
Progression Quotes

There are 4997 quotes

"A natural progression, you start with the easy and then work your way to the difficult."
"Limitless is not about being perfect. Limitless is about progressing beyond what you and others believe is possible."
"Everything that is necessary for you to move forward, you are attracting at this time."
"Everything compounds, and everything leads to the next thing. Everything snowballs."
"After we leave this world, it's just a beautiful journey higher and higher."
"God sees your progression, and he loves that more than perfection."
"Times are changing. They don't quite change as fast as we wish they would, but they are changing, and people like me are helping cultivate that change."
"Everybody wants technology to stop at a level where they're comfortable, where they benefit most from it without hurting."
"It's like riding a bike; you start slowly, then you build up, and all of a sudden, you go wow."
"It's all about hard work; each level, you just got to work harder."
"A couple of cases today are going to be many, many cases tomorrow."
"If you ever feel like you're maligned online, just keep moving forward. Listen to what you can take seriously, what you think is worth taking seriously, and keep moving forward."
"Life is our future, liberty is our present, property is our past."
"What a sight, careful. All right, so in here we've got our hub terminal. We have tier 1, tier 2, and then all the other tiers are locked via the space elevator we have to build."
"Every time we kill an enemy now, we get an extra 1 HP permanently."
"I'm really not sure if the enemies are ever going to catch up to me because I'm way ahead of them right now."
"We're on the sixth day right now and I have all these powerups and all this power."
"I know apologies don't mean much and action is what shows progression."
"I just love racing, so it doesn't matter where you are as long as you're trying to progress forwards."
"I believe progression is the key to happiness."
"If you don't learn that lesson, you're not going to get to the next level and that's just how it goes with all of those things."
"God saw the goodness in every step of the progression."
"What if exaltation is all about progression?"
"Stories must progress; they must move forward."
"Society has progressed past the need for J.K. Rowling."
"You gain experience, you level up, you become faster, more familiar with your craft, and more efficient in your craft."
"We start with this 2D game and then we go all the way up to 5D, and things get super weird in the Fifth Dimension."
"Honestly, the best way to level up is just by completing the game if you haven't already."
"Oh my gosh, bro, I can't wait to see how much damage we're doing once this thing is like leveled up like crazy."
"Oh my gosh, our block is actually almost level 200, that's actually insane."
"Just allowing yourself to move forward to this next chapter."
"Yoga is about gradual progression, not instant perfection. Every session is a step toward greater flexibility and strength."
"Technology is inevitable, and disruptions are inevitable."
"The shifting moral zeitgeist, the changing in the air...is changing progressively, by which I mean in a consistent direction."
"The whole allure of a game is overcoming the challenge and progressing."
"Physical attributes develop the quickest, then technical attributes, then mental."
"How did you go bankrupt? Slowly, and then all at once."
"It really feels like they're actually growing up and like, actually progressing in age which is kind of a new thing for The Sims."
"The castle is done. Upgrade player capacity. Finally, this is actually all the upgrades you could ever want."
"Important doors are opening for you right now, walk through them."
"It's not enough to just have a game that plays really great and is mechanically very sound; you need the progression to keep players hooked for the long term."
"You've moved from killing insects to mammals, but the mammals you encounter are still small-time creatures."
"So in the case of body weight training, the goal should be a harder, advanced exercise that you're progressing to."
"It's not to discourage you, it's to make sure that you're maintaining a state of progression and seeing results."
"And if you never start trying and training these progressions, you're never gonna reach those advanced exercises."
"Remember to really progress in body weight training, you need to train with the mindset that you're training to work to harder, more advanced exercises."
"Progression sustains the life of games, and KEEPS them interesting."
"You are on the path to success, but it's a slow build. It's a progression because what you're building for yourself is a legacy."
"God did not call you to go from deliverance to deliverance; He called you to go from glory to glory."
"Everyone walks on a balance, stating that we move forward as we weigh up everything that we come across in life."
"In the world of Need for Speed, cars should be part of the progression, not the progression."
"The Six of Swords is all about healing and moving on."
"Life is all about progression and moving forwards, moving onwards, and growing as a person."
"I'm excited to see where we're going because things just keep getting more interesting the more and more we play."
"I have not missed out on a single day of progression even on vacation."
"It's transitioning from a game without it to a game with it. Progression is absolutely the spine of the entire product."
"You could still progress and see the content and finish the story if you play a couple of hours a week."
"Horizontal progression is more about enjoying the process than the reward itself."
"In horizontal progression, the focus is on variations, not on getting 'better' items."
"Every day we're going to start from basics and add a piece either in scale or complexity or in endurance to push you a little bit further."
"The progression is gonna happen slowly and steadily."
"I am one leather away, and I can upgrade it to iron, gold, and diamond, just like that. I got a diamond backpack."
"Science works precisely the opposite of dismissing what came before; it builds upon it."
"Even to this day, there are two things Gothic does better than most other games released before or since: immersion and progression."
"There's an attitude in the RPG hobby that says new games are sort of built upon the old foundations; they represent progress."
"The goal is not perfection; it's progression."
"There's no such thing as perfect... But, if you're inching forward every day, your progression will beat perfection every day of the week."
"All players will be able to take part in the same journey through Battlefield V... there will always be new battles, new fronts, and rewards on the horizon."
"If you continue with it, it's going to get significantly easier as you get more exposure to options."
"Every great game has some serious challenges waiting near its end."
"We're continually progressing in relationship with God, becoming, that this exaltation isn't something we just arrive at one day."
"By the time I hit that point, I think I had 10-15 hours in it, and at that point, I was so focused on the meta progression and making my schools better and more prestigious."
"You need something to immerse your attention in and continuously progress at that throughout life."
"You're playing the video game; you just want to be progressing. You've put all the effort and energy, and you don't need to be at the final boss right away, you just got to go to the next level."
"This relationship is moving toward a sacred union."
"The kingdom is not about perfection; it's about progression."
"The Lord is going to raise you up in this season, little by little. You're being raised up, exalted, and honored."
"New beginnings, new starts. It's not a new beginning because I literally been building this for a while."
"I have a life, and it only goes in one direction: forward."
"Life is remembered backwards and lived forwards."
"That's not a lot of time to go from a team trying to get out of the third tier of the professional game to winning their third title in seven seasons."
"It's a clever way to onboard new players in my opinion, and it gives you a very clear sense of progression."
"Technology is always advancing...would you say that the advancements of technology would also advance in more conscious spirits, be more awakened as well?"
"Everything is joining together rather nicely."
"Based on looking at these fights, it looks to me like it got better and better as it went along."
"This has been some of the most fun that I've ever had doing a Rags to Riches. I think it's like the stark contrast from the beginning where I was like, 'Oh my God, I can't afford to make juice,' to all of a sudden I've got 65,000 Simoleons."
"This is how to get the best start. You're going to be earning money, you're going to be able to upgrade all of your facilities and your car, and it's just going to make your time in the My Team game mode a lot easier."
"There's so much history left to make. I don't see it ever ending."
"As you get more kills in battles, you slowly gradually get more renown and honor, and you work your way up in that army."
"Skating without a goal is a mistake many beginner skaters make. Skating with a goal is the ultimate way to keep progressing."
"Happy relationships encourage adventure and help the people in to move forward and progress rather than stagnate."
"I accept the lessons that I've learned. I am free. Claim this energy. I'm ready to move forward in my life."
"Compared to the disparate progression through Platinum, Gen 5 is a breath of fresh air when it comes to pacing."
"Realistic goals and set goals that you can achieve and then incrementally they build up to actually a really big learning goal."
"For that, we just need to get a bunch more Combs and we're kind of getting there."
"The anointing of the Holy Ghost upon this ministry, and I pray that you will move them forward in your time and into the right season."
"Nobody levels up to do world quests. People level up to complete the end game."
"Zoro needed Enma to get to this level because he wouldn't have gotten here without it."
"The druid will 100 percent be the class that sees the biggest increase going from vanilla to bc. One of the least played classes to one of the most played classes."
"Basically, it is a shadow plague and we will be consuming people's souls to get more powerful."
"This game does not stop you from progressing if you lose a battle."
"Just be flexible, move on, grow, expand, progress."
"Train smart as always, never quit, never surrender, always forward."
"There's gonna be more choice in the objective system both in what you want to do with your time as you continue to progress."
"Forbidden West also provides a greater sense of progression."
"It is leading-edge; what's starting to take over that leading edge is second tier."
"Fast Track is gonna fast track, it doesn't just help with gems but with anything, any progression in the game."
"Part of what makes the game get more intense as you progress further into the game is that you’re slowly exploring further and further away from the safety of Firelink Shrine."
"If you want to keep progressing and improving through life, then it's very important."
"The combat is great and it really shines when you get out of your early levels."
"Once you have a quick win, then you can move on to the more difficult stuff and keep on building upon that success."
"Our technology is advancing more rapidly than our wisdom. We're trying to accelerate wisdom."
"For the connected ones, you two could last or go to the next level."
"Hollow Knight handles new abilities and unlocking areas in a way that expands platforming and combat."
"Collaborate with them... slowly work toward the level of support that they're going to be having."
"We're gonna choose silence over fiction, hope over fear, and move forward."
"It shows the strength of the community, that in spite of what we endure, we basically aspire to maintain and to move forward."
"I'm not saying lead with your chin, take this a step at a time."
"The deeper I get into the save, the more fun I'm having."
"If you stick around through the game, at the end of all this you're going to become a god."
"You know once you've done a few... you're like oh I could take it up to a 10."
"An intuitive progression of computer science lessons."
"There's nothing like that feeling of progression. It feels empowering."
"Learning ethical hacking: start with the basics, then practice."
"It is so sad and yet it is a common story that domestic violence does progress over time."
"Sometimes we've just got to remember how good breaking through that wall of progression and journeying up to the peak of Mastery felt in the past."
"And with dogs or humans, if you want the best result, you need progression."
"Most of the time it's tone starting from the bottom, working your way up."
"They ignored, they laughed, and now they're fighting."
"It's themes...touch on...taking that next step forward, about loving one another."
"Wowzers, we're level 34 now! What the heck? Damn, it's like they just made everything extremely difficult at level 30."
"It's good to have changes and stuff. It also provides that kind of sense of progression."
"As the body loses ground minute by minute, stage one will turn into stage two as the brain is affected."
"To bring her back and to take that character from the comics, it's just a beautiful progression."
"The curve has reached a plateau and begun to descend. It is a result that we have to achieve day after day."
"I mean, makes sense since there's only one way to go after gold, right?"
"Endgame players don't pop out of nowhere. We were casuals too once."
"Knowledge is indeed power but the path from knowledge to power is not immediate. There are stages one needs to follow."
"It's okay to not have everything in this level because there is another level that can be connected to it." - You Fin
"Let's take the time and see what lessons can be learned from this so that we can move forward as a community."
"We almost ranked up again, that's crazy already."
"You will go from glory to glory in the name of Jesus."
"When you develop a creative class system that holds hands with progression that's where the magic and addiction of Call of Duty comes from."
"But when reviewers say this year's installment feels like one step towards something greater, they're right."
"Choose your moment well, move forward without hesitation."
"So, let's move on to the next step all right?"
"Now the seventh world, so all the worlds are done except the seventh world."
"I'm hoping we can keep those [points] and apply those to getting to the next area."
"What really began as essentially a research project, it was really a hobby at first, it then grew into a research project ultimately it turned into a all-consuming determined effort."
"Progression in the game will not necessarily be tied down to story beats."
"I'm not convinced we even understand how we got to this point in the fist place. Better understanding of the root causes of the current place where we are will help provide us with the tools that we need to move us forward."
"Yeah, it's definitely something that's bound to happen at some point as technology advances."
"Enhancement is power! Upgrade, level up, and dominate."
"Wow, four generations, they're going further than I expected."
"Challenges are perfect for that type of car." - Host
"I've been trolled, oh wait, am I doing this right?"
"It's so interesting how this game begins way more barren than a usual animal crossing but it ends infinitely more lively."
"Progression that you earn will matter at endgame and you'll be meaningfully ahead of where you were when you first hit max level on your first character."
"We want to give you the option to play through the storyline of any single expansion in its entirety to get you from 1 to 50."
"This friendship is leading to more, and you're wanting to progress it."
"Life is really about progression, right? Progression equals happiness."
"There's a more logical path between me and my next leveling up."
"We know we're no longer supposed to be here, and it only gets darker from here."
"Almost all of your buildings can be upgraded. Upgrading a building improves its functionality."
"Your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment, so just moving forward."
"Listening to your intuition, it could mean a meaningful new relationship or meaningful progression of a relationship."
"The changing atmosphere lends itself to a sense of progression."
"Progression towards optimization: you're going up the stairs not down when you come and see us."
"Make everything account wide... basically any in-game progression system."
"I think it finishes stronger than it starts."
"You'll feel more connected and integrated as time goes on."
"I just mean personally I'm probably never gonna like loot boxes tied to progression in a game."
"I really like the progression in this game, and like that, I don't know, just the sounds, it's just a satisfying game to play."
"The more you advance in story the more the rewards are going to be for your daily tasks as well."
"The richness of the progression that was in D2, I feel that richness in D4."
"Join me next week, ladies and gentlemen, as I hopefully fight my way up to level 4."
"When combat moves as fast as it does, progression functions to allow even more ways to dismember the enemies."
"I do think this is probably the best list i've played in the entire progression series."
"Eddie Alvarez with ease moving on in the Bellator lightweight tournament."
"Eddie Alvarez moving on, takes care of the hype and the pressure, no problem. He is on to the semifinals."
"A universe that is going somewhere, a game where things are happening."
"It's like when you pop over to see your grandma, except rather than being given 50p and a biscuit, you're going to move up this track and substantially increase your galactic standing."
"This spell will carry you through a lot of the levels if not all 50 levels on blue mage itself."
"It's not only organic progression, this is progression that communicates players are opening up the world for themselves."
"Going back and watching how much you've progressed over the years is really a beautiful thing."
"We had somehow beaten the first level, meaning there were only three left to go."
"They're in different places and where they want to progress to be, right? But communicating with your partner..."
"The acceptance for suppressed sexual orientations came first because around 10 percent of people are gay whereas a much smaller percentage of people are trans but this is the natural progression of societal evolution."
"Every single night you would have that, and it was really nice to see over the first week the progression of our group and like bonding."
"Johnny probably has the biggest single-season development he's had since the first season."
"I guess world 5 is where the difficulties really started to pick up."
"This thing is sick bro and it's already at level 3 so I got a little this thing up see what it's at max level that's gonna be crazy."
"Congratulations, you're making it through to the next round."
"Halo 3 had a linear progression system with an end point so far out that just about any amount of experience meaningfully told you something about how serious a player was about the game."
"Destiny PvP needs linear progression, dynamic gameplay, and high-impact gameplay moments."
"Apparently you will be unlocking the mounts in the main game after finishing the campaign."
"Be humble, get the wins, get your numbers up, and then talk."
"The sport has progressed so much over the last three years."
"Well, that's just the beginning. If you're impressed by that, you're going to be blown away by the next turn."
"Every game you play in rivals will take you one step closer to qualifying for the weekend League."