
Whiskey Sour Quotes

Whiskey Sour by J.A. Konrath

Whiskey Sour Quotes
"Freezing was the curse of the fashion savvy."
"Sometimes a nut will return to the scene and watch the action."
"I wasn’t sure what I would do. I liked the guy, even if he did have a rap sheet."
"The only man I’d ever loved was my ex-husband, Alan. When he left me, the pain was physical."
"I tried counting backward from ten thousand. I tried deep breathing and relaxation exercises. I tried to imagine myself asleep. Nothing worked."
"Law enforcement officers had a higher rate of alcoholism than any other profession. They also had the most divorces and the most suicides."
"What have you got to lose? My dignity, my self-respect… Bullshit. You don’t have any dignity or self-respect."
"Chicago was a city filled with great architecture, but every garden had a few weeds."
"Off the record, we got a detective with eleven stitches in his mouth."
"Their only crime, other than assault and battery on a police officer, was extreme stupidity at having stumbled into so much trouble for so little cash."
"Their residences were searched and came up clean."
"I swear, I never looked at the guy. This business, you look at people, they get uncomfortable, don’t want to use your services."
"I was exhausted, aching, and generally cranky."
"He knew where I lived. He knew I was after him."
"The Feebies had touched on it during a break in the interrogation process."
""You should be under surveillance, Lieutenant.""
""I politely declined, saying it hadn’t escalated to that level yet.""
"In all the years I’d been hunting down killers, I’d never had one decide to hunt me."
""Your an asshole, Jack," had been the message."
"Spelling was never one of Don’s strong points."
"I missed having a warm body lying next to me."
"Gradually, slowly, eventually, drowsiness set in, pulling me into sleepyland."
""Hope I didn’t wake you, Jack. We’ve got another one.""
""Run, run, as fast as you can, Jack. You can’t catch me…but I’ll catch you. The Gingerbread Man.""
""Who would have ever guessed that one day I’d look back on my forties as if they were my youth.""
""It’s just one more layer on the shit cake.""
""I’ll eat my .38 before I let it come to that, Jacqueline.""
""It’s a cruel world, Jack. Only the strong thrive.""
"Death robs people of their personalities. It turns them into, for lack of a more sympathetic word, an object rather than a human being."
"I was no closer to catching this guy than the day I’d taken the case."
""Maybe I simply enjoy it. I know that I’ll enjoy giving you my special present. Think I can use that bullet hole in your leg?""
"Free? They’re charging me forty-five dollars for that feast there. A forty-five-dollar hamburger. It gives me a headache thinking about it."
"I can’t afford the aspirin. I’d have to put them on layaway."
"No more getting out of bed, Ms. Daniels, or I’ll have you tied down."
"Our job is to catch him, Jack, not blame ourselves or take responsibility for what he does."
"I’m leaving. I hate being coddled. I’m a grown woman, and I can fend for myself."
"The only reason we haven’t caught him yet is because he’s been lucky, and because he’s a coward who runs away when confronted."
"If you’re looking for a good-night kiss, I’ll whack you with my cane."
"Since when did a bullet wound make a person feeble-minded?"
"Seeing you in your underwear qualifies as assault."
"We’re the total of all the choices we’ve made in our life. This is what you have because this is what you chose."
"You aren’t the bad guy here. You didn’t pull the trigger."
"The trick is to define ourselves, rather than let outside influences define us."
"Because I like… fairness. My mom was a cop. She always did the right thing. That’s what I want to do."
"People aren’t carved out of marble. We’re all works in progress."
"You know why I said those things. To get me to come after you. You should be happy. It worked."
"This wasn’t your fault. We couldn’t have known he was waiting here for you."
"I’ve got another girl murdered here, and you want me to pull my people off the case so they can stake out a horse? You’re out of your goddamn minds."
"No one else dies," I said aloud in the car. "I’m going to catch you, and you won’t get anyone else."
"If there was one part of my job I hated the most, this was it."
"Nancy actually went out with him a few times, after Talon. She brought him to the house once, and he pinched my bottom."
"He’s never taken the pains to establish a new identity. He never thought that they’d get close enough for it to be necessary."
"The next thing I knew, without any effort whatsoever on my part, I was asleep."