
The Bride Quotes

The Bride by Julie Garwood

The Bride Quotes
"A black soul was like a bad apple, the church leaders supposed, and the thought of one rotten soul staining the pure ones was too grave a possibility to ignore."
"God, it was a satisfying moment. The fear of being found out made my hands sweat, yet the thrill of it sent a burst of strength down my spine at the same time."
"Mary, deliberately or nay, was stirring the twins into a full lather of snorting and screeching."
"It was enough to try the patience of the devil himself."
"That explanation made perfectly good sense to Baron Jamison."
"He was, of course, immediately made sorry for blurting out his unkind comment."
"It mattered not if their brides had other inclinations. The women were simply property, after all."
"Yet even though Jamie was his favorite, the baron wasn't completely oblivious to her flaws."
"Jamie was such a sensible, untroubling daughter. She never cried, either, not since the day her mama passed on."
"The devil and his disciple arrived at Baron Jamison's holding three days ahead of schedule."
"The one Beak thought of as the devil had hair as bronze as his skin."
"Jamie was simply too stunned to hide her initial reaction."
"It will be a frigid day in heaven before I marry you, milord, a frigid day indeed."
"I'm insignificant and foolish? Alec, you must find me most inferior."
"I don't need any warnings. We English are made of tougher stuff than you Scots think."
"You needn't shout," Alec remarked. "Your virginity belongs to me, Jamie. A bride shouldn't be embarrassed by her purity."
"Why is it the rest of the world only needs to obey ten commandments to get to heaven, but you Scots have need for so many extra ones?"
"It's my duty to keep you safe, Jamie. It's really very simple, this lesson I've just given you."
"Your feelings are of little significance to me. You're simply my wife, my chattel."
"No, baby, you aren't any good at it," he answered. "Yet."
"It would be more honorable to wait. Alec wasn't going to, though."
"Her feelings about her husband might not have been so black if his attitude had been a little more pleasant."
"There was usually a rattle shivering through the air when death came stalking his prey."
"The truth still took her by surprise. Angus wasn't dying…yet."
"You don't mourn a man until he's dead, and we don't call for our priest until we're sure he's dying."
"We don't understand the reason behind this truth but believe it to be fact all the same."
"He wouldn't dare die. Not after the way you screamed at him."
"Are you my angel? No, Angus. You're still in the Highlands."
"You look like an angel, but you sound… English."
"She's my property," Alec countered. "No one's going to insult her but me."
"Your wife has given me all her shillings," he stated as he opened his hands to show the coins.
"You called me insignificant, too. Don't you remember, Alec?"
"She's caring," Father Murdock argued. "Now tell me what to do with these coins."
"Of course, she can be a might stubborn, too," Father Murdock admitted.
"She isn't having an easy time of it," Gavin remarked.
"I did forget my temper," he admitted. "And I'm furious with you."
"Neither, of course, meant to honor her request, but they wanted to appease her now."
"Give me time, the day's not half done, if you'll remember."
"It has been quite a morning," she said with a sigh.
"You wouldn't mind taking me, would you, Marcus? 'Tis the truth, even with proper directions, I would probably get lost."
"You should have more faith in your wife," Jamie muttered.
"Her arrow ain't near the others," the young soldier named David called out.
"If you ever try to touch me again, I'll hit you twice as hard."
"I'm used to riding that way when the mood strikes me, Alec."
"I didn't tell you because you would have thought me unladylike," she answered.
"I love you because you're so gentle and loving, caring, too."
"You make me ache to have you, Jamie," he whispered.
"God help me, she's been with you less than a day and she's already taking on your stubbornness," he told Jamie.
"I know you don't understand what I'm saying to you, Jamie, but I've need to tell you in my own language. I love you."
"Quit your worrying," Alec ordered. "She'll talk when she wants to."
"I would not let you disgrace yourself so in front of my men," Alec announced.
"I'm almost certain," Alec returned. "Tomorrow we set the trap."
"I didn't get myself stabbed and you damn well know it."
"Why haven't you asked me if I saw the attacker?"
"The witness to Helena's death," she whispered.
"You'll have to suffer through your headache."
"I'm not about to act cowardly in front of my relatives."
"You'll remember not to attempt anything this foolish in future."
"If he decides to cut off your feet, I will, of course, offer him my assistance."