
Colder Than The Grave Quotes

Colder Than The Grave by J.D. Kirk

Colder Than The Grave Quotes
"The room reshaped itself around him like a sliding picture puzzle."
"But breathing was shallow and difficult, like his lungs were balloons half-filled with water, or treacle. Or blood."
"Anger becoming fear, becoming terror, becoming the slow, gradual acceptance that this was it. This was how it ended."
"We don’t apologise for feelings in this house. Not ever."
"A former drug-addict and work-experience prostitute turned Born Again Christian wasn’t really someone you wanted to take dating tips from."
"His bones had been filled with molten metal that weighed him down and sizzled like a branding iron inside his flesh."
"The brush kept the beat like a metronome as he listened to the call being ended."
"He looked out through the visor of his helmet at the front gate and gave a grunt of resentment."
"Their laughter came up through the floor, but found only silence there."
"The removed bollock had been replaced by some sort of prosthetic one. To even things up, the doctor had said."
"It was as if some scientist somewhere had analysed every aspect of Logan’s personality, then used that information to build the ultimate irritating bastard."
"There was a weariness about him, Logan thought. A lack of energy, like there was a weight on his back that was taking all his strength to hold up."
"You could’ve heard a pin drop. Clearly, they hadn’t got it."
"Like when you find a cat that’s been hit by a car."
"Here’s an idea," Logan had suggested after the third such occasion. "Maybe only come and tell us if things aren’t under control, eh?"
"Christ, the British Government must be getting very generous these days, if folk on Universal Credit can walk into a showroom and buy a car in cash," Logan said. "Either that, or our Borys was up to no good."
"Actual sherbet, sir," Sinead confirmed. "No trace of narcotics of any kind."
"But that the contents of the statement he himself had given would almost certainly lead to him facing charges of his own. He took a moment to reflect on that, then decided to put the whole thing down to a misunderstanding."
"I see them in car with him." "Having sex?" "What? No. You have a dirty mind. Just passenger. Talking. Blah, blah, blah."
"What if it wasn’t for the world, sir? What if it was just for someone in particular to see?" Sinead suggested. "Someone working at the school, maybe?"
"It’s almost like people don’t enjoy the thought of cutting open dead folk and poking around in their stomach contents."
"They fed him, but there were some lacerations to his throat, stomach, and intestines. A poke around in the stomach contents showed fragments of broken glass."
"It was in the sole of his foot," Shona said. "Almost missed it."
"We don’t get to help everyone, son. Much as we might like to."
"We save the ones we can, we avenge the ones we can’t. That’s the job."
"Right, fine. Wait here," he said, getting up and heading for the kitchen.
"It’s going to be stewed, if you don’t get a shifty on."
"Aye, but you’ve got another one," Ben pointed out.
"And if you shite anywhere, yer bum’s right oot the windae."
"She’ll pick him up? OK! Well, I’ll go jump in the shower, then. Or walk gingerly into the shower, I mean."
"I hope one of you is planning on cleaning that up?"
"God, he couldn’t half go on," she said, sitting back and breathing out.
"And, for the record, you’re no’ that good at that sort of stuff. Or, if you are, you’ve done a bloody good job of hiding it so far."
"Aye, check that out, see what you see, then come in and join me,"
"People can fair put up a fight when their life’s in danger."
"Can’t see his testimony standing up in court, can you?"
"She didn’t move because she had no reason to be afraid of him."
"If a wee bit of cake is going to end you, I doubt you were going to last very long in the real world, anyway."
"It was either a very, very good thing, or a very, very bad one. It all depended on who you asked."
"And… and I knew he would. Sooner or later. I knew he was going to do something to hurt me."
"So, when he had his back to me, I pushed him in."
"Aren’t you just the prettiest little birdie I ever did see?"
"I wasn’t supposed to be back in to provide cover until the weekend. And yet, here we are."
"Olivia meant Shona’s disappearance could be connected to the case."
"Bravery will hurt. A lot. This, I can guarantee."
"Time had no meaning beneath the hood, and when it was finally pulled free, she had no idea how much of it had passed."
"The darkness felt endless and infinite, like there was nothing else left of the world but this spot."
"My suffering, I mean. Not hers. Hers… is only just beginning."
"It’s all personal! Every case we work. Every victim we have to mourn."
"We find the people responsible... And we will set them on fire and dance around them while they burn."
"Don’t panic. That was the main one. Don’t lose control. Think."
"Find anything related to Detective Constable Bell, Dr Maguire, or Mrs Maximuke, you get your teeth into it and you don’t let go. Exhaust every line of inquiry. Be tenacious."
"You could’ve thrown a dart at her and you’d be guaranteed to hit something that was failing," Ricketts explained.
"I just tell you the science, and the science says she’s been dead for at least six days."
"You’d be quicker walking into Boots and saying, ‘Just give me one of everything.’"
"Fuck the job, Ben," Logan said. "Right now, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is—"
"It was a heavy, impertinent knock. A polis knock, if ever she’d heard one."
"She listened to the sound fading away until all she could hear was the rasping of her own breath, and the pulsing of her blood as it went whooshing through her veins."
"Tears fell, unnoticed, down the sides of her cheeks and into her hair."
"She forced her throat to make another sound. Almost a grunt this time."
"A shadow passed over her. She heard a scuffing against the glass of the window, and then a muttered, 'What the fuck?'"
"She saw the uniform first—the cap and the high-vis jacket."
"Look at you. How the mighty have fallen, eh?"
"Something flashed behind his eyes. Something hungry."
"She could only watch as he looked her up and down, his gaze going all the way to her feet and back again."
"She couldn’t feel his touch, could only watch first the anticipation, then the growing glee on his face."
"She managed a gasp. It made his eyes snap back up to her face."
"Panic wouldn’t come, though. There was no sudden rush of adrenaline, no knotting of her gut."
"A knee came up and caught him in the bollocks. Once. Twice."
"He shoved it up on top of that, well beyond anyone’s reach but his own."
"And then, for a while, he just stood there, saying nothing, letting her get her tears out."
"What the hell did you think you were doing? You could’ve bloody killed me."
"The torchlight swung, picked out the shape of the girl and the gun."
"Her skin and clothes were dirty, her hair tangled in knots."
"Her limbs responded after only a slight delay."
"She lifted an arm, just an inch, maybe two, before it fell back down again."
"Time had passed since then. Minutes had crawled by as she listened for the sound of the car returning."
"Taggart sniffed suspiciously at the tyre of Logan’s car, then squatted and peed on the tarmac beside it."
"You’re the police! You’re meant to find him!"
"Tyler had already tapped on the notification. Was already watching the screen."
"No way he’s going to believe we’re just offering her up on a plate."
"The sight of Sinead there on that bed had shaken him more than he’d care to admit."
"The Iceman to Oleg, Oleg to the women. A happy ending, and two more sick bastards off the streets."
"Seemed like a right cushy bloody number from where he was standing."
"You know what I want, DCI Jack Logan. I want what I have dreamed of every night since my awakening."
"All that matters is that I was reborn in the cold, and in the dark. I know nothing now but the pain. And the hatred."
"Don’t insult me, DCI Jack Logan. You know my name."
"Bloody exhausted, too. If I could wake up, I reckon I could figure it out."
"Aye, but you’ve got to understand, Oleg, what you’re asking is… It’s huge."
"Aye. Suppose you had your hands full at the time,"
"Checking for a pulse was largely unnecessary, but he did it, anyway."
"Well, maybe a tiny bit less tragic, but not really. Not much."
"We’re not paedos, or anything! We’re both eighteen!"
"I don’t care if you’re eighteen or eighty, she was wanking you off on a public highway, son."
"Have you listened to a bloody word I said? Do you know what’s at stake here, you shallow, selfish cow?"
"I am the Iceman," he announced, drawing himself up to his full, spindly height. "I have always been the Iceman."
"The cold is one of the cruellest tortures of them all. And so easy. So effortless."
"Old age doesn’t come alone, Detective Chief Inspector," he said. "And torture is a young man’s game."
"I killed her parents. Slowly. I sat them across from one another, and I… dismantled them. Bit by bit."
"We don’t have much time, Albert, so shut up and drive."