
Quality Quotes

There are 85050 quotes

"Her book was probably one of the best written books I've read both from the investigative journalist point of view and also just from the literary point of view."
"The Mac continues to be rated the number one in customer satisfaction -- by far."
"People who actually work on their work with the outcome and the intent in mind as they work on it produce much higher quality work."
"Everything takes one and a half times more... but as you said about your cycle, when you slow things down, sometimes you enjoy them more and you make better things."
"It's not about the quantity of sex, but the quality that truly enriches our connection and satisfaction."
"Focus on producing high-quality content while saving people time."
"Innovation means higher quality and better value for goods, more efficient services both private and public, and higher standards of living."
"Tekken 8 is a gosh darn good Tekken game. It's so full of features, content. The fighting system itself feels so refined and just awesome to play."
"Perhaps it's time to think a little less about getting things done and a little more about getting things right."
"Mario Kart 8... Never before did a Mario Kart look this good, sound this good, play this good."
"His content is very good; he churns it out very well. His delivery is amazing."
"I don't think you get better than this. This is top-notch definitely up there for sure."
"Ah, Nintendo, you make incredible games, some of the best games in the history of this industry."
"But now that I've got a chance to sit down and actually binge through the whole thing, I gotta admit that these have got to be some of the best episodes that the team has ever delivered."
"Commit to the spirit of excellence; whatever you do, do it well."
"Don't try to make your content go viral. Produce good content, and if it goes viral, it goes viral."
"We are compensated in the coin of the realm according to the quality and the quantity of service rendered."
"Think of all the terrible movies you've seen; they're professional, doesn't mean that it's good."
"The modern audience is the same as the old audience; we just like good stuff."
"Everything you touch is either soft leather or a stitched leather or an aluminum finish."
"If UI design is lacking in just one of these areas, it seriously degrades the quality of the design."
"We want to have the best experience in the best fighting game out there."
"The Last of Us adaptation truly stands as probably to this day the best video game adaptation to live-action ever done."
"I'm consistently blown away by the quality of the items that I have from Fable, but I'm even more impressed with the value that you get from Fable with such a premium product."
"This is the best neutral palette on the market. You have warm tones, cool tones; you can get gray-toned looks with this one, and the quality is butter."
"Quality over quantity wins every single time."
"Let's just do it right, whatever it is. Quality, safety, environment. Do it right and make it something you can be proud of."
"We don't compete on price; we compete on quality."
"Your content is really entertaining, high quality, and enjoyable, but there's a difference between saying some videos are pre-recorded and only admitting that in the ones that are exposed."
"Andy's food is very good, and he somehow manages to stay ahead of the trends."
"If you make real stuff, quality stuff for people, even if it never gets anywhere, you know you still can say we did it, we made it, we tasted it, it's real."
"Absolutely delicious. Our masa is cooked to perfection, our beef is nice and juicy."
"The precision of this thing... it is perfect."
"You can't just do it every day and not get better at something. Quality's always going to matter, but also being different."
"Fearless was a perfectionist, so he needed to exceed the quality of each new video."
"The amount of impact that you make or the volume of impact isn't what matters so much as the intimacy and the quality of your relationships."
"The Apple Vision Pro... different from the moment you look at it. The hardware, the elegance, the quality materials."
"This is the most high quality game I've ever played in my life."
"It's so stupidly good that it's almost impossible to really live up to it."
"When the adaptation is so good that it becomes the official canon of the source material, you know they were probably up to something."
"The onboard footage from this flight was absolutely chef's kiss perfect."
"I could not believe the quality of the set pieces, the music, the visuals, and the direction of this sequence. I was absolutely mind-blown."
"They really brought their A-game, not only with the minifigures but with some great exterior details."
"Oppenheimer to me represents the best that film has to offer."
"Success in relationship doesn't have anything to do with income or this or that... it's actually belief that your relationship is good."
"Understanding that it's not the quantity of friends, it's the quality of a few relationships that actually matter."
"You realize actually not just for Labour but how generally the level and quality of our public discourse has declined. The extraordinary beautiful arguments they put incredibly erudite."
"First and foremost, the overall story and characters are incredibly well done."
"This is from Software's biggest undertaking, and it absolutely shows."
"We will not rest until every American has access to the highest quality, most affordable health care anywhere in the world."
"Arguably one of the best games ever created."
"Larian Studios has crafted a world that puts triple-A games to shame."
"It's still the best people, but it is not run well."
"If successful people had a particular thinking pattern, they found there was one quality that successful people have more than any other single quality. It's the highest quality of all and it was kind of predictive of success."
"This is The Tower. It's a short platformer game that comes bundled with every copy of Geometry Dash 2.2, and it is some of the best official content I've ever seen for this game."
"When you do CGI really well, nobody notices. You only notice when it's bad."
"I thought Hey Arnold was a really good cartoon."
"This schematic... nice and clean, couldn't ask for anything nicer than this."
"It's not about the quantity; it's about the quality."
"Path of Exile 2 takes the proper path and continues to put time, effort, and conscious delays into their product to ensure it reaches the maximum quality threshold for consumers."
"It's perhaps the best-coded game I've ever played... there's really not much weird stuff that can happen."
"You can see when a game is going to be a home run and when you look at this trailer, it just looks expensive but it kind of looks worth it."
"I'm literally in a state of my mind being blown right now 'cause I just did not expect this to be that good."
"This is delicious, buttery, juicy burger. Beautiful, scrumptious patty with a nice sear."
"No slop, no tone-sucking slop, and just snug enough that it stays in position without being tight."
"The thing reeks of quality way back in the day."
"I think for me, 'Broke Bitch' was the moment where I was like, this is a little too good."
"The vision for Raising Canes is to have locations all over the world, be known as the brand for quality chicken finger meals, great crew, cool culture, and active community involvement."
"I spent around five thousand dollars performing this test to provide you all with real quality reviews."
"It's a shame that you're incentivized to upload as much as possible instead of focusing on the quality of your content."
"Buying good tools is never a waste of money because it's a forever tool. That thing will last forever."
"I learned to be really frugal, to look for deals, and identify quality, especially on used goods so I could get the best value for my money."
"He wasn't done there. Oh no. He even said, 'We even sell a pair of earrings for under a pound, gold earrings as well. And some people say, well, that's cheaper than a prawn sandwich from Marks and Spencers, but I have to say, the sandwich will probably last longer than the earrings.'"
"The caliber of play is going down, the quality of entertainment is going up."
"Great art is great art; it doesn't matter who makes it."
"Maybe keeping it this trim has resulted in a batch of songs that you know I'm really like picking the most slappiness slappers."
"You can get a really nice paint job, and whoever gets this truck is going to get a really nice paint job on it."
"I'm a firm believer in quality over quantity."
"It's less about [views] and more about doing good work."
"The most important quality you need to succeed in life is fearlessness."
"Immersion is a quality of good storytelling."
"Create good content. If you create good content, they'll come."
"A movie with a good message needs to be a good movie first."
"This series will continue to be the best Animal Crossing LP on YouTube to date."
"Late is just for a little while; suck is forever."
"I think that's just much better to have a sharper image or video."
"The quality of your welding directly impacts the integrity and strength of the final product."
"The tips of these fibers are never cut... they're brought to a natural tapered point so it ensures that they're nice and soft and that the makeup doesn't go on choppy."
"I don't think games have to be fun to be good."
"There are certain things from certain drugstore brands that, in my opinion, are just as good as, if not better than, high-end."
"Quality is better than quantity. Fit is better than brand or fashion."
"Overall, I do think the food and drinks are better here."
"If something's worth doing, it's worth doing well."
"You're gonna pay a reasonable price for one of these cars. They hold their value because they're so well made."
"The XC90's interior is a masterpiece of the medium, from the attractive design to the quality of the materials."
"The GLE's cabin is close to perfect, exhibiting excellent usability and build quality that is second to none."
"It's going to be very, very good. So get excited."
"The central idea of the book is that there is this thing called quality...you know what it is, I know what it is, and it's undefinable. When you try to define quality in any particular situation, you're going to have a very hard time categorizing quality, but you know what it is."
"Quality in art is not merely a matter of personal opinion, but to a high degree, objectively traceable."
"With all the time that goes into a game, it would be foolish to rush it out the door before it's ready." - Pete Hines
"I think what our fans expect... is a high-quality game and we want to do everything we can to give our teams the time to fully realize the games they're making." - Pete Hines
"These books really resonated with a lot of people, kids and adults alike, and for a book series to captivate that many people, it has to be doing something right."
"The best predictor of quality... is quantity."
"Criticism creates the grounds from which great art springs and so if we want better art, we need better criticism."
"The graphics are very well done, the lighting is really good, the sound design is incredible."
"This is a very very good board game, and it's honestly a good video game too."
"The difference between good enough and awesome is so big. Good enough sucks."
"This year, I think it's going to be probably the best ever. The quality of the league, the excitement of the league is good."
"We simply lack quality, man. That's the sole reason." - Mario Franco
"Comfort, leather quality, and aesthetics are key features I love in a shoe."
"See how smooth that is, how nice that is? That's just awesome."
"A high-quality bespoke shirt, if it's laundered properly and taken care of, can last a long time."
"Stick to the basics: 100% natural fibers, 100% cotton, 100% linen."
"The number one reason why you should always buy a genuine watch is because they work."
"Being the strongest does not automatically equal being the best."
"Light is something nobody really appreciates... good light will create an amazing and sharp looking picture and bad light will create a muddy and very boring picture."
"The first alien movie has a truly timeless quality to it."
"It's one of the best stories coming out of Marvel right now, and there's no two ways about it."
"Clothing is an investment. It is something that when it's well made, when it's made of decent, good quality materials, and when it's made to last, will last you a significant portion of your lifetime."
"I do think that this year has been some of the best seasonal stuff that we've ever gotten."
"Everything they [Mercedes] are creating and making, while they're all pretty wonderful cars."
"It feels like the quality is so much higher because so many people are just dedicated to playing the game for a living."
"The vibes were laidback, they were immaculate."
"Good music is going to be good music regardless."
"The answer to bad speech is more speech, better speech."
"It's consistency that's king, and it's consistently awful and it's progressively getting worse."
"Quality products or Services turns out to be a recipe for long-term success."
"Mies said God is in the details, and it's the details that set this building apart."
"Golden Axe exists to answer one simple question: What if Altered Beast was good?"
"Extra care in engineering—it makes a difference in Dodge."
"We equate effort with quality; when we see a higher level of effort put into something, we assume that it's worthwhile."
"These aircraft are as good or better than any other aircraft in the world."
"Every British restaurant should be using the finest ingredients we have some of the best meat, fish, and vegetables on the planet, so there's no excuse not to cook with it."
"They're on the right trajectory... I'd rather see it come out in a great state."
"I'm not ever worried about boring... I am worried about good."
"Quality men are much more rare than a quality woman."
"Quality is apparent almost immediately in high-quality things, and the lack of quality is the same."
"The reality is the art and visuals weren't at the bar that we hold for Halo, even in a work-in-progress state."
"Despairing over how boring and poorly written and thought out and samey they are, if you watched my review I did the other week on the Prince Caspian book, this book's basically the complete opposite of that, and so it was just completely refreshing for this book to come along and remind me no, these books can be really good when they're written by someone who knows what they're doing."
"I would say at least 85 percent of the text is great and informative and deserves to be here, which is actually an insanely high percentage compared to most other books, unfortunate as that may be."
"To me, customer service means four things: outstanding service, superior products, making the customer feel valued, and also, rapid response times."
"Kamira's got some incredibly unique designs and finds an amazing balance between quality, reasonable pricing, and fair labor."
"Dad advice for today: never cut corners on anything that comes between you and the ground—shoes, tires, mattress."
"Overall attention to the stability of the parameters is very often the difference between good to great tanks and the truly epic dream tanks."
"I appreciate when a beer can be both bold and balanced, and this one nails it."
"Imagine releasing a bad pallet. Can't relate."
"There is no such thing as a moral or immoral book. Books are well written or badly written. That is all."
"The original Balto film is perfect, exceptionally well made, and deserves praise."
"Starbucks has been able to differentiate their coffee as being better than most other competitors."
"The only thing anyone cares about is whether the story is good."
"The truth is, quality is becoming something that is a thing of the past."
"The craftsmanship is really well made, there's so much fabric here; it's an investment."
"Products quality and safety is extremely important to us."
"Huge shout out to Night Dive Studios for making something of such high quality."
"Just as there's junk food, there's junk media."
"Nothing compares to a home-cooked meal with fresh ingredients."
"Quality over quantity, quality over everything, a hundred percent of the time."
"This scope is a good value in terms of quality."
"If you're going to DIY it, buy quality, because 20% of the cost of a renovation is material, the other 80% is labor and taxes."
"Out of all the Disney sequels so far, it's definitely the one that feels most like a real movie."
"Food storage isn't just about quantity; it's about quality, variety, and ensuring nutritional balance."
"Simple things done right tend to be the best in life, and Dead Space is no exception."
"There's not a gouache out there that will give you a more perfect, flat, opaque, velvety laydown than Windsor & Newton."
"Painting with it was just an absolute joy. Really great opacity, really fantastic velvety smoothness."
"This is the kind of thing that elevates a game to being one of the best games of all time."
"The soundtrack was incredible, the animation acting perfect, adding genre-defining elements that other developers wouldn't even dream of."
"You're another guy that just made top tier content, honestly."
"DC animated movies are far and away much better than the DC live-action movies."
"Cyberpunk has somewhere between 70 to 80 sidequests...and just about all of them are perfect."
"Redefining what success means, what quality means for your entire team and culture."
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a bad game is bad forever."
"There are a lot of things that The Lego Ninjago Movie Video Game does right. Its title isn’t one of them, but, still, other things are good."
"Quality. The quality measure is continuing to go up because it's so difficult to scale quality."
"It's all about productive quality outputs, not just a bunch of conversations about how you doing."
"It doesn't matter how many hours you put into a project. It just matters what quality you put into those hours."
"The Orange Box is a tale of convergence, in part due to Valve's meticulous detail and seal of quality."
"Delays were never due to incompetence but love, a desire to ensure that the release of their latest lived up to the standards set by the past."
"Marion's Alligator Purse is a reminder of a time when quality was valued, and goods were designed to last."
"And given their strength, and their low cost, and their increased designs and improved quality, you start to wonder, what is going to stop this juggernaut?"
"It's okay to make a game or do something that's formulaic and just have it be really, really good. You don't have to reinvent the wheel, just make a really good game."
"It's better to have two pieces that are really good than 10 that are average."
"But all in all, I do feel as if this is pretty much the best remake that we could have hoped for out of this era of horror."
"This is one of the best obbys we've played in a while."
"The game has the best combat animation of any Persona series entry to date."
"Poscas are a fantastic pen with a wide variety of nibs, they have good flow and the paint inside them has decent coverage with a matte finish."
"I'm really pleasantly surprised that we got a game this polished and this high quality in the middle of a year where we really have had some pretty lackluster releases."
"Resident Evil 4 is hands-down one of the best games ever made."
"I think that Resident Evil 8 is a good game. It's fantastically well built and designed."
"It was one of the most high quality and lean experiences I've had with a triple AAA title in the last year."
"Popular culture is an extraordinarily complex and divided field which includes the most abysmal works as well as some works of enduring quality."
"I love how it fits. I love how the stitching, like everything, is just so, so gorgeous."
"It's progressively getting more hopeful in a sense because the direction of quality, meaning minor versus major, is constantly shifting towards major."
"Invest in quality across the board and you won't have many of the concerns that most people do."
"You can't talk about quality without talking about opinion."
"The whole look of the world is fantastic. Yeah, they really did a great job."
"The best burger out there, let me just give you the rating already. For me, it's a 10 out of 10."
"We believe that Allah blesses certain things more than others, so outwardly the quantity might be the same, but the quality of that which is blessed will be more."
"Pebbled leather and woven materials add visual interest and allow it to look a lot more expensive and authentic."
"What happened to shows like Star Trek? Even Deep Space Nine was also amazing. Profound writing."
"Samsung makes displays for almost every phone manufacturer for a reason, they are absolutely incredible."