
Dead Ever After Quotes

Dead Ever After by Charlaine Harris

Dead Ever After Quotes
"I didn’t have control over much in my life, but by golly, my drawers were tidy."
"I could feel myself shake all over like a dog coming out of a pond. Regret, impatience, flying off me."
"It’s really a treat to read about Alaska when it’s a summer day that peaked at 104 degrees."
"Okay, now I was just being silly. I wasn’t going to let sheer loneliness drive me back to my ex."
"Was it my place to worry about souls? No. That was up to a higher power than me."
"The big old place, which had sheltered Stackhouses for more than a hundred and fifty years, had never seemed particularly empty until I’d had long-term houseguests."
"I thought of turning on the television, but it was summer, so there wasn’t much point."
"We could do that, I said quietly. It would sure...Be messy, I concluded. But doable."
"You have no idea how I feel, he said. Tomorrow night. And he hung up."
"Well, fuck him and the horse he rode in on, I said."
"Time to face the music, though I didn't know what tune would be playing."
"I arrived two days ago. It had been two hundred and fifty-three years since I saw my maker."
"This is what has to be done, but never doubt my affection."
"There's halfway wanting, or suspecting, or even expecting—and there's knowing. Knowing at least has some certainty about it, but also a sharper, deeper pain."
"I had a moment of thinking of our Lord being dragged through the streets and pelted with offal and then having his court hearing in a public place. Then being crucified."
"I know how people really are. I can hear their thoughts."
"But I didn’t want the rest of my life to be like that. I wanted a chance to come to terms with the lives I’d taken, the violence I’d seen and I’d dealt out, and I wanted to be a better person… though at the moment, I wasn’t sure how to accomplish that."
"I might rue what I’d said this night when I woke up in the daytime. I might call myself a fool and pack my bags for Oklahoma. Right now, I had to let my regrets and conjectures go."
"Somehow, thinking about Kennedy made me feel better."
"I went behind the bar to talk to Sam, who was fidgeting around in a very un-Sam way."
"You know I’m here if you need me. I’ve got your back, Sook."
"A police officer thought I’d done something smart."
"Despite my eagerness, I looked around me carefully before I got out of my car."
"It’s better to be wary and feel ridiculous than to get conked on the head or abducted."
"I shook myself and pulled out a T-shirt and jeans."
"Well, why would you not do something you wanted to do? Because you were being prevented."
"There’s something compelling him to step aside."
"Miracles are something holy. What’s a miracle a devil would do?"
"Once you make a bargain with a devil, any devil, you begin to change, because your soul is forfeit."
"Redemption was ever beyond the power of God."
"I wasn’t going to rush over to hug her, because I wasn’t that comfortable with Amelia’s loose lips yet, but I could understand."
"If my friendship with Amelia continued, I’d never, never tell her anything more important than a recipe or a prediction about the weather."
"Let’s try to get into the house. Without getting killed."
"Maybe you’re just getting used to being lied to."
"With any new vampire regime, it would be open season on me… or would they just forget about me?"
"That was fairies for you. Always some blowback."
"I’m grateful, but sometimes things went wrong when she cast important spells."
"I guess Horst tried to sneak up on the house, and Bob and Amelia's witch spell zapped him."
"Whoever she is, they'd sure like to kill her."
"Don't you own part of the bar? Then you don't have to explain diddly-squat."
"He looked almost simultaneously pleased and angry."
"You don’t have a choice, Sam. I’m not giving you one."
"I’m just relieved that you’re okay now. You did the best you could when you thought of it, and your whole reason to agree to such a stupid thing was to get me out of a terrible situation. How can I not be grateful for that?"
"Maybe I felt then like you’re feeling now. Maybe I felt like I’d come so close to forever-death that I’d better step back and take a look at my life."
"I feel I’m a man. A man who’s a shifter, too. I think I’m ready to begin a relationship… a partnership… with someone I respect and admire."
"I’d rather have you out on the porch with a rifle."
"I wonder what they’re doing for their follow-up. Maybe they’ll wash my car."
"I arranged all this so you’d have a good time."
"I’m not playing it. That’s the way it is. I’m still working through some stuff."
"You’re the only human friend I’ve ever had, and I would miss you a little if I never saw you again."
"I’m sure we can meet somewhere in the middle."
"If I lie very still for about four hours, I might be ready to see if we could match the experience."
"I feel like I just plowed the back forty with a team of mules."
"Are you saying you want us to have wild, insane sex and not talk about a relationship? Are you aware that’s most guys’ dream?"
"He’s got his car and a cell phone. And he has our numbers."
"The shock almost knocked me down, and I lunged away from him with no plan except to put distance between us."
"Full of horror and pity, I said, 'Shepherd of Judea! Claude, is that you?'"
"You nearly ruined everything for Sophie-Anne and me at Rhodes."
"Actually, I just like to hurt women. I don’t really need a reason."
"The first rule about kidnapping attempts is, Don’t get in the car."
"I don’t mind saying, I was at my wit’s end and then some."
"Don't feel sorry for me. Wait to see what we're going to do to you."
"They hadn’t tied me; I guessed that was the weak point of an impromptu kidnapping, nothing to bind the victim with."
"I defy you to throw yourself out of a moving vehicle without hesitating."
"I was ready to go. But you got them angry with each other. You started them fighting. And you lived. You never give up, Sook."
"I have always tried to give you my best; to me, that’s part of the unwritten contract between writer and reader."