
Social Conditioning Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"When you're born and you grow up, a lot of the ideas and the concepts that define who you are have been socially conditioned."
"You're basically arguing against the social conditioning of a person."
"To be somebody who basically transcends social conditioning, you have to start to look to yourself to make certain decisions."
"You put layers and layers of negative beliefs and limiting beliefs and social conditioning, religious conditioning, bad parenting, on top of your authentic self until that shining beacon is so covered in grime and dust and mud that none of the light can break through."
"The purpose of 'black women deserve luxury' is to give black women permission to want more out of life and help us understand that we deserve more than what society has conditioned us to believe."
"We aren't born with insecurities; we are taught, we are told, and we are sold to be insecure."
"If you are engaging in this world solely by trusting your governmental leaders, the news media, and celebrities, you are being herded into a new mental mindset that is leading you in a path that is heading straight off a cliff."
"Social conditioning is a sociological process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general, and peer groups within society."
"A lot of what we do and want to do is heavily affected by what roles we're taught are acceptable for the groups of people we belong in."
"I think there's probably a lot of people who had a similar experience to me through lockdown, where these layers of social conditioning start to wear away and who you kind of are underneath without those structures and stipulations starts to uncover itself."
"You only feel the way you feel because somebody told you to feel that."
"Growing up in a Mennonite culture, I feel like some Mennonites have been taught that other people, if they look different in the way we do, they're bad."
"Children are domesticated the same way we domesticate a dog, a cat, or any other animal."
"You're being primed to seek validation and you're also being primed to fear a negative outcome."
"Should we override our romantic conditioning?"
"Teaching people that they should be offended is what's going on now."
"The modern black man has adopted what been a conditioned... to really believe and lean into and service The Narrative of strong black woman."
"Racism is not innate, it's learned behavior."
"Children are taught from a young age that it's okay to change their gender."
"You have to be taught to be racist. Whether you're taught in your home, by your family, by somebody else, taught in school. That's something you have to be taught. You're not born into this world that way."
"I gather the idea is that the children raised in the village know no other reality."
"If we're going to preach equality, let's not raise boys into thinking they're invincible."
"A lot of little girls are socialized to believe that their greatest achievement will be marriage."
"Don't be Bamboozled by the hypnosis of social conditioning. Rush to conform, comparison with others... this is how we are socially programmed."
"All the kids who end up being raised racist or taught to bully, had they been taught at an early age to just question that, what a better world this would be."
"This is social conditioning, and it's really scary."
"I think it's social conditioning, trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"There's a filtering system that starts in kindergarten and goes all the way through. It selects for obedience and subordination."
"Children are being forced to ignore their instincts and deny their realities."
"You're not born that way, you're programmed that way."
"Why are black people so conditioned to believe a celebrity or a person with money? It's sad."
"We've been programmed by the government, by the media."
"The child is not born hateful to no group of people on the planet until somebody that's grown tell them they need to hate."
"I think we have to be cognizant of things like gender roles and how we gender forms a plan everything for children."
"That's what entertainment does. It conditions people on what kind of expectations they should have when dealing with people in the real world."
"It's a part of the paradigm, programmed into the system when you're born."
"That's the biggest aspect is that they assume this Authority because we as the public a condition from a young age to accept them as authoritarian figures."
"Everyone expects a 17 year old to know better but if you were born into this situation where your father had some weird obsession with some kid you've never even matched it would shape how you grew up."
"Socializing the child to accepting something that to the child is actually demonic."
"If the whole governmental system and your non-violent thoughts are conditioned by a thousand-year-old oppression, your passivity only serves to place you on the side of the oppressors."
"Women are taught every single thing that's going on in society, every single TV, every single everything, has taught women that you are not beautiful unless you are this."
"How do you kill eleven million people? Lie to them... we've been conditioned little by little to accept these things."
"Too many men are kind of conditioned to continue to give no matter what other people do for them."
"When we were conditioned to suppress the smartest of us, supposedly for our protection."
"Children aren't born racist, they are trained to hate."
"We have associated the gavel, which is a symbol of authority, to white politicians, white policymakers, and judges. I utilize it because I want to condition and program your subconscious to understand that your word matters."
"It's like a conditioning thing that's keeping us from having a good ass time with our relatives."
"Why is it that we need this specific advice? I think it's needed because of the conditioning, the brainwashing, the propaganda that young men are going through on how to navigate."
"We're not born with prejudice and bigotry. It's generated and nurtured by the environment we live in."
"Issues aren't with the men, your issues that was bred into you from the women."
"99% of the things that we experience in life and the ways that we think is given to us."
"The undoing of social conditioning is a process rife with suffering and uncomfortable confrontations."
"Ideology is not what is radicalizing people... the pre radicalization happens from the day we're born."
"Women are taught to prioritize themselves from an early age."
"Your environment has basically programmed you to think who you are, how you're to act, and what role you fit in the world."
"We've been programmed to hate each other, to turn against each other."
"This is conditioning the minds of the masses to just accept this, come on, this is your new normal."
"Greatest lessons your kids will ever teach you is just what it's like to be unstifled before social conditioning kicks in."
"If you get told your whole life that all you've been is a slave, and you wasn't [__] then and you ain't [__] now, what you think you going to grow up to do?"
"People do deserve praise for changing...because we acknowledge all the time on the left that people are products of their social conditioning."
"People are so bamboozled by the hypnosis of social conditioning that they go through an entire lifetime as if asleep."
"Shame isn't all-powerful... but it targets exactly the traits men are socially conditioned to foster and grow at all costs."
"It's an Unholy combination of white privilege and the fact that black people in America have been psychologically conditioned to see the best in white people reflexively."
"We have to find a way to undo a lot of that social conditioning, undo some of those bad habits so that we can help women move forward in the workplace and have as much equal opportunity as possible."
"He wasn't born to hate... he was taught to hate."
"It's not based on force; force is too expensive, it's too inefficient. Instead, it's built on careful conditioning, on creating consent."
"Ego becomes toxic when you forget that your sense of self is actually just a result of social conditioning."
"We are all products of our conditioning, and we are conditioned by a racist, sexist society that works on us from the day we're born."
"Man is that which makes society, and society in turn makes man by conditioning the range of his subjectivity."
"Society conditions people because without it, you'll destroy yourself."
"Nobody is born racist; children's brains are way too small to fully comprehend racial privilege and power structures."
"People become products of their environment."
"Women are conditioned to take care of others before themselves."
"A lot of people are products of their environment; they can't see past their environment."