
Food Choices Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"If God made this, eat it. If man made it, leave it."
"You do not have to choose between food that makes you feel good and food that brings you joy; it can and should be both."
"Are you really gonna have watermelon after you have pancakes? Yes, it's the middle of summer breakfast."
"If you're not hungry enough to eat an apple, you're not that damn hungry."
"Food is a very personal decision what you eat is your personal decision just like it is who you marry or who your partner is or who you vote for."
"Your food choices have an impact on the environment around you, on people around you, on the animals."
"Veganism has ended my compulsive overeating because...I binge all the time. I eat calorically dilute foods...so I can literally eat 5 potatoes and feel so full but won't feel bad about it."
"Our gut microbiome is really part of who we are... every decision we make with the food we eat, our human bodies are going to absorb some of the nutrients."
"Eating whole real food. Elimination of processed food is the most important step if you want to get metabolically healthy."
"Food marketing affects children's food preferences, food choices, their diets, and their health."
"If you want to eat [], eat the []. But do not try to tell me that it's chocolate."
"There are foods which are not good and there are foods which help."
"Now, the very first thing you need to do when you decide to start eating healthy is to identify all the healthy and nutritious foods that you love and enjoy."
"Our body runs on hormones, so the hormones that you set off with the foods that you eat make a difference to what your body does."
"When it comes to plant-based items, this one is always a big winner."
"If you had pizza for breakfast, but you had a smoothie for lunch and a salad for dinner, what's wrong with that?"
"Eat foods with ingredients you can pronounce and recognize."
"If your diet's so great, why do you feel the need to cheat on it? I include all the same foods that I eat on a high calorie day as I do on my low calorie days."
"Your food choices make a real difference on how our planet looks and how healthy the whole planet is." - Unknown speaker
"Let's hope not, but I mean like for like in the future when people ask me the stupid q and a's what would the last meal be it would be that."
"Relative sustainability is the key to ethical eating."
"You know something isn't right when bacon is the healthy alternative."
"Yours is mushroom pepperoni, right? So, what's your Domino's order?"
"Eat real food... why are you doing it? There's always something better that you could be eating."
"I don't know why everyone demonizes it but the girl obviously does know how to build a balanced snack and ultimately I'm just glad she's not forcing herself to eat something that she hates."
"It can feel like you're stuck whenever you're looking for something that's quick to cook, tasty, healthy, and cheap."
"It's difficult to be healthier than the foods that we are supposed to be eating right, which is natural foods."
"If you're eating things that don't have a barcode on it... those will be good for you."
"I'm seeing a lot of movement on this idea that the elites want to make us all eat bugs."
"I don't know if I've had alligator or crocodile, you gotta calm down."
"Look at food as either energy giving or energy taking."
"I'm just saying, more of the time, I'm more down to have pie."
"That decision about what you're putting on your plate has downstream ramifications and impact that are as serious as murder."
"Remember, it's not just about whether eggs are good or bad; it's about making informed choices. Opting for quality pasture-raised eggs and mindful cooking methods like using stable oils such as coconut oil."
"Mac and cheese and what? PB & J. PB & J. I gotta go with PB & J, I just have to." - Rhett
"Opting for organic and nitrate-free alternatives emerges as a potentially safer option."
"Honestly, salmon is much healthier than the chicken tendies."
"Is this Thai really worth that? I don't know, maybe it is. Maybe it's not, but if it sets you back like a day or two because you didn't sleep that well, yeah, to me it's not really worth the Thai food."
"If food is why I don't eat boring, what type of life is that? A longer one."
"Deciding what to eat, really that's true like I get honey true and I'm I start looking at Yelp and I swear like I'm."
"Let's stop acting like fast food is just like demon cuz it ain't."
"Food that's fast, it doesn't have to be fast food."
"If a hot dog could only have one condiment on it I would say that there are only two choices and those are ketchup and chili."
"Far more than me wanting to teach my kids that there's some big list of 'yes' food and 'no' food and shame, I want my kids to see the connection."
"Step away from the mac and cheese and come over to this sprouted broccoli."
"Han confronts his son hoping to bring him home, but instead Kylo kills his father and faces Rey in a duel; she defeats him but leaves him alive as Starkiller Base explodes."
"Humans primarily gross out about organs. There are ways to get organs that you don't have to eat them."
"Eat the foods that you love, just make them lower in calories."
"There is no universe where the minute nutritional benefit outweighs the detriment of making a sandwich you don't like."
"Fresh pizza or leftover pizza, that is the question."
"Checking ingredient lists and nutrition labels is a great way to compare different food products, but being overly concerned with what is deemed clean can easily be taken to an unhealthy extreme." - Abby Sharp
"Yay for today's video we will be letting Tik Tok control what we eat for the day!"
"And so, to make your choices easier, just avoid packaged processed foods."
"Make the right choices, choose the maple donuts."
"I only put bacon on there to please people I don't eat it."
"Why are you getting all the normal pizza toppings?"
"Not hungover after drinking tequila but regret eating a falafel sandwich at noon the day before."
"If I can get you to try this vegan burger and fry and you like it, then I know you can go to the next restaurant and get an alkaline meal."
"I'm not a vegan like that, I want to show love in terms of like pasture-raised, ethically farmed."
"Croissants or bagels? If we're just talking plain, I will go croissant."
"Pizza was the food of choice since it was cheap and easy."
"Controversial lunch alert. You know, some days you have a kale Caesar salad for lunch and other days you just might see crumpets."
"Cotton candy is just limited in what it offers you, whereas perhaps funnel cakes offer more."
"It's like all about balance, you're allowed to have a McDonald's meal whenever you want."
"The bible is very clear eating bugs is an abomination actually is what it says."
"We learned why someone would get squid on their pizza. Because they're trying to eat the entire ocean."
"A chicken finger is like top five meal I was gonna say in all forms of chicken where does the finger land."
"You have all of these food options at your fingertips a lot of times for significantly less cost."
"I'd rather you love McDonald's than hate the kale salad."
"I love pineapple on my pizza, I don't care what anybody says."
"When you're living on a budget, forget about organic, just go basic."
"I mean, who the [__] chooses to make raisin cookies?"
"I'm sure they got reasons for it. Can't be a good reason to eat a whole bunch of those things."
"People are sick of it. At a certain point, you've just eaten so much junk food, you really actually want a vegetable."
"What's your favorite pizza topping? I like mushrooms."
"The benign-looking table fork...conveys foodstuffs that are going to kill us." - John, British ethologist
"I'm very impulsive person with my cravings like if I'm craving a hookers but I'm gonna have it."
"But just knowing they're done makes us eat them instead of scrounging for something else."
"I think part of what this question is asking is, 'Okay, but what should we be eating?'"
"Salmon is a great option, rich in DHA fat, which we know is one of the most important structural building blocks of the brain."
"Why do we love dogs, eat pigs, and wear cows?"
"Your food choices, 87% of greenhouse gases, are from raising animals, livestock, and taking the marine life out of the ocean."
"Pets are friends not food. True, true."
"As the food prices get more expensive, people are going to go for cheaper food alternatives, which means more junk, chemicals, and pesticide residues."
"Choosing not to eat certain foods imbues them with meaning."
"Something as primal as what you put in your mouth every day affects all of those things."
"Go take a deep breath go get something to eat don't forget to comment down below what you would order from the menu just us vibing share this video with your friends."
"It's like they literally said you can eat whatever you want."
"Find healthy foods that you actually love eating."
"What I really love about these guys is that even if you go to flavored ones like Chipotle barbecue they don't put any garbage in there look at these ingredients."
"Eat lobster roll! You know, chat decided, I'm eating a pizza today."
"It's made more ethical than eating animals against their will."
"Don't be a [ __ ] like you can find things that taste good."
"I know okay what do I eat first I don't even know man."
"I just had a shitload of good foods that I love eating."
"The thing I'm noticing is it feels really good when you make like the good choices the healthy choices Even in our snack choices we're really like changing what we buy so I think it's going to make a big difference mentally and physically."
"I'm never gonna tell you not to eat a certain type of food, I'm just gonna show you how to identify the better for you option."
"I'm not even going if it's labeled as chili. If I look at it and it looks like that, I'm not eating it."
"Just because you're not ordering or making food at home, or it's not a salad, doesn't mean it's not going to work for your goals."
"I don't want to resort to the cheese, but sometimes a nice piece of cheddar is just better."
"Perhaps you can introduce a local farm or some kind of coop, you know, the grocery store ain't the only option."
"They make you so you can eat your vegetables and actually just grab fruit and just get your chocolate fix."
"Am I on Team Pineapple? Yes, I'm on Team Pineapple."
"I've gone for a free-range egg and cress on molded bread."
"Live your life, man. I don't like pineapple on pizza, but if you do, live your life."
"I found out that I can eat the same takeout food that I like to eat maybe once or twice a month and if I was craving something that I would usually order takeout with or that is usually unhealthy I can just make it myself just in a healthy way."
"Imagine all the choices you got you're walking down the line you grab a salad oh honey look they got that pasta salad that you like look oh look honey they got a nice macaroni salad they got a potato salad."
"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."
"I can eat a salad and make myself full but I just overload it with Ranch."
"Eating locally is way better than these bougie restaurants."
"If you eat an animal but you won't kill it, you're way disconnected from nature."
"If all you have in your house is what you could eat, then that's what you eat."
"Variety is always best when it comes to food."
"Sometimes, a dollar slice after a night of drinking is just better than anything."
"Hopefully your holiday food choices will bring you more joy than all of those foods did."
"I appreciate people that are eating lamb and looking for lamb."
"Unhealthy foods counteract the benefits of healthy foods with those processed or foods that are high in animal products."
"Spend $15, that's lunch with you and someone else at a fast-food restaurant."
"You don't have to eat bland food or spend a lot of time in the kitchen."
"There's nothing else on offer, just junk food."
"Deep down, Evan knows that he needs to eat his way through the latter category first. So let's get to it."
"Crazy how people out here trying to manufacture a healthy breakfast alternative when we literally have fruit."
"At the end of the day, I just want to feel better for my holiday and I just want to make better food choices."
"I eat what the [__] I want, I got brown rice and eggs, whatever the [__] I want."
"I'll show you how you can eat under 20 total carbs a day while still enjoying foods like waffles, lasagna, and rice pilaf."
"If you want to do these sorts of things and you enjoy them and you feel good with them, great, but I don't think that people should feel that they are obligated to eat these things if they don't want to."
"The only way to get rid of addictive food behavior is by changing what you're eating."
"When I lived 70 miles from the nearest grocery store, it was worth the drive to go to the grocery store so I didn't have to buy food at the convenience store in town."
"I genuinely think people would be much more selective about the things that they did and didn't eat if they knew where that thing came from."
"Nothing more impactful on our food choices than our relationships."
"So we have to make an effort to inform ourselves or we're going to end up eating Cricut flour and fake meat, absolutely no thank you."
"Humans were made to eat what was put on this Earth. So, I think it's already insane that you're deciding that you just not gonna eat other types of food."
"Poultry has lower emissions than beef as a meat choice."
"We have a choice when we consider the consequences of our food choices not just for ourselves but beyond ourselves."
"...So many people are confused, especially people who are buying foods for kids, for example, like the messages are just very overwhelming."
"Diet high in fruits and vegetables, whole grain carbohydrates, limited in processed foods and sugars, limiting red meat and increasing plant-based protein sources."
"When it comes to anxiety, it's about adding in the foods that are going to be nutritionally relevant rather than demonizing certain foods."
"I like to do a short fast, eat a moderate-sized lunch, a big dinner feast, and finally, I finish my calories off with chocolate."
"...you know, even 10 years ago there were no healthy choices from takeaway, but now you've got Mexican, you've got Japanese, you often can buy really nice soups..."
"What we decide to eat can have so much effect just not on our personal health but on our societal Health even on our planetary Health."
"Easy Mac or Ramen or, um, we have lentils, leftovers."
"Every bite of food we put in our mouth is a choice, and with that comes a lot of power."
"No one's taking away her meat. That seems to be the assumption with this presentation, that moving beyond meat means taking sustenance away from people."
"White rice is absolutely okay because the bran has been removed making it a very low fiber plant food."
"Orthorexia, in other words, we should all be more conscious and cognizant of our food choices and the impact on our health than we are as a population now."
"So for me in van life, I ate a lot of wraps, a lot of salads, a lot of things that don't require cooking."
"Foods aren't good for me or bad for me, they all have pros and cons."
"The food choices that I make don't just affect my health but the health of my community and the health of the globe around me."
"Every time you eat you're voting with your fork and you're voting with your dollars."
"I think I would just stick to the strudel next time, you know what I mean, just go with the strudel."
"I think today we can make different choices to our ancestors based on the food that is available to us and then the research that's looking at those different foods and how they impact your health."
"I just want to eat whatever I want honestly and whatever makes me feel good."
"It's going to be a slightly healthier option."
"I always say meat lovers because I think about everyone else, but if I'm ordering a personal pizza, I'm getting just pepperoni."
"I love dinner parties. You love dinner. Should Country Crock go here?"
"You're destroying the environment eating a slice of Costco pizza, eating a slice of hot dog. Well, no, I would get a hot dog and a slice. I mean, if you're going to Costco, you're gonna get one of the ones, you know, they have a big area for you to eat this [ __ ]."
"Option number 1: switching from fried to grilled food."
"Option number 3: going with the healthy toppings."
"'Of all the yummy options, you go for the bread?'"
"The question is not whether you love the food, it's whether the food loves you back."
"You can have healthy foods for Christmas, I'm going to show you how you don't have to make as many compromises as you think you do."
"So why in the world would you want to do that when you can actually save money and have good food?"
"Even the cheapest, lowest quality meat is still 100 times better for your health than the most expensive potato chips."
"I'm definitely a waffle kind of guy when it comes to the three big breakfast carbs."
"I prefer to eat at nice restaurants, and I don't like hamburgers, so I'd rather have pasta every day."
"You could eat the same amount and lose weight by changing the type of foods you eat."
"Food is not something that we have to avoid and try not to eat... instead, when we choose the right foods, we empower ourselves to release weight."
"You only want to love foods that love you back."
"Honey ham and other deli meats are essential and a game changer in my opinion in a calorie deficit type of diet."
"Would you really eat a hairy spider anyway?" Kibly asked with genuine curiosity.
"I want to try to eat a lot cleaner, cleaner foods, try to find healthier versions of the foods I love."
"If you don't eat Uncrustables, what is you doing?"
"There's probably no more fundamental question than we ask ourselves every day, and that is: What should we eat?"
"You can have a steak every day but every once in a while you need a burger."
"The next couple years are going to be extremely important if you care about what you eat and you want to eat very particularly on the types of food that you want to consume."
"Making decisions about food today is far more complicated than it was 70 years ago."
"Eat you? You guys are weird. I only eat pretzels."
"I like pineapple on my freaking ones."
"Each of us are connected to it by the food choices we make daily."
"It breaks down all the different food categories into three categories: superfoods, neutrals, and best avoided."
"Even grain-finished beef, like factory-farmed beef, is a highly nutrient-dense food and a much better option to eat for dinner than, for example, boxed mac and cheese."
"2,000 calories from avocados, broccoli, kale, spinach, quinoa, salmon, almonds is not the same as 2,000 calories from pizza, donuts, hamburgers, Oreos, soda, and french fries."
"I think a lot of you stayed home and had Popeyes or egg rolls or whatever. You didn't force yourself to be in that negative environment, and guess who's proud of you? Me."
"Food is the most important thing; it's what you put at the end of your fork."
"Healthy food choices: vegetable, fruit, and dairy."
"You can eat fruits, you can eat vegetables, you can eat nuts, you can eat meats of multiple varieties."
"Junk food is cheaper than healthier."
"When it comes to weight loss, it's important to consider the caloric density versus nutrient density of a food."
"Guilt... has absolutely no place in describing our food decisions."
"Shrimp gumbo, oysters Rockefeller? Yes, sounds fine."
"Think how all your food choices affect society and have these external costs beyond yourself."
"You can pick the foods and talk about them."
"I overall feel healthier, I feel like I'm making better food choices."
"It's just so simple: eat food, things with less than 20 ingredients on the package or things that rot."
"If you want a pie but they haven't got any pies, you have a pasty. Alter your diet. No more pies, what are you eating? Pasty, brilliant."
"If you can eat a donut or cinnamon roll for breakfast, you can eat a piece of pie for breakfast."
"Circle the foods in your book that you already love, start with those, and you're already way ahead of the game."
"If your great grandma wouldn't know what the food is, don't eat it."
"If I had to choose one food to live off for the rest of my life, it would be guacamole."
"Some foods heal and some foods do harm."