
Island Of Fire Quotes

Island Of Fire by Lisa McMann

Island Of Fire Quotes
"In the weeks since the death of Marcus Today, Alexander Stowe was often seen sitting on a rickety stool, staring out the window of the gray shack."
"It was his last message from Mr. Today, a cryptic, poetic spell that would fix all Alex’s problems if only he could decipher the clues."
"The only thing Alex truly understood about the clue was the 'enrobed' part."
"The robe was Alex’s only symbol of hope in a time that could not possibly be any darker."
"Today was no different. He stared even now, but he wasn’t seeing anything at all."
"The thing that kept her strong was the Unwanteds."
"This place is starting to remind me of the Ancients Sector."
"I'm so sorry," Carina said. "How could anybody do that to you?"
"Who was Alex trying to fool? If he didn’t do something quick, they were already doomed."
"You should eat something," said a voice at Alex’s shoulder.
"He didn’t address me properly! He made me look like a fool!"
"Even if he was right, he shouldn’t have said it like he said it."
"Tell him that he and my mother and any future children of theirs must be loyal to Quill."
"Alex’s eyes widened. 'Meghan? She was with me when I changed the world back.'"
"I am sorry, more than sorry, but it’s time for you to sleep."
"It goes to Haluki’s house and other nasty places."
"The Warbler birds will come and peck them, starting with their eyes."
"I’ve been robbed of that, and Aaron was the thief."
"It’s like Quill. Justine told everyone that the walls were there for our protection."
"Hard stuff forces you to grow up fast—that much he knew."
"If you are captured or in trouble, close your eyes and touch this drawing, and think or say the word ‘seek.’"
"Everything he did was motivated by a chance to see her, and their chance to escape."
"But Alex wasn’t coming. And Lani was all Samheed had."
"She said don’t dive down. Don’t let anyone see us."
"It’s like an ant colony, everyone scurrying around in silence, doing their jobs, going from one place to the next."
"We’re in for the ride. And with any luck, we’ll be on track again by morning."
"That’s why, Sky said softly, reading Alex’s mind. I can’t leave Crow. We live and die together."
"What if someone heard? He put a finger to his lips."
"It was his dementia spell. His heart leaped into his throat."
"The kitten reappeared. Sam pointed to his neck and to the leash, trying to explain."
"But he had no idea how they were going to get him out of there."
"The project manager asked, his eyes like slits."
"The manager gave him a puzzled stare. 'You're not very smart, but at least you can swing an ax,' he muttered."
"The ax nearly fell out of his hands, for there, peeking around the edge of the logs, was the ugliest, yet most adorable gargoyle face Samheed had ever seen."
"Waves of emotion surged through Alex. She had to come back!"
"You’re just being like this to get me to come back with you," she said.
"Don’t we have a book about such things in the library?"
"Everybody," Alex said in as calm a voice as he could muster. "It appears we are under attack."
"No one is going back there. Artimé fights to protect its people."
"I won’t be responsible for anyone’s death!" she yelled back at him.