
Personal Direction Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"Rather than just following orders, you start to lead by believing in the direction you want to go."
"Self-efficacy is basically your ability to think for yourself and to direct your own life."
"Living your life in intention, intelligence, in direction, not in reaction."
"You're the captain of your own ship; steer it wherever you truly want to go."
"The goal of your life should define what you do."
"Options in life are more about being able to make decisions to take you in a different direction to the one that you're on."
"You are not being rejected, my friend, you are being directed."
"Trust your instincts, they're leading you in the right direction."
"When you come from that heart space, you're going in a new direction."
"Focus on which lane you want to be in. You're going to make it."
"Your inner compass will literally show you the way."
"Our lives and our choices each encounter suggest a new potential direction."
"We get to steer and we get to decide how life goes."
"This is the turnaround time in your life, we gotta get your future in the right place, we gotta get your directions straight."
"You are you know your direction and hold fast on that persevere and just trust and listen with but listen with all that you are namaste and so so much love to you guys."
"Trust yourself, set your compass to your true north."
"Believe that you are heading in the correct direction."
"Have faith in the direction you are going towards."
"Your intuition has been pushing you in these directions because for the divine feminine I'm speaking to here, you've been very much pushed by an intuitive space within yourself to go in some kind of a new direction."
"The alternative to aimless, purposeless, directionless life seems to be going back to restrictive norms for most people."
"Using Saturn energy to remain focused and steer ourselves in the right direction."
"Go where the energy is reciprocated, go where the magnet is pulling you."
"You are the GPS, you're not going to tune into anybody or anything else."
"It's like you're seeing where the wind blows you, those are the words that are popping into my head, the magician. It's like you're trying to manifest something in your life here."
"The only thing you can actually do is say, 'I'm going this way, I would love it if you came with me, but I cannot force you to.'"
"You know it, you know what's right, you know the direction to go in."
"This chapter of your life is all about making plans, finding your true north."
"Facilitates a heightened degree of purpose and direction."
"Until you discover what your purpose is and your aim is, it's hard for you to have Direction."
"Keep pressing in whatever direction that you feel is right for you."
"Don't let anybody steer you off track that far, it's a draining game."
"There's deep-rooted thoughts going on here about what is right for you and which direction you go in."
"Every morning is a fresh start, an opportunity to connect new dots and you can point that compass any direction you choose. You are shackled to nothing, bound by no one."
"Any confusion you have will be lifted very soon, and you're really going in the direction of doing something for yourself with this knight of wands."
"Our emotions are like a compass, guiding us toward our soul's highest path."
"If you don't have a vision of where you go, and if you don't have a goal where you go, you drift around and you never end up anywhere."
"Everything will point you back in that direction."
"The vision is like the compass that will take you there."
"Passion is a big key sign that you're heading in the right direction; you need to feel passionate about it, inspired by it, like the mere thought of this in your life is expanding into other avenues."
"What if you were the director of your own life?"
"We see it as a compass that says it's us and the way we want to go."
"If you don't know where to go next, go towards excitement. Things that bring you joy."
"You don't need to see with those two beautiful eyes you already have. Those eyes are not gonna get you where you're going. It's that third eye, your intuition, that's gonna actually direct you and take you where you need to go."
"Love yourself first, finding your own direction."
"Thank God, thank you for showing, thanks for making it so clear that this is the direction that you want me to go in."
"Live in the present moment, find your own direction, and face challenges with equanimity."
"For the first time in a long time I feel like I am grabbing my life and steering it in the direction that I want."
"When you give the mind a direction, it will go and find the right people, the right situations, the right events for you to get to where it is that you want to go."
"Life is better when you know what you're heading towards."
"You think you know what you want and that's fine, you can think you know what you want all the time, that gives you direction."
"Thy word is a light unto my feet and a lamp unto my path."
"But most importantly, there's some kind of passion out of you, it's going to come out and it's going to provide you with an important direction."
"An important accomplishment... is going to confirm the direction that you have found yourself floating towards."
"Trust that guidance because your intuition is like the compass of your life."
"Something's a no-brainer, I know the exact direction I need to go."
"Follow your own sense, follow your own direction by staying true to yourself."
"Functioning, living, surviving, thriving... some of you are going to be directed to your actual purpose."
"Your heart is your compass to your happiness."
"Don't be afraid to be unapologetic about the direction you're going in."
"The Lord will lead you by the hand through the Holy Ghost."
"When you educate yourself, you anchor yourself in a history that pulls you to move in a certain direction."
"I feel like you're very focused on the future."
"Just go walk in that direction the direction that you feel pulled and like don't be a jerk to anyone be the kind of person that people want to work with."
"Amplify your power to direct your own life and manifest that which is important to you."
"This is your sign of healing... trusting that you are being guided to the right direction."
"Your intuition is going to guide you in the right direction."
"A person should have his roots deep in a great moving current, a moving stream of conscious direction which will keep him on course."
"You're the director of your life, decide what works for you."
"Our lives move in the direction of our strongest thoughts."
"Trust where you'll lead, trust your own intuition."
"You need to constantly guide yourself in Direction that is helpful for you and for your life."
"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder."
"Follow your heart because that is the direction you want to go in."
"You have a chance this month to steer the ship in the right direction."
"Keep moving forward and don't stop because you're going in the right direction."
"What do you want out of life? Where do you want to go? How do you want to... which direction you want to go?"
"I'm feeling really good, feeling really hopeful about the direction everything's going in."
"Your attention is either moving you towards something or away from something."
"I know where I'm going because if you don't know where you're going, you're not gonna know when you get there."
"Trust your own intuition; it will lead you in the right direction."
"This year is gonna be a year of clarity... you should know what it is I'm supposed to be doing."
"Life don't work off of hopes and prayers. You gotta guide yourself in the right direction."
"I trust my intuition and inner wisdom to guide me where I need to go."
"This is the right time for us to move on with our lives in a New Direction."
"If you like the direction in which you are headed, stick with it. If you don't, course correct and just like GPS you can find another way or find another destination."
"Your heart is your inner compass okay that's what they're giving me with this card your heart is your inner compass."
"You're the one that decides which direction to go."
"It will take you in the direction of Freedom, happiness, action, and movement."
"If people think you're crazy, that's actually how you know you're moving in the right direction."
"Each youth must Forge for himself some Central perspective and Direction, some working Unity out of the effective remnants of his childhood and the hopes of his anticipated adulthood."
"You listen to your own inner compass and guidance."
"Whatever gives you your directional bent, that's what you want to do."
"So you want to have an agenda for your life. It's necessary that you have some direction for your life."
"Life is a collection of turning pages and we have two options: you can go with the flow or you can pick up a paddle and change your course."
"That has always haunted me, and it's something that'll always be with me and it steered the rest of my life."
"I spent three years there, and I and Rhymin, who were older than most of the students, managed to preserve our own direction and identity."
"That sense of inspiration is accompanied with a feeling of joy because that's giving you a sort of insight as to the direction to go."
"You're going to be guided in the direction that you want to be moving in."
"Be the captain of your own life, take control of your life, take the helm of your ship, and set the direction you want to go."
"I'm on to you, and I have my own way of thinking and being. I'm going that direction."
"Gearing your life in the direction you see for your life."
"Trust your gut and where you feel like your direction might be."
"I'm really happy with the direction that my life has taken."
"Your mind holds the key to unlocking the direction of your life."
"Get clarity on where you want to go."
"You gotta make up your mind what type of life you want and you have to move forward in that direction."
"If you know your why, you will find your way in life."
"You are the conductor of this train."
"You need to go towards the direction that makes you feel happy, that nurtures your spirit, that nurtures your soul."