
Thriving Quotes

There are 636 quotes

"As human beings, we want to thrive, and doing so requires us to survive."
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou
"We did not come here to be labor workers... We came here to experience, to live, to thrive."
"Human beings, as individuals and as a species, we thrive when we are active."
"A relationship should not just be surviving; it should be thriving."
"Being able to relate to the millions of people who are going through the same process... It's not just about living but thriving in that moment."
"Imagine a world where people can thrive, where we can feel safe and secure."
"Don't forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive."
"God does not want you to survive; He wants you to thrive."
"We don't just deserve to survive; we deserve to thrive."
"You are not in this desert; you are supposed to be in thriving mode."
"I'm going to tell you exactly how to find out what it is that's missing, so you could thrive in a way that you probably never thought possible."
"Despite any setbacks, despite any sadness or sorrow you are blossoming, you're thriving."
"Human beings are wired to survive. We are not wired to thrive."
"Each one of these women had a different type of burden that they had to remove from their lives. Each one of them turned their energy, their focus in on themselves. And each one of them is thriving in her own way."
"Jupiter and Pisces... such a great ability to thrive in any circumstance."
"The right food, nutrients, balance of hormones, light, air, water, love, meaning, connection, and purpose are what we need to thrive."
"Mutual Aid is more than survival or scraping by. It’s how communities can THRIVE."
"You're giving yourself permission to thrive."
"People can actually thrive in the face of death."
"If you want to thrive in life, you need other people."
"Life finally has the freedom to do more than just survive, it thrives."
"There's going to be an opportunity here that sees you thrive and rise."
"You were not created just to survive, you were created to thrive."
"We need to design for people to thrive, not just survive."
"I want you to thrive... I don't want you to get devoured out here."
"You don't want to just survive, you want to be able to thrive."
"The life that's been purchased for you is the thriving life."
"You're not just surviving, you're actually going to thrive."
"We are proactive Patriots, so how do we not just survive during this time, how do we actually Thrive?"
"It's not enough to survive; you have to thrive."
"You have everything inside of you to not just survive anymore, you have everything inside of you to thrive."
"You can thrive in this energy, you can expand in this energy."
"Thriving is doing the best you can in the season you're in with the resources you have available."
"Living in connection with the natural environment, able to support and sustain themselves, not only to survive but to truly thrive."
"I consider myself both of those things. I consider myself also a thriver."
"It is possible to heal, to thrive, and live a wonderful life."
"It's like a plant. You didn't have water and sunlight when you were around them, but now you have water and sunlight and you're thriving."
"Creating a space where you feel like you can really relax and be yourself is vitally important to our survival and also to us thriving in our lives and in our spaces."
"You have been ordained and anointed to thrive."
"You can be who you are, be that well and thrive because of who you are, not despite it."
"Life is not just meant to be surviving, it's meant to be living joyfully and thriving."
"Your perfect diet shouldn't just keep you alive; it should help you thrive."
"Love is the currency of the universe. That is how we thrive."
"You are one of the great not only survivors but thrivers of the internet."
"All actions have consequences, all things that are balanced thrive."
"We don't want to just survive, we want to thrive."
"I expect to continually evolve, learn, and thrive in all aspects of my life."
"The ones that will thrive are the ones that accept it, adapt to it, and then learn how to capitalize in the metaverse."
"I think that is a spot for Lamar Jackson to really really thrive in."
"Thriving isn't perfection but thriving is I'm doing the best I can considering the season that I'm in."
"God wants us to change so that we can thrive."
"You're coming back to your center, loving yourself fully. You're thriving despite circumstances."
"I'm actually in a really really great place mentally. I feel like I'm thriving."
"Volunteers needed. Don't just survive, thrive."
"Functioning, living, surviving, thriving... some of you are going to be directed to your actual purpose."
"If you're genuinely searching for how do I become a better person so that I can serve better, you will thrive."
"There is a way out of the pain and not just into mere survival... but truly a transcendence into the thriving that your soul always intended you to live."
"I'm not only going to survive, I'm going to thrive."
"Humans are wired to connect and enjoy it. We're wired to thrive."
"Everyone is here experiencing life to thrive."
"I don't want to just survive, I want to thrive."
"You will not fail or merely survive, you and your house will thrive in Jesus name. Amen."
"Just think about a plant... in some bad soil... will that plant survive? No, probably not... or it's going to struggle to survive... and do you want to struggle to survive or do you want to thrive?"
"Who doesn't love thriving? Who doesn't want happy families?"
"We want to thrive during uncertainty, not just survive."
"It wasn't just about surviving, but thriving as a species."
"Humanity may not have only survived but also thrived."
"We don't want to just get by, we want to thrive."
"Flourishing to me is the ability to get through life and to do it better, to do it from a point of wisdom, a point of perspective, a point of understanding, and thriving."
"As long as you feel safe, you will thrive in this life."
"It's a matter of being proactive as opposed to just reactive."
"Choose to believe in the abundance of this world and that is going to allow you to thrive."
"Where there is a will there's a way and that you can absolutely not just achieve the results that you want but that you can feel amazing and you can Thrive while doing it."
"Just living, enjoying life, surviving, thriving as a species, creating for future generations... isn't that enough?"
"They did it the right way, they f**kin' thriving."
"This child went from barely surviving to absolutely thriving because of the culture of respect."
"I owe it to the run... we're out here thriving."
"Our ancestors were not surviving, they weren't even subsisting, they were thriving."
"If you want to know how we can thrive, it's you, the community, the broader community."
"I don't just want my plants to survive, I want my plants to thrive."
"Life is meant to work, and like every living thing, our purpose is to thrive."
"They truly want to make you happy and see you thrive, and not just survive, thrive, not just arrive."
"You're not meant to survive, you're meant to thrive."
"We all have different talents and different things we want to give, and there is a place for you to thrive in life."
"You're not meant to just be doing all of this hard work 24/7; you are meant to thrive and take care of yourself."
"Every person diagnosed with Down syndrome has their own unique abilities and can thrive in society."
"My gorgeous mate is in her element and she thrives here."
"2024 is really the year where all the companies will really thrive that sell somewhat software related products."
"In order for us to survive, in order for us to thrive, we need each other."
"You're meant to thrive, you're taking back your power."
"My plants are thriving, by the way."
"Choosing to thrive as opposed to survive, choosing a passion over survival, is a way of honoring all of their hard work and sacrifice."
"Once we work to enriching to improve our psychological models and behavioral models, then we actually thrive."
"I don't just want to live; I want to thrive, and I want you to be there with me, thriving."
"I feel in awe of myself, I feel in awe of my body and my mind that I survived and not just survived, I thrived."
"Of all the animals in the world, which one managed to spread further and thrive in more places than any other? It's the red fox."
"If you're black and you're queer and you want to thrive, I think Atlanta could be a really wonderful town for you."
"Everyone thrives when they have responsibility."
"Life is good, I'm thriving, it's all because of this oil."
"This is what we need to live, this is what we need to be healthy, this is what we need to thrive."
"You're being prepared for life, you're being prepared to thrive, not just to survive."
"This is what's missing in ADHD treatment: providing scaffolding so that you can thrive."
"We want to thrive and transcend what life has brought to our doorstep."
"This guy is my horseshoe crab who has just been doing amazing anywhere I put this guy, he thrives."
"Lean into the fear and use it to thrive"
"I am thriving, I am happy, I am grateful, I am blessed."
"Skillshare is the perfect place to keep your learning and thriving."
"We are no longer surviving Jimmy, we're thriving."
"Your soul is calling you to shift from surviving to thriving."
"I took control of my health and today I am thriving and I am happier than ever."
"You don't have to choose that path despite the toxic environment that we live in. You can still thrive and overcome."
"This is where he's gonna thrive, this is where he's gonna win this fight."
"You don't have to worry about will you survive, you can actually thrive during an evil time."
"There's a reason these places thrive here in Amsterdam."
"We're not surviving, man. We're thriving."
"We're not just surviving, yeah we're thriving over here."
"If I can't feel and experience my hunger for food without being scared, I'm not going to thrive."
"It is not enough to only be strong. It is not enough to only survive. To truly live, they must thrive."
"He is happy, he is healthy, he is thriving, he's living his best life."
"You don't just want your child to cope, you want them to live their life and thrive."
"I'm beyond surviving at this point, I'm thriving."
"Yes. This is a great time for relationships, for starting a family, for fostering a sense of community. This is a time for you to thrive."
"Thriving in your endeavors is a sure sign of success."
"...when we take a lot of that pressure off, it's a lot easier for a relationship to thrive."
"If you thrive, that means that they are powerless over you."
"Both teams are thriving in the transition game."
"I need lots of supplementary light around the house to make sure that my plants not only live but that they Thrive and grow throughout those long months."
"You do not want to be in survival mode anymore, not when it comes to relationships, not when it comes to money, not when it comes to life. No, you want to thrive."
"Make healthy choices. That's where things thrive."
"Congratulations Katie for showing everyone you've shown everyone sis thriving and surviving."
"Understanding how much they can do to thrive."
"Your mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive."
"We're helping meet people wherever they are and help them get into position to not just weather this storm but to actually thrive through it."
"It seems like you're thriving here and not surviving here."
"They have that aspect of not just to survive, but to thrive, you know?"
"Choose to focus on people, choose to focus on the positive, choose to focus on the present moment, and you will thrive."
"I'm bloody thriving, and it feels good."
"Our goal is not so much surviving as the fittest but thriving as the nurtured."
"Not only is One Piece thriving with the latest Egghead Island cementing itself as a top-tier arc in the series..."
"I want to see y'all thriving, not just surviving."
"You're not out here surviving, you're out here thriving."
"You can't Thrive without Community."
"The community is thriving. It is growing."
"Pruning is essential for thriving. It's essential for thriving."
"You seem to be thriving, you seem to be back in your own energy, recognizing your power and tapping into your own energy."
"This is the time when I really Thrive because I don't feel that pressure of like let's do things and let's go places."
"I'm just thriving. I'm just the happiest I think I've ever been. I'm just so grateful."
"Comfort is overrated. Comfort is the opposite of thriving."
"You make them nervous. They don't understand how you're thriving and not just surviving."
"It's giving healthy, it's giving thriving."
"I'm doing this for me, I'm out here thriving."
"Remarkably not only did it survive, it thrived."
"We are all thriving in our own way."
"I have always taken the stance of we should aim for thriving rather than surviving every single time."
"Anytime two people are both trying to serve each other, that relationship is going to thrive."
"It's great to see operations like this thriving."
"We ain't just surviving, we're thriving."
"We as people are social beings. We thrive off of our relationships with other people."
"I thrive in secure, healthy, and loving relationships."
"Israel still stands as a living breathing thriving democracy."
"In a state of thriving, you want critical feedback. In a state of coping, you're skeptical of success."
"Life is completely different when you're thriving."
"As you're thriving, you have more to give, but ironically, you get more back."
"Everything just gets easier when you're thriving."
"Now I'm loving life and thriving."
"We Believe three things here in this Thrive tribe: there are three ways you can live your life: sinking, surviving, or thriving."
"Look at my monstera. She's thriving."
"Are you thriving or are you dwindling?"
"Mighty little Mel like creatures are thriving in Africa"
"I did come in as a survivor and I definitely have thrived throughout this course."
"People have fulfillment in their lives, they start thriving when they have lots of small number of very deep friendships."
"Thriving isn't perfection, thriving is progress. It means you are fruitful, flourishing, and fulfilled."
"Thriving requires more than strength, it requires a strategy."
"Remember, it's not just about living, it's about thriving."
"Surviving is like, 'I'ma do whatever.' Surviving is what you did when you was on the stroll. Thriving is, 'Alright, I ain't doing that. I have choices. I got choices.'"
"We're not just going to be surviving boys, we're going to be thriving."
"Unlike its cousin on the island part of the province, the Labrador Marten is thriving."
"The objective of this whole thing is to thrive."
"You were never meant to survive, but you were meant to thrive."
"You can survive without Community, but you can't Thrive without Community."
"Thriving in the city and not just surviving."
"You have a lot of peace in your life... You really thrive off of peace."
"...the High Street here is thriving."
"I'm thriving, I'm living my best life right now."
"For a long time they had on their own shut our community down, and now it thrives with life."
"Because honestly if you feel good it's you're going to thrive you're going to keep doing it."
"In order to thrive and not just survive, we need to have the light of Truth."
"Instead of flocking yourself trying to prevent a problem, put your energy on what will Thrive and work in the solution set."
"I want you to feel great. I want you to feel like you're thriving and in complete alignment."
"Some people fold and some people, you know, they thrive... I'm definitely a thriver when it comes to pressure."
"Every day I pray, I structure my day, and it helps. I'm thriving."
"Resilience is our deep keel, enabling us to thrive every day of our lives."
"Resilience could be finding a therapist, increasing our support system of friends and family, cleaning up our space that we have to work in because it helps us feel better. There's certain things we can do to just help ourselves thrive."
"Not only we all were here surviving, we're thriving."
"...Poland is thriving right now. I just was very impressed by it."
"Resilience is you keep going, but you thrive."
"I'm having a good day. I'm thriving."
"The tools that you needed to survive will not be the tools you need to thrive."
"Generating our satisfiers is the only way that we can thrive."