
Homicide And Halo-Halo Quotes

Homicide And Halo-Halo by Mia P. Manansala

Homicide And Halo-Halo Quotes
"I love to read a well-written and quirky cozy mystery."
"Mia P. Manansala manages to create a murder mystery where nothing is too horrifying and you know everything will be okay in the end."
"Finding out whether or not Lila can solve the crime and save the restaurant is as satisfying as it is climactic."
"Manansala peppers the narrative with enough red herrings to keep readers from guessing the killer."
"This debut introduces readers to Filipino-American food and culture, with its emphasis on family."
"A super-fun read that’s perfect for the beach, your couch, or any Sunday afternoon."
"Manansala's fun, fresh voice spins an enchanting fusion of Filipino-American food and culture."
"Mouthwatering dishes and a funny, smart amateur sleuth make Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala my favorite new culinary cozy mystery series."
"I wholeheartedly hope this is a kickoff to a long-lived series."
"Cozy fans are gonna love this series! Filled with Filipino food; a bevy of meddling relatives; and a plucky, unflappable but admittedly flawed amateur sleuth, Lila Macapagal."
"Rob was the one who hired me." Her voice had gone flat as she said her client’s name, making me think I could confide in her.
"She doesn’t, but she attends the sessions anyway."
"No, nothing like that. He hasn’t done or even said anything all that blatant. The most he’s done is look at Joy, but I... something about him makes me uncomfortable. I just can’t shake the feeling that he’s bad news."
"I don’t trust him, either. I think we should keep an eye on him and make sure he’s never alone with the girls for any of the events."
"I’m so happy I said something to you. This has been bugging me since yesterday and I—what’s that?"
"I shook my head. No need to go down that road. I needed to focus on some sort of mindless activity—dwelling too much on Rob Thompson’s death could lead to a panic attack."
"I already knew that ube worked well in cookies, thanks to the ube crinkles I’d created earlier in the year."
"She just lost her husband. A little bit of kindness wouldn’t hurt, right?"
"She’s not of that particular persuasion, I guess you could say."
"You did nothing wrong, do you hear me? Rob was the one at fault in that situation."
"Never ever blame yourself for how someone mistreats you. Especially when it’s an adult in a position of power."
"I’m doing great, nena. Business is good, my plants are thriving, and I’m loving the energy in your new space."
"I always said I would never become my mother, yet look at me, hovering around and fussing over Naoko the way she used to."
"I may have poor coordination, but I’m more than strong enough to open my own door."
"I’m sorry, Jae. I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did last night, and I’ll do my best to not let my frustration with this case spill over to you."
"Love doesn’t last. Security is what’s important."
"Those were good changes I made. Really good changes."
"You’re getting ahead of yourself. Watch her closely during your pageant events, keep your ear to the ground, and don’t hang out with her alone."
"I think we need to have it out so we can focus on what’s important: helping Ate Bernie and keeping the pageant girls safe."
"If this is your idea of an apology, I don’t accept."
"It’s poor manners to turn down the food your host has prepared."
"Mind your business. Curiosity killed the cat, remember?"
"That’s it? They couldn’t be more original with their threats?"
"I researched it, too, and found a fascinating article that said men and women kill for different reasons."
"We need to look at the four L’s of motives: Love, Lust, Loathing, and Loot."
"Asians do not go to therapy. We don’t even acknowledge that mental health issues exist."
"You think Black families love having relatives who are in therapy?"
"You’re grown. It’s none of their business anyway."
"I’ve been through enough that I wasn’t about to let myself become a pawn in a rich man’s game."
"I don’t have to be good at it. I don’t plan on making a career of it, so it doesn’t matter how bad I am."
"You’re a sweet girl and I don’t want to hurt you. But I will if I have to."
"I wanted to talk about them, but it made my aunt sad and grandmother angry."
"I make a fool of myself on the dance floor for her, she embarrasses herself at the mic for me."
"You think my ego is so easily bruised I’d kill over that? No, he threatened to take her away."
"I wasn’t going to let him ruin another girl’s future the way he did mine."
"That’s what their love amounted to. My mother had loved in the way that she knew how."
"I knew you killed Rob. I overheard you planning with Mr. Weinman."
"I needed you to snap out of it and get out of Shady Palms so we’d be safe."
"You have to understand, Rob was going to ruin everything. I just want a good life for me and my daughter."
"She’d never hurt innocent people. Right, Mom?"
"That’s really all you can say to the person who just saved your ridiculous ass?"
"We loved your booth at the Founder’s Day Festival and wanted to check out your shop."