
A Merciful Secret Quotes

A Merciful Secret by Kendra Elliot

A Merciful Secret Quotes
"No, the road to the house twists way up to the north. This way is quicker."
"I know this is your investigation. But I’m coming anyway."
"I’m trying to sort out what’s real from the bull."
"I can’t believe she’d leave her daughter behind."
"We’re missing everything because we haven’t found any damned answers!"
"She’s my daughter. You damned well will let me see her!"
"I lost my Goddamned phone. Fuck! I thought I’d be okay without it for a few days."
"It’s my kid. And you can be damned sure that is happening tonight."
"Nothing I tell you tonight is going to make any difference. She’s dead."
"If someone asked if I could help them find love and offered me cash, I’d make something up."
"What’s done is done. I’ll get details about my mother later."
"I can’t make decisions based on hopes for our relationship."
"Something must have been stirred up in here at that time. Seems okay now."
"That’s a question for the computer guys. They intimidate the hell out of me."
"I suspect you just insulted a lot of eighth graders."
"But too damned isolated for me... I like my alone time."
"I’d love to see it. Is it as quiet as this place?"
"I think we should head to the office. There’s not much to see and yes, it’s very quiet."
"Because I arrived at the cabin late. That evening was the first chance I’d had to check the place since the last snowstorm."
"He won’t agree to that. Get a warrant first."
"How can she run and play in my sight when she is part of me?"
"She is my daughter and I will protect her with my dying breath."
"I grew up believing our seclusion was normal."
"I liked the stares from the boys. I was noticed."
"Our family’s lack of money was a painful, glaring sun in my eyes."
"They wanted beauty, love, and eternal youth."
"I can’t stop staring at my daughter as she sleeps. For the moment we are safe."
"He killed the judge. That was how I knew it was him."
"Christian pays me a salary. Some weeks I have sixty hours of work to do; some weeks I have ten."
"The man worked his cigarette for a moment and reluctantly moved his gaze back to Truman’s."
"We didn’t do anything... I don’t have to give you that."
"It’s a good idea. Can you be ready in a half hour?"
"Clothes, toothbrush, and toothpaste. What else do men pack?"
"You don’t have to go. We can do this another day."
"I don’t want to be a problem between you and your mother."
"My family sucks. I’m sorry both my mother and brother are horrible."
"I can’t wait to get out of here for college."
"He got a lot of publicity during the D’Angelo trial."
"Our mother wouldn’t wait over thirty years to murder our dad."
"The FBI was involved in a case of mine a few months ago."
"I made a dozen phone calls in the hours before I was shot."
"I want him to think I’m dead. It’ll make him comfortable."
"It could have been the best night of your life. You’ll never know what you missed."
"I think it’s important. But I’ve focused on my employees at the office."
"There is a thin veneer of civilization in our society. It will get ugly."
"One of the best things about Mercy’s cabin was the disconnect from society."
"How did I survive as a teen without a BuzzFeed quiz to distract me?"