
Social Belonging Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Being part of the group was crucial to survive."
"Human beings are meant to be embedded in bodies politics; they're meant to be embedded in families, in communities, in churches, in synagogues. We all get a feeling of fulfillment from that."
"People need... they feel so unseen... they need something to believe in and to be a part of."
"At the end of the day, we're all searching for connection. We're trying to fit in."
"At the end of the day, everybody just wants people who will sit with us around the campfire."
"I think it's really important to be part of a community."
"We feel included in your life and can't think of a better family to want to be a part of."
"If other people don't see it that way, then fuck them. I mean, I joined this club hoping I would make friends, and I would say I had at least one success, wouldn't you?"
"When we feel plugged into a group...our immune system goes into overdrive...we stand up straighter...it does all kinds of things for your health, your mind, your brain."
"This community is probably the most welcoming community I've been a part of."
"You're definitely very admired if you have some sort of group you belong to."
"We've embraced it, and I think again it was... nice to have a renewed sense of community, a feeling that you're a part of something when everything seems so chaotic."
"There's something within all of us that wants to belong, wants to be accepted, wants to fit in with other people."
"Stop trying to fit in with people who don't want you anyway. God wants you to stand out."
"The gang gave them that sense of belonging, sense of group, sense of purpose."
"The political homeless is probably people like me, there's more of us than you realize."
"Find your tribe and be appreciated for being who you truly are."
"If you really want to be here, you're always welcome."
"You kind of feel like you're hanging out, part of the group."
"It's okay to have a tribe, and then have neighbors that's part of your tribe."
"Find your tribe, because everybody needs a tribe."
"If you don't feel like you're wanted, don't go there."
"People like things that give them a sense of belonging."
"At the age of 55, I can declare what a comfort it is to no longer feel isolated."
"You got to make them feel as popular that they're part of a family."
"Finding a tribe and community of people that build each other up or at least help you feel like you're not alone."
"Big wheels were our way of getting around, it was just like you're part of the club."
"Being light on your feet, being flexible, recognizing that community, like-minded people, in finding your tribe is going to be one of the most important sustaining things through this very exciting and innovative period of Uranus in Taurus."
"So, um, the question you posed was how do we get people back? We're talking about community and I think the community is the thing that gets people living life together which ultimately is far better than what we'd see in the four walls anyway."
"Some of you may be yearning for that sort of connection with the pack."
"I love now where I'm at just having better community."
"Being true to yourself is most important, and your people will find you."
"At the end of the day, it's a community, right?"
"It is great to have you guys as our community because this is one of the things that you can't shake you can't lose and that is great communities."
"People need to feel rooted, they want to belong."
"That's what cults attract: lonely people looking to belong, disenfranchised people. They're not always bad."
"I really do... it's the coolest community ever."
"I'm glad to be a part of this community, it means the world to me."
"All we have to do is speak it, there's power in our words."
"If you've got no one that understands, we're all there for you."
"We have the best community out there because we're always willing to have each other's backs." - Red Pill
"My happiest is when I'm around my community, right? The people that I love."
"When you are more of that darker side of your personality, that's when you draw in your tribe."
"What influences those decisions? Many things: people we look up to, what tribe we want to be in."
"Don't change so people like you; be yourself and the right people will come."
"Fundamentally, we're all looking for this idea of belonging, of finding the people who are just like you."
"None of us is for everyone but all of us is for some one."
"Human beings need to belong more than they need to eat."
"I liked it with you guys... I like that it was you guys."
"Every human being is hardwired to want to belong to meaningful groups."
"I was friends with a lot of Christian kids they were fun they were safe and I wanted to be able to hang out with them"
"...I found myself owning a house blessed with a career and immersed in a social group of like-minded individuals."
"What do people want? People want attention. People want admiration. People want acknowledgement. People want a group to be in. People want like-minded people."
"The sense of society, the sense of belonging, the sense of being needed, liked, and loved is what people need in order to survive and thrive in the long run."
"Join a group where your desired behavior is the norm."
"It's nice to be around people that are like you."
"People wanna feel like they're needed in some way."
"Being part of a community can really help you."
"We all want to feel connected, but sometimes we just don't know how."
"We've got our own little community."
"We don't just fit in, we find people that click with our interests."
"Being one of the crowd was the most important thing in the world."
"We need to be embraced by our community."
"I just wanted to be part of the group."
"Find people and friends to be around that are more like you and like you for who you are."
"Being well embedded in social clusters is what humans seek for."
"You deserve to feel welcomed and accepted in whatever situation you've decided to be a part of."