
Grave Peril Quotes

Grave Peril by Jim Butcher

Grave Peril Quotes
"The Lord will never give you a burden bigger than your shoulders can bear, Harry."
"He rescued her from a fire-breathing dragon."
"The Lord does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."
"You’re a mess. This is what comes of taking up with bad company."
"I just wish that I could be that important to you, too."
"Don’t think you’re getting off that easy, Harry Dresden."
"She’s as big as a horse, Harry. I pity the dog that tries something."
"Peace, wizard. We’re not here for your blood."
"My sister hasn’t eaten tonight. She’s on a diet."
"It only takes one of you to deliver a message."
"Keep it up and there’s going to be a greasy spot right about where you’re standing."
"You, of all people, should know Madame Bianca is the most influential vampire in the city of Chicago."
"In the first place, I’m not going to the ball."
"Stirring up the Nevernever makes it easier for something to cross over."
"I’m not sure that much of you would be left."
"You don’t have all that much of a threshold to begin with."
"I don't understand why she would do that to her child."
"This is an abomination before the Lord, Harry."
"So easy. It would be so easy to lay down at my lady’s feet, now. So easy to let her make all the bad things go away."
"It’s tough to say no to peace, to the comfort of it."
"But peace can’t be bought, can it, chief, prime minister?"
"My pain, my weariness, my worries and fear—they were at least my own. They were honest."
"Broken faiths weaken you. They bind you tighter, lessen you every time you go against your given oath."
"I gathered them back to me like a pack of mud-spattered children."
"One always risks dire consequences should one not keep a bargain with the sidhe."
"There’s more to a good liar than meets the eye."
"Okay, we just need to get inside, get them, and get out again."
"We just need to talk to her. She was inside. She might have some useful insights for us."
"Cassandra’s Tears. She can see bits of the future."
"Sometimes, when you’re facing death, it feels like everything slows down."
"I guess sometimes you find out the hard way."
"I snarled, and rolled my wrist, flipping my hand toward them in a gesture wholly unfamiliar to me."
"They screamed as they died, sounds like metal sheets tearing, and somehow also like terrified children."
"I had killed them, as swiftly and as efficiently as with as little forethought as one gives to crushing an ant."
"You can't fight them," Justine whispered. "They're too strong. There are too many of them."
"Stop goofing around. We're still inside Bianca's, and we still have to get out."
"What's this 'we' stuff, kimosabe," Bob muttered.
"I love her," I said. I didn't say it very loud.
"I'm not getting any stronger. Might as well do it now."
"I smote my staff on the floor, reaching deep for power."
"For the sake of one soul. For one loved one. For one life."
"I was more terrified than I had ever been in my life."
"I saw the ghosts the dead had left behind settle the score."
"I couldn't let them have her, Bob. I couldn't."
"I love you," I said, or tried to say, to Susan.