
Emotional Energy Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"If we can learn to activate ourselves in a way that generates this incredible emotional charge within, a powerful and vibrant and courageous and loving charge within us, then we have the ability and the energy and the excitement to accomplish anything in the world."
"I have the same anger as every single one of you, but I don't use that energy for anger."
"Water was a blueprint for our reality, and that emotional energies and vibrations could change the molecular structure of water."
"It was the Saiyan's rage that fueled him into getting stronger against me, that anger that courses through their body which ignites the flame within them to burn brighter."
"I could feel their energy, I could feel them happy."
"Sometimes those dark energies have more power behind them... it wasn't love that made me want to write a book, it was anger and bitterness."
"This LP sees Kanye in a moment where he, at least in terms of like energy level, emotion and attitude, he feels like he's less in a moment of crisis here."
"Their fantasies, their energy towards this connection."
"This communication... is going to bring an end to all these difficult energies."
"Philly always gets a bad rap, but you know there's Legends in Philly."
"Everything is a choice... passionate energy can go two ways: it can either be aggressive or it can be channeled."
"These beings...are feeding off of that emotional energy."
"For some of you, there's something else here in love energy, one that actually makes you happy."
"Why is it that when you want someone... they feel that energy and it literally repels them away like a magnet?"
"When you view people as evil, it takes energy."
"Let go and let them be, it's not worth your energy."
"Let's harness all of the energy and emotion that we feel and channel it in the most constructive direction possible."
"No matter what it is that your external world looks like around you, you always have the power to come back to Inner Peace, to have control over your emotional energy and how you were spending it."
"A man is afraid because he is afraid; his fear was useful, it provided the energy."
"Emotionally as far as energy in motion is concerned no one is separated from anyone in this world."
"This is such intense energy... such big energy."
"For pile one, what is the person's overall energy in this connection toward pile one? Alright, well interesting, we have the knight of cups coming out here for their overall energy."
"You have the ability to persuade, to acknowledge the other side, to provide a certain energy that they can feel off of you."
"The more someone is attached to somebody else, the more they are sending them energy, the more that they then feel repelled."
"There's more energy coming from the heart than there is from the brain."
"They feel this intense energy between you... that pure love... beyond this earth plane."
"Particularly if you are someone who has been feeling a kind of unexplainable pulling energy or an emotional energy related to a particular Soul connection."
"When you have anger you have to channel that energy into something that makes a difference."
"It is safe to love. Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all."
"That love energy is chaos, like Brother Bob used to say. It's that chaotic energy that can make you kill somebody, can make you heal somebody, it can make you love somebody."
"I don't like to dwell on what I could or shoulda did because it's easy to say what she could have did, there's no energy there for me."
"This is the time to make sure your emotional energy is fully aligned with what you say you want or what actions you've been taking in the world."
"Every shot he took in that fourth quarter looked like it was drawing energy from Bryant's very soul."
"I've seen it happen many times. Mostly beautiful people, beautiful energies."
"There are no great shifts on the battle lines."
"Turn into that peace frequency, tune in to peace even amongst some very big energies around us."
"To never feel drained around other people, only choose to surround yourself with people deep divers who share the same value system as you."
"Maybe it's just the energy of love that forgives."
"I have had to do a lot of nurturing and showing up for myself just because I haven't had my go-to energy that I've always been accustomed to."
"Heartbreak is unlimited energy so is depression so is Rage so is sadness all these negative emotions they tell you to collapse behind."
"You just feel that energy pouring into you like a big ace of cups."
"The more you focus on this energy in your heart, the more you focus on the story that you tell yourself."
"It's like you know, life is much easier when you let hating people just take so much out of you."
"We are in an interesting situation now because that anger and that rage is a power source."
"For me it starts with the feeling in my body where it's just like there's this energy around the idea that I can feel inside of me a sense of energy enthusiasm."
"You're fanning these flames, it's a very passionate energy."
"The emotion is the magnetic charge; your intention, your thought, is the information carried on that wave."
"Whatever has been weighing heavy... it's getting sorted... you don't have to give your energy to that..."
"If I continue hating everybody that hated me, I would be hating a lot of people, and I just don't have the energy to hate all of you."
"At a base Elemental level, it is love that creates the energy that makes memories that power everything in Pixar."
"There's love coming into your life Pisces and it's showing up in your energy right now if it's not here yet it's coming in."
"Setting the tone: The most important thing in my opinion to having a deep conversation is your energy."
"Serpents are associated with the feminine, intuition, emotion, and aspects of the Great Mother."
"Anger is change energy. It builds up when you don't want something to change."
"The energy of the heart is thousands of times more powerful than that of the head."
"Let the frustration fuel you, let the anger fuel you."
"When Life deals you with pain, don't curse, bless. Pain generates emotion, emotion is energy."
"You win... by harnessing the emotional energy of left and right but above all by delivering."
"Your emotional energy and your anger just like a moving truck in front of my house it's going to go towards that person and create havoc in their life."
"Allow the excess emotional energy also to wash off you."
"...after a show are is it draining or are you hyped extremely extremely yeah cuz it Tes I'm sure it takes a lot of emotional energy..."
"The deeper and more emotional this person gets, the more calmer and clear and clean your energy becomes."
"All that emotional energy in you can be used to show up for real with all your emotional availability and all your love for a real person who does meet your standards of what you need."
"The use and abuse of emotional energy belongs to and is in the keeping of the person himself."
"Once you stop getting angry over something, you have to make a choice about how much energy you're going to give it."
"You don't care about this group it's not that's not your ultimate goal and you can't be manipulated with lustful energy and you just don't care about this group."
"All this energy that you are using thinking about him is energy you're taking away from yourself."
"We give our emotional energy to people who are emotionally unavailable. In other words, they don't give any energy back to us."
"No, you're letting them win by all the emotional energy you're putting into them still without them being a part of your life."
"You're tapping now into your heart energy and your emotional energy and because you're rising up you can see how everybody's stuck and you're analyzing everybody's behavior."
"The first step toward changing your version of reality is to reclaim your emotional energy."
"There's no point giving energy to it."
"Something like a luminous stream emanates from a person at the moment of alarm or joy, and that this enters the astral world."
"It takes so much energy for them to hold themselves back from you."
"I choose to be fully responsible for my emotional energy and my role in every situation."
"An event happens and how we react upon it and the energy we give it is how it affects us."
"I feed on emotions, you dolt, and your magic is just oozing with it," Chrysalis taunted.
"It takes more out of you to hate somebody and distance yourself from them than it does to love them."
"The heart is where that energy is: love, compassion, gratitude."
"Fear, bravery, whatever, it's an energy that can shut you down if you allow it, or it can empower you."
"The energy of love, going back to the heart."