
Gathering Prey Quotes

Gathering Prey by John Sandford

Gathering Prey Quotes
"His skinny blond girlfriend sat beside him, tats running across her bare shoulders like grapevines, front teeth filed to tiny sharp points."
"When I die, bury me in a high-top Stetson hat."
"If you're on the street, down in L.A., if you're around the beaches, you'll run into them."
"He's a pain in the ass, but you need one of those now and then."
"Her dark hair had been styled by somebody with talent."
"You know, he was like from Texas, cowboy boots and jeans, but sooner or later, he was going to find out..."
"I grew up dirt poor out on the prairie in northern Minnesota."
"The world doesn't need to be saved. It needs to be loved, that's what it needs."
"He's an asshole. Maybe the biggest asshole in California."
"I keep us going by trapping muskrats and coons, wandering around in the snow with a bunch of leg-hold traps and a .22."
"This is not our territory, and we gotta remember that."
"Pussy isn't a problem. You said it yourself: pussy is more common than TV."
"The Mississippi River, the zipper on the United States of America."
"I'm worried about Laine, I could see her pullin' back."
"They had a lot of fun with her before she died, begging them not to hurt her anymore."
"I know I'm not your mom, but if you try to go up against Pilate and those guys who had you... that's crazy," Letty said.
"What are you doing? Are you looking for Pilate? And if you find him, then what?" Letty questioned.
"He's just an asshole," Letty began. "My dad's handled a lot worse than him."
"This stuff is too good to get ripped off," Skye said, expressing her concern about safety.
"Jeez, you'll be able to see that from outer space," Skye remarked about the fire stack.
"What the fuck are you doing?" a man asked, witnessing a chaotic scene.
"Not as bad as she's gonna be, if I know Pilate," the woman said ominously.
"He's the devil," Skye said about Pilate, expressing her deep distrust.
"If you can find a cop, it'll probably be a sheriff's deputy," Lucas advised Letty in a tense situation.
"Every once in a while, without being a jerk about it, remind her of what can happen if you rush in on something without thinking."
"Our little sweetie thinks she might want to become a cop, or an intelligence agent, or something. Something exciting. The thing is, if you really want to do something exciting, then you gotta be conservative about it. Be cautious-crazy. It’ll keep you alive."
"Who really gives a fuck about the safe? Nobody gives a fuck about anything but the entertainment media, of which we are now a branch."
"The basic idea is to find them, watch them, isolate a few of them, who we can pick up."
"Every fuckin' body up here's got a gun. Even that old lady in the hamburger shop, shot Michelle."
"If we come up to a roadblock that we can't beat, I'm gonna lay on the floor back here and pull the toolbox and tire on top of me."
"If it's your last chance, why not the golden pussy?"
"Once we get across that fuckin' bridge, we're free."
"We need to get out to the road and grab a car."
"I don't like it. Pull into the pumps. Pump some gas and ask somebody what's going on."
"They're gonna kill us no matter what. Right now, we at least got a chance."
"Once we get out of shitkicker heaven, they ain't gonna find us."
"Good doggy," Lucas said. "Listen: my buddy Park Raines is going to claim that you guys planted it. It won't work, because if there's blood, we'll get DNA from it."
"I think Clooney will probably play me in the movie," he said. "How about you guys?" Peters said, "Tom Cruise."
"No, no. It's just that I'm sure she'd need first-person coaching through the part, some in-depth consultation," Lucas said.
"We won't know the DNA results for some days, but I have been told that there is a substantial evidentiary sample available to us."
"You don’t have to hurry—don’t try to drive back at a hundred miles an hour."
"This place doesn’t usually have a herd of reporters and cops hanging around, and they’re going fast."
"You remind me of someone. Are you a musician?" "Play a little ukulele," Pilate joked.
"I was working with a police force that was stripped down to almost nothing, and in some ways, it seems to work better than anything we’ve got in the Twin Cities."
"I'll tell you something else: your head looks about half as big as it used to and your nose looks twice as big."