
African Heritage Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The leaf of life, look at it guys. You remember it. So this is another of those plants that we get from our forefathers of Africa."
"People of all nations need to know the greater truth of an African story that has been hidden from most people on this planet."
"The beauty of an African ancestry test is we don't just tell you that you're West African or that you're from Nigeria, but we found your actual people, the tribe that you share ancestry with."
"When did black people start educating our children? Since the beginning of time."
"The issue is that the histories of our people in Africa are complex."
"Everywhere besides Rhodesia now agreed Great Zimbabwe, medieval city that thrived from the 11th to the 15th centuries, had been built and lived in by Africans."
"Nowhere on earth can you find as many pyramids as in Africa."
"The further south you go into Africa, the more you can find that represents the flowering of ancient Khmer."
"It's the body of knowledge that could be traced back to the most ancient african time."
"I'm black for a reason, you can't explain the history, my present current location without the history of Africa."
"I think that we have better language about Blackness I think we have better exposure to our African cousins and so we it's not necessarily we don't need to fill in the gaps with this holiday that we invented in the same way..."
"The fact that their connection to their African heritage was erased by the slave trade is an indisputable irredeemable heartbreaking fact."
"As we move through time and space, how have African people passed on knowledge, experiences, memories of their moment in time?"
"Join us today with our returning guests brother bomani Toyama... as we discuss the powerful impact that the Black Panther movie is having on people of African heritage."
"It's important for our children to see that African people are people of royalty, of culture, of tradition."
"She was an African Queen. She was Black. She knew it."
"History was made in Bristol as Bristol passed a motion to create slavery reparations."
"Reparative justice should be driven by African heritage communities experiences, voices, and perspectives."
"Rising out of the heart of Africa, the Great Zimbabwe is today a monument to a mighty African civilization that thrived while Europe languished."
"Destination Africa encompasses patience, unity, and respect."
"We are angels from Africa, we got African responsibility."
"Africa has the highest amount of genetic diversity."
"Africa is so powerful that if you have a little bit of that Africa in you, you are a very powerful person."
"Our African ancestors gave civilization to the world."
"African centered education secures our survival as a people."
"There's a beauty I being an African is a way to turn the shoulders there is no relationship that you should kill us as a way that we put our bada on our shoulders our ID a you know that's me I'm African like that's me so no snobbery to me too."
"Knowledge is power, African knowledge is African empowerment."
"Get a ticket, go to Nigeria, go to Ghana, go to any place in Africa, just go, just go in and experience being black in a place where you don't have to think about being black."
"Africa is the rejected stone that will project Christ."
"We haven't asked ourselves how is it that the bulk of the population of Brazil is either African or part African."
"Unity overrides all division. And that unity is based on the fact that we are all Africans because Africa is born in us."
"African culture was primarily based on their art."
"Our brothers and sisters on the continent have been indoctrinated, taught to hate their beautiful indigenous African culture, African spirituality, and all of those things."
"we don't need to allow this tool of the elites to separate us from what we know to be true ancient Kemet is the achievement of Africans."
"The Nile Valley is the true cradle of civilization."
"One of the beautiful things about restoring your African memory is that once that memory has been restored, you now can look anywhere in the world and find traces of your ancestry that have literally been hidden in plain sight."
"We are African not because we were born in Africa; we are African because Africa was born in us."
"The Gullah people are believed to be the first Africans to touch the Low-country region, better known by the locals as the Lowlands or Sea Islands."
"Especially being an African, Coming to America, knowing what... my people went through... you know, I don't make it so like... insensitive, insensitive to... MLK, probably the greatest black man of our... of all time."
"When Africans visit Jamaica, they feel at home. Yeah, we are one blood, one family."
"...the vast majority of its largest contributors were in fact Jamaican natives who sung largely about the everyday reality struggles and aspirations of Africans and people of African heritage worldwide."
"We as African people or black people have been told many things by many people about our history, but we ourselves have not done the proper historical documentation that needs to be done."
"Kwanzaa is a way of celebrating the end of the year by honoring African culture and traditions."
"Africanisms in the black church in the U.S. are profound."
"This film is about demystifying some things as well as opening up the doors to what we really are about and what all of the wonderful things that we have through African retention that are just not shown to the general public."
"The untold truth about Africans in Jamaica."
"Shaykh Anta Diop was the greatest living African at least in terms of the reconstruction of our history."
"I want us to be unapologetically blackety black black African black black African."
"I just want us to love ourselves and be unapologetically African."
"We have the words of those Africans explaining what happened to them."
"We are Africans who bled and sweat to build this nation; even as Africans, this is our land."
"Every time I've told FBA that I'm Nigerian or even African, I've always gotten a big welcome."
"We talk so much about globalisation these days, but in fact, you're all African exports, some of us more recent than others."
"This is an enormous diaspora of African peoples all across the Caribbean Basin."
"The ownership of one hundred and twenty-fifth Street, the ownership of a lot of these other streets around here, the ownership of downtown Manhattan is greater than any series of ten thousand lectures about the greatness of African peoples."
"We are an African people, what is our fabric? Morality."
"I am an African. I might be a bloody pale face, but this is where I live, this is where I've contributed to this continent."
"We really love our kids to have the experience of living on the African continent, you know where all people are from."
"I'm so African, natural hair, African clothes, everything African and proud."
"Black people brought architecture, Gothic and other styles you see overseas, math, hygiene to the Europeans."
"The history makers is a very important digital archive; it is an oral history archive thousands of interviews with African people."
"...we as persons from the Caribbean or persons from Mainland Africa are from places where blacks are the majority."
"The slave trade is sometimes called the Maafa by African and African American scholars, meaning Holocaust or great disaster in Swahili."
"We found heads with African features... carved out with tremendous skill."
"...we must begin firm with cultural identity... African spirituality is part of African cultural identity."
"The African creative genius... needs to be rediscovered and brought back again."
"We're going to learn about the origin, the culture, and the legacy of African people in the new world."
"We are the children of the Maafa. I am the descendant of those who came on slave ships."
"We must continue to celebrate Juneteenth as an African holiday in America, and it must be exclusively African."
"They stole our arts and sciences from Africa. Then why should we be ashamed of ourselves?"
"Anything is possible, salute to my beautiful African queens."
"What makes an African-centered consciousness is a consciousness based on African history and culture, and the African experience."
"Jamaican people, we are told that we are Africans from we are kids."
"If you understand ancient African history, you must say that there is something that Africans should be known for: long-term planning."
"Africans have made a tremendous contribution to technology and many other fields."
"Kemetic spirituality is in fact African spirituality; it does nothing more than flourish in Kemet."
"This man is the most daring and adventurous African man."
"The African heritage is of particular interest and deserves special scrutiny."
"We want to raise awareness about the fabulous foods, dishes, and meals of African Heritage."
"We must restore, reclaim, and reveal the truth to our African roots."
"Writing was and is one of the most important contributions that African people gave to the world."
"The Bible is full of black history and black people and black places and black contributions."
"I don't hate Africans, I love my African people, and I am African."
"The Mississippi River is to the indigenous Africans what the Nile or the Holy River was to Africa."
"Every spiritual system and faith system that exists came out of an African mind."