
Lightning Quotes

Lightning by Dean Koontz

Lightning Quotes
"People died, dogs died, cats died, birds died, flowers died."
"Understanding wasn’t always necessary, as long as you believed."
"Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity."
"Life was frighteningly subject to tragedy and change, blue and warm one moment, cold and stormy the next."
"By living well and being a good person, she would make it possible for her father to go on living in some small way through her."
"The world was hard and cruel and unpredictable."
"Even as young as she was, she understood that by living well and being a good person, she would make it possible for her father to go on living in some small way through her."
"Life is serious and a joke at the same time."
"Life is strange, difficult, miraculous, precious, tenuous, mysterious, but not flat-out absurd."
"Life was good again but never the same as it had been before the fire."
"Only she knew that the piece was as much fact as fiction."
"It's not good slapstick if you see the pie coming."
"She found no one like the Ackersons with whom to share the black humor."
"They were at once scornful of the need for human feeling and envious of the capacity for it."
"She depended upon her income as a waitress to make up the difference."
"You don’t just have something special, you are something special."
"You’ve got to go away and think about it before you answer me."
"What I care about is that what you are, when shared, will bring as much hope and joy to people in far places as it brings to me here at your side."
"I think you’re going to need all the millions you can make from your books, because that boy is going to take after his father."
"What’s gotten into you today? All evening you were so... buoyant, so up."
"Life was not money; life was Danny and Chris and, to a lesser extent, her books."
"You’re able to capture people’s lives on the page, and when the people are gone, the page is still there."
"I suppose they belong to Sir Tommy. Oh, did I forget to tell you about the lodger we’ve taken in?"
"Because what could a genius like you ever see in a guy like me—except maybe comic relief?"
"In spite of the guns and all I’ve learned since I came here on Friday, I’m less worried about you now than I was then."
"He says he loves my brain and sense of humor, and he’s even excited by my body."
"I’ve got both the confidence and doubt of an orphan."
"You can’t lose your sense of perspective and start acting like a star or a rich lady if you keep on wearing bunny slippers."
"If I died and found myself in hell, I could endure the place if I had bunny slippers."
"You can’t thwart Providence, kid. You can’t play poker with God and expect to win because you’ve got a .38 in your purse."
"Every good girl should learn some self-defense."
"But just the same, there are moments that make me realize we’re all here for some reason, enigmatic as it might be. It’s not meaningless."
"Sometimes already there are little things I don’t quite remember about him. I have to think hard to remember them. But I don’t want to forget ‘cause he was my daddy."
"She was proud of his responsible reaction and relieved that he would not delay them, but she was also saddened that at eight years of age he understood enough about the brevity and harshness of life to respond to a crisis with the swiftness and equanimity of an adult."
"Downstairs she stopped at the front foyer closet for a blue ski jacket and the Uzi carbine that hung on the back of the door."
"Family-room and kitchen windows exploded as a second submachine gun opened fire."
"Her heart was racing, and a flood of adrenaline had made her senses almost painfully sharp."
"Who the hell are you people? she wondered angrily."
"There are a lot of bad philosophies in the world."
"I guess I should’ve been watching Star Trek and reading Robert Heinlein all these years instead of being a serious adult."
"What a day this had been. What a year. What a life."
"Sometimes she perceived that there were both benign and ominous patterns in life."
"When you’re on the run from the law, you need beans in your belly, tough-guy food."
"I’m inevitably, deeply, and hopelessly involved, you idiot, because you’re involved."
"They’re not children; they’re shaved baboons trying to pass for children."
"There’s no full-time staff there. We just call a housekeeping service to spruce the place up a couple of days before we go."
"I’d advise staying away from windows and keeping a low profile on Tuesday, until he comes and goes."
"I sorta like this kind of intrigue. Maybe I’m the reincarnation of Mata Hari."
"Dominick, this man you have here is gorgeous. Look at him, he’s a hunk."
"Blitz—that part of it means lightning, like Blitzkrieg—lightning war—in all those old movies."
"You’ll notice a lot of whips and chains under the bed, but don’t get the idea Jason and I are kinky. The whips and chains belonged to his mother, and we keep them strictly for sentimental reasons."
"If someone like you is involved in shit like this, society must be really coming apart at the seams a lot faster than I ever hoped."
"Just three milligrams on the skin kills in thirty seconds."
"Destiny struggles to reassert the pattern that was meant to be."
"You can eat nothing but desserts and remain as healthy as a man who eats balanced meals. Incredible! How was this advance achieved?"
"If we’re being hunted down by Gestapo agents, we ought to be able to eat as many Ding Dongs as we want, at least, ’cause every meal could be our last."
"I hate this. How can you hope to win against goddamn time travelers? It’s like playing blackjack when the dealer is God."
"Too bad the old saw wasn’t true: In fact lightning did strike twice in the same place, three times, a hundred, and she was the reliable rod that drew it."
"As I understand, two Gestapo squads and later an SS squad were sent after you in that distant time."
"His respect for the dedication and murderous abilities of the SS was far greater than that with which he regarded the Gestapo."
"My Führer, I dealt with those men when they came after me, yes, and did so in good conscience."
"They had no faith in the future of the Reich, and fearing that their roles in the murders of March fifteenth would soon be revealed, they fled to the future, to hide in another era."
"The madman’s face hardened, and his eyes narrowed, not because he was suspicious of Stefan but because suddenly he was suspicious of all those at the institute who had told him he would make fatal military misjudgments in the days ahead."
"With but a few changes in your strategies, you can win."
"What cruel consciousness lay behind the workings of the universe that it could even conceive of forcing her to struggle through a troubled life that turned out, in the end, to have no apparent meaning or purpose?"