
Magic Lessons Quotes

Magic Lessons by Alice Hoffman

Magic Lessons Quotes
"The water is wide, I cannot get oe’r it. And neither have I wings to fly. Give me a boat that will carry two. And I shall row, my Love and I."
"What you give will be returned to you threefold."
"Life was worth living, no matter what fate might bring."
"What is broken can also be mended. Remember that in your dark days, as I have."
"What you set out into the world came back to you threefold."
"The very instant that I saw you, did My heart fly to your service."
"If the cat on board sleeps in a coil, the weather will be bad."
"Love conquers all, so it must be. Let him burn with love for me."
"Nothing was free in this world, not a breath, not a life, not a journey."
"Those who crossed the ocean wished to have the freedom to be true to themselves."
"How immense and beautiful the world was, especially to a girl who had never even been to town."
"If a witch floated she was proclaiming her pact with Satan. If she drowned she was innocent."
"On windy days, when it seemed the ship might take to the sky, Maria kept Cadin safe inside her cloak."
"‘Hush,’ she told the Portugals’ children when they cried. ‘We’ve almost reached the other side of the world.’"
"The passengers looked out and blinked in wonder at where their journey had taken them."
"‘You had better learn to speak as we do,’ Juni advised, ‘Or maybe you have the right idea; this way you don’t have to listen to what Mr. Jansen says.’"
"‘Are you free?’ Maria asked Juni. ‘I’m the same as you. Not a slave and not free. That’s another way of saying we’re nothing.’"
"‘That’s what you say now,’ Juni responded. ‘Just you wait. If you’re married you won’t be a servant.’"
"‘Do what I do, say what I say, and you will be fine,’ Juni assured her."
"Maria never revealed how she knew to take in the laundry just before rain began to fall."
"I leaned my back against some oak, Thinking he was a trusty Tree: But first he bended, and then he broke; and so did my false love to me."
"No one knows where time goes, all the same it disappears."
"Fate is what you make of it. You can make the best of it, or you can let it make the best of you."
"Life is not what you think it is. Remember that. Remember me."
"Believe what the world shows you, and make no excuses. See what is right before you."
"You make love what you want it to be. You decide. You walk toward it, or you walk away."
"Tell a witch to go, and she’ll plant her feet on the ground and stay exactly where she is."
"Own your own life. Never depend on others. Protect those closest to you."
"What makes her think she can defy laws and protocol?"
"Even those who have been afraid to speak aloud will tell the truth when they must."
"This isn’t a strong enough cure for my problem."
"What was done could not be undone, and vengeance always returned to its maker."
"Neither one of us wants death on our hands," Maria told her. "It would come back to us and extract a price we wouldn’t want to pay."
"You have to be certain this is what you want."
"This was magic that needed words, for literary magic held the greatest power."
"Fate is what you make it, or you will be what it makes of you."
"Beware of love. Know that for our family, love is a curse."
"Books were not to be trusted. What men could not understand, they wished to burn."
"You can’t pretend something real doesn’t exist."
"If you open the door and call [love] inside, you must sink to your knees and say its name, you must do so whether you are cursed or not."
"A witch who cast a spell upon herself could not escape its chains with her own magic."
"We are birds. They sit inside of us waiting to fly away."
"What you put into the world comes back to you threefold."
"What was gone could return, but not necessarily as it was."
"When you go inside darkness, the darkness goes inside you."
"No ritual she called forth could undo the damage."
"That was the mystery Abraham had come to understand. Always and everywhere, love was the answer."
"The sky was a brilliant blue, and it pained one’s eyes to stare into the shimmering distance."
"In a world that had begun with murder, there was always cruelty, despite the beauty of the shore and the sea."
"For every evil under the sun there is a remedy."
"Let love be one, let it heal what had been broken."
"I never want to have anything to do with love."
"Save someone else’s daughter and you’ll rescue your own."
"What was done was done. She had chosen her path."
"In the old age, black was not counted fair, Or if it were, it bore not beauty’s name."
"Faith wished to be thought of as a servant, and to not have him look too closely at who she might be."
"Faith could see that the magistrate carried ambition and worry in his heart."
"The younger children paid her no attention at all, which was just as well."
"My husband will take tea," Ruth Hathorne reminded Faith."
"Faith poured him a cup of Tell the Truth Tea."
""Do you have a voice?" the magistrate asked Faith."
""I expect I will not be hearing much of your voice while you live here," he said to her."
""I thought it was yours," Faith said bluntly. "Sir.""
""Go on," he said. "Do what’s expected of you.""
""The oddest thing just happened," Ruth told the girl called Jane."
""I doubt that, ma’am," Faith was quick to say."
"Tell the Truth Tea could affect even the most challenging of liars."
""I’m sorry he missed the biscuits," Faith said."
""You’re a good girl." The maid appeared to be an innocent."
"Faith stowed away bones and leavings from her supper."
"The fiddlehead ferns were unfolding; bloodroot and trout lilies grew in profusion."
"Even a bitter, hard-hearted girl could feel wistful upon returning to the first real home she’d known."
"She had told the truth to his own wife, an uncommon occurrence."
"He had been gone to Jamaica and Brazil, and to islands that had no name."
""You’re to be off the property," a man’s voice he heard."
""Sorry, brother, but this is private property," the other fellow laughed out loud."
""I could tell you many things about why and how Maria came to be here."
""Maybe you should go after her," Finney admitted."
""I worry for her," Finney admitted. "The art she’s working is dark, and it takes a toll."
"He sat in the garden until dark, when a chill sifted into the soft spring air."
"We do things when we’re young that we regret."
"He folded the letter into his coat and made certain to lock the door when he left."
"He recalled the woman who had given him directions to the jail."
"He lay down in the grass, using his satchel as a pillow."
"He didn’t hear the clacking sound in the ground beside him."
"Faith was washing up after dinner. The family had dined."
"He sat at the table when he called for her; she brought out a tray."
""Ruth was correct about one thing," Hathorne allowed. "You know how to bake.""
""I know more than that. I know you. But you, do you not know me?" Faith asked."
""Wasn’t there a woman some time ago? You must have loved her.""
""I would change things if I could. I would be another man.""
""If you leave me, then you were nothing to me anyway!""
""My husband announced that he was afraid to go to his morning meeting.""
"The brothers carried a chair that Faith had been bound to with rope."
"They sent her out as if on a boat, so that she drifted out from the shore."
"Her face was burning as she ran through the fields."
"She was followed by a dark shifting shape, a wolf with silver eyes."