
Dynamism Quotes

There are 1224 quotes

"Healthy skin is not healthy because it looks healthy; it's healthy because it's dynamic, it's glowing, it's moving. Things are happening in the skin."
"Science is dynamic, science is always changing."
"Landscape images look very beautiful if you add life to them."
"New York City is economically the most dynamic city in human history."
"God is a river of water, which means that every time you dip, you will get a new cup because even though He doesn't change, His word is an ever-evolving word."
"The universe is a dynamic and changing place."
"The world faces immense challenges that surpass boundaries and are in a constant flux."
"Capitalism is the most dynamic economic system that humanity ever knew."
"America still maintains its strongest trait: its dynamism."
"She's not a large person, but she is like a stick of dynamite; she is explosive."
"I want to be out of my comfort zone. I get bored with things always; I am such an antsy person."
"Could they put together a very dynamic product? They sure could."
"Great cities are not static, they constantly change and move with the times."
"They're transforming - showing action, coming towards you with this transformation."
"America is an incredibly boisterous, unpredictable, dynamic place."
"Mamajarov says okay no strategic slow grind for you I'm gonna explode things."
"Reality is a little more messy, a little more dynamic than this."
"A universe that is going somewhere, a game where things are happening."
"The dynamic world just feels so much more alive."
"Earth, a unique planet, restless and dynamic."
"They're constantly on the go, very strong Gemini energy."
"The world is alive, it always feels that way."
"Spawning enemies randomly across the canvas makes the game dynamic."
"Most things are really living systems living documents they go on and they almost immediately change."
"Explosive, dynamic, exciting game experiences."
"Patrick Mahomes is lightning in a bottle. He can turn it on within an instance."
"Match the movement, you don't want it to ever feel static."
"High velocity decision making is key to keeping the energy and dynamism of day one." - Jeff Bezos
"Track splits are a welcome return, bringing a sense of dynamism and life to the race."
"The art of our time is dynamic, provocative, and seemingly limitless."
"Once he's got into that position, he's dynamic."
"Go where the action is, go where the volume is, go where the movement is."
"Damn this thing is dynamic, I really liked it."
"Living world is aptly named because it is a living, breathing world."
"Without forward progression, a fictional verse just ceases to feel like it's a living thing."
"A smart way to set up a website that's going to run online and dynamically."
"Being a Christian is not a monument it is a movement."
"We're at that stage now. It's like the fuse on a stick of dynamite might burn slowly for a very long time but when it hits that critical point the entire equation changes and we are there."
"Life's a journey, you shouldn't want to be static."
"You're not fixed into a static box, you're a dynamic being."
"We're starting to not look at an ecosystem so much as this static thing but as a thing that has been changing and will continue to change."
"Reality is not fixed, it is very dynamic and it changes according to what we're doing with our consciousness."
"Capital is not a thing; it is a process; it is in motion."
"You gotta constantly adapt; you gotta be dynamic."
"Things are changing and they're changing rapidly."
"Our entire team are playing like down at the minute, either explosive and brilliant or like a kid on the playground desperately trying to keep up."
"Sensitivity to the butterfly effect makes dynamic systems open to radical and transformative change."
"It's always moving. It's quick. It's fast paced... Everything goes online in an instant, and that's what I love about this place."
"The word is a living, loving word, it's not a stagnant word."
"When it comes to being a great dancer, one of the things you want to do is be dynamic."
"When you want to be stronger, you gotta check out Echelon Fitness right now."
"Hong Kong is quite an international and dynamic city."
"Salt pulls up with punches, parkour, and a little pizazz."
"The self is not unitary, it's a dynamic process."
"Politics has to be dynamic; there have to be fights and disagreements."
"The fight for equality is not just very dynamic."
"If you're being stagnant, if you're being still, then you're not living, then you're not moving."
"The secret of being dynamic is to believe that God does all things through you."
"The amount of change and movement that's occurring here is breathtaking."
"You can see how you get the same effect, you've got a circle moving through to a triangle, but you can see how it's a lot more dynamic and unique emotion when you animate things frame by frame."
"The beauty of it is that you can pep it up as much or as little as you like, and it is a wonderful dynamic space."
"Truth itself is no longer viewed as an unchanging eternal or abstract construction, but rather truth is something dynamic."
"It's never a dull moment in this space for sure."
"The world is larger and more dynamic."
"It really is a dynamic system to work with, and that is what makes it so powerful."
"The Mark IV version of this Hyundai mid-sized SUV is all about sharp angles, dynamic proportions, and rich surfacing."
"John wanted things always dynamic. Stuff was always moving, even if it wasn't moving, like something was moving."
"Dynamite comes in small packages."
"Decisive and courageous, dynamic and purposeful."
"This connection feels very exciting, very dynamic, like we truly have fun together."
"There is never a dull moment with this man."
"You're always doing something, never at rest."
"That's what people love about Dax is how dynamic it is."
"...what makes the US economy great, it's simply much more dynamic."
"We're trying to be dynamic, to be kind of in the moment and to kind of keep moving."
"2024 is about expressing yourself in diverse and dynamic ways."
"Every day is changing at a rapid pace."
"The world becomes more fluid and dynamic."
"The companies that get this right increasingly what you're going to see is this combination of stability on the one hand and dynamism on the other."
"Overall, the aesthetic of this model is astounding, it's beautiful, it's dynamic."
"Technology is not a noun, it is a verb. It is always moving."
"For a relatively small person, she packs a lot of punch."
"Jiu-jitsu is so dynamic. Even if you don't see it, when you're doing it versus not doing it is night and day."
"This new love is explosive energy. No more black and white, basic energy. It's colorful and explosive, and you deserve it."
"I think we've had an enormous amount of dynamism, we've had an enormous amount of energy, we've had an enormous amount of progress."
"Reality is movement, process, flow."
"Dynamism and creativity happen on the edge of the inside."
"Faith is never static, it's constantly moving."
"It's always exciting. There's always something happening. There's always something new. No two days are the same."
"Jupiter is forever shifting and changing, like a painting that is always in motion."
"She makes it look so easy. She's explosive, dynamic, and she does it with a smile."
"It's a reminder that whatever else you want to say about the Francis papacy, it is never dull."
"Being your best friend is honestly so much fun just because you have so much going on I mean it's pure entertainment all the time."
"You know me, never a dull moment."
"I think that's when I got more of an affinity for The Rock... when you can see how dynamic he was, right?"
"Formula 1 never sits still, neither do Red Bull."
"The reason I chose to have him stepping forward like this as well is because I wanted to make it feel a bit Dynamic."
"Nothing gets more dynamic than this which makes him the definitive choice to claim my number one spot."
"Stasis is not natural, it's supposed to be change and dynamism."
"Keep things alive, shake it up, baby."
"You're a little fire starter, they never know what's coming next with you, you're very exciting."
"God offers you Dynamite power, Dynamite power, explosive, landscape-changing power."
"You're always something new, always something going on in your life."
"He's bringing some energy to this."
"This idea that you have found, on the one hand, the highest wisdom, and on the other hand, you're coming from absolutely pure compassion for the world, those two things together are like dynamite."
"There's never a dull moment with this person."
"You're full of surprises, never boring."
"Dunamis power. Dynamite power. Yes it is."
"You initiate things, get things going, very adaptable to change."
"Adding some movement into your scene can greatly improve how interesting it is to watch."
"He and Pitt have fantastic chemistry in this they really they found a new level and I really it's dynamite."
"...feels exciting, fresh, new, dynamic."
"You have to have a lively Dynamic everyday relationship with God."
"There's never a dull moment in this opening"
"Life in Christ is extremely dynamic."
"The natural world is much more fluid, much more dynamic than we ever realized."
"never never quiet never boring never dull"
"Dynamite comes with small packages. That's true."
"The word of God is a Living Word, a dynamic word."
"I'm electric, Ultra Dynamic, you know we set the flow with symbols."
"This figure cuts a really dynamic silhouette."
"He's a finisher, explosive to the basket, and he can flat out play. He's a Marco Polo Dynamite player."
"Montreal, a vibrant city in Canada, captivates with its unique blend of Old World charm and modern dynamism."
"You're really just a lot of action, action, creativity, a lot of doing."
"She was tired but otherwise a dynamo."
"He's everywhere, the Energizer Bunny at the back for the Penrith Panthers."
"I believe in being dynamic, I believe in trying new things, I believe in variety."
"New Yorkers are doing the most in every vertical."
"Dynamite comes in a small package."
"Absolute Thriller. That was human Dynamite."
"That's all he could say, the public's dynamite, that dynamite."
"There's never a moment or a boring moment with him."
"The music scene was dynamic and exploding."
"He's one of the most dynamic players ever to step onto the gridiron."
"From that infinite angle of pure being, pure existence, or from limited angles where maybe the object dominates, the dynamism dominates, the silence dominates."
"Truth is dynamic, continuously changing and connecting."
"Global capitalism has been a triumph of human resilience, perseverance and dynamism."
"It's exciting, it's dynamic, it's got all the qualities that kind of get inside you and lift you and take you out."
"Oh, he's just a Dynamo of Charisma."
"It is dynamic fundamentally, and that's a game changer."
"This is dynamite right now. And if you're looking at this like whoa, you know you got that little button on the bottom you can drag it back and watch it again."
"But to perform, you know, they were just the most funks. They were so witless and yet dynamic. You know, this is what a great way to be in life."
"She's dynamic, she will get her team going, she leads them, she is their star."
"The West is characterized by dynamism."
"New York, New York, where tomorrow they'll wake up and make a brand new start of it. 24/7, 365, and it's always something new here. You know, that's what I like. It keeps us sharp."
"You can't beat a few splashes because they add energy to your sketch."
"This shows how dynamic IBP is, happening automatically."
"The routine was just a lot more dynamic."
"One of the most dynamic tracks that we have in the series."
"It hits all the corners. Great composition, really dynamic, super lively."
"We are the most dynamic team and the most entertaining team in the league."
"His team always played such entertaining and fast-flowing football."
"That's the dynamism of democracy."
"It's insane if you think about all the things we learn about the brain. The brain doesn't change once you're a grown-up. You have one brain. You can lose parts of it, but pretty much, the brain is stable, it's static. It turns out, it's not. It's very dynamic."
"It feels dynamic, epic, mind-blowing."
"The shot of the camera rotating around Broly as he charges his ki looks really cool to me."
"It does give you a feeling of almost invincibility like it is big and it is weird but as soon as you start running fast and it it feels surprisingly natural on the foot and just really explosive."
"That's what you need to write, we're the most dynamic, entertaining team."
"Nothing is static. Nothing stays still."
"They're athletic, they're aggressive, and right now, they are flying."
"Nonetheless, rack focusing is another way to kind of spice up your shot and add in some movement in there."
"She's just so dynamic she can she can go up there and swing here come watch this pass right here she goes up like she's gonna set and the last second she drops that elbow and puts that ball down."
"This offense is going to be explosive. This offense is going to be way different."
"Explore the secret of the cultural dynamism of the Gospel: it's the social tension of being in but not of that marks the church at its most powerful."
"By running different functions in response to different events, the result is that we can begin to build much more dynamic user interfaces."
"Christianity is boring without the anointing because you are supposed to destroy hell daily in your life."
"Kashi is ever evolving, ever dynamic, and uh it's is something to be experienced."
"She possessed a powerful command of the scriptures and was a dynamic proclaimer of God's word."
"Kamina Drummer is one of the most interesting dynamic characters, period, that I've seen in sci-fi in a long time."
"The paths do converge. All the great Vedantists, most of them, are dynamic, they're loving, they're also meditative. So, the paths do converge."
"Isn't she just dynamite? And fire, so interesting, so interesting, so direct, so thoughtful."
"The dynamic of the photograph, the life of the photograph actually comes from that explosion of light."
"I'm serving a moving God, it's not just a convention where we talk, we operate in the action of God."
"...it's all about that moment of transition, and it's about movement..."
"It's really exciting to see so much happening at once."
"The last half of my life does not necessarily have to be less dynamic than the first half."
"That's craftiness there tyoka and this is what we talked about coming in he's so dynamic in the quarterback run game."
"The dynamic inherent ability to cause changes."
"Explosive night every time he's been out there."
"He's one of the most dynamic players in all of college football."
"This action scene is so dynamic, especially with the editing going back and forth between the two of them."
"You'll never know until you get out there. There's some [ __ ] dynamite people out there. Dynamite!"
"CD Lamb is electric with the ball in his hands."
"History is bursting at the seams."
"Johnson is just so dynamic and strong."
"Explosive offense on display, making every possession count."
"The strength of Straight Ahead is the blocking speed which flows you forward through your shot discovering New Opportunities along the way."
"The church is a movement, it's a dynamic, spirit-filled movement."
"You can just feel the energy rising all the time."
"I think it's going to be particularly engaging and interesting and dynamic and fun for people who can appreciate what it is."
"I need things to keep flowing and changing and I'm a product of my boredom."
"A Van Gogh painting is never still. For that reason, you know you can see that he's moving from an almost impressionist or neo-impressionist approach to something quite different."
"There wasn't some static pre-planned identity that determined that this guy was going to be a trumpet player, only the connections made when interacting with the world that is constantly becoming, unfolding and in motion around him."
"He's a dynamic player, he's a playmaker, he's a threat."
"...but I think if you stick around you're going to find that it is a surprisingly interesting and dynamic topic."
"A larger part of its success is due to the Four Women on the show individually they're tremendously gifted together they're Dynamite."
"Enzymes are dynamic, chemistry is dynamic."
"Imagine the potential, the talent, and the dynamism that Indonesia's Young population brings to the table."
"Trading is ever evolving, ever moving, ever flowing. Nothing ever stops; it's constantly in change."
"Their chemistry is on fire. It is on fire."