
"We should favor simple mathematical expressions as our model."
"You can see that some of those splits are very well supported; they occur in most of the networks."
"The SETI community has expertise and methodologies for determining whether a potential techno signature is in fact a natural phenomenon or misinterpreted terrestrial technology."