
Swansong Quotes

Swansong by Damien Boyd

Swansong Quotes
"It had been a long time since he had felt anything for anyone, but as he drove along Coast Road towards the beach, he decided that he liked it."
"He parked on the beach beyond the Sundowner Café and walked towards Brean Down. They had left the rain behind on Salisbury Plain and it was a glorious morning, cold and crisp with a clear blue sky."
"I even found myself doubting my faith . . . Father Anthony’s voice tailed off. ‘Will you be joining us for worship?’"
"Dixon could see that the ring finger was missing from her left hand. The photographs had been taken from above, the photographer standing on the bank and also on the small footbridge."
"You haven’t got anything useful to say, say nothing at all."
"‘It is a consolation, Sir.’ ‘What is?’ ‘To know that she didn’t suffer.’"
"I’m just going to blurt it all out and then you can let me know what you think when I’ve finished."
"It’s never occurred to me before, but she’d probably look much like you now. She was beautiful. Blonde hair in a ponytail, green eyes."
"‘You poor sod.’ ‘It’s why I joined the police and came back to Somerset.’"
"‘They’re identical.’ ‘Who are?’ ‘Both girls,’ replied Dixon. ‘They could be twins, identical twins, and I don’t believe in coincidence.’"
"There are two types. Those who leave and never look back and those who wear the old school tie every chance they get."
"It's quite possible he's been to St Dunstan's in the past and he's certainly old enough to have been teaching seventeen years ago."
"Good thinking. Look for anyone who's been divorced. Let's have a look at the school governors too."
"You certainly know how to cheer someone up, don't you?"
"Every Saturday night at midnight we'd tie a rope to the radiator and abseil out the window."
"Think about it. Every generation thinks they're the first to do it when the reality is it's been going on for years."
"It's not a game. Besides, I haven’t found a connection yet, if you think about it."
"Certainly the one that is doing wrong will receive back what he wrongly did, and there is no partiality."
"Do wrong and you'll get it back. No exceptions."
"That’s what frightens her and it’s why she tried to kill me."
"It’s all in the context. You can twist the words any way you want when you take them out of context."
"It was like being shot at, then? Didn’t really have time to think about it."
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son."
"This little situation you’ve got yourself into is going to end in one of two ways."
"He said she didn’t want me and abandoned us. That’s when we went to Kenya."
"She’s going to prison for life to protect the man who killed her mother."
"You were drugged with ketamine and thrown in the boot of a car. You've got a broken collar bone and your right arm's in a sling, but apart from that you'll be fine."
"We’ve still got to find her though, haven’t we?"
"I’ll leave you in peace. Give me a shout if you need anything."
"It’s like doing a huge jigsaw puzzle and finding the last bit’s missing."
"The car’s gone into the Drain. Left before the bridge into the field. You can see the light."