
Worth The Wait Quotes

Worth The Wait by Jamie Beck

Worth The Wait Quotes
"Tragic accidents could wipe out half your family and then drive your dad to live in the bottom of a bottle."
"But accepting the plain truth of it—that life is hard—also helps you enjoy the little things more."
"To appreciate the small moments, like eating raw cookie dough right from the yellow package."
"I mostly teach myself by reading books or renting videos from the library."
"Sometimes I stay late after school with the art teacher."
"You should check out Silvermine Arts Center, a top spot around here for any kind of art class."
"I think Cat is in the family room waiting for you."
"Don’t want to think of either for the next several days."
"The big perk of being a teacher—a wide-open summer schedule."
"You’re at least two steps above a coffee-shop guy."
"Cat’s expression turned grim at the mention of her tumultuous relationship."
"Cat’s preoccupation with her roller-coaster romance seriously interfered with their friendship."
"Following a pronounced pause, he replied, 'I spend most waking hours at the office, so it doesn’t make much difference where I sleep.'"
"He hadn’t seen her since his mother’s funeral."
"Your mother wouldn’t want that for you, or for the rest of us."
"He secured a transfer to his firm’s Hong Kong office to escape temptation."
"Unfortunately, time away hadn’t diminished his anguish."
"David’s relationship with Cat and Jackson, and probably Vivi, too."
"If he couldn’t somehow mend fences with his father, he feared permanent estrangement from all of them."
"He watched his sister’s mental retreat from Laney’s admonishment."
"She’d thought of him as a big brother forever."
"His father’s duplicity proved a loveless but pleasant relationship was the smartest choice."
"The idea of enjoying it without her felt like a betrayal, especially here."
"He slid his fingers through the condensation on the side of his glass."
"He avoided Laney’s penetrating gaze by staring at his wine glass."
"His retreat and secrecy had screwed up his relationship with Cat and Jackson, and probably Vivi, too."
"He watched her survey everyone sprawled out on beach chairs."
"If only his mother watched over him, she was disappointed tonight."
"Her tearstained cheeks had mirrored his own grief that day."
"Her evident lack of interest or envy rattled David."
"You can’t take her place. You’re not even part of our family!"
"But high school should give her the chance to meet more people like her, especially in the fine arts department."
"As time passed, he’d simply drowned his grief in Jack Daniel’s one day at a time."
"Bad as it was, life with her father was better than death."
"Nothing excuses your utter neglect. Maybe I’m not as smart as you, but I got the message loud and clear."
"Ignore her. Promise me you’ll never change—not for anyone. You’re absolutely perfect just as you are."
"Thank God she met Alex during college, who finally convinced her of the benefits of having a real, live boyfriend instead of an imaginary one."
"I’d rather talk to Hank than David right now. He seems interested in her."
"He’d never before harbored romantic feelings for Vivi, if that’s even what he was feeling."
"I doubt Franco will do anything to hurt her."
"It’s not good-bye. It’s just a change. There’ll never be good-byes between us."
"If he had just controlled himself like usual, his mother could’ve died never knowing of her husband’s betrayal."
"Be happy, David. You no longer have to tolerate an unwanted shadow following you around."
"You’re slipping away. You’re pushing me away. I can feel it, and it’s driving me crazy."
"Sex isn’t love, Laney. I suspect you know that or you wouldn’t be feeling so threatened."
"You have to ‘feel’ David, not ‘think’ him. Since we’ve already established you lack much heart, you’ll never be able to touch his."
"I’d never ruin your holiday with my problems."
"I’ve behaved badly toward you since my mom died."
"I think we should talk about last night, and why it happened."
"I’m honored you confided in me about your dad. I’m so sorry for what’s happened, and I’m most sorry for how it has changed you, and us."
"We’ll forget all about our little indiscretion. Maybe someday we’ll even laugh about it."
"I hate thinking of you spending Christmas Eve alone at the hospital."
"Will you come with me?" Her breath brushed against his skin.
"Absolutely." He smiled and lifted her off the ground.
"His father’s announcement ripped open the wounds that had only barely begun to heal."
"That whore poisoned his father, making him turn his back on everything he’d supposedly valued."
"His father loved her? Chose her over his mother? Over him?"
"Perhaps it should be enough to know his silence shielded them from the painful truth."
"Perpetual fucking limbo. That’s what his life had become."
"No matter what his feelings for Vivi might be, he knew what they couldn’t become."
"I’ve never been anyone’s one-night stand. To be yours hurts more than I can say."
"I can’t believe you’d shut me out now, after everything that happened this week."
"Life’s never fair. I’ve learned to adapt, and you will, too."
"I’m done groveling for scraps of affection from you, from anyone."
"I’m sorry I’ve upset you. I know you don’t understand me."
"How can you honestly make that crack to me . . . to me . . . after the friendship we’ve shared?"
"People lose spouses and children every day, some in tragic accidents, others to illness... But unlike you, they move on."
"I love you. I don’t know why I didn’t see it sooner."
"The truth couldn’t be wiped away by wishful thinking about ice and snowstorms."
"The past twenty-four hours probably wiped out whatever innocence remained."
"Neglect you? Didn’t I keep a roof over your head, food in your belly, clothes on your back?"
"The only way to move forward was through forgiveness and acceptance—of others and one’s self."