
Taken At The Flood Quotes

Taken At The Flood by Agatha Christie

Taken At The Flood Quotes
"One should never struggle against the inevitable."
"Both ways, M. Poirot. With the automatic writing and with the ouija board."
"I am a good Catholic," said Poirot cautiously.
"A mysterious continent," Poirot corrected her.
"There's nothing to be said - nothing to be said..."
"It's so stupid," she said, "that I haven't got any money of my own at all..."
"I married you because I was in love with you, of course."
"It was fascinating! Nobody had ever treated me seriously before."
"What I'm trying to say is people are like that - not quite bad or quite good."
"But what I have got is plenty of courage and - I'm loyal!"
"Everything seems to boil down to money these days."
"It's the aftermath war has left. Ill will. Ill feeling. It's everywhere."
"We might as well consider getting married. Unless you've changed your mind?"
"Home is the sailor, home from the sea... But I'm not the same Lynn who went away."
"But childishness, to a man of sixty-two, might be an attraction."
"Life isn't safe, remember - it's dangerous, damned dangerous."
"You aren't one of those who rely on old out-moded methods. Your methods will be modern and probably very efficient. But you won't win."
"Fortunately he wasn't at Furrowbank this morning - otherwise I dare say he would have influenced that girl. She's completely under his thumb, of course."
"The adventuress type (of course poor Gordon was completely taken in) they've usually got a - well, a young man of their own in the background."
"It was a week later that the 5.20 train drew into Warmsley Heath Station and a tall bronzed man with a knapsack got out."
"That's a lovely little heifer you've got in the top field."
"Why, you might be a farmer's wife, Rosaleen."
"Poor little devils, he had thought, a pity that they had to be killed..."
"Would you like to see over the farm and the dairy?"
"Rosaleen, he thought, had seemed to like him. That might come in useful."
"I think it is best to approach you rather than your sister, "Mrs Cloade," in case the contents of this letter might come as somewhat of a shock to her."
"It's all right, Rosaleen, no need to be worried. I'll deal with it -"
"I want you out of the way so that I've got a free hand, that's all."
"Life and the world and mine own self are changed..."
"We're just the same. We'd do anything - anything for money."
"Dreams, she thought, could be very dangerous things..."
"Marry Rowley, live on the farm, never go away again, never see foreign skies, smell exotic smells - never again be free..."
"Such a comfort, dear Lynn, you are always so kind and so practical. I really can't imagine how I get things so muddled up."
"It may be suicide," Beatrice suggested hopefully.
"What is it to you where I may have been, here, or at Warmsley Vale or in Timbuctoo?"
"Oh, I'm sorry," said the Superintendent. "But there wasn't any blood to speak of. It was murder right enough, though."
"God rest, his soul," she said. "I've never seen that man in my life. I don't know who he is."
"Character, mon ami, does not stand still. It can gather strength. It can also deteriorate."
"What a person really is, is only apparent when the test comes - that is, the moment when you stand or fall on your own feet."
"All of them dependent for many years on the strong man, the power in the family."
"What happens to the ivy when the oak round which it clings is struck down?"
"Doctors, like every one else, are victims of the preconceived idea."
"I've no experience, of course, of police cases. And anyway medical evidence isn't the hard-and-fast, cast-iron business that laymen or novelists seem to think."
"But if you were shown the wound and asked what made it - well, I don't know whether you'd say it, because it really doesn't make sense."
"Courage and patience and a way will be found."
"The world is becoming a difficult place to live in - except for the strong."
"One could not doubt that you and he were of the same family. The resemblance was equally strong in the man who came here calling himself Enoch Arden."
"Financially he was in very low water, and when temptation came he, like many other men, failed to resist it."
"It must have seemed tempting to him to put a spoke in her wheel - no more than she deserved."
"In life we are in death - and in death we are in life."
"Because it means that you're not satisfied. Not satisfied, I mean, that David Hunter did it."
"I know who walked where, and who they met, and sometimes what they said."
"The tragedy of life is that people do not change."
"You can't go away and lead a different kind of life and not change."
"Where you are not, there you will want to be! That will always be so, perhaps, with you."
"The wages of sin are said to be death. But sometimes the wages of sin seem to be luxury."
"Is every one capable of crime - of some crime?"
"It was like a bad dream - a horrible nightmare!"
"You've got roots here, roots that hold you down. I've got to pull you up by the roots."
"There is no telling what a human character is, until the test comes."
"The case is, always has been, the wrong way round."