
Anti-aging Quotes

There are 894 quotes

"We can reverse aging. That is an incredible fact."
"Rosehip is a great anti-aging ingredient, packed with vitamin A, C, and E."
"Frankincense essential oil also has a lot of anti-aging properties, helps with the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles."
"We have the technology now to reset the age of the body."
"It's never too late to slow down the process of aging."
"So to sum up, there are six things that you can do right now to slow the rate of your aging."
"The one that gives you by far the biggest bang for the economy and for your life is an anti-aging treatment."
"You should not even bother with other anti-aging skincare unless you are using sunscreen consistently in your skincare routine."
"The most amazing anti-aging medicine that we know about right now is exercise."
"Eventually we will know how this works and maybe we'll even develop a pill instead of a gene therapy that could reset the age, not just of the eye, but the whole body."
"If we can rejuvenate externally and internally, there's no biological law that says we can't make you look and feel younger."
"Anti-aging is so important in today's world, and intermittent fasting is powerful for it."
"You can reverse that process, that's the good news... you can reverse that aging process."
"Using a retinol before you start to see fine lines and aging is crucial because preventing damage is much easier than fixing it."
"Red light...has profound anti-aging benefits and actually can help quite a bit with wrinkles."
"You can essentially age backwards by changing markers that are biomarkers of aging."
"The best things you can do for anti-aging have nothing to do with any anti-aging products: sunscreen and moisturizer."
"Intermittent fasting can reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the body. This should have benefits against aging and development of numerous diseases."
"Not only does it help you lose weight and build muscle, not only does it help balance your hormones, increase your antioxidant systems, increase your stem cell production, increase your brain chemistry, focus, but it also can actually reverse aging."
"When you control insulin and you control autophagy, something very interesting anti-aging wise happens."
"The SkinMedica TNS eye creams...are absolutely hands-down favorites of mine for sure for just treating lines and wrinkles around your eyes."
"A retinoid in your skincare routine is truly the anti-aging ingredient that is going to help change your skin."
"Retinoids are the gold standard of anti-aging ingredients because they have the most robust research behind them showing that they work."
"Sunscreen is so important for anti-aging your skin because the sun's rays cause 80 to 90 percent of the damage to your skin."
"I'm incredibly proud of my generation though. I have seen so many young people posting anti-antiaging TikToks, celebrating the human experience of living life to the fullest and accepting and embracing the reality that one day their body will tell their story."
"Vitamin C will even out your complexion and can really be so, so important for making aging skin look more youthful and make you look more well-rested."
"A skincare routine is only part of your anti-aging equation. Beyond this, you need to address your diet, sleep hygiene, stress management, and regular exercise because a poor lifestyle can really accelerate your aging."
"Vitamin A and its derivatives, when applied topically to the skin, can offer amazing anti-aging benefits, including improving collagen synthesis, strengthening the deeper layers of our skin, and ultimately improving the look of wrinkles and fine lines."
"Retinoic acid, found in prescription tretinoin, is at the top of the food chain for vitamin A derivatives, well-studied for its anti-aging and acne control benefits."
"For consumers in the States, adapalene is probably the most biologically active over-the-counter option, followed by retinaldehyde for those seeking anti-aging benefits."
"A retinoid product is the most important anti-aging ingredient you can put on your face."
"Using sunscreen alone, no other serum, no other active ingredient, no retinol, has been shown to improve the visible signs of skin aging."
"Tretinoin is the gold standard of anti-aging."
"This fights the creepiness like nobody's business... to keep everything tight and firm, this eye cream seriously does the trick."
"Antioxidants... are very very crucial for anti-aging."
"But when you probably figure out how to use or incorporate it into your skincare routine, it can completely brighten, lighten and protect your entire face and skin from premature signs of aging."
"Vitamin C is helping with fine lines and wrinkles, we're talking about discoloration, and we're talking about just the overall look and feel of the skin."
"The goal is to make you younger every year that you age."
"Being in a state of nutritional ketosis... it offsets sarcopenia, the loss of muscle mass... going back to natural by anti-aging thinking."
"Topical retinoids can work in the deeper layers of the skin when used consistently and over time to help boost collagen and matrix formation, help the skin appear smoother and more supple, and impart anti-aging and anti-wrinkle benefits."
"Red light therapy can boost collagen production and have a wrinkle-smoothing effect."
"Fasting induces autophagy which helps to alleviate cellular senescence... linked with aging."
"Use sunscreen anyway; it is probably the most important anti-aging ingredient you can use."
"This was the fastest anti-aging I have ever seen without going to a dermatologist's office to have like my face laser or something."
"Wrinkle care can happen overnight. I can go to sleep 28 years old and wake up Benjamin Button."
"Sunscreen is the most important step for everything anti-aging, for reducing hyperpigmentation, for retaining our youthful skin at any given time."
"Having this much capital, this many brilliant minds, all being driven to try to resolve the riddle of aging, it looks really damn good for us."
"It's not serum to give you wrinkles, it's to remove your wrinkles."
"Immediate plumping, illusion of filling in fine lines."
"He presents a very reasonable and and reasoned line of thinking I don't know what to call it that proposes that we we don't have to die when we do and we don't have to age the way that we do."
"I don't feel I look 45. Multi-collagen helps improve skin texture."
"Carbon 60 helps to reverse some of the aging effects."
"I love products with hyaluronic acid. I find that it really just helps improve the look of wrinkles and fine lines quite a bit and just maintain hydration throughout the day."
"Active ingredients like hyaluronic acid can plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles."
"Nope. The best, best, best, best anti-aging tool is sunscreen."
"If we could reverse fibrosis, we could unlock a lot of resilience in our organs and tissues and that could actually reverse some of the diseases of Aging."
"It's the key to turning back the hands of time on your metabolism."
"This is teaching you how to essentially reverse aging."
"For her skin, this has avocado some grape this looks more like an anti-aging and Firming thing."
"Lactic acid helps to brighten your skin by turning over skin faster, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dullness."
"Peptides moisturize the skin and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles."
"Peptides in skincare hold water and help increase hydration, improving the look of wrinkles and fine lines."
"Niacinamide: calming redness, irritation, and oiliness, with antioxidant effects for anti-aging."
"Vitamin C stability matters; look for formulations with ferulic acid and vitamin E for collagen synthesis."
"This sleeping wedge... training myself to sleep on my back has been one of the best things that I've done for my wrinkles."
"Instead of buying a cream that says anti-wrinkle or anti-aging, you should look for something that says collagen boosting, firming, lifting, or defending."
"Let's prevent and treat diseases of Aging by keeping the body younger."
"If you want to look younger you must supplement collagen which will improve your skin's elasticity make it smoother more plump and more youthful looking."
"Smiling naturally lifts the muscles in the face and slows down the rate at which we age."
"You really are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
"The FDA's conclusion: 'Tretinoin cream does not eliminate wrinkles, repair sun-damaged skin, reverse photoaging, or restore more youthful skin.'"
"Tretinoin stimulates collagen synthesis and inhibits collagen degradation."
"Intermittent fasting: associated with inhibition of aging, cancer, and more."
"This product, this amazing product, helps restore our skin's youthfulness by getting to the root of the problem that causes wrinkles."
"I urge you not to be lazy about applying your sunscreen because it has so many anti-aging benefits and anti-skin cancer benefits and a lot of good things."
"Nobody wants wrinkles. I know they say black don't crack, but I'm taking no chances."
"And MONAT's products are anti aging, which means we get the ability to turn back the hands of time and restore the health of our hair."
"Tretinoin... it's an evidence-based ingredient for anti-aging and for acne."
"I'm trying to defy aging, defy gravity if you will, and just trying to get better."
"There are other ways besides activating autophagy that exercise can help you to keep your body young."
"We're not only stopping the aging process, we're going backwards."
"It's all about... putting anti-aging cream on when I was six, seven."
"Retinol is the gold standard anti-aging ingredient."
"Collagen is responsible for keeping your skin looking plump and youthful... it depletes very slowly."
"I own a biotech company that does anti-aging."
"Another ingredient that you might elect to begin incorporating into your skincare routine in your 30s is topical vitamin A."
"We've had thousands of people reach out and say after a year of keto, ketovore, carnivore, everybody tells me I look younger."
"Sleeping on your back can make a huge difference in the amount of wrinkles."
"Botox won't make you have zero wrinkles, but it prevents deep etched-in ones."
"Growth hormone knockout mice, that's really a gold standard anti-aging intervention."
"Good SPF is key, especially in the summer. Sun exposure ages our skin and can cause spots, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity."
"It's super anti-aging as well so it helps prevent fine lines and little wrinkles from forming."
"Imagine if you could turn back the clock 5, 10 even 15 years and reverse the effects of Aging."
"Growth hormone commonly referred to as the Fountain of Youth."
"The only Fountain of Youth is to eat more foods that are nutrient-rich naturally and less foods that are man-made or processed."
"We weave 100% human hair to your hair for a natural youthful appearance. You'll look years younger and feel better today. Call 466-4200 now."
"It's actually one of the only proven ingredients to help prevent premature aging and reverse some of the effects of sun damage."
"That's why a lot of retinol products are actually marketed as anti-agers instead of acne helpers."
"Brian's de-aging journey is costing him upwards of two million dollars per year."
"Maintain the lean muscle tissue to prevent aging."
"Ginseng is a great anti-aging ingredient because of the antioxidants."
"Reverse their biological clock in eight weeks by three years, wow."
"The more you can do to actually halt or reverse these hallmarks of aging... you actually can look younger and also be younger."
"We can change our biological age... at any time no matter how old you are."
"We can literally reverse our biological age... through our lifestyle."
"I have zero botox, zero fillers, zero anything in my face at 33 years old."
"When we change our lifestyle, when we change our eating habits and our nutritional habits, we can actually reverse our aging or age better."
"You appear younger than what you are; you have a youthful glow."
"In about 50 years the technology is going to be there to reverse your age and basically be close to immortal."
"Think of it as an anti-aging ingredient for sure."
"The best anti-aging skincare product for someone who's in their early 20s is SPF. There's no better anti-aging skincare than SPF if you're in your early 20s."
"Peptides can help promote collagen production and improve skin texture."
"Growth hormone has profound benefits for anti-aging."
"Estrogen root extract has also been associated with the lengthening of telomeres."
"Exercise: There is probably nothing better you can do for staying young and maintaining health."
"Squalene oil moisturizes, softens, and plumps the skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles."
"Moisturizers per se are not an anti-aging ingredient because they don't do anything at the cellular level to change your skin."
"Tretinoin really is the one that is considered the true gold standard of anti-aging."
"Retin-a: the best anti-aging cream available today."
"Rapamycin, the drug that blocks mtor, is a universal anti-aging drug."
"Turmeric: maybe the best anti-aging supplement found in nature with thousands of scientific studies to support this statement."
"Turmeric might be the best natural anti-aging ingredient we've ever found."
"When you stop learning, you start aging. Learning makes me young; teaching makes me vibrant."
"There is no better anti-aging trick than to throw on a pair of sunglasses."
"What I see coming is that there are drugs that are in development that could be on the market within the next year or two that look like they would slow down aging."
"If you're in your mid-30s like myself, you want the peptides, you want to respect the skin barrier."
"Growth hormone is the main anti-aging hormone."
"Minimizing fine lines is all down to moisturization."
"Magnesium deficiency is like an anti-aging. It's involved in all the DNA repair enzymes."
"If you're preventing your skin from aging... your skin will literally either not age or get better and better with age."
"Retinoids are single-handedly the most evidence-based ingredient for improving the visible signs of photoaging."
"This pumpkin enzyme mask reveals smoother, younger-looking radiant skin."
"The longer you let your body recover, the more healing switches turn on. That's why fasting slows down aging."
"Periodic fasting replicates caloric restriction effects and reduces aging symptoms."
"Exercise is a big one too because it kills off your zombie cells."
"Scientists have already cracked the biochemical reversal of the process of aging."
"Mario Badescu's vitamin C serum: anti-aging, soothing."
"Epigenetic changes may hold the key to reversing biological aging."
"One of the most important in taking five to ten years off your face... is not prepping or priming their eyelids."
"Weight training and physical fitness is one of the biggest factors that you can do to fight aging."
"What if I told you that you could improve your health and slow aging with just the power of your mind?"
"This is more like an anti-aging or skin plumping serum for those who have sensitive skin type."
"She's turned back the clock and defied aging."
"It also has great skin properties for anti-aging and it's just overall a lot healthier on the skin than your average powder."
"Removing fillers and the quest for eternal youth."
"If there's more antioxidants... you can age slower by using your vacuum blender."
"If you're not using high concentrations of vitamin A and high concentrations of vitamin C, you're completely missing the boat on anti-aging."
"Marlena Dietrich's non-surgical facelift: 'We really have cheated time, haven't we?'"
"Research shows that berberine may provide anti-aging benefits by extending the life of telomeres."
"If you want less wrinkles, smoothed out scars and pores, then retinoids will increase collagen."
"Niacinamide can improve sallow skin and glycation-related yellowing."
"The most important anti-aging ingredient you can use and product you can use in your entire routine is protect yourself from the sun and the UV rays."
"Some fruits can actually slow down the aging process."
"Retinol around the eyes can long-term help with the appearance of crow's feet as well as hyperpigmentation."
"If you use a cleanser, a body retinol, a body exfoliant, and a sunscreen for a long period of time, your skin will look 30, 40, 50 years younger than your peers."
"Long term, it can improve the look of wrinkles, fine lines, and hyperpigmentation."
"Peptides are really great because they offer anti-aging benefits but they are also very hydrating to the skin."
"Anti-aging really has to come from a multi-prong approach."
"It reduces the look of fine lines and wrinkles in three minutes."
"It's sometimes good to just take a step back and say, what is ingredient science on a product? What does it do? Why is it anti-aging?"
"By taking care of your skin, brows, and lips, and not overdoing the hairspray, you could turn back the clock on aging."
"It's made with white ginseng, which is known for its anti-aging benefits, which is amazing."
"I love that it has SPF because that is truly the number one anti-aging ingredient."
"Microgreens are also anti-aging as well and will help actually keep you young at the same time."
"Vitamin C boosts collagen, fighting against fine lines and wrinkles."
"So there you have it, your well-aging anti-aging skincare routine with products all 35 or under, the most expensive being sunscreen."
"For lack of scientific wording, it seems to have kind of an anti-aging effect."
"The reason why I love this cream is because it is rich in lipids so it has a lipid complex in it and like I was saying earlier you want to make sure you are replacing the lipids that are getting depleted as you age."
"It's a skincare enthusiast in the 40s who has never done any Botox or filler."
"Lips is definitely one of the areas that tends to show signs of aging the fastest, so super important to protect our lips from that."
"...a great effective Retinol Serum if you are seeking a retina serum to use on a nightly basis to tackle your anti-aging concerns."
"Salicylic acid is not gonna do anything however for improving wrinkles and fine lines per se, that's gonna be more of your alpha hydroxy acids and retinoids."
"Hydrating and plumping effects of moisturizers can smooth out fine lines and wrinkles."
"I would say another great active that you can consistently incorporate into your routine is a topical antioxidant and I prefer vitamin C if you can tolerate it because it is the most studied antioxidant when it comes to helping with signs of premature aging."
"Retinols are the most proven ingredient out there to help build your collagen, even out your skin tone, and reverse signs of sun damage and aging."
"Metformin might have anti-aging properties and help conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)."
"When it comes to anti-aging, the number one thing you need in your skincare routine is a good sunscreen."
"If you're not using retinol as part of your anti-aging routine, you're missing out big time."
"These are the most anti-aging foods on the planet."
"Retinoids are your best bet for fine line and wrinkle care."
"...Advanced SN 96 musen Power Essence...very hydrating reduces redness improves wrinkles it's a true multifunctional Essence."
"...the advanced snil hydrel eye patch...it strengthens skin elasticity helps with improving the wrinkles around the eye area."
"The most powerful anti-aging therapy is stopping the bad stuff in your life."
"Melatonin has been found to have powerful antioxidant and anti-aging properties."
"There is no right and wrong use what your budget and your time will allow but know that there are more in terms of anti-aging ingredients than just retinoids and sunscreen."
"There are technologies now, there is science that shows us literally how to age backwards."
"Sunscreen is so important. The sun is actually the number one cause of anti-aging."
"Copper peptides come into their own because of their potent anti-aging benefits."
"Copper peptides kind of produce the ingredients needed for that collagen production."
"Copper peptides are really a key component in a good anti-aging skincare routine."
""Topical niacinamide, also known as nicotinamide, is described as one of the best-studied anti-aging skin cream ingredients."
"Hot cold therapy decreases stress and decreases inflammation, which leads to aging."
"One skin keeps your skin looking younger for longer."
"Vitamin E helps to preserve the length of telomeres, preventing premature aging."
"Can you see how this is immediately smoothing out my fine lines?"
"This is such a good anti-aging ingredient... it's very firming... you want this on your neck."
"This formula is Magic... if you have crepey loose skin this will give you visible tightening and it's permanent."
"Using retinol on the body can improve the visible signs of skin aging, especially on areas like the backs of the arms and hands."
"This is the skincare routine that I like to do for anti-aging, for sun protection, for really smooth soft replenished glowy hydrated skin."
"Topical retinoids are really Holy Grail when it comes to anti-aging skincare, improving how your skin looks, how it feels, the overall health of your skin."