
Abarat Quotes

Abarat by Clive Barker

Abarat Quotes
"Love can be the best thing in life. And it can be the worst. The absolute worst."
"There’s the history that finds its way into the books and there’s the history that doesn’t."
"Chickentown exists because Wallace Murkitt’s horse died."
"Put the ball in it! Light’s the oldest game in the world."
"You’ll never see them. The Abarat isn’t for human eyes."
"The world was being drowned beneath the surf."
"You get one life and you’d better make the best of it."
"There’s always one who makes your life hell. You’ll be out of school soon enough."
"If you don’t give people second chances, how are they ever going to change?"
"We live in the most boring town in the country."
"You live in my nightmares, You hide from the day; And there, little—"
"It was a wonder, Candy thought, that this outlandish collection of people, animals and habitations worked at all."
"One day this place is just going to rot and collapse on itself."
"Maybe it was the warmth of the fire, maybe it was the strange scent of the dress she’d been given, maybe it was simply the fact that she was exhausted."
"Carrion had promised himself that he would personally extinguish those lights when his Night of Nights came."
"How could something so eternal, so immutable, be so altered?"
"It was a song that the Devil sings, bitter and loud."
"It was beyond even Carrion’s power to fully conceive of the devastation they would unleash."
"What cities would they bring down, what peoples would they erase?"
"He wanted to be ready, when the Hour of Darkness passed, and the Requiax returned to their temples and trenches."
"Everything is working toward some greater plan."
"I won’t hurt you, child. I swear, on the tomb of my beloved."
"It's going to take time to root out all the magic in these islands."
"I hope wherever you’ve gone, it’s a place you want to be."
"You wouldn’t have wanted to be Carrion’s prisoner, believe me. He has the morals of the very Devil, that man."
"I won’t beat around the bush. The fact that you’ve come from the Hereafter is of the greatest possible importance to me."
"You’re thinking about a comfortable place to lay your head, no doubt."
"Believe me, I’ve done worse than lying in my life. A whole lot worse."
"The only people I really trust are those who have nothing to lose."
"You cannot imagine the journey ahead of you. The things that are out there waiting to be discovered."
"Everything is here. Everything is now. Even yesterday."
"We study them. We immerse ourselves in them. We protect them."
"I envy you. The journey ahead of you... it's going to be quite something."
"You’re not the same girl who threw herself into the Izabella, are you?"
"We'll find one another again. There is so much to tell, on both sides."
"Wherever you think you’re going, the real destination is right here."
"But it's hard to guess the future with any of the old confidence."
"Something’s going to happen to me, isn’t it?"
"You are many things, my dear. Many, many things."
"Perhaps the first time that any of them had heard her voice any fear about the natural world."
"Sometimes you need to let things strike your heart and not your head, Geneva."
"Do you have any clue where we’re heading?"