
Investigative Journalism Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"Her book was probably one of the best written books I've read both from the investigative journalist point of view and also just from the literary point of view."
"Project Veritas has long occupied a gray area between investigative journalism and political spying."
"Investigative reporting is... reporting secrets that powerful people want kept hidden for the wrong reasons."
"One of the marks of real journalism, investigative journalism, is that it makes a lot of people unhappy, especially government officials."
"There's a lot that you don't see, and so that's what we try to cover here on the show."
"Democracy thrives when the press digs deeper."
"Channel 4 did a phenomenal investigation diving into the claims made by the Israeli government."
"This documentary will investigate and explain this ever-changing system and the impact it has both on a national and international level."
"We enjoy doing these investigative pieces; it's a bunch of phone calls, but that's kind of fun."
"We are continuing on with the disappearance of Shelley Miscavige, wife of David Miscavige, the dark and charismatic leader of the Church of Scientology."
"If you actually do the work of watching the videos and investigating what really happened, you'd learn that's kind of not really the truth."
"And thank God we have a free press. This is a safety valve, we're going to work to find out what it was."
"I want to do what this guy did: I want to dig down deep into the sources and come back out with stuff nobody knows but they need to know."
"Project Veritas has been successful, they are moving forward in their lawsuits against the New York Times."
"So I've always had that freedom to publish directly to the internet without anyone intervening, which is why I've been able over the last four years to publish so much skepticism about Russiagate."
"We question everything, we are not run by billionaires, and we tend to cover the stories the mainstream media largely ignores."
"The media originally were rather incurious about all of this."
"Nothing and no one is off limits here on the Megan Kelly show. We will keep bringing you the truth."
"Investigative reporting tests and affirms what is moral and what is not moral."
"When major media outlets won't [investigate], they drive people to conspiracy theory, and that's dangerous for all of us."
"The leaked records are called the Pandora Papers, and they expose a financial system that shields the deals and assets of some of the world's richest and most powerful people."
"There are legitimate questions the world still needs answers to about the origins of the virus."
"James O'Keefe over at Project Veritas has once again uncovered people in the media making asses of themselves."
"It's gross, but I'm glad we have people like Chris Shelton who are dedicated to asking good questions."
"Investigative journalism is about seeking truth."
"The world needs excellence, the world needs joy, the world needs dancing, the world needs music, and the world needs investigative journalism."
"We knew we were making history, now a very proud of helped I am naturally a huge believer in the importance of investigative journalism."
"You should write about it... do something on CNN about it because it's the biggest single scandal of our time."
"Our investigations into Onision, continue to anticipate some developments in the next week or two. Exposure will continue for Onision."
"Could the high-profile killing of a self-exiled Pakistani journalist reveal more than just misconduct?"
"Let's introduce Eric levay he's a digital research analyst at The Institute for strategic dialogue and a former investigative journalist who wrote extensively about the Italy gate conspiracy theory or as I like to call it lasagna Ghazi."
"James O'Keefe is effective. He does a really good job going after the liars and the scammers and the grifters, and he wins."
"Our time chasing and exposing Lumiere has been a long and satisfying adventure for the most part, but this story still lacks one very important finale: getting Munir put behind bars."
"Project Veritas released videos alleging widespread voter fraud in Minneapolis."
"There's always more to the story than what is reported."
"In scrutinizing the details of Jeffrey Epstein, Tucker Carlson raises pointed questions about the inconsistencies in the reported circumstances, exploring the forensic aspects."
"Tucker Carlson often brought to the Forefront some of the most important information and asking some of the most important questions about the regime."
"Dorothy became the first major journalist to suggest publicly that the CIA and mafia may be working together."
"This was a huge moment in this case, and it is, you know, once he finds this information out, he relays it back to the FBI."
"Actual journalism is supposed to be about what Watergate did, targeting powerful people."
"We know the mainstream media has so as we go into breaking and kind of go into the next half hour here I'm curious are we on a path for confirmation or on a path for disclosure because that's the big drawing line."
"Real journalism is the painstaking reporting that will fight for progress and reform."
"The whole purpose of publishing this story is... to solve the mystery."
"But in Ronan Farrow’s telling, it’s not a shame, it’s a scandal."
"We have cases to talk about tonight, we have a weekly roundup for tonight, we have a lot of dirty stuff to get into because we have financial documents."
"Unraveling the truth behind the Wyoming incident: A journey into internet mystery."
"When a story like this breaks, there's usually something beneath the surface that's worth investigating."
"It seemed inconceivable that key facts could be covered up until now."
"The evidence that the inspectors collected on the ground in Douma did not support the narrative that the Syrian government was guilty of a chemical weapons attack."
"But I think there's importance in trying to find the motivation behind this eight-part series."
"It's not the normal recycled stuff about election fraud. This film is about an effort to solve the cold case of what really happened in the 2020 election."
"The media not only failed to ask the right questions, they don't want to ask any questions. But now I hope someone will."
"We need to get behind the news and dig down until we see the true depth."
"Sunlight is the best disinfectant... the truth matters, sometimes to get at the truth you have to look beyond the facts."
"We're battling government corruption, we expose Biden's corruption in Russia and China."
"The Pandora Papers reveal the inner workings of a shadow financial world."
"We're always down to put ourselves on the line for these investigations."
"Mistakes in the report feed into public distrust of the origins investigation."
"Thank you all so much for the exhausting efforts and amazing insightful guests... I'm not bananas for thinking believing and finding info the way I do about this case."
"Investigative reporting now needs to be about breaking through the noise of electronic information in a climate thick with propaganda, conspiracy thinking, and half-truths."
"The story wasn't too good to check, the story was true."
"We go beyond the headline. We make sure that you know the full context of the story."
"Ida Tarbell exposed such practices for the first time to many in the nation."
"Wouldn’t it be good to get to the bottom of these stories, especially the ones that really matter to you."
"He asks questions that the powerful people, the super State, the unelected state, don't want Tucker to ask."
"Follow the money, a regime committing not one but perhaps three genocides..."
"Following the money, uncovering the corridors of power. We're never going to give up here on this show."
"I hope the investigative reporters keep pulling the strings on this. Someone, anyone, talk to the State Bar of California. We all want to know what the [ __ ] the law nerds demand answers."
"Are Democrats closing in on Donald Trump's red line?" - Nancy Pelosi today needling the president with her theory.
"People like Oric Warspotting, and in this case, Andrew Peta, work with his team to not only find all the stuff but geolocate it."
"They've done a hell of a job over the years...showing us the inner workings of what I suppose we could call the deep state."
"Max Blumenthal's rigorously researched work in October 7 testimonies reveal truths otherwise assiduously ignored in the MSM."
"Mandy works tirelessly to expose the truth wherever it leads."
"Former Lytton Mayor Chris O'Connor told Global News that in his mind there's no doubt the fire was started by a train going through the area."
"Not everything is what it seems... sometimes the best way to the truth is by debunking."
"The best disinfectant is sunlight. Get as much sunlight on these stories as possible."
"We tend to cover the stories mainstream media largely ignores, and we are searching for the truth together."
"If James O'Keefe truly cared about the dishonesty of the government..."
"These aren't just someone told me a story. This was an in-depth investigation."
"A story that reveals major conflicts of interest within the FDA and exposes the true power of filthy rich corporations and greed to corrupt the very institutions."
"Investigative journalist Katherine Eban is the author of Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom."
"We go beyond the headline." - Dr. Rashad Ritchie
"When a story cannot be confirmed by any independent examination, then we have to be careful."
"Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson set out to expose what they see as serious corruption involving Joe Biden."
"Nobody's exempt from being exposed and we must do it. Stay tuned, this is going to be like a really, really good one."
"Chuck's case is closed, but other investigators and amateur sleuths believe otherwise."
"Is it true? We don't know. But in today's video we're going to be investigating. We're going to try to prove and find out what happened."
"They take deep dives into different stories: true crimes, the world's most notorious villains, the paranormal, even conspiracy theories."
"Facts and the questions is what we stick to, and we’ve got the most recent court filings by the Special Counsel’s Office, and they are raising new questions about the Trump campaign and Russia."
"We're not running around talking about this stuff they're driving their people to commit the real hate crimes so I think it's important that we we go and investigate investigate this and see how it's planned out across the United States."
"Real investigative journalism... speaking truth to power."
"The stuff that's dark... they don't want to uncover."
"Parliament has not yet changed the law but UK undercover has evidence that it is already happening stealthily."
"Don't you wish you could question people? Of course, you should bring Breaking Homicide back and do this case, man!"
"Many people thought that The Daily Wire played a role in the Virginia governor's race going against the Democrat going for Terry McAuliffe because of some investigative journalism we did."
"This article can break that damn, and on top of that, you really did focus on the Clinton connections."
"Project Veritas somehow got the phone number for a CNN conference call in which Jeff Zucker was talking to his CNN staff about CNN."
"Nellie Bly... wrote a book titled 10 days in a madhouse about the abuse and ridiculous treatment that the patients were subjected to here."
"Do your job and investigate it, don't just write a biased one-sided piece."
"If we can get to the document, it matches exactly what happened in the Jack Smith case."
"One of the things that the foyer requests demonstrated with these documents is that they very closely monitor the handful of media outlets that actually cover the abuses of factory farms in the animal agricultural industry."
"There's definitely some incredible stories to cover, deep deep rabbit hole of all the people that have gone missing or weird experiences that have happened in National Parks."
"Don't be mad at us because the government's hiding this stuff—we're telling you it exists, go find it."
"If you want it, go work at it and go get it. Develop your own sources, make contacts with Congress, find military witnesses who have seen these things up close and personal, and go after it."
"Even if following these leads confirms there was nothing to hide, I think they're worth pursuing."
"The cops have done everything in their power to cover it up... it is incumbent upon the media to find it and show it."
"We've never been told the truth; it's why I do the work I do."
"Does there come a point where the corporate media has to... actually cover these facts?"
"I think it was a really telling interview, it's one of the most damning pieces of evidence in this case."
"James O'Keefe showed the receipts showed the text messages."
"Seymour Hersh has been involved in exposing the truth for decades."
"I'm saying that like the reason they may have perceived him as being manic was because he was genuinely terrified of some big story he uncovered."
"He reveals that he feels the same way about her."
"Terrible case overall, the Polaroid all of it, I'm glad we covered it, I'm glad I got the details of it now."
"He was one of the first to expose Harvey Weinstein and the rape culture amongst Hollywood's elites."
"It's been plenty of time to get to that. It's only because of this investment of journalism that there's even now the possibility."
"Why is CNBC, Bitcoin Magazine, CoinDesk, CoinTelegraph, Laura Shin, Julia Chatterley, and Becky Quick ignoring one of the biggest stories of the decade?"
"Sources frequently do not agree on key facts or subjects, so you'll have to do a lot of comparison investigating."
"...Tron Tron Tron Tron never stop these expose videos the world needs to see this there has to be tons and tons of other documents out there waiting to be scrutinized great job once again Aaron and the sptv team."
"Rolling Stone has uncovered some pretty damning evidence."
"It's clear that the tapes have been tampered with by someone who is trying to expose a more disturbing story."
"Veritas didn't just release a letter and claim it's true; they got corroborating evidence."
"Fantastic job gentlemen um I think getting down beneath the surface layer of what is actually going on in reality and putting it out there for those to view is incredibly important."
"Sometimes we have something we want to investigate, other times we're just at a scene."
"Thank you and thank you for real journalism, Mike Cernovich, you just saved children today."
"I'm going to be filling in the blanks taking a look at those 13 long years as we may never get a chance to see on screen."
"They're actually out there investigating and uncovering these incredible stories."
"Supporters, thanks for helping me uncover these dangerous quacks. Your support keeps us vigilant."
"I couldn't agree more. I think this is like the big open issue with lots more to investigate."
"The press needs to ask one question and no others until this is answered: How did that polybasic furan cleavage site prra get into COVID-19?"
"Investigative journalist Whitney Webb has been writing about these Cyber attack tabletop exercises for years and she's been exposing what they've been up to..."
"Undercover footage is a chance for those who have suffered and died in silence to have their voices heard."
"This case is by far the most heartbreaking case that I have ever looked into, and I literally cried when researching it."
"It's amazing if you just read this article, it's just jaw-dropping." - Expressing disbelief and shock at the revelations in the article about Boeing's practices.
"McDonald's meticulous investigation supported the Panther version of events."
"Project Veritas and James O'Keefe have given people reason to hope, cracking through the institutional capture of so many different areas."
"So much as this is specifically about Danny, I think it's more about trying to get people to understand that this is a real thing that actually happens or some very similar things happen all the time."
"Nelly Bly: 'Exposing abuses at an insane asylum... her successful career reached brand new heights in 1889.'"
"Some of the most important investigative journalism we've seen this year, breaking down what is happening in this country and why. How do we solve our problems if we don't know what the problems are?"
"There's a way in which I see Batman and Gordon as being Woodward and Bernstein."
"This documentary has so much information... brings you a case that makes you question a lot of things."
"Rudy Giuliani is blowing the lid off of the fast-growing Hunter Biden scandal, telling Newsmax on Tuesday night that he met with Delaware State Police this week over shocking materials found on the alleged hard drive of Hunter Biden."
"Getting to the bottom of it with dark journalism...is about...taking the rest of these questions."
"Lima yavremovich being less than honest about several very important things including the cause of death and the drugs in the system of a woman named Amanda Rabb"
"If a Western journalist spending two weeks in the country can find reams of evidence, why can't the authorities find it themselves?"
"The mainstream press and the big story is this Russian investigation which after a year and a half has not gotten a single thing of collusion with the Trump administration or the Trump election campaign conspiring with the Russians."
"Chris Hansen exposing famous YouTubers as potential predators."
"Doing the reporting that holds powerful people accountable takes a lot of time."
"Newspapers have done a fantastic job in exposing so much including the telegraph um of exposing so much of what's going on inside the blob."
"Those interviews took place over two years ago in early 2019. What is Steve Bannon waiting for? Interviews in the very last months of Epstein's life are the definition of newsworthy. How is it we're only hearing about this now?"
"I think there's they're one of the last true investigative journalistic outlets."
"This December you'll finally have an answer to the question, what was The Intercept team doing all year?"
"We're on a journey to uncover the secrets of the children who've been silenced for years."
"For an even deeper look into some of the excessive force cases that our team has uncovered, you can find it all right now at tentipate.com."
"The Black Channel is the only real investigative news organization black society has."
"It isn't who said what or who it was that was deep throat. That's all fun. But it's that he did it."
"Would that have happened without Woodward and Bernstein?"
"We really took a deep dive into the train accident... I hope you liked it viewers."
"The tape cuts to the core of who these people are."
"Expose satanic pedophiles through investigative reporting."
"I'ma get an interview with Sookie and we're gonna sit down and find out what all the [expletive] going on."
"What Julian Assange is accused of doing is something that all investigative journalists do."
"Utterly incredible journalistic work by Coffee Zilla here, plenty of receipts to back up his claims."
"The mainstream media wouldn't look into it, wouldn't look into the evidence."
"One of the few things I love about Project Veritas is..."
"We wouldn't be here today without your amazing investigation, your research, and your reporting."
"She digs for facts and she gets to the bottom of it."
"Coffeezilla's commitment to exposing these scammers through meticulous research extends beyond just the CryptoZ case."
"I do believe we wouldn't be here today without your amazing investigation."
"Her legacy lives on... dedicated to covering cases that have not received nearly as much attention."
"Camp Chapman and see if those guys won't tell you what they're doing, these guys are you know badass special operators Christian like whoa, that'd be a great story."
"It's terrifying that the corporate media outlets want the monopoly on telling you... they're going to stop asking questions when it becomes uncomfortable for the people in power."
"I've never thought for a second that we've been getting built up. I think that the only thing we're building here is the truth, and it is big. Every single part of it is bigger than the last." - Craig
"It's about actual war crimes, torture, and corruption that were revealed by Chelsea Manning."
"For those of you who want to know where to find it let me show you this it's critical Seymour Hersh how America took out the Nord Stream pipeline."
"I feel blessed in a way that I'm able to do that especially in age where a lot of the mainstream Publications seem to have lost their bottle when it comes to reporting these kind of stories."
"Interview the neighbors, they know the real story."
"There's a much larger story here than just the Twitter file."
"The informant 'deep throat,' who triggered the Watergate investigation, was an FBI agent named Mark Felt who had worked under Hoover for years."
"He knew the New York Post had a picture of the receipt signed by Hunter Biden."
"The key to the Seth Rich mystery really does rest with Julian Assange."
"During Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein followed the money until they got to the president."
"Risk their safety to reveal the Hidden Side of the news."
"Her unwavering commitment to investigative journalism."
"...NBC... did a special... it's extraordinarily critical of Garrison's case..."
"Connecting the dots on a skincare scandal."
"Nobody would have believed that was possible until you found out through spotlight that it was."
"...because until we have, it's one thing to say, 'Look at my work,' but people aren't going to look at your work just because it's got Bellingcat by the name of it."
"... we're hoping that that'll take open source investigation and our investigations to a much broader audience."
"Maury Terry's work on the shootings was second to none."
"A fearless investigative journalist was required to expose the seedy goings-on in this underworld to the wider public."
"Imagine spending life doing painstaking research, actual investigation, going out there, interviewing people, and physically finding things."
"Under Myer's ownership, The Washington Post gained a reputation for Fearless reporting and groundbreaking investigative journalism."
"The newspaper played a pivotal role in exposing government corruption, including the Watergate Scandal."
"Impactful investigations that change the way you see."
"I just like the documentaries that bring the iPad and they show you something that they interviewed somebody and they give you a chance to respond to that."